Friday, January 17, 2014

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger?

Blue=Gay Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger? Muscle is torn and replaced.

Ilyusha Muscle is torn and replaced. I know but does weight lifting promote new(more) muscle fibers to grow.

yes new muslce is formed!

there is always muscle there. is there wasnt, you would be a bone with skin on it. It would also be impossible to move your arm.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. Holy fuck..

Ilyusha Holy fuck.. i'll see your and raise you a

Ilyusha Holy fuck.. even Terri Schiavo had muscles.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. I hope you are kidding

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. Yes. There could be a situation where there was absolutely NO muscle in the bicep......

well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have.

Grouch well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have. Which could mean that new muscle fibers are growing.

Ilyusha Which could mean that new muscle fibers are growing. That would go against the whole 'new' part. If that is true.

Blue=Gay Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger? Some fibres may split

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. but is 20 like 30.....

it takes huge loads of stress to cause new muscle fibers to grow, or drugs (gh, slin)

SteveO it takes huge loads of stress to cause new muscle fibers to grow, or drugs (gh, slin) Drugs wont make new muscle fibres grow It is emerging research that under the right load and conditions muscle fibres MAY MAY MAY split, i.e its possible but you wont really see it happen much

Grouch well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have. you don't create new muscle cells.

edd91 Drugs wont make new muscle fibres grow It is emerging research that under the right load and conditions muscle fibres MAY MAY MAY split, i.e its possible but you wont really see it happen much yes, they will

SteveO yes, they will Literature? Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy To begin, I'd like to cover the two main ways for an individual to increase overall muscle size. The first, muscle fiber hypertrophy, refers to the increase in the diameter of the individual muscle cells. The larger the cells, the larger the overall muscle, it's that simple. Muscle fiber hypertrophy = Big muscle fibers. Muscle Fiber Hyperplasia The second, muscle fiber hyperplasia, refers to the splitting of muscle fibers in the interest of creating new fibers. Obviously this would be of interest to anyone pursuing size or strength due to the fact that and if an individual has more fibers, their overall size potential is greater. Therefore when looking at hyperplasia, Muscle fiber hyperplasia + Muscle fiber hypertrophy = Many big muscle fibers. Ahh, the elusive double dose of size! At this point, I know that you're all supercharged to learn how to both make more fibers and to make them bigger, but I'm going to have to put the breaks on and be the bearer of bad news. The problem with hyperplasia is that no one really knows exactly how to promote it. Once we are born, some experts believe, muscle fiber number remains fixed for our lifetime. Therefore under normal circumstances muscle fiber hyperplasia seems nearly impossible. Interestingly, though, experts have begun to speculate that under abnormal circumstances, hyperplasia can contribute to overall muscle growth. For starters, recreational or even moderately intense weight training will probably NOT do it. Unfortunately there has not even been any evidence that very intense weight training will promote hyperplasia. One proposed link to hyperplasia, though is anabolic steroid use. A recent article in the American College of Sports Medicine's Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise found evidence for muscle fiber hyperplasia in anabolic steroid using powerlifters(1). This however, is pretty much the first evidence of a mechanism for hyperplasia in humans. [Editor's note: there is fairly long-standing evidence that hyperplasia does occur in (of all things) weight trained cats.] The bottom line is that unless we are ready to boatload anabolic steroids into our systems, neither you nor I are going to be enjoying the benefits of muscle fiber hyperplasia any time soon. At least not over a period of less than 5-10 years (and even then it would be modest). So what about hypertrophy? Well that, my friends, is a promising reality.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. seriously?

the gist is under nearly all circumstances, muscle fibers get bigger. You do not create more of them.

evi1eddie [color=black] Can you post the references too please

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. April fools?

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

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