Friday, January 17, 2014

Lat cable pull downs: In front or behind neck?

Lat cable pull downs: In front or behind neck?

Which one is better and more isolating of the lats? In front feels a bit more comfortable, kind of the same motion as the pull up

i use both, heavier sets being with fronts and lighter squeezing with the rear

both...... same with pur, usually i can get heavier weights in the front than back

you can use both technically.. for most people, i suggest in front! behind can aggrevate your delts if you dont' do it correctly. you can go heavier in front for that reason.. you are stressing out your shoulders big time when you do back.. so unless you are working on your shoulders, just use front and do other workouts for shoulders.. but of course, doing back would be more challenging. but there is a risk.

Lat cable pull downs: In front or behind neck?

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