Monday, December 23, 2013

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

I always do this, started cutting again today seriously after 2 weeks of cheating, started the day off right, 2 eggs +1 white and 1 cup of oats, then a tuna wrap and then a 55g protein shake and a burger patty w/o bun, then... I just went off and in the last 2 hours I've eaten 2 Cinnebon cinamon buns, a frosted chocolate cupcake (very big), 3 oreos, a piece of banana bread and some other crap.... anyone else have a LOT of trouble sticking to a clean diet?

You need to learn self control say to yourself 'Will i fell good about this an hour from now?' Remember food is fuel not fun.

Really fucking weaksauce.

There's this vending machine at my work that has these Skippy Peanutbutter Snackbars. They're like pure peanut butter with rice krispies on the inside. Absolutely delicious. In front of me was my plain chicken berast-on-cardboard sandwich, some cottage cheese, a yogurt, and some reheated brown rice. I ate all my food just fine, but I was still a *little* bit hungry. You have no idea how hard it was for me to sit in front of that fucking vending machine and not get a peanut butter bar. In reality, that bar isn't too bad for my diet. But alas, I made a commitment to eat nothing but healthy, clean foods. You just have to look at what you're doing. Eating all that not-so-great tasting foods just so you can better your health. So, why go through all the trouble eating all that healthy shit if you're just going to waste any profit gained from eating healthy by binging on a bunch of junk food. It's all about self-control. Learn it.


You can't even make it one day? Jesus. I won't tell you how many calories are in those cinnabon things...but let's just say you really, really have to cut that shit out. Have you tried starting small (very little sugar, diet sodas only, no candy, chips, etc) instead of diving straight into an egg white and oats diet? Baby steps...sounds like you need to ween yourself off of the trash.

Wow you really suck at dieting

Alt+F4 You can't even make it one day? Jesus. I won't tell you how many calories are in those cinnabon things...but let's just say you really, really have to cut that shit out. Have you tried starting small (very little sugar, diet sodas only, no candy, chips, etc) instead of diving straight into an egg white and oats diet? Baby steps...sounds like you need to ween yourself off of the trash. I think it would be more helpful to him if we told him. Cinnomin roll x 2: 1480 calories Oreo x 3: 160 calories Banana Bread x 1: 185 calories Large frosted cupcake x1: ~150 calories (or more) So that little binge costed you more than 2000 calories because you probably didn't list everything you ate. You need to seriously reevaluate why you're doing this and how important it is to you. If you're trying to lose weight, 2000 calories is probably all you should eat/drink (of clean foods) throughout an entire day. So fix your diet before you come here looking for sympathy.

i just ate half a pizza =(

You have no self controll, you can eat that shit, just not that much... My cutting diet today BOB mcdonalds

vettedude You have no self controll, you can eat that shit, just not that much... My cutting diet today BOB mcdonalds this coming from someone at what weight and body fat? You simply don't eat that shit when you're cutting. Useless calories, and see the post on 'Insulin', you might learn something.

SteveO this coming from someone at what weight and body fat? You simply don't eat that shit when you're cutting. Useless calories, and see the post on 'Insulin', you might learn something. well, i am still loosing weight eating whatever the fuck i want, until this stops, i will continue to do it.

I wish I could get good results fucking around and eating whatever. When I put time and effort in something I want good results fast, so I try not to cheat. I value my time too much. i'd rather spend more time eating and getting stronger than feeling lethargic cutting.

seriously you suck at dedication and fitness

I find it easy to eat clean. I've been eating almost the same stuff everyday and I'm not getting bored at all. If I do have a cheat day I'm going to work it off to limit its effects

Soularis I find it easy to eat clean. I've been eating almost the same stuff everyday and I'm not getting bored at all. If I do have a cheat day I'm going to work it off to limit its effects I just love eating a ton of food. My cheat day is eating a ton of clean food. fuck variety!

I don't think cutting is that bad if you eat the right things. I don't really get that hungry even when I was cutting since I was still eating like 6x a day. You just have no motivation and a weak sense of self control.

D-GUy I don't think cutting is that bad if you eat the right things. I don't really get that hungry even when I was cutting since I was still eating like 6x a day. You just have no motivation and a weak sense of self control. whats your body fat and are you taking any supplements? I think about food a lot more nowadays then I used too.

QBoost Controllers I always do this, started cutting again today seriously after 2 weeks of cheating, started the day off right, 2 eggs +1 white and 1 cup of oats, then a tuna wrap and then a 55g protein shake and a burger patty w/o bun, then... I just went off and in the last 2 hours I've eaten 2 Cinnebon cinamon buns, a frosted chocolate cupcake (very big), 3 oreos, a piece of banana bread and some other crap.... anyone else have a LOT of trouble sticking to a clean diet? well, this is why moderation is so important to most people. i mean, if you are strong enough to stay clean 100% on your diet, then sure, nothing will ever distract you.. but if you are just like the rest of us, you have to slowly change your diet, gradually.. when you cut all the junk dramatically, in your head, you are depriving, and as a consequence, you will binge on junks the very next second comes by... the worse thing is that the more you eat junk, the more you crave them so its just a vicious cycle you go through... instead of thinking you are dieting(restricting), think that you are actually eating better food and enjoying them.. i know it sounds hard, but the first 3-4 days are the hardest.. but i promise that after that, you won't even miss the junk.. it takes about 3-4 days for your body to completely get rid of sugar & junks.. good luck.

AznRyda whats your body fat and are you taking any supplements? I think about food a lot more nowadays then I used too. No clue what my bf%, but my cutting calories was around 1800(11x165). Mainly ate oatmeal, chicken breasts, tuna, wheat bread, veges, and took my whey protein after working out. You just have to get used to eating less, it's all in your head.

D-GUy No clue what my bf%, but my cutting calories was around 1800(11x165). Mainly ate oatmeal, chicken breasts, tuna, wheat bread, veges, and took my whey protein after working out. You just have to get used to eating less, it's all in your head. That's the fucking truth. Just look at that junk food in front of you and ask yourself - am I really hungry? Is this really worth it? Most the time I find myself about to eat some junk food I find that I'm really not hungry at all. It's just a mental thing. I feel like I should always be eating.

xpinchx That's the fucking truth. Just look at that junk food in front of you and ask yourself - am I really hungry? Is this really worth it? Most the time I find myself about to eat some junk food I find that I'm really not hungry at all. It's just a mental thing. I feel like I should always be eating. I think that only works up to a certain point. I think its fairly easy/straightforward going to average body fat levels.

well I at too clean and not enough cals so I lost alot of my bulking gains.

AznRyda I think that only works up to a certain point. I think its fairly easy/straightforward going to average body fat levels. Yeah. My mom jumped on the Atkins bandwagon and she lost something ridiculous like 20 lbs in 3-4 weeks and she looked great. But after that she didn't lose any weight at all so she got discouraged and stopped the diet. She blew back up like a baloon. I wish people would just eat healthy.

I have been cutting for about 12 weeks now and have never had problems like that. Some people call my diet shitty but it's incredibly clean compared to yours. I think you need to practice some self control. without that, you may as well get your stomach stapled, it'd be the only way for you to limit your caloric intake and still eat as much as you want/could.

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

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