Showing posts with label muscles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muscles. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Creatine + Clen

Creatine + Clen

During the ECY stack I had no concerns with [testing my rats with] CEE. Now that Ive moved [my rats] on to slightly more potent agents, I would rather not risk dehydration or the other assumed risks in the combo. Is is safe or should I hold out on [feeding my rats] the CEE till after the cycle? ib4flames.

i'm no pro, but dont creatine and clen do opposite things? i thought creatine helped retain water, and clen helped get rid of it?

not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. Ack what a nightmare. 1 gram Clenbuterol was obtained, later it was measured and dissolved into water to make the proper amount ratio per ml. But looky here: Some clenbuterol, what seemed to be very little stayed on the tool which was used to move the clenbuterol from one container to another. Hey there (I thought in stuper), why dont I taste the remain and see what happens. (Can you think of something more ingeniues?--looking back, it was one of my most stupid and dangerous decisions of my life) Apparently an amount of approximately 5 - 8 miligram of clenbuterol was sublingually ingested, possibly more. (normal dose is at the microgram area), for those who dont know Clenbuterol is active at even 100 mcg. with the ~5000-8000 mcg that was ingested, some 50-80 times stronger the active dose, some unwanted effects might occur if you plan to live a healthy life, dont mistake where I have. T+30: Strange feeling, as if consciousness had changed, but not similiar to anything I ever felt. T+1h: Feeling somewhat better than normal (if only I would know what was ahead of me....) Is this clenbuterol i thought? T+2h: Heart rate is higher, but not alarming. T+3h: Eyes are open wide, and face is feeling stretched, something is building up, and fast. T+4h: Eyeballs seem to receive some greenish color besides the normal white... and quite amount of axienty had built up, dizzyness and nausea, but somewhat consciousness enhancement, certainly not a good time. T+5h: feeling quite ill, heart begins to speed up, and for the next 24 hours the heart rate stays at a steady alarming 125-135 beats per minute (WHILE LYING DOWN WITH HEAD ON PILLOW), i could hear my heart with my ear as the vains in my head and the entire body are all swallen up and beating, I can feel the blood pumping intensively, and I feel as I am ready to explode. My girlfriend urges me to get an ambulance, but I disagree, hoping its going to be fine and reassuring her i'm 'okayyyy.' My entire body was dancing to the beats of my heart; and it was the worst tune you could ever imagine. T+6h: From here on after for the next 18 hours, intense pressure in my head and limbs had built up, eyes got more wide open, and skin more stretched. T+12h: It feels as if my heart cant take it anymore as i feel it loosens in some fraile way, and begins to irregularly beat, which is extremely uncomfortable, and quite dangerous. T+13h: I get dehydrated rather easily, and my tempeature is 38 degrees celceus. T+15h: for the past hour the tempeature has risen +1 degree. I am now considering the ambulance theory (in my head), as I feel I cant take much more of this. T+16h: The pressure in the head is unbearable and keeps on increasing, the pain arises as if the skull pressures the brain and there is a psychological feeling as if brain fluid is frying the brain, from the temperature T+17h: A cold shower really helped ... ALOT. T+19h: Another shower helped. T+20h: I'm quite tired and exhusted, but in agonizing head pain fearing taking any sedatives since i dont know what interacts with this and how; i take 750mg Paracetamol. T+21h: Feeling a bit better, but still -- headache is anguishing, I am utterly exhusted and afraid to fall asleep, although possibly, i can. T+24h: Heart rate down to 120 per minute, and tempeature had decreased by two degrees the past two hours, a nice opportunity to get some sleep T+32h: Woke up.... (Thank God, I'm alive!) heart rate is still at a steady 120 beats per minute while lying down #!$#!$#!$!% T+42h: heart rate down to a steady 105 beats per minute t+70h: 65 beats per minute, lying down. For the following week, intense vain, skin, and eye pain was felt, besides the utter exhustion and the sharp pain in the center of the head. Thank God, For He saved me from my stupidity That only my faith kept me going, thougout this living nightmare. There were many side effects during the experience, of pseudohallucenogenic nature: closed and open eye visual effects, very hard stimulation; food was tasteless and meaningless, and would result in vomiting; nothing could be drank besides water, or heartburn would occur, and it did, from drinking Cola, alone. Increased sweating, and increased resperation, hard amphetamiine-like jitterness which lasted throughout the entire horryfing experience, highly-extremely increased metabolic rate, tempeature changes, general change in consciousness, ear popping, and some more things. Overall, This was my first experience with this pseudosteroidical substance, which i didnt take seriously, and i paid the price, and i'm lucky i'm alive to report it. Dont be stupid. If you cant measure something properly, and or not sure of its potency - DO NOT DO IT: as tempting or curiousing as it may be, you might not be as lucky as I was. What a nightmare Thank God its over. for your rats sake ;x

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x wow i bet your buddy was ripped after that

My rats take it in 20mcg tab form. Not much risk of overdose there. They are at 80mcg today. While in the most general sense they would appear to have opposing impacts, but on a cellular level they have little to do with eachother. My rats are drinking a 1.5-2 gallons of water per day so I think most of the risk is mitigated, but I want to be sure.

IMHO i think that you wont look as good as if you did creatine for like 4 weeks and then ran your clen because w/ clen you are trying to lose bf and look shredded and depending on how you respond to creatine you might have water retention leaving you slightly bloated. cliffsne makes you bigger, the other makes you smaller, so run the big then the small

supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer.

iwishiwascool supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer. huh i havent done the research on CEE (haha but bought it anyway) well then i guess go for it?

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him

gsteclipse97 yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion.

the caffeine is what dehydrates you, not the ephedrine or clen

Dunken yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion. if you buy the liquid pre diluted instead of makin it yourself then you should have nothing to worry about unless you are a real dope who cant measure correctly. i dont see how anyone could screw it up if you took 10 seconds to measure it and double check

I bought 500g of CEE from bulknutrition today.

How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking?

AznRyda How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking? 5g taurine, just banannas for cramps when I feel them. When I can tell the rats feel them.

i need to supp with magnesium to get rid of the cramps

The first few days were crazy. It wasnt the big muscles... just the lil ones. Id be sitting still for a while and my entire back would cramp up. Or my hands or toes.... ect. I was fine today.

Creatine + Clen

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Need Help

Need Help

I just ran 2.4k and my muscles really hurt/sore what should i do?

Cramping sore or sore sore?

Hip Hippo Cramping sore or sore sore? Cramping

Try stretching your muscles. If it's really bad put some ice or heat on it.

Hip Hippo Try stretching your muscles. If it's really bad put some ice or heat on it. Thank you.

a banana

Need Help

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

well? whats it doing for me...any toning or fat burning?

Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park.

rollerblading is a hell of a workout

joy division Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park. about an hour of cruising around neighborhoods..going up some hills...going fast....very little lazy douching though

superbri007 no, but I heard that lollarblading is really good

yeees, it gives you nice tone man-glutes

will it burn any body fat, or do any overall toning? or just legs pretty much

it won't burn anything. it'll just give you an onion booty. no but seriously, if you do it with enough intensity, it could be a good cardio activity thats easy on the knees compared to jogging.

Rollerblading is horrible

great workout!

if you have to ask, then no

jackjohnson if you have to ask, then no well its definetely " a workout" since i sweat hard and can run out of breath when im skating hard. jw what it actually does for if it tones or burns any fat.

could be decent cardio.. it all depends on your intensity

I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that.

Do you have to say TONE in every god damn post. NO, it will not TONE your muscle. You will lose weight, uncovering what muscle you may have underneth -- giving the appearence of TONAGE (lol?). It is good cardio though (good on the knees), depending on your entensity.

just go to a damn gym

sr20wop just go to a damn gym I can't stand doing cardio in a gym so I normally rollerblade 2-3 times per week during the summer. Yes it is one hell of a workout if you make it. Actually a girl I work with use to speedskate and her and I would go every weekend and not quit till someone gave up. Some days we would end up doing 20+ miles. If you really want some fun basically skate upright for a couple of minutes and then crouch and try and get as far of a kick as possible for a minute or so and as hard as you can. If you have a friend who bikes try and draft them. Did that with a buddy of mine who raced and I could barely breath after a couple of miles. What muscles you work depend on your stance very similiar to an efx machine. If you are low you are going to notice it more in the whole leg if you are upright more in the middle of your legs.

iwishiwascool I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that. Use to aggressive to and it was amazing how much you really had to stay constrictinged and were squeezing your abs. Especially on rail grinds.

Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using?

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? my bauer hockey skates......thats all ive ever used since i was a kid.

I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice.

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? I started rollerblading 12 years ago it was a b-day present from my parents since I wanted something else to supplment my cycling. I basically have sticked with rollerblade brand the whole way. Right now I am on the Rollerblade Aero 2 got an awesome deal on them at a local sporting store that stopped carrying the rollerblade brand. The only problem I have is the boot is uncomfortable and almost makes my foot go numb but after a couple of miles almost like it breaks in and I don't have a problem. I use to have K2 and that was a nice boot. If I could take the Aero 2 skate and add the K2 boot it would have been perfect. What you got?

iwishiwascool I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice. Even when i was doing agressive I used rollerblade old school with the hard plastic boot. First skate I ever owned. Had a couple sets of wheels and bearing that I would switch depending if I was doing x-training, aggressive, or even playing hockey. God I miss that skate but man it would get hot. Ton of armor on it. Tore through grindplates like it was nothing.

jshively What you got? I have the Rollerblade Lightning 09 2004 model, had them for about a year. They're a five-wheel skate, built for fitness/speed. The boot is amazing, and even after a long (15-20 mile) skate, I hardly feel like I had them on. The only downside to having skates with such a long frame is that you can't do too many 'fun' things, other than going 25-30mph. They just aren't that agile. Plus, you have to pay to play: when my bearings wore out, it cost over $100 to replace them.

You guys are making me miss rollerblading, about 10 years ago I skated just about everywhere

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

Friday, January 24, 2014

CEE questions...

CEE questions...

I searched but did not find the answers I was looking for. -Should I take CEE on my off days? -Should I take CEE with water, or with a carb source like OJ? (I don't mind the taste in water). -Should I take it before or after my workout? I am favoring taking it before because it helps with endurance and strength, and those things are key during a workout, not after.

yes, either i believe is fine, i prefer before, some split it before and after

Ive never taken CEE, but ive been tryin to read around and do some research on it, so in my opinion, although i could be wrong -no -carb source isnt important -before

Jeff Coleman Ive never taken CEE, but ive been tryin to read around and do some research on it, so in my opinion, although i could be wrong -no -carb source isnt important -before dont you take mono on both on and off days, so what changed?

ive never heard that you take creatine monohydrate on top of it

The main benefit of CEE over Mono is it's solubility in liquids, and thus easier assimilation into the blood and muscles... less of it sits in your gut causing cramps... Also i reccomend you all to check out the article on Which shatters alot of rumors about creatine...

To answer your questions though: 1) yes 2) doesn't really matter too much (Carbs will cause an insulin response in the blood which will increase absorption, however you can do up a PWO shake with protein and carbs which will work the best) 3) 1 hour before and within 1hour afterwards also you can do a dose in the morning as well... 3 grams should be sufficient in each dose... On off days one maintenance dose of 5 grams in the morning. (this is what I do based on trial and error)

Thank you everyone.

it tastes like shit as well.

CEE questions...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

is the Squat an all-in-one?

is the Squat an all-in-one?

All-in-one leg exercise? meaning targets all the muscle groups in the leg? also.... for good mornings, do you position the bb where you would if you squat?

For GMs I place it slightly lower than where I do for squats.

i was wondering this also, since i don't really do any calve work at all...i do deads and squats

it doesnt work out your groin like those SWEEET ass groin machines that all the fat girls do.

tize actually a wide stance squat with knees out will hit those particular muscles

tize what kinda routine do you do? for legs? hack squats, leg press, plate loaded squat machine thing. i switch those up every week, then quad extensions, hamstrings, calves. i do squats occassionally

tize i thought you knew more than this i dont know EVERYTHING

tize actually a wide stance squat with knees out will hit those particular muscles which is why I don't do heavy squats with wide stance in socks on a smooth floor anymore

deznutz i dont know EVERYTHING You post alot, you should know THAT. Think about the joints involved in squating, and the muscles that move those joints. That is your answer.

is the Squat an all-in-one?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Whose in the Loose skin crew with me?

Whose in the Loose skin crew with me?

Lost a significant (100lbs) of weight, and now your stuck with this loose, pudgy, loose skin..... Ill tell you, if you didnt know i lost 100 lbs, you would probably think it was a sack of fat or something. Its a huge thing for me....i dont know if it is for other people who have lost weight. I hate the sag on my stomach the most. But with it also, my muscles dont nearly look defined if i didnt have it.

Take it as a sign that you are meant to be HYUUUGE.

Loose skin crew member since 2003 Once I get down to about 200lbs, I'm gonna look into getting surgery to get it cut off.

im 19 and im on my way to 50 pounds lost total, will i have loose skin

Edghill im 19 and im on my way to 50 pounds lost total, will i have loose skin maybe, its partially determined by half fast ya drop the weight. The slower you lose it, the more time the skin's elasticity has to adapt. you should already have an idea by just looking in the mirror I dropped like 10lbs a month, which didn't let the skin adapt to my smaller body

Dragon420 Loose skin crew member since 2003 Once I get down to about 200lbs, I'm gonna look into getting surgery to get it cut off. Good luck, insurance wont cover it, i have been to a plastic surgeon already...he said it wasnt worth it...but i think it was

i have dropped 15 pounds in the past 6 weeks so i dont know, i dont see any loose yet, im hoping that im young enough now that it will come back.....i guess we will just wait and see, August 6 is my 20th birthday and i want to be down 40 by then

Dragon420 maybe, its partially determined by half fast ya drop the weight. The slower you lose it, the more time the skin's elasticity has to adapt. you should already have an idea by just looking in the mirror I dropped like 10lbs a month, which didn't let the skin adapt to my smaller body I wish i knew about this sooner..... i lost 100lbs in about 3-4 months

deznutz I wish i knew about this sooner..... i lost 100lbs in about 3-4 months DAMN how did you manage that

christophers i just take a bath in preperation H before i'm going to fuck a girl

christophers i just take a bath in preperation H before i'm going to fuck a girl

Edghill DAMN how did you manage that motivation, dedication, girls, parents... didnt see OT F&N until i lost all the weight....... No fast food No candy No pasta I was addicted to pasta....i used to eat it with noodles and butter.... but i cut a lot of food out and limited myself to at least 800 cals...

deznutz Good luck, insurance wont cover it, i have been to a plastic surgeon already...he said it wasnt worth it...but i think it was fdefinitely worth it to me too. all that extra skin just looks bad to me. I really gotta start saving up cause I want to get that and laser eye surgery too. maybe if we get enough of a crew we can get a deal

Dragon420 fdefinitely worth it to me too. all that extra skin just looks bad to me. I really gotta start saving up cause I want to get that and laser eye surgery too. maybe if we get enough of a crew we can get a deal I dont think they would give a group rate...if we all showed up wanting a tummy tuck...

when your skin is loose like that, is it also thin?

deznutz I dont think they would give a group rate...if we all showed up wanting a tummy tuck... if there's enough of ex-fatty's standing around the guys porsche/ferrari/whatever, think he'd be dumb enough to say no?

Dunken when your skin is loose like that, is it also thin? Yes, but its hard to tell between fat/ i have a distended stomach....

anybody here with lots of extra skin in single digit bf%? I was reading an interesting article about this a few weeks back, let me see if i can find it.

ok well it's not really an article but interesting anyway Dear Tom, Before I ask my question I just wanted to say thank you for all the help your Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle e-book (and the monthly newsletters) have given me with my recent weight losses. Last summer I began a fat loss program using your e-book and it worked so well I got down to 15 1/2 stones (from 19). However, this has caused me a problem: Excess abdominal skin. I didn't crash lose this weight, it came off at the rate of about 2 lbs. per week. Now I'm unsure of whether to carry on, as my abdomen has quite a lot of excess skin - I feel like I've turned into a bloody Shar-Pei! (you know, as in the dog!) Does everyone go through this? Will the skin tighten up? I was overweight for more than 12 years. Am I going to end up needing surgical skin removal? Can you offer me any advice? I'm a medical student in the UK and my colleagues seem determined to proffer surgery as the only option - Needless to say, I would like to avoid that if at all possible... Sincerely, Mike Hi Mike Thank you for your email and congratulations on your successful fat loss Regarding loose skin after large weight losses, here's what I can tell you: 1. Skin is incredibly elastic. Just look at what women go through during pregnancy. Skin has the ability to expand and contract back to normal to a remarkable degree. 2. Elasticity of skin tends to decrease with age. Wrinkling and loss of elasticity is partly the consequence of aging (genetic factors) and also a result of environmental factors such as oxidative stress, excessive sun exposure, and nutritional deficiency. The environmental parts you can fix, the genetics and age part, you cannot. Advice: Get moving and change the things you have control over... Be realistic and don't worry about those things you don't have control over. 3. How much your skin will return to its former tautness therefore, depends partly on age. The older you get, the more an extremely large weight loss can leave loose skin that will not return to normal 4. How long someone carries extra weight has a lot to do with how much the skin will become taut after the weight loss: For example, compare a 9 month pregnancy with 9 years carrying 100 excess pounds. 5. How much weight was carried has a lot to do with how much the skin will resume a tight appearance. Your skin can only be stretched so much and be expected to "snap back" one hundred percent. 6. How fast the weight was gained also has a lot to do with how much the skin will resume a tight appearance. Your skin can only be stretched so quickly and be expected to "snap back." 7. How fast weight is lost also has a lot to do with how much the skin will tighten up. Rapid weight loss doesn't allow the skin time to slowly resume to normal. (yet another reason to lose fat slowly; 1-2 pounds per week, 3 pounds at the most if you have a lot of weight to lose, and even then, only if you are measuring body fat and you're certain it's fat you're losing). 8. There are exceptions to all of the above; i.e, people who gained and then lost incredible amounts of weight quickly at age 50 or 60, and their skin returned 100% to normal. 9. There are many creams advertised as having the ability to restore the tightness of your skin. None work - at least not in a noticeable, measurable way - and especially if you have a LOT of loose skin. Don't waste your money. 10. If you're considering surgical skin removal, consult a physician for advice, because this is not a minor operation, but keep in mind that your plastic surgeon may be making his BMW payments with your abdominoplasty money. (Surgery may be recommended in situations where it's not 100% necessary). Surgery should be left as the ABSOLUTE FINAL option in extreme cases. 11. Give your skin time. Your skin will get tighter as your body fat gets lower. I've seen and heard of many cases where the skin gradually tightened up, at least partially, after a one or two year period where the weight loss was maintained and exercise continued. 12. Know your body fat percentage before even THINKING about surgery. Loose skin is one thing, but still having body fat is another. Be honest with yourself and do that by taking your body fat measurement. This can be done with skinfold calipers or a variety of other devices (calipers might not be the best option for those with large folds of loose skin. Look into impedance analysis, underwater weighing, DEXA or Bod Pod). Suppose for example, a man drops from 35% body fat all the way down to 20%. He should be congratulated, but I would tell him, "Don't bitch about loose skin, your body fat is still high. Press onward and keep getting leaner." Average body fat for men is in the mid teens (16% or so) Good body fat for men is 10-12%, and single digits is extremely lean (men shouldn't expect to look "ripped" with 100% tight skin on the abs unless they have single digit body fat, and women low teens). Except in extreme cases, you are very unlikely to see someone with loose skin who has very low body fat. It's quite remarkable how much your skin can tighten up and literally start to "cling" to your abdominal muscles once your body fat goes from "average" to "excellent." Someone with legitimate single digit body fat and a ton of loose skin is a rare sight. So... the key to getting tighter skin is to lose more body fat, up to the point where your body composition rating is BETTER than average (in the "good" to "great" category, not just "okay"). Only AFTER you reach your long term body fat percentage goal should you give thought to "excess skin removal." At that point, admittedly, there are bound to be a few isolated cases where surgery is necessary if you can't live with the amount of loose skin remaining. However, unless you are really, really lean, it's difficult to get a clear picture of what is loose skin, what is just remaining body fat and how much further the skin will tighten up when the rest of the fat is lost.

deznutz i lost 100lbs in about 3-4 months Wow thats extremely unhealthy. If you could go back in time would you do it any differently?

deznutz Lost a significant (100lbs) of weight, and now your stuck with this loose, pudgy, loose skin..... Ill tell you, if you didnt know i lost 100 lbs, you would probably think it was a sack of fat or something. Its a huge thing for me....i dont know if it is for other people who have lost weight. I hate the sag on my stomach the most. But with it also, my muscles dont nearly look defined if i didnt have it. MAN I FEEL YOU BIGTIME

deznutz Yes, but its hard to tell between fat/ i have a distended stomach.... dud ei have the same problem on my neck/chin its not fat BUT YOU CANT TELL

i dont have it bad

one of my friends has it really bad, dropped 100 lbs in about 6-8 months and now he's around 10% body fat, when he sits down the 6 pack is there but the skin just freely hangs over his shorts

Whose in the Loose skin crew with me?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

chest peck help

chest peck help

k can someone just whip up a quick day at the gym for what they did on chest days, like what are some real good excercises to bulk up in the upper area you know what i mean?

Incline BB or DB Flat BB or DB Dips Flies(if you want) End of workout. SHould take no longer than 45min.

and thats a pretty solid workout for the pecks, fuck i wish i knew all the mumbo jumpo excercise talk to tell you what i was doin, i can only describe them hahaha, ohh fuck mee

dougie090 and thats a pretty solid workout for the pecks, fuck i wish i knew all the mumbo jumpo excercise talk to tell you what i was doin, i can only describe them hahaha, ohh fuck mee There is no K in pecs. Your rep base will be dependent upon your goals.

haha you fucker aright so what do you thinks a good amount of reps, i would normally just do 3 sets of 10??

dougie090 haha you fucker aright so what do you thinks a good amount of reps, i would normally just do 3 sets of 10?? Jesus. You need Jesus.

Im curious to, what is a good way to set up my reps? In highschool 7 years ago they had us doing the same thing 3 x 10

actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself

Silver85327 Im curious to, what is a good way to set up my reps? In highschool 7 years ago they had us doing the same thing 3 x 10 Depending on how often per week you are hitting that muscle. Just do 3x8 for now.

Sgt. Ownage actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself I have the suggestive shirt, it says "geologists make the bedrock"

Neo22 Depending on how often per week you are hitting that muscle. Just do 3x8 for now. Today was my first day working out I plan on going to the gym 5 - 6 times a week. I really need to set up some sort of routine so I dont look like a retard in there.

k thanks neo you sound like you know what your doing, god bless ya

hahahah silver that was some funny shit, i know how you feel though hahah that is fucking hilarious i cant stop laughing, i can picture you just walking around haha fuck me thats funny

Your number of reps should depend on what your goals are (i.e strength, endurance or size) but since you're just starting out you should train your muscles to get used to lifting. I'd suggest doing two sets of about 14 reps to begin with as a warmup and then 3 sets of 12 focusing on form rather than trying to throw the weights up. This will help get your core muscles up to scratch and help you learn the right form to begin with rather than shooting for numbers. If I have a break for more than a couple of weeks I tend to do a week where every day I do an exercise on every muscle group. i.e Monday: Squats x 5 + pec deck x 5 + Seated row x 5 + shrugs x 5 + tricep ext x 5 and standing curls x 5 wednesday: leg ext + DB press + bent over row + military press + skull crushers + preacher curls Friday: hack squats + incline press + wide grip chin ups + lateral raises + dips + bb curls Gets my body back into the swing without hurting myself trying to lift what I did the last time I was in the gym so its probably a good way for you to get yourself into the gym routine without hurting yourself so bad that you don't come back. Not for everyone though

Chalkitup Your number of reps should depend on what your goals are (i.e strength, endurance or size) but since you're just starting out you should train your muscles to get used to lifting. I'd suggest doing two sets of about 14 reps to begin with as a warmup and then 3 sets of 12 focusing on form rather than trying to throw the weights up. This will help get your core muscles up to scratch and help you learn the right form to begin with rather than shooting for numbers. If I have a break for more than a couple of weeks I tend to do a week where every day I do an exercise on every muscle group. i.e Monday: Squats x 5 + pec deck x 5 + Seated row x 5 + shrugs x 5 + tricep ext x 5 and standing curls x 5 wednesday: leg ext + DB press + bent over row + military press + skull crushers + preacher curls Friday: hack squats + incline press + wide grip chin ups + lateral raises + dips + bb curls Gets my body back into the swing without hurting myself trying to lift what I did the last time I was in the gym so its probably a good way for you to get yourself into the gym routine without hurting yourself so bad that you don't come back. Not for everyone though Nice now if I only knew what some of those things were.

Sorry, I know how you feel I read most of the threads in here and they may as well be in japanese so dont be afraid to ask. What in particular don't you know?

yah im not familiar with skull crusher, hack squats, preachers curl im sure i know what they are but i have a differnet name for the fucking thigns

Skull crusher - Lay on the bench on your back and using a barbell and grip with palms facing up (or towards your feet) straighten your arms so that they are perpendicular to your body. Now by bending at the elbow you lower the bar down towards your head. Start off light and try and focus on keeping your elbows neat and together. Hack squats are a machine lift. You begin in a standing position with pads on your shoulders that attach to the "carriage", unlock the carriage and position your feet so that you when you squat you are positioned as if sitting in a chair. Again keep your knees steady and get someone to check that you're going deep enough. Preacher curls - these are an isolated bicep curl where you sit or stand with a barbell or dumbells and the tricep part of your arm is rested on an inclined pad. Now when you curl the pad keeps your elbows in position and you isolate the biceps when curling. This is the type of form that you are aiming for when free lifting where your control muscles keep you in position and lifting the weights rather that swinging them.

ahh yes i know what the preacher curls are now, yah they are harder since you cant swing, good workout, the hack squats i dont know i dont have that machine the gym im at im pretty sure, so for the skull crusher you will kinda loook like an L like your on your back and your then lifting upwards? or are you going out over your head so its just like a straight line you know?

Start step 1 Bend your elbows and lower your forearms toward the top of your head. Keep your elbows and upper arms locked in position, and straighten your arms to return to the start position. finish

Hack squats You shouldn't lock your knees out during the exercise so that your quads stay loaded

you need the sex muscles bro

db preachers

For Chest I like something along the lines of Flat BB 10,6,4,4,2 Incline DB 3x6-8 Incline Flies 3x8 Flat Flies 3x8 Then the next week do Incline BB 10,6,4,4,2 Flat DB 3x6-8 Flat Flies 3x8 Incline Flies 3x8

Sgt. Ownage actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself Buy an av, you are

chest peck help

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

How can i burn the most fat possible while doing HIIT running? I've read numerous articles, websites, and threads, but i'm confused. One site for example said: 5 minute jog (warmup), run 90-95% max speed for 1 minute, slow down to jog until you can do it again. another said to do the same thing except only sprint for 20 seconds... a third of what the first site said. Others still said sprint then walk, compared to a jog. I'm just confused! someone point me in the right direction please. again my goal is just to burn as much fat possible, while increasing stamina/endurance.

My understanding was that HIIT is supposed to be most effective doing sprint/jog splits of about 30 seconds each, but I haven't done it so I can't tell you based on experience. I'm inclined to say that it really doesn't matter as far as burning more fat. Fat loss is 99% diet, and doing cardio isn't the magic fat burner that everyone makes it out to be. Read the fat loss sticky 2nd from the top for good info.

ah ok cool thanks. anyone have any advice from experience? I'm by no means out of shape i can jog 4-5 miles without stopping or being too dead at the end. I'm about 195lb at 6"0 right now and want to get down to 180-185.

unless you specialize in the 400m it's going to be pretty hard to run 90% for a minute. even 30 seconds is unrealistic if you follow up with a 50% jog. you want to be at about 70% for the sprint and 30% for the jog.

t-nation had a good article, but now the link seems to be dead. I have the chart printed out on how to follow hiit. I can scan it if anyone wants.

superbri007 i jog for 45 seconds to 60 seconds, then all out sprint balls to the wall for about 15 seconds that's about what I do. 45 second jog followed by 15 seconds of all out run for your life sprinting.

45 jog/15 sprint: After the 15 seconds of sprinting do you go back to 45 seconds of jogging and then repeat? or go even slower.. or what. and for how many minutes do you do this for?

i go back to jogging. Its hard at first but you slowly build up a longer time that you can do it. Bush77 45 jog/15 sprint: After the 15 seconds of sprinting do you go back to 45 seconds of jogging and then repeat? or go even slower.. or what. and for how many minutes do you do this for?

superbri007 good shit huh? especially when its summer time, 90 degrees and humid do i actually burn more calories/fat when it's hot out? i jogged 10km today (not HIIT) and it was 27* celsius... i was dripping.

unrealii t-nation had a good article, but now the link seems to be dead. I have the chart printed out on how to follow hiit. I can scan it if anyone wants.

thanks alot edmang

I just mix it up to not get bored. My partner and me went to the field and basically found a midpoint in it and sprinted to it then jogged to the end and then sprinted back so it alternated sprint jog same distance. Another that I think it good to do is sprint backwards and sideways. I read an article that said you burn more calories going backwards and sideways basically cause your muscles were not as efficent at it. Makes me feel like more of an athlete also.

thanks alot for the help/advice guys. i'm in a 10km race a week from this sunday and after that i'll start the 8 week program in the "Good Shape" row. Hopefully see a noticable improvement by the time i'm done in july. So a routine like that, mixed with a decent diet i'll be burning fat and building up stamina/endurance?

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

I have gotten a bit out of shape, need to lose body fat and put on muscle mass... I'm about 5"10 / 5"11 @ 180-185lbs, not much muscle defintion due to body fat, when I was 165 pounds I have much better defined muscles. Anyways I used to work out every day with random breaks, chest/biceps back/triceps shoulders/legs however I hit a plateau pretty quick because I was overworking myself I've since expiremented with different routines, lately i've been doing 0 legs.. I want to do a routine for 6 days a week... Sundays I work a f'd up schedule and cant make it to the gym. I was considering Day 1 - Chest, biceps, triceps, abs Day 2 - Cardio Day 3- Back, Shoulders, traps Day 4 - Cardio, abs Day 5 - Legs, lower back, abs Day 6 - Cardio Day 7 - Off However i'm a bit edgy on doing a muscle group only once a week so i'm confused and having a hard time figuring out what I should do...... I think a muscle group once a week isn't enough, I like to get really sore then I recover usually on third day so hmmm.... any ideas??? P.S dont gimmi any shit about doing chest with tricep instead of bicep or viseversa, it makes no fucking diff; everyone does it differently and i've tried all combinations finding little difference. before, about 165 pounds now about 180

great, your avatar made me not as hungry.


you gonna get hit wif the sticky stik, boyo

Too much cardio, not enough lift.

~stangzorized~ Too much cardio, not enough lift.


christophers rountine, drop down calories, drop down cardio

Whats wrong with cardio?

nothing, I just think theres a bit to much of it in his routine

hmm so maybe limit cardio to twice a week? or even once a week?

how about a rotation of Day 1 - Chest, biceps, abs Day 2 - Back, triceps, abs Day 3- Legs, Shoulders, Lower back Day 4- Cardio with random days off?

baghrhrg decent, dunno why the hell I wrote descent..

I dunno, I do cardio 3 times a week. But I am just looking for something to do I guess. :-x

Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs

mike Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows?

What's your av all about?

Ilyusha What's your av all about? A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon.

chlywly A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon. That's fuckin dope..

If you asked me I would say you should lift more weight less often. What youre doing now obviously isnt working, so how much could it hurt to go 3-4 times a week? When I started doing that I saw instant strength gains because when I was going 6 times a week I was overtraining. Maybe you should cut out some ab stuff as well, some compound movements such as squat will work your abs, so just have an ab day on a different day than your legs day. By the way, make sure you actually have a leg day. In my opinion, probably the most important day. But thats just my opinion.

chlywly Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows? pec deck: bent over row (sorta): do deadlifts.

That bent over row pic sucks ass. The bar is going too high up in the chest area.

ok cool, any good sources on doing a proper dead lift?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Friday, January 17, 2014

BSN's NO-Xplode

BSN's NO-Xplode

anyone take this?? i just bought it and am wondering if anyone here takes it and has any feedback on it, thanks.

it made my ass xplode more than my muscles

SilverJettaGLX it made my ass xplode more than my muscles

I tried that shit a long time ago because the guy at the supp shop said that i could try it out and if i didn't like it he would refund me. It did absolutely nothing IMO. The only supps that do anythign for me are weight gainer and protein powder- so basically food.

BSN's NO-Xplode

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

: u still goto gym: with doda PurplePossum: yea: how often u fools go PurplePossum: like 4 times a week usuallyt: coo PurplePossum: you should join a gym mang: yeah: i bleached my hair PurplePossum: thats almost as good as working out: and did red tips

i bleached my hair in the 7th grade, I thought I was the shit.

dmaestro i bleached my hair in the 7th grade, I thought I was the shit.

PurplePossum: i would suggest joining a gym.. seriously PurplePossum: DB's arent gonna get you very far: have u heard of the anabolical steroids? PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: yeah PurplePossum: what about them ?: have u heard anything bad: or good PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: dont use steroids until you're 250 pounds of muscle at 8% body fat PurplePossum: :-)

Ilyusha PurplePossum: i would suggest joining a gym.. seriously PurplePossum: DB's arent gonna get you very far: have u heard of the anabolical steroids? PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: yeah PurplePossum: what about them ?: have u heard anything bad: or good PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: dont use steroids until you're 250 pounds of muscle at 8% body fat PurplePossum: :-) now go beat his ass talking about steroids already

OH LORD : i got like 2% body fat: lol PurplePossum: haha no PurplePossum: youre at like 9-11: u sure PurplePossum: yes PurplePossum: maybe 8-10 PurplePossum: no less: i think its like 2: or 3 at the most PurplePossum: you cant be serious PurplePossum: leon are you fucking serious?: 4 if u wanna OVER exegerate

Ilyusha OH LORD : i got like 2% body fat: lol PurplePossum: haha no PurplePossum: youre at like 9-11: u sure PurplePossum: yes PurplePossum: maybe 8-10 PurplePossum: no less: i think its like 2: or 3 at the most PurplePossum: you cant be serious PurplePossum: leon are you fucking serious?: 4 if u wanna OVER exegerate

no gym for home?

i thought asian thugs were the only ones that bleached their hair.

Atenza6i i thought asian thugs were the only ones that bleached their hair. 21 year old guys stuck in 8th grade do too...

Ilyusha 21 year old guys stuck in 8th grade do too... is he mistaking his bleached hair for penis lesions from having such low body fat?

Atenza6i is he mistaking his bleached hair for penis lesions from having such low body fat? he's one of the dumbest people i know.. seriously. but he's still a friend..

: oh dude i quit stoges: NO more ever ever ever PurplePossum: haha PurplePossum: sure thing leon PurplePossum: quitting is for losers: i havent smoked for a week now PurplePossum: YOU WILL FAIL AHAHAHAHA: i got 100 on it: u will never see my holding a cig agian: ever: weed only on special occasions: alchohol kinda too PurplePossum: alright dude PurplePossum: good lick with all that: what u mean: u think i willfail PurplePossum: yes: im getting a tatoo: soon PurplePossum: you have ADD PurplePossum: werent we just talking about cigs?

: wanna hear a joke: womens rights. PurplePossum: haha PurplePossum: ive got a better one PurplePossum: leon quits smoking. PurplePossum: ahahahahahahaha


Haha. damn. Wow....Thats funny. I like making fun of my friends who don't do any physical activity and want to get big by doing pushups and situps....

My friend today said he bought a book about Creatine and says that all it does it make your muscles look bigger thats the main reason why people buy it I was like wtf

Some guys at the gym today were working out together teaching their newb friend. I heard him say "you gotta go shoulder then bicep shoulder bicep shoulder bicep." I was like "huh?" Then I finished my set and left.

y0gfx Some guys at the gym today were working out together teaching their newb friend. I heard him say "you gotta go shoulder then bicep shoulder bicep shoulder bicep." I was like "huh?" Then I finished my set and left. nice story

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger?

Blue=Gay Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger? Muscle is torn and replaced.

Ilyusha Muscle is torn and replaced. I know but does weight lifting promote new(more) muscle fibers to grow.

yes new muslce is formed!

there is always muscle there. is there wasnt, you would be a bone with skin on it. It would also be impossible to move your arm.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. Holy fuck..

Ilyusha Holy fuck.. i'll see your and raise you a

Ilyusha Holy fuck.. even Terri Schiavo had muscles.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. I hope you are kidding

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. Yes. There could be a situation where there was absolutely NO muscle in the bicep......

well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have.

Grouch well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have. Which could mean that new muscle fibers are growing.

Ilyusha Which could mean that new muscle fibers are growing. That would go against the whole 'new' part. If that is true.

Blue=Gay Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger? Some fibres may split

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. but is 20 like 30.....

it takes huge loads of stress to cause new muscle fibers to grow, or drugs (gh, slin)

SteveO it takes huge loads of stress to cause new muscle fibers to grow, or drugs (gh, slin) Drugs wont make new muscle fibres grow It is emerging research that under the right load and conditions muscle fibres MAY MAY MAY split, i.e its possible but you wont really see it happen much

Grouch well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have. you don't create new muscle cells.

edd91 Drugs wont make new muscle fibres grow It is emerging research that under the right load and conditions muscle fibres MAY MAY MAY split, i.e its possible but you wont really see it happen much yes, they will

SteveO yes, they will Literature? Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy To begin, I'd like to cover the two main ways for an individual to increase overall muscle size. The first, muscle fiber hypertrophy, refers to the increase in the diameter of the individual muscle cells. The larger the cells, the larger the overall muscle, it's that simple. Muscle fiber hypertrophy = Big muscle fibers. Muscle Fiber Hyperplasia The second, muscle fiber hyperplasia, refers to the splitting of muscle fibers in the interest of creating new fibers. Obviously this would be of interest to anyone pursuing size or strength due to the fact that and if an individual has more fibers, their overall size potential is greater. Therefore when looking at hyperplasia, Muscle fiber hyperplasia + Muscle fiber hypertrophy = Many big muscle fibers. Ahh, the elusive double dose of size! At this point, I know that you're all supercharged to learn how to both make more fibers and to make them bigger, but I'm going to have to put the breaks on and be the bearer of bad news. The problem with hyperplasia is that no one really knows exactly how to promote it. Once we are born, some experts believe, muscle fiber number remains fixed for our lifetime. Therefore under normal circumstances muscle fiber hyperplasia seems nearly impossible. Interestingly, though, experts have begun to speculate that under abnormal circumstances, hyperplasia can contribute to overall muscle growth. For starters, recreational or even moderately intense weight training will probably NOT do it. Unfortunately there has not even been any evidence that very intense weight training will promote hyperplasia. One proposed link to hyperplasia, though is anabolic steroid use. A recent article in the American College of Sports Medicine's Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise found evidence for muscle fiber hyperplasia in anabolic steroid using powerlifters(1). This however, is pretty much the first evidence of a mechanism for hyperplasia in humans. [Editor's note: there is fairly long-standing evidence that hyperplasia does occur in (of all things) weight trained cats.] The bottom line is that unless we are ready to boatload anabolic steroids into our systems, neither you nor I are going to be enjoying the benefits of muscle fiber hyperplasia any time soon. At least not over a period of less than 5-10 years (and even then it would be modest). So what about hypertrophy? Well that, my friends, is a promising reality.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. seriously?

the gist is under nearly all circumstances, muscle fibers get bigger. You do not create more of them.

evi1eddie [color=black] Can you post the references too please

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. April fools?

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Basketball Shape?

Basketball Shape?

I don't know how many of you play basketball, but I'm curious if anyone could give some good advice for getting in shape for basketball. More specifically, being able to jump higher and run faster. I know you'll all say, well go out and run or jump rope. But are there any tricks of the trade or routines you could offer. Thanks in advance

Play basketball as much as you can. There are several exercises you can do that will help your vertical that don't require any extra equipment, you can do a Google search for those. As for running faster, run hills. Wind sprints will help you get conditioned right for basketball. But the best way to get in overall basketball shape is to play basketball.

i dont remember what the exercise is called, but what you do is you take a step pad, and jump over it side to side like 20 times. every time you finish a set, stack another step pad onto it until you cant jump over it anymore. jump rope would help too i guess. wind sprints are always good. you can work out and shit, but i think the physical activity of ballin will benefit you the most.

I play recreationally, about 4-5 times a week, 2-3 hours per those days that I do play. I do notice I slowly get a higher vertical and can play longer and run faster. But I'd like to speed up the process. Playing for my school wouldn't be entirely outta the question if I was in shape. I find it's mostly people are faster than me and jump higher. I'm not that tall (5'10"), so I need to find other ways. I also tried looking up stuff on google, i mostly got sites that are selling some tapes. But I know people already know this stuff. Just curious if anyone had anything they do to get in shape. Yes, stronger would be good to get steals and rebounds. Edit: I know diet is crucial too, anything in particular?

bunny hops > *

sorry for ignorance... wind sprints?

Yeah I play a bit, but my diet pretty much counteracts that. Shooting and dribbling I don't really have a problem with. I'm actually considered one of the "shooters" on the courts. So, it's really running faster, jumping higher, keeping it up the whole game. I feel I have excellent court awareness, but I can't always act on it cause I can't act in time. By the way, thanks for all the advice guys.

Playing yourself into shape is not bad. If you want do sprints where you start at the end line, go to the free thow line and back, go to the mid court line and back, go to the far free throw line and back and then go end line to end line. If it is on a large basketball court and takes you longer than 28seconds to do then you are slow. Just keep practicing. *edit* hops are overrated, they are nice to have but you can be just as good a player without them

i remember reading something in an interview with dennis rodman when he was like, the leading rebounder in the nation. he said his key was a rock solid mid section, all power is derived from a solid core of muscle. you said you were looking for some key tricks of the trade, that was one that stuck with me. learn how to box out, if a guy can jump higher than me and is taller than me, excellent boxing out will eliminate his advantage. develop your fast twitch muscles, when you're not the tallest guy.. this'll help you get around them or shoot over them.

go_duke21 *edit* hops are overrated, they are nice to have but you can be just as good a player without them Hops can help every aspect of your game. If they don't, then you aren't a good basketball player. Only in serious cases (John Stockton, for example) will an ability to jump be obsolete. I don't think the starter of this thread is John Stockton.

smoke menthol cigs

Read this article:

Mike McDermott Nah, that's more about doing well on a VJ test. Check out this article instead: I'm sure a VJ test program will help with the "hops" that someone here was mentioning..

teamelement3 I don't know how many of you play basketball, but I'm curious if anyone could give some good advice for getting in shape for basketball. More specifically, being able to jump higher and run faster. I know you'll all say, well go out and run or jump rope. But are there any tricks of the trade or routines you could offer. Thanks in advance well heres a few far as jumping higher, concentrate on workouts that improve your calves...every once in awhile throw in some quad workouts. calf raises, go to a gym and use their calf raising machines, and just do run and sprints, taht works out all aread of your legs. for getting faster just run period: sprints, suicides, skips, etc. and while your at it sprint with a basketball for better handling skills. good luck to you

If you want to run faster, do sprints 10-30m, working on driving off the blocks and then finishing strong. For quickness look into plyometrics. They teach you how to explode and recruits fast twitch fibers. To jump higher do box jumps with a medicine ball. And it'll help to do some weight lifting like squats and good mornings. As for lasting longer in a game, try running the court counting down from 10-0, make a layup, and then 9-0, all the way down to 2. Rest and repeat 5 more times. My stamina has improved quite a bit since I started that. That's a total of 1 mile running.

christophers "Calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" -Joe Defranco IBincessantracismtofollow

Mike McDermott all wrong, except for sprints roighttttttt............

Davo Hops can help every aspect of your game. If they don't, then you aren't a good basketball player. Only in serious cases (John Stockton, for example) will an ability to jump be obsolete. I don't think the starter of this thread is John Stockton. Like I said, obviously they are nice to have, but you dont need them to be a good player, most people can't jump 40 inches so if you work on lateral quickness, shooting, etc you will be just as well off. Too many people just concentrate on trying to dunk and they don't practice everything else enough, that was all I was alluding to. And I don't see how sprints are bad, wouldn't it be just like HIIT? I mean there are tonnes of ways to get in good shape, sprints worked well for me in high school, my team was always in better condition than the teams we played against.

basketball shape = round. /thread

christophers "Calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" -Joe Defranco i dont remember if you're quoting this from memory or you actualy found it somewhere, but that's not quite the quote i found which. i found "Big calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" - Joe Defranco in a Q&A on his website. Questioner and Joe Defranco " Q: What are the best exercises for increasing calf strength and size? I do a lot of standing and seated calf raises, but I was wondering if there is anything else I'm missing? I'm about 2" away from dunking a basketball and I'm looking for an edge. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. John A: Big calves have about as much to do with how high you can jump as the color of your hair. Sure, there's nothing wrong with doing some calf raises in your training routine, but they shouldn't be the focus of the routine. As I've said time and time again, the "posterior chain" (spinal erectors, gluteals and hamstrings) makes up around 70% of the musculature that is responsible for your jumping ability. Squat and deadlift variations, Olympic lifts and good mornings will give you the best "bang for your buck" with regards to improving your vertical jump in the weight room. There is another very interesting factor that plays a large role in how high you can jump. I've had the pleasure of working with over 2-dozen athletes who can jump over 35" and, besides being very strong in the posterior chain, they had something else in common. The one thing they all had in common are what I call "high cut" calves. What I mean by this is that the calves have an insertion point very high on the lower leg. This usually means a longer Achilles tendon. A longer Achilles tendon can store more elastic energy, which translates into more explosive jumps." -Joe Cliffs : big calves dont help you jump, what helps you jump are a powerful "posterior chain" (spinal erectors, gluteals and hamstrings). also a high calf muscle insertion (people with calves way up near their knees) cause they have long achilles tendons, and there's not much you can do about that (genetics).

KingGargantuan basketball shape = round. /thread sweet, i'm in basketball shape.

tize i hate how basketball players look

Didn't know this thread was still alive... Would ankle weights add anything? I heard they could be harmful? I'll read those links for more..

Mike McDermott how do you know so much, you ever play for a team?

Basketball Shape?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dislocated Shoulder

Dislocated Shoulder

I had a bicycle accident last night and dislocated my shoulder. It popped back in on its own. It hurts like a mofo and it feels like i tore up my rotator cuff. Any recommendations on physical therapy? Know how long it usually takes for something like this to heal?

Dismay I had a bicycle accident last night and dislocated my shoulder. It popped back in on its own. It hurts like a mofo and it feels like i tore up my rotator cuff. Any recommendations on physical therapy? Know how long it usually takes for something like this to heal? ouch... i messed up my rotator took a long ass time for it to heal... many months until it felt completely fine.

XsLiCk ouch... i messed up my rotator took a long ass time for it to heal... many months until it felt completely fine. yeah this sucks hardcore. In my 5 years of working out i have been careful and never had an injury and this bullshit happens looks like i wont be doing the things i wanted to the next few months

Mike McDermott Have you seen a doc yet? no, doesnt seem that bad roommate actually had same thing happen to him about a month ago, his was much worse and they didnt do anything for him aside from give him vicodin

this shit sucks. dislocated mine playing football in high school. plagued me for a few years, got surgery last year. still sucks. ..... it sucks.

I've had mine do that same thing many times. What i do is move my shoulder as little as possible for about a week or until it doesn't hurt when i move it. Then when i start doing presses i start out light and go up in weight as long as it doesn't hurt. I don't stretch it hard, i just get the muscles warmed up before I lift.

aenz this shit sucks. dislocated mine playing football in high school. plagued me for a few years, got surgery last year. still sucks. ..... it sucks.

Mike McDermott You should see a doc just to make sure you didn't do something serious like tear your rotator cuff. yeah, maybe i will

Dislocated Shoulder

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

lets hope this thread becomes my reminder that its bad to get lazy. feel free to chime in and remind my sorrowfull ass of this. finally dragged myself into the weightroom today. figured id go light, spend an hour to remind my muscles what it means to move. did a mini full body workout, just hitting mostly compound movements. i hate the first day back after a break. i lost so much damn strength! squats-2x8@275. compared to max of 405. and my form bites ass. my hams are so weak. thats a problem area for sure. dl-3x3@315. couldnt hold the bar. compared to 405. surprisingly, the form and weight felt much better than the squats. maybe ill focus more on these, sldl and gm's bench-1x3@275. 2x3@225. max was 335, so not too far off. but damn its gonna take some work from my arms shoulders and back. since my arms were doggin on bp, thought id focus on tris a bit. db bench-2x8@90s. form wasnt hot. elbows started to flare. skull crushers-3x8@60. felt ok, more on joints than muscles. think my body is just tight. supersetted with:db curls-3x6-8@50. easy, but whatever. just curls. really wanted shoulder work, but they were starting to burn from bench. so just did side and front lateral supersets-2x6-8@35. big big drop there. normally use 50-55. def affecting my bench. ended with db shrug-2x8@75. just completely depleted. almost threw up, went home. at least this was a good gauge for letting my body know time to get back into it, and a decent idea of some weak(er) spots. thanks for listening. like you cared. carry on now.

it's been 3 weeks for me I'm scared.

just came back from a long drought and it feels good!

i just came back not so much from heavy lifting, but most any heavy activity at all. although my break was only a month and a half. but after 3 days i've already noticed my muscles are harder and a bit fuller. i'm excited about the future.

ceaze whats happening to you man? recent pics?

Peal ceaze whats happening to you man? recent pics? someone tried to steal my car and the parts to fix it have been backordered

I've been off for six weeks due to working too much, tomorrow will be my first day back. I've probably lost ten pounds

hernia surgery has set me back a few weeks. sucks

update one day later. my traps hurt. my legs hurt even more. its going to be a rough night. i love day 2 soreness

I feel like I want to cut everything but my torso off, first day back from a few breaks. Probably about 3 weeks, worked out for a week before that, then maybe even another 3 weeks before that. Oddly though, my strength hasn't suffered THAT much. I think its mostly because I don't push myself hard enough though. Squats I always get nervous because I don't have anybody spotting me. I switched gyms and they have these queer ass hexagonal or octagonal plates that make it kinda fucked up to do deadlifts Bench I actually feel about the same after incorporating some leg drive and a little arch. I still have to get it down a little more but I tried lots of variations and seem to have found one that worked fairly well for me. I'm more happy with myself for going than pissed off about my losses in strength.

i took last summer off it sucked im hoping this summer wont be like that

i wonder what ceaze drives

nukegoat i wonder what ceaze drives minivan

jonno minivan i'm guessing an older bmw 3 series

im guessing bang bus

i havent done shit all for practically the whole winter. maybe hit the gym handful of times in that 3ish month time. today i went in and no strength loss on main movements...none. i only noticed a 2 rep decrease on my hammer curls. but during that layoff period i did maintain a fairly decent high protein diet so i think thats what helped me most. im feel fresh as fuck too, cns really feels nice, feels like i think i'm almost gonna make some explosive noob gains. im really starting to think extended layoffs from working out are beneficial.

thank christ, dont ever want to drop the weight on the hammer curlzzzz

HP_84 i havent done shit all for practically the whole winter. maybe hit the gym handful of times in that 3ish month time. today i went in and no strength loss on main movements...none. i only noticed a 2 rep decrease on my hammer curls. but during that layoff period i did maintain a fairly decent high protein diet so i think thats what helped me most. im feel fresh as fuck too, cns really feels nice, feels like i think i'm almost gonna make some explosive noob gains. im really starting to think extended layoffs from working out are beneficial. but, CAN YOU STANDING MILITARY PRESS YOUR BODYWEIGHT?!?! LIGHTWEIGHT!!!@@@!!

GuOD but, CAN YOU STANDING MILITARY PRESS YOUR BODYWEIGHT?!?! LIGHTWEIGHT!!!@@@!! you come to windsor and i military press you? this sounds good?

nukegoat i wonder what ceaze drives VW golf

Ceaze someone tried to steal my car and the parts to fix it have been backordered Why not bike there?

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

shin splints

shin splints

I play basketball and I've had shin splints for a while now. I stretch, ice them, take anti-inflammitories, whatever. even after I rest for a week or two and they go away, they always come back after a couple more times of playing. what more can I do to treat the shin splints? what exercises/stretches can I do to prevent them?

do you have flat feet? don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! looks like this is a defintely a WARM UP issue! if it does get better when you rest and it happens when you start playing again, you defintely need to wark up properly.. warm up first, and stretch gently before you start your actual game... that helps.. im assuming you also started to play basketball... its not like you were playing basketball all these time and all of a sudden your get shin splits! eventually, you won't need to do stretching and the shin stretching goes away.. but ur legs have to get used to it first... a lot of my clients suffer from this once they start running, jogging, etc, etc.. and most of the time, its from not warming up properly or they have flat feet, etc, etc my suggestion to you is to properly warm up and gently take time to stretch b4.. if you give me detail info, i can give u more suggestion........

I get the same thing when running. What do you mean by flat feet?

maybe you need more cushioned shoes

look at your shoes, get some more cushioning inserts

is the pain on the front or inside part of the shin?

I saw some McDavid neoprene braces specifically for that. Maybe you shoudl try it out.

wood is the pain on the front or inside part of the shin? inside most of the time

I got some insoles for my old shoes, that didn't help, so I got new shoes. these ones are cushy and feel fine.

devilangel do you have flat feet? don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! looks like this is a defintely a WARM UP issue! if it does get better when you rest and it happens when you start playing again, you defintely need to wark up properly.. warm up first, and stretch gently before you start your actual game... that helps.. im assuming you also started to play basketball... its not like you were playing basketball all these time and all of a sudden your get shin splits! eventually, you won't need to do stretching and the shin stretching goes away.. but ur legs have to get used to it first... a lot of my clients suffer from this once they start running, jogging, etc, etc.. and most of the time, its from not warming up properly or they have flat feet, etc, etc my suggestion to you is to properly warm up and gently take time to stretch b4.. if you give me detail info, i can give u more suggestion........ my feet are pretty flat icing them is the one suggestion I've gotten from everyone I know who has had shin splints (people who play basketball and people who play other sports). I always stretch my calves before playing. not sure what stretch I'd need to do to prevent the shin splints. MikeMurder I saw some McDavid neoprene braces specifically for that. Maybe you shoudl try it out. where could I get one? there's a GI Joes around my house that would probably have them, but I don't know of any places like that around school.

devilangel don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle.

You gotta do these walk exercises. Get an area where you can walk like 20 feet back and forth. Do each one of these walks back and forth: walk on your heals walk on your tip toes walk on the inside of your feet walk on the outsides of your feet We used to do them in track practice all the time for shin splints. They work great. You might feel a little weird doing them though.

Davo Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle. No.

Davo Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle. I decided to look it up: "Treatment for shin splits includes rest, massage, ice, stretching, and strengthening." I guess I'll keep icing them

Gamblor You gotta do these walk exercises. Get an area where you can walk like 20 feet back and forth. Do each one of these walks back and forth: walk on your heals walk on your tip toes walk on the inside of your feet walk on the outsides of your feet We used to do them in track practice all the time for shin splints. They work great. You might feel a little weird doing them though. does it matter if I have shoes on?

on the bone? Hell no.

raded inside most of the time this is most likely caused by overpronation (foot rolls inward). first thing you will want to do is get a shoe and/or orthotic that will support your arch and help keep your foot from rolling inward. do you have flat fleet or low arches?

Ilyusha No. Still considered a bone injury. Regardless, heat is not a good treatment.

wood this is most likely caused by overpronation (foot rolls inward). first thing you will want to do is get a shoe and/or orthotic that will support your arch and help keep your foot from rolling inward. do you have flat fleet or low arches? my feet are pretty flat. I'm going to go out and look for some orthotics later today.

do it without shoes on

we used to do then with a mat on the floor too

rest and better shoes.

Carnifex Shin splints can be caused by the separation of your calf from the muscle in front, generally because the calf is much stronger, so walk on your heels or find something to strengthen the muscle of the shin. It could also be micro fractures but it doesn't sound like it in your case. Also, it could just be shitty shoes / lack of proper stretching and warm up. thank you! thats exactly what i mean on my original post... proper stretching, warm up, building necessary muscles, proper shoes, etc.. about the iceing... if you gonna do that, you have to alternate with heat as well, the more blood goes through the problem area, the better off you will be.. but since i really dont' know the exact detail of your problem and how and when it all started and goes away, etc.. so you figure out accordingly with the information below... generally:Ice treatment is most commonly used for acute injuries. If you have a recent injury (within the last 48 hours), where swelling is a problem, you should be using ice treatment. Ice packs can help minimize swelling around the injury. Decreasing swelling around an injury will help to control the pain. Ice treatments may also be used for chronic conditions, such as overuse injuries in athletes. In this case, ice the injured area after activity. Never ice a chronic injury before activity. Heat treatments should be used for chronic conditions to help relax and loosen tissues, and to stimulate blood flow to the area. Use heat treatments on chronic conditions, such as overuse injuries, before participating in activities. Do not use heat treatments after activity, and do not use heat after an acute injury. good luck!

I've been looking into calf/shin braces. are there specific ones I could wear while playing or could I use any of them while playing?

raded where could I get one? there's a GI Joes around my house that would probably have them, but I don't know of any places like that around school. any sports/atheltic store.

shin splints

Monday, January 13, 2014

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

The muscles most dominant for a powerful punch are your delts correct? anyone know any good exercises that would strengthen these muscles to throw devastating jabs? any boxers in here? thanks

superbri007 its mostly pecs. you sure? any second opinions?

superbri007 do chest exercises that are explosive in nature. try some cable work one hand at a time throwing punches. Or, have someone hold a exercise band behind you while your gripping it and throw punches with resistance. You can be creative and make up your own shit. what about shadow boxing with 10-20lb weights? or is that just stupid?

Maybe plyometric pushups? I found single arm pushups tended to improve my jabs.... Where in Toronto do you box?

i want to take a boxing class next year, but its 2 hours a day for only one credit

the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over.

brolli the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over. Still, I'm guessing he's asking aside from that....

hip and leg drive.

Grouch hip and leg drive. to big bird

a boxer once told me back is the most important...

how about we just say everything.

Grouch how about we just say everything. yeah. I guess if you work your ass off in the gym and boxing gym, you would become a hard puncher.


bag work. you learn better technique on it, plus it gets you used to punching something hard

The power generated is a series of movements relying on your core. Develop a better one, train hard.

Kickbacks are the most important in developing a powerful punch.

curls! Punch stuff. Keep good form and uhhh.... I remember hearing somewhere before that Bruce Lee didn't want a bigger chest because it slowed down his punches. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Can anyone elaborate on that?

bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power.

Grouch how about we just say everything. fucking for a hard punch, you need total body strength, punching requires alot, but the best way to get a better punch is to hit the punching bag

timberwolf Where in Toronto do you box? i don't actually box, yet at least. although i want to try some lessons this summer and thought it'd be a good idea to check to make sure i'm not missing anything. thanks for all the tips and help guys. i appreciate it. i'm asking for my own curiousity mostly, and because there's a good chance i will be forced into a fight or two over the next couple weeks. I know who they'll be against and really doubt i'd ever lose them. But better safe than sorry. So bottom line just overall strength, especially core, and explosive workouts?

The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62

Ceaze The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62 i was just gonna tell him to squat, but i think your answer was better.

joy division bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power. work on powerfull crosses and hooks.... all in the hips!!

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

Any tips for faster recovery? Rest Ice Compression Elevation ? It was going good until I heard a big fucking CRAACK.

Rest is probably you best. Just take it easy and don't try to train again too early.

How do you make (reasonably) sure that this doesn't happen when doing deadlifts? Is there a golden rule of "make sure you can rep weight x a minimum of y times before trying to lift x + zkg!", ie "don't try 115kg before you can rep 110 10 times without problems!" ?

MrNamjama How do you make (reasonably) sure that this doesn't happen when doing deadlifts? Is there a golden rule of "make sure you can rep weight x a minimum of y times before trying to lift x + zkg!", ie "don't try 115kg before you can rep 110 10 times without problems!" ? No gym for home..... Seriously, there's a thread about squats and DL's. As long as you maintain good form, you should be alright.

If you don't complete the lift, move down in weight.

ice, then heat. try some kind of rub. i strained my back on DL's yesterday, but it's not so bad today. don't up the weights too much.

Ilyusha If you don't complete the lift, move down in weight. I completed it, its just my back is rocked right now. I know its going to be hurting tomorrow.

superbri007 @ user text I didn't recognize you for a bit just cause i didn't see the old AV Why hallo thar.. dude, happy extremely belated birthday.

it took me a while to get back into drinking after I turned 21.. I drink a few times a month now at clubs and lounges and such. My 21st birthday was the greatest thing to ever happen to me.. ever.

doubt it maybe in ten years, and by prescription only

Yea... gene therapy isn't exactly safe right now. Quite a few subjects have died on stuff we know far more about than the myostatin gene.

You heard a loud crack? Like bone cracking?

I think we can safely rule out a broken spine. Probably just some strained muscles and the popping was probably bursa sacs.

Take it easy for a few days. I would recommend eating a lot of bananas or mushrooms. Eat something with a lot of potassium.

depends on type of pain, I would say rest and some aniinflammatorys. How do use compression on a back?

I gave up deadlifting. Chance of injury is too high. I'll do it once in a blue moon, but it is not part of my routine now.

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

In terms of muscle formation, ease of building it, etc. For example, if you notice, a lot of Asian people have massive calves. I don't lift my calves at all but they're still pretty big and defined. My arms and chest on the other hand I work at but gains are very minimal and small.


that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition

my arms don't get any bigger

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell

bruce lee? or was he part asian, part freak?

SteveO yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally

talksick too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too?

i guess we all have our pros and cons one the great things about being broly is when asian twigs see this 6'2'' monster walking by.. they just stare at me with this look in a way it's a good thing to be the stereotypical small size imaged race

I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions.

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? blacks actually have been shown to have higher natural test levels than most white males.

timberwolf I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions. and a small... aren't you asian?

SteveO and a small... aren't you asian? Yep.

just look at the penis size black >

longest study ever

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? black people tend to have more fast twitch fibres and thinner hips

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk.

bioyuki I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk. how many cals a day

Yeah, but they dont have an extra muscle... do they?

I build strength and muslce easily and have long sexy legs.

I believe that they are somewhat genetically predetermined, but I've seen that it's the easiest to defy genetics during the period where your body grows the most: puberty. If you start lifting around 15-16 and develop good habits and discipline, the results seem like they're easier to obtain since you're training your body while it's still taking shape and before it's fully developed. Plus metabolism is usually better around those years for most people. I could be wrong It just seemed that way to me when I was playing sports.

The more I eat, the better my genetics get. Something along those lines.

Shaolin_sword36 how many cals a day he's a swimmer (and gay ), which gives reason to him being so.....defined.

while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

devilangel while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

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