Friday, January 17, 2014

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

: u still goto gym: with doda PurplePossum: yea: how often u fools go PurplePossum: like 4 times a week usuallyt: coo PurplePossum: you should join a gym mang: yeah: i bleached my hair PurplePossum: thats almost as good as working out: and did red tips

i bleached my hair in the 7th grade, I thought I was the shit.

dmaestro i bleached my hair in the 7th grade, I thought I was the shit.

PurplePossum: i would suggest joining a gym.. seriously PurplePossum: DB's arent gonna get you very far: have u heard of the anabolical steroids? PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: yeah PurplePossum: what about them ?: have u heard anything bad: or good PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: dont use steroids until you're 250 pounds of muscle at 8% body fat PurplePossum: :-)

Ilyusha PurplePossum: i would suggest joining a gym.. seriously PurplePossum: DB's arent gonna get you very far: have u heard of the anabolical steroids? PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: yeah PurplePossum: what about them ?: have u heard anything bad: or good PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: dont use steroids until you're 250 pounds of muscle at 8% body fat PurplePossum: :-) now go beat his ass talking about steroids already

OH LORD : i got like 2% body fat: lol PurplePossum: haha no PurplePossum: youre at like 9-11: u sure PurplePossum: yes PurplePossum: maybe 8-10 PurplePossum: no less: i think its like 2: or 3 at the most PurplePossum: you cant be serious PurplePossum: leon are you fucking serious?: 4 if u wanna OVER exegerate

Ilyusha OH LORD : i got like 2% body fat: lol PurplePossum: haha no PurplePossum: youre at like 9-11: u sure PurplePossum: yes PurplePossum: maybe 8-10 PurplePossum: no less: i think its like 2: or 3 at the most PurplePossum: you cant be serious PurplePossum: leon are you fucking serious?: 4 if u wanna OVER exegerate

no gym for home?

i thought asian thugs were the only ones that bleached their hair.

Atenza6i i thought asian thugs were the only ones that bleached their hair. 21 year old guys stuck in 8th grade do too...

Ilyusha 21 year old guys stuck in 8th grade do too... is he mistaking his bleached hair for penis lesions from having such low body fat?

Atenza6i is he mistaking his bleached hair for penis lesions from having such low body fat? he's one of the dumbest people i know.. seriously. but he's still a friend..

: oh dude i quit stoges: NO more ever ever ever PurplePossum: haha PurplePossum: sure thing leon PurplePossum: quitting is for losers: i havent smoked for a week now PurplePossum: YOU WILL FAIL AHAHAHAHA: i got 100 on it: u will never see my holding a cig agian: ever: weed only on special occasions: alchohol kinda too PurplePossum: alright dude PurplePossum: good lick with all that: what u mean: u think i willfail PurplePossum: yes: im getting a tatoo: soon PurplePossum: you have ADD PurplePossum: werent we just talking about cigs?

: wanna hear a joke: womens rights. PurplePossum: haha PurplePossum: ive got a better one PurplePossum: leon quits smoking. PurplePossum: ahahahahahahaha


Haha. damn. Wow....Thats funny. I like making fun of my friends who don't do any physical activity and want to get big by doing pushups and situps....

My friend today said he bought a book about Creatine and says that all it does it make your muscles look bigger thats the main reason why people buy it I was like wtf

Some guys at the gym today were working out together teaching their newb friend. I heard him say "you gotta go shoulder then bicep shoulder bicep shoulder bicep." I was like "huh?" Then I finished my set and left.

y0gfx Some guys at the gym today were working out together teaching their newb friend. I heard him say "you gotta go shoulder then bicep shoulder bicep shoulder bicep." I was like "huh?" Then I finished my set and left. nice story

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

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