Friday, January 17, 2014

bicep pain: help me identify

bicep pain: help me identify

Ok this is the deal. Had pain in right bicep for over a week. I cannot pinpoint a workout or a rest period where I injured it. It kind of just developed. It has hindered all my workouts. I have been trying various stretching and hot/cold patches but it hasnt helped. It hurts only slightly when I do a curl movement. For me to to able to produce the exact pain I need to do this: Hold arm to my side straight down. Rotate palm up facing ceiling Rotate the arm from the wrist back and forth. I get lots of pain and soreness in my bicep. What could I have torn? It even hurts when I pick up a DB and move it to my knee to begin military presses so its getting very annoying. I hope the description of the motition can pinpoint it. Thanks in advance!

See a doctor?

cant afford a doctor? me either i say just rest it, ice it and heat it alot, maybe try massaging it and use it as little as possible. look around on the internet for different types of muscle injuries.

Thanks, the pain is the the extreme lower bicep.

see brachialis? thats where it hurts, extreme lower bicep gonna rest it some more

Could be the tendons at the common extensor origin

tize Sounds like ur jelqing too hard what do YOU know about jelqing?

thanks superbri007 and edd91 for helpful responses

bicep pain: help me identify

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