Wednesday, December 25, 2013

ok so im thinking about switching programs...

ok so im thinking about switching programs...

k for example i do chest monday wed fri like hardcore... i dunno if thats enough time to let my muscles build back up and what not... but is it more beneficial to do bench once a week or... 3 times a week... if you want to get stronger...?

2x a week is about ideal for most people. However, most people don't understand the concept of reducing volume, so stick with 1x a week until you have learned a lot more about training.



it was an example

superbri007 assuming your a n00b, i've been told you have no business training a body part more then once a week. actually, it's the opposite. Noobs should do full body or upper/lower splits

Ceaze actually, it's the opposite. Noobs should do full body or upper/lower splits not a newb... i mean i've been lifting for sports... and what not so i am somewhat decent for my size...

like this... max for bench is 215... dunno for squats but i rep at 255... mmm then theres a lot more that i do...

btw... i'm 5'11 and weigh like 170...

XsLiCk like this... max for bench is 215... dunno for squats but i rep at 255... mmm then theres a lot more that i do... then you're a noob

how? just curious what makes me a newb?

you're numbers really dont mean anything (they aint that great either) the fact is you do not know what you're doing making.

can you elaborate a little bit more?

XsLiCk k for example i do chest monday wed fri like hardcore... i dunno if thats enough time to let my muscles build back up and what not... but is it more beneficial to do bench once a week or... 3 times a week... if you want to get stronger...? every thing you just said.

Ceaze actually, it's the opposite. Noobs should do full body or upper/lower splits what magic artical tells you this? Building a base is what its all about. Some of you guys like to reinvent the wheel but sorry I will take any noob and train him my way vs your way and lets see who comes out on top. Full body is fucking pointless and training a noob twice a week is nothing more then a nervous system shocker. You get overtrained twice as fast. Then again its my opionion vs whoever your about to cut and paste

PurEvl what magic artical tells you this? Building a base is what its all about. Some of you guys like to reinvent the wheel but sorry I will take any noob and train him my way vs your way and lets see who comes out on top. Full body is fucking pointless and training a noob twice a week is nothing more then a nervous system shocker. You get overtrained twice as fast. Then again its my opionion vs whoever your about to cut and paste Then why did you support Christopher's base routine? Thats 3 days of full body workouts

Up All Night Then why did you support Christopher's base routine? Thats 3 days of full body workouts christophers wasnt twice a week, or at least i thought it wasnt?

Perplexed It includes squats 3 times a week and bench pressing 2 times a week yes but look at his volume, its not full blown routines, also the people i said it was good for were not straight noobs. They had some time in the gym. Notice Im not passing off his routine to anyone, I do all my own privately for people.

Perplexed You do? Do you charge?

PurEvl what magic artical tells you this? Building a base is what its all about. Some of you guys like to reinvent the wheel but sorry I will take any noob and train him my way vs your way and lets see who comes out on top. Full body is fucking pointless and training a noob twice a week is nothing more then a nervous system shocker. You get overtrained twice as fast. Then again its my opionion vs whoever your about to cut and paste I actually think the main issue is compound vs. isolation...

ok so im thinking about switching programs...

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