Sunday, December 29, 2013

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

Jack In The Box's southwest chicken pita. I had one today and it was damn good. Chicken, black beans, corn, lettuce in a pita. 260 cals, 20g protein, and fiber as well. Only problem is the price: $3.50/per. Two would make a nice meal, but not for $8. Still though, it tasted great.

They're pretty good for a late night snack at the local 24 hour JITB.

if it tastes great, and is touted as a "health" meal from jack in the box....something has to be wrong with it


Werdna Jack In The Box's southwest chicken pita. I had one today and it was damn good. Chicken, black beans, corn, lettuce in a pita. 260 cals, 20g protein, and fiber as well. Only problem is the price: $3.50/per. Two would make a nice meal, but not for $8. Still though, it tasted great. how is a meal geared towards people who slit their wrists? i kid i kid

mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck

gsxtasyd 2x3.50=7 yeah, but with tax, you end up handing the guy $8 and since we all know change is worthless, well there ya go

I get those sometimes, but I also get a few tacos with it.

vettedude mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck for cutters?

FYI, at Carl's Jr. you can order a plain chicken breast patty for about $2 (I think it comes out to be something like $2.34 with tax), and it's a pretty big piece of meat too... I don't know about how many grams of protein... but I'm pretty sure it's a lot more than 20g. it's NOT written on any menus... you just have to ask for it, they usually know where it is on the register's key pad... but you have to make sure they understand it's just a plain piece of chicken patty, and NOT the chicken sandwich veggie wrap... cause then, they'll charge you the price of a regular chicken sandwich... which I believe is almost $4!! I know it's kinda plain... but I usually order'em if I'm going low carbs and I didn't have time to cook the night before.

vettedude mcdonalds dollar menu is cheap as fuck Yeah I would think most dollar menus are cheap as fuck

I found a fast food winnar for cutters

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