Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sup F&N

Sup F&N

Quick question, since im starting to calorie count I notice all my vegtables have like an assload of sodium in them. Is there anything wrong with getting that much sodium? I was thinking about just eating veggies for lunch other than a can of Tuna but I dont know how all the sodium would affect me. Also it seems like my tuna has alot of fat in it compared to the protein. Like there is 13 g of protein per serving of tuna. 2.5 servings in a can, but there is also like 8 g of fat. WTF is this normal or do I need to buy higher quality tuna?

Are these vegetables canned? The fat content in the tuna is very high. What kind do you have?

Yes they veggies are canned, and the Tuna is a generic brand called " Chunk light tuna " I fail to see anything light about it.

mehh, i woukld not stress over the sodium unless u have heart problems or somethuing..

vettedude mehh, i woukld not stress over the sodium unless u have heart problems or somethuing.. Im fat that is a heart problem no? LOL

Silver85327 Im fat that is a heart problem no? LOL how fat? i would not get too anal about it, chances are ur sodium intake eating this will be less than otherwise.

vettedude how fat? i would not get too anal about it, chances are ur sodium intake eating this will be less than otherwise. 6ft 285 im going to take pics so I can see a differance one of these days as soon as I find batteries for my camera.

i had tuna had a total of 2.5 g of fat in the whole can...with about 33 g of protein i thikn you got some messed up tuna

its ok, i started out at 284 and i eat a lot of tuna and canned vegetables, ive lost around 60lbs so far

eliktronix its ok, i started out at 284 and i eat a lot of tuna and canned vegetables, ive lost around 60lbs so far how long you been doing it? What does your work out routine look like?

Silver85327 how long you been doing it? What does your work out routine look like? since october/04 , my routine mostly consists of intense cardio with weight training 5 days a week on average. i actually follow real closely to 'christophers' sticky regarding fat loss

nic379 i had tuna had a total of 2.5 g of fat in the whole can...with about 33 g of protein i thikn you got some messed up tuna i'm with her, there isn't much fat in tuna...

I need to correct myself. The tuna is hill country fair chunk light tuna. serving size 2 oz drained. calories 110 fat cal 50 total fat 6 g sat fat 1 g cholesterol 30 g sodium 250 mg total carb 0 protein 13 g

eliktronix since october/04 , my routine mostly consists of intense cardio with weight training 5 days a week on average. i actually follow real closely to 'christophers' sticky regarding fat loss Nice thats the routine I hope to follow. any idea on your BF %?

cbrpimp and they call that LIGHT tuna!! Switch to the bumblebee i listed above so am I correct in assuming I should throw the 12 ish cans I have of this crap left away and buy something else?

Silver85327 so am I correct in assuming I should throw the 12 ish cans I have of this crap left away and buy something else? You can still eat it, it's not poisonous or anything. I'd recommend eating that and just getting better stuff next time.

Davo You can still eat it, it's not poisonous or anything. I'd recommend eating that and just getting better stuff next time. I think im going to feed it to my dog She likes tuna and im sure all the fat will help her coat.

you got the can with the dolphins in it

8g of fat in that tuna? did you get tuna in oil? you should get tuna in water. oh and, fresh veggies, not canned.

Sup F&N

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