Thursday, December 26, 2013

Training with a weight vest....

Training with a weight vest....

Does anyone use one or has used one in the past? I purchased one a few months ago.. I mainly got it to build up my endurance. I had 7 weeks of training with the Marines coming up and I knew I'd be going on several forced marches with at least 50 pounds of gear on my back. Anyway, it helped me through those weeks and now I use it regularly in my workouts. I max it out with 30 pounds and do about an hour of cardio with it on. Even on my non-cardio days I still use it. Any thoughts?

I always thought that would be an interesting varation to do with cardio, just couldn't warrant the price of the stuff though.

D-GUy I always thought that would be an interesting varation to do with cardio, just couldn't warrant the price of the stuff though. Yeah it was a bit pricey but the end justified the means in my case. I did try out a different brand before purchasing the one in the picture. I dropped 20 pounds in it and did my usual cardio routine. My whole body was burning after an hour and I felt like I had the best workout in a long time. My trainer tells me I'm crazy for wearing it but she did state that she is seeing results from my workout alot faster than some of her other clients that work out alot more. Which really doesn't mean anything but I know it works for me.

kind of expensive for a regular joe blow like me. I'm pretty sure it helps a lot but you can probably find a cheaper way to do it.

AmCo kind of expensive for a regular joe blow like me. I'm pretty sure it helps a lot but you can probably find a cheaper way to do it. Any ideas? A few of my friends are interested but, as some have mentioned, don't want to shell out a few hundred for the vest and weights. The only way I afforded it was with the 8 months worth of tax free money I got being overseas.

get a hunting vest and fill it with empty clips...or lead weights

Yeah, i'd love to have a vest... it would be so cool.

Training with a weight vest....

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