Thursday, December 26, 2013

Some dudes damnear fought over a DB last night :greddy:

Some dudes damnear fought over a DB last night :greddy:

The gym was packed last night. I'm getting set up to do shoulder presses and notice a couple of gentlemen of dark pigment are looking for a DB to complete a set- even though they already have the only other existing set of that weight (80 lb). They find the weight over by some light-pigmented fellows and ask in a very vague way if anyone is using it. Apparently the guy that was using it ran to the fountain for a quick drink between sets. Even though noone claims to be using the DB, the dark gent walks away from the DB and starts talking to his friend loudly. The light fellow comes back and goes to do another set. The dark gent apparently gets upset that someone has claimed the DB and starts asking VERY LOUDLY if the light fellow is using the DB. The light guy says that he WAS using it, but would be willing to let the dark fellow have it if he'd like. This answer wasnt good enough and the dark gentleman is walking closer and closer to the light fellow, getting louder. Still asking if he's done with it but now just being very rude and condescending about it. The 2 go back and forth with the light gent offering it to him and the dark fellow not being happy about the offer but wanting the DB all the same. Finally the dark gent backs down and walks back to his friend talking loudly about how "dis be bullshit" and other colorful phrases to make certain that everyone knows how he felt about the situation. The unhappy couple then took turns with the set of DBs they already had. I just made the face the entire time, since they were disrupting everyones workout, and grumbled about having to wait for the pussyhurts to get the sand out of their vaginas. Later, i saw 2 girls "working out" that looked like they had taken a break from standing on the corner. They had on SO much makeup and were dressed in just sweats and a tee, but had the tee tied in the back and hitched way up, and the sweats pulled way down to expose their fat asscracks WTF happened to my gym last night? it was like Ghetto Night at 24 Hour Fitness.

that is pretty another good one is when someone has pretty much all of the fucking DB's around them from like 25-50 pounds, and you want to use one they aren't even touching. Then they say yea i using the fuck your not

2WHT4U that is pretty another good one is when someone has pretty much all of the fucking DB's around them from like 25-50 pounds, and you want to use one they aren't even touching. Then they say yea i using the fuck your not I'd prolly be a bitch about it and just take it, telling them that I'll give it right back when I'm done. I can't stand people like that.

Whoa wtf, weird. Everyone at the gym I go to is so nice they'll let you work in anytime you want pretty much. Even if they are about to go or are like sitting on a bench they will get up and move. There can be 100+ people in this gym at any given time sometimes too. They range from tiny men/women to huge roided out dudes and everyone is always nice. I mean stuck up bitches and frat dudes are even nice. Although not too social with me but they are still nice.

ryazbeck Whoa wtf, weird. Everyone at the gym I go to is so nice they'll let you work in anytime you want pretty much. Even if they are about to go or are like sitting on a bench they will get up and move. There can be 100+ people in this gym at any given time sometimes too. They range from tiny men/women to huge roided out dudes and everyone is always nice. I mean stuck up bitches and frat dudes are even nice. Although not too social with me but they are still nice. USUALLY, that's the way my gym is. all walks of decent human life (minimal trash, etc) and everyone is generally really polite.

hahahahaha light skinned and dark pigmented what a PC thread

nic379 hahahahaha light skinned and dark pigmented what a PC thread I'm glad someone enjoyed that. James suggested I call them "Mr White and Mr Black" a'la Reservoir Dogs but I thought "the light gent" and "the dark fellow" was more amusing

~*Pogovina*~ I'm glad someone enjoyed that. James suggested I call them "Mr White and Mr Black" a'la Reservoir Dogs but I thought "the light gent" and "the dark fellow" was more amusing

So? Their ancestors who they have never met and probably have never heard a story of, were slaves like 140 years ago. We should lay down like floormats for them and give them reperations. I can't believe the guy even thought about using weights in the same gym as the black guy. Racist fuck.

hahahahha, i knew you were a troll

nic379 hahahahha, i knew you were a troll You definately didn't understand my post... You really shouldn't post about things you don't understand, because I was making a joke about the way things often are....not trolling anyone. Sorry you misunderstood me.

threads like this make me glad I am at the gym at 6:30 in the morning.

Socrates So? Their ancestors who they have never met and probably have never heard a story of, were slaves like 140 years ago. We should lay down like floormats for them and give them reperations. I can't believe the guy even thought about using weights in the same gym as the black guy. Racist fuck. would you just buy a sub already so you can use that pic of my ass as your av and get over it?

Socrates You definately didn't understand my post... You really shouldn't post about things you don't understand, because I was making a joke about the way things often are....not trolling anyone. Sorry you misunderstood me. if you wanna be like that about it, ol' darkie shouldn't have been at the rich cracka gym.

~*Pogovina*~ would you just buy a sub already so you can use that pic of my ass as your av and get over it? Haha, I have 2 more weeks until I get a debit card and I can buy a subscription. Mark my words!

Socrates You definately didn't understand my post... You really shouldn't post about things you don't understand, because I was making a joke about the way things often are....not trolling anyone. Sorry you misunderstood me. no i understood it..but maybe you aren't thinking about it from every perspective. i thikn some black people on here would be offended to see you say that because it's llike you labeled them all to be butthurt about racism people.

Socrates Haha, I have 2 more weeks until I get a debit card and I can buy a subscription. Mark my words!

cj48045 threads like this make me glad I am at the gym at 1:00 in the morning.


Ilyusha BANlc For Lies

Some dudes damnear fought over a DB last night :greddy:

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