Sunday, December 29, 2013

Help with cheat meals!

Help with cheat meals!

Currently cutting. Once a week, if I eat a large pizza (not the crust though) --- but still maintain around +200 of my daily calorie goal, will that fuck up my diet or not really affect it at all?

Its better for you to do that.

A large pizza is like 4000+ calories

i'd actually like to get ideas for "good" cheat meals. I know it's not best to eat what my kids love to eat and call it a cheat meal

Moon A large pizza is like 4000+ calories Shit, are you serious? I was under the impression it was like 1200 .

^^ lol

it's like 2200

jonno it's like 2200 Which is nothing for a cheat meal.

I usually try to stay around maintainence for my cheat day and not consume like 5-6k calories.

a 10 inch 1 lb pizza is about 800 cals... or at least that's what I put down in my fitday log

i've been eating nothing but clean foods and now i'm getting acne because of it, so maybe you're better off. oh the ironing of it all.

christophers then it does absolutely nothing for you physiologically I just do it to keep my head in it and keep going with the diet(and to just enjoy some "bad" food). Though on EC now, sticking to the diet isn't too hard since I have about no appetite now.

DCCapen I couldnt ever think of anything I wanted to cheat with. Now I eat what I want but its all healthy so I dont worry. Man anytime I read anything you post in here I just think " what a fag ", you remind me of want2race.

Pizza's calories very alot for obvious reasons, use you're common sense. The whole answer to you're question is you're own common sense...will it fuck you up? Depends on you're maintance calories that day, you're goals, if you're willing to the cardio to burn that extra pound you've put on. In the end, it's healthier to not have the pizza, but if it's like a meal with you're GF or some mates then don't sweat it.

christophers you guys are so fucking anal its hilarity sometimes you said anal

from what i read having 1 day a week for high carb or cal day is fine.

if you're gonna do a cheat meal, i'd recommend something high carb but relatively low in fat (no pizza). maybe something like 5 bowls of sugar cereal or some Jujufruits or something. I believe the physiological benefit of a cheat meal comes from glycogen replenishment, which fat does nothing for. psychologically, if a large pizza helps, then go for it

eddscat Pizza's calories very alot for obvious reasons, use you're common sense. The whole answer to you're question is you're own common sense...will it fuck you up? Depends on you're maintance calories that day, you're goals, if you're willing to the cardio to burn that extra pound you've put on. In the end, it's healthier to not have the pizza, but if it's like a meal with you're GF or some mates then don't sweat it. that was almost painful to read. you're = you are...your = your. if you're trying to say "you are", use you're not your. if you're trying to say "your", say your.

Plato Currently cutting. Once a week, if I eat a large pizza (not the crust though) --- but still maintain around +200 of my daily calorie goal, will that fuck up my diet or not really affect it at all? Oh, well if you don't eat the crust THEN its ok

heres my cheat meal

DCCapen my god I want that DCCapen I couldnt ever think of anything I wanted to cheat with. Now I eat what I want but its all healthy so I dont worry. /

disblohs that was almost painful to read. you're = you are...your = your. if you're trying to say "you are", use you're not your. if you're trying to say "your", say your. Look dude, it is readable and the points still there This is F&N not 3rd Grade English, it's not my fault I'm a little spelling handicapped, plz don't be a grammar nazi, it ain't cool .

DCCapen dude....aint isn't a word fuck off

eddscat Look dude, it is readable and the points still there This is F&N not 3rd Grade English, it's not my fault I'm a little spelling handicapped, plz don't be a grammar nazi, it ain't cool . the first sentence wasn't readable. you spelled grammar correctly though

Help with cheat meals!

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