Showing posts with label Hips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hips. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Initially when starting back at the gym (after a month or 2), I would feel that really nice muscle pain. However after a week or 2 it would go away and never come back again as long as I routinely went to the gym...does this mean I am not working out hard enough? I want to feel that damn pain.

kingrukus does this mean I am not working out hard enough? No.

ok thanks

What Ceaze said :P Soreness after workouts isn't an adequate indicator that you had a good workout. As long as you're progressing- more weight, more reps, etc- you're doing fine.

if i dont workout hard enough i dont get sore, only goes for my chest, lats, quads and butt. i randomly get sore in my arms and shoulders

Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years.

no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

Mike4831 Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years. No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday).

ryazbeck no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

kingrukus No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday). Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. my kidneys *ACK* FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lylemcd I would strongly argue that DOMS is a pretty worthless indicator of muscle damage. Just too much variance there and any researcher who used something so subjective would be doing a pretty bad job of it. Resercher: So, are you sore today? Subject: Yup, my hips feel like I'm a hooker who serviced the fleet last weekend. Researcher (makes mark on clipboard): Yup, he's got that thar muscle damage. Sorry, that's crap. Lyle .

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. Are you serious

Whey protein is dangerous unless taken in VERY small doses.

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How to kick higher?

How to kick higher?

How does someone train their legs to kick much higher? I am assuming just stretching your legs out and practicing kicking would do it?

Thats one way to do it...alot of it has to do with your hips being too tight. For example if you can do the splits you'll have an easier time kicking high. Dynamic stretching helps a bit as well, but relaxed and other kinds of stretching are just as important.

All about the flexibility.

relaxed stretching first, then with tension. do both kinds of splits (side and middle). do stretch up kicks to loosen the hamstrings. practice your kicks about a million times. I dunno if this attatchment will work right, I just came back to the board, but this is me at about 19.

Maestro Nobones relaxed stretching first, then with tension. do both kinds of splits (side and middle). do stretch up kicks to loosen the hamstrings. practice your kicks about a million times. I dunno if this attatchment will work right, I just came back to the board, but this is me at about 19. That is really impressive. If I want to kick higher, should I do those stretches everyday? Or can I overexert them?

I dunno I developed the ability over about a year's time. Your body should tell you how much pushing yourself is OK. Don't let yourself get comfortable until you are at your desired amount of stretch, but let yourself reach that point gradually; don't force it. If you work for it, it'll come.

I have trained in several martial arts for quite sometime and I always found that easiest way to improve your kicking height is simply practice kicks, and stretch. Stretch not only your legs, but also your groin, hips, glutes, and sides of abs. A combination of both intensive stretches and a lot of kicking practice will get you there.

stretching is one thing, flexibility is another. So yeah, you've gotta be pretty flexible.

3 or 7

VinSVT 3 or 7

hes right. posts 3 and 7. practice and flexibility.

Socrates How does someone train their legs to kick much higher? I am assuming just stretching your legs out and practicing kicking would do it? are you in martial arts or sumpin(serious, not trying to be a dick). cuz if you wanna become an all around better fighter, there is a very slim chance that in a real world fight you will get the chance to kick someone in the face if thats what you are after. if you are lifting at the same time that can be deleterious to your flexability goals. ive lost about 20% of my flexability in the last few weeks

incubimmer deleterious ,., ohh, fancy word...i like that one

incubimmer are you in martial arts or sumpin(serious, not trying to be a dick). cuz if you wanna become an all around better fighter, there is a very slim chance that in a real world fight you will get the chance to kick someone in the face if thats what you are after. if you are lifting at the same time that can be deleterious to your flexability goals. ive lost about 20% of my flexability in the last few weeks Yeah, actually. I grew up wrestling with my older brother, then wrestled in high school a bit. Took some boxing lessons at a gym for a few months, but gave it up pretty quick. I joined up with a MMA training gym (Springfield Fight Club) a couple months back and have been into it ever since. Going to jail for fighting directly after turning 17 got old REAL fast, and I have always been pretty addicted to fighting sports. I'm going to work on getting my martial arts belts through the military (easy to do at the Reserve Center here), and was going to continue training at the MMA gym and hopefully get set up with some good fights. A few of the guys travel around and fight, so I think it will be good teaching. The reason I want to get better at kicking now is because my friends set me up fights with guys from other towns or other guys for $50 a fight, and I can't get over the adrenaline rush from the fight. My kicks are weak, and when I kick someone in the head, it usually isn't very powerful. I figure I shouldn't do too much leg weight training.

Leo95SE hes right. posts 3 and 7. practice and flexibility. Dang you seriously knew what was going on there.

As long as you continue to train your flexibility separately, leg weight training is fine, how do you expect to kick hard with weak legs? look at cro cop, he ktfo'd so many people with his tree trunk legs... you gotta weight train, just continue to practice your high kicks too!

Maestro Nobones As long as you continue to train your flexibility separately, leg weight training is fine, how do you expect to kick hard with weak legs? look at cro cop, he ktfo'd so many people with his tree trunk legs... you gotta weight train, just continue to practice your high kicks too! I'll make sure to do that then!

How often/ what kind of stretching do you do? Flexibility isn't set in stone, you can change it. There are shitloads of exercises you can do to increase flexibility, especially for legs...your #1 problem is probably your hips being too tight. How far can you go down into the splits? Being able to do the splits isn't necessary for good kicking but it will make it easier.

I should make a pictoral stretch guide

funny you should mention that

nice links

Leo95SE funny you should mention that the second link is not working for me. only part of it comes up

right click, save link as.

Leo95SE ohh, fancy word...i like that one no one smiley posts (had 2 add ome words in )

Socrates Yeah, actually. I grew up wrestling with my older brother, then wrestled in high school a bit. Took some boxing lessons at a gym for a few months, but gave it up pretty quick. I joined up with a MMA training gym (Springfield Fight Club) a couple months back and have been into it ever since. Going to jail for fighting directly after turning 17 got old REAL fast, and I have always been pretty addicted to fighting sports. I'm going to work on getting my martial arts belts through the military (easy to do at the Reserve Center here), and was going to continue training at the MMA gym and hopefully get set up with some good fights. A few of the guys travel around and fight, so I think it will be good teaching. The reason I want to get better at kicking now is because my friends set me up fights with guys from other towns or other guys for $50 a fight, and I can't get over the adrenaline rush from the fight. My kicks are weak, and when I kick someone in the head, it usually isn't very powerful. I figure I shouldn't do too much leg weight training. that makes more sense, shit i fight for free fairly regularly (not set up in advance tho), wish i could get $50 2 do it

How to kick higher?

Friday, January 17, 2014

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

I just started Bas Rutten's Mixed Martial Arts work out and it is amazing. I want my workouts to be a challenge everytime, and this one is. When watching the instructional DVD it didn't seem like it would kill me as much as it did. I suggest you all check it out,

I've come close to buying many times, I already have a fairly structured workout so maybe when I make some changes. I've heard only great reviews from it

You too huh? I uh "purchased" it myself and it kicks my ass. Even the 2 minute rounds are killing me, and I'm only doing the boxing/thai boxing routines at this point. The all around fighting workout is HARDCORE.

I'm getting seriously tired of your bullshit, cut it out or I will definitely fuck you up.

I get to have a 2 time iranian pancrase champion /former olympic wrestler yell at me during conditioning- at least in the rutten tapes you can cheat and take a rest

they make you do pretty hard stuff for martial arts. this week just to warm up it was holding a med ball over your head and then hopping in a squat about 60ft. everyone was dead by 30ft and we've done this lots of times before

cavefish I'm getting seriously tired of your bullshit, cut it out or I will definitely fuck you up. thats great

Aluyminyum they make you do pretty hard stuff for martial arts. this week just to warm up it was holding a med ball over your head and then hopping in a squat about 60ft. everyone was dead by 30ft and we've done this lots of times before todays training: warm up/stretch/etc. 14 rounds- 3 minutes each, 15 seconds in between Rounds 1-2 = shadow boxing Rounds 3-6 = bag work Rounds 7-10 = pad work Round 11 = sprints w/stepping Round 12 = sprints w/shuffleing Round 13 = jump rope w/knee ups Round 14 = Jump rope w/single leg (5 on each leg) Then 45 minute non-stop "road work" consisting of: Jogging, reverse jogging, sprinting, shuffle in/outward, sidestep in/outward, bear crawls, crab walks, toe ins, toe outs, hops (feet together), zig-zag inward/outward all around the room, never stopping - clockwise then counter clockwise... then jog to the center and 15 more minutes of: Front/back, side to side, switch hips, quick steps, dive bombers, mountain climbers, hops (in place). My legs hurt

cavefish You too huh? I uh "purchased" it myself E. link?

joy division todays training: My legs hurt you should start a training log

velamint you should start a training log Kind of impossible to recreate it in a thread on account of our trainer tells us when to do things, its always timed...also alot of the lifts/movements require proper form that you don't want to attempt without being shown but... for example the strength training day is all oly lifts with special weights (one handed); snatch/press/cleans/etc. etc....then there are things like slaloms and turkish getups which have multiple steps to them and are really hard to explain.

I wish there was an mma gym around here...although when I'm not injured any more I'd like to start taking bjj and boxing

yeah I've never seen any place that was so serious about conditioning. Classes are at least 3 hours long, 3 times a week. It takes lots of dedication

joy division Damn! That's a pretty serious routine. How long have you been training? I'm just now making the switch from boxing to MMA.

thats intense. 3 hours, you better be sore!

illmatix Damn! That's a pretty serious routine. How long have you been training? I'm just now making the switch from boxing to MMA. I trained for over a year at the same place back in 2003-2004. I just started up again in january of this year after taking time off for school/work/personal deals. Yeah soreness pretty much rocks me if I don't get proper sleep and nutrition- the trainer makes us go to a nutrition class and we have to set up our own diet. Right now I'm eating ~380g carbs, ~230g protein and ~67g fats.

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

Monday, January 13, 2014

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

The muscles most dominant for a powerful punch are your delts correct? anyone know any good exercises that would strengthen these muscles to throw devastating jabs? any boxers in here? thanks

superbri007 its mostly pecs. you sure? any second opinions?

superbri007 do chest exercises that are explosive in nature. try some cable work one hand at a time throwing punches. Or, have someone hold a exercise band behind you while your gripping it and throw punches with resistance. You can be creative and make up your own shit. what about shadow boxing with 10-20lb weights? or is that just stupid?

Maybe plyometric pushups? I found single arm pushups tended to improve my jabs.... Where in Toronto do you box?

i want to take a boxing class next year, but its 2 hours a day for only one credit

the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over.

brolli the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over. Still, I'm guessing he's asking aside from that....

hip and leg drive.

Grouch hip and leg drive. to big bird

a boxer once told me back is the most important...

how about we just say everything.

Grouch how about we just say everything. yeah. I guess if you work your ass off in the gym and boxing gym, you would become a hard puncher.


bag work. you learn better technique on it, plus it gets you used to punching something hard

The power generated is a series of movements relying on your core. Develop a better one, train hard.

Kickbacks are the most important in developing a powerful punch.

curls! Punch stuff. Keep good form and uhhh.... I remember hearing somewhere before that Bruce Lee didn't want a bigger chest because it slowed down his punches. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Can anyone elaborate on that?

bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power.

Grouch how about we just say everything. fucking for a hard punch, you need total body strength, punching requires alot, but the best way to get a better punch is to hit the punching bag

timberwolf Where in Toronto do you box? i don't actually box, yet at least. although i want to try some lessons this summer and thought it'd be a good idea to check to make sure i'm not missing anything. thanks for all the tips and help guys. i appreciate it. i'm asking for my own curiousity mostly, and because there's a good chance i will be forced into a fight or two over the next couple weeks. I know who they'll be against and really doubt i'd ever lose them. But better safe than sorry. So bottom line just overall strength, especially core, and explosive workouts?

The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62

Ceaze The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62 i was just gonna tell him to squat, but i think your answer was better.

joy division bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power. work on powerfull crosses and hooks.... all in the hips!!

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

link me to a guideline for perfect deadlift form

link me to a guideline for perfect deadlift form

I think I'm doing it right.....?

i wanna know too. im sure i have shit form.

intro to powerlifting.wmv

cunninglinguist intro to powerlifting.wmv thats a damn good vid and read the damn archives noobasaurs

d'oh I forgot to check the archives. I will now go slam my fingers in a car door a few times in punishment.

cunninglinguist intro to powerlifting.wmv link to said vid

giblit That is a highly conservative DL. Most PLers do not get their hips that low.

giblit this site was the original form I was following.

ACURA TL-S That is a highly conservative DL. Most PLers do not get their hips that low. this guy works out at my gym, hes a PLr but he looks really bad ass, real lean. anyways we were questioning DL form and we asked him and he was like, well i do mine like this, he steps up, traditional and put his hips lower than the dude on exrx, his back was almost perendicular with the ground, and threw up like 5 reps of 315 like nothing. no warm up or anything, he said he hardly does DLs anymore either.

then I doubt he's a PLer

ryazbeck this guy works out at my gym, hes a PLr but he looks really bad ass, real lean. anyways we were questioning DL form and we asked him and he was like, well i do mine like this, he steps up, traditional and put his hips lower than the dude on exrx, his back was almost perendicular with the ground, and threw up like 5 reps of 315 like nothing. no warm up or anything, he said he hardly does DLs anymore either. I was like then I read 315 and I was like . Most PLers I have seen almost SL the lift.

ryazbeck this guy works out at my gym, hes a PLr but he looks really bad ass, real lean. anyways we were questioning DL form and we asked him and he was like, well i do mine like this, he steps up, traditional and put his hips lower than the dude on exrx, his back was almost perendicular with the ground, and threw up like 5 reps of 315 like nothing. no warm up or anything, he said he hardly does DLs anymore either. I can do that... not really impressive...

christophers um.. 315 is not a high weight.. i can do 315 with 1 hand jennifer maile deadlifts 405 @ 103 lb's @ 16 years old.. hips too low = wasted energy I am going to try 315 with one hand for shits and giggles on my next DL day. I don't know if my panzy grip will hold.

ACURA TL-S I am going to try 315 with one hand for shits and giggles on my next DL day. I don't know if my panzy grip will hold. i may try this one monday... ME 1 hand DL

link me to a guideline for perfect deadlift form

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

In terms of muscle formation, ease of building it, etc. For example, if you notice, a lot of Asian people have massive calves. I don't lift my calves at all but they're still pretty big and defined. My arms and chest on the other hand I work at but gains are very minimal and small.


that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition

my arms don't get any bigger

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell

bruce lee? or was he part asian, part freak?

SteveO yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally

talksick too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too?

i guess we all have our pros and cons one the great things about being broly is when asian twigs see this 6'2'' monster walking by.. they just stare at me with this look in a way it's a good thing to be the stereotypical small size imaged race

I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions.

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? blacks actually have been shown to have higher natural test levels than most white males.

timberwolf I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions. and a small... aren't you asian?

SteveO and a small... aren't you asian? Yep.

just look at the penis size black >

longest study ever

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? black people tend to have more fast twitch fibres and thinner hips

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk.

bioyuki I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk. how many cals a day

Yeah, but they dont have an extra muscle... do they?

I build strength and muslce easily and have long sexy legs.

I believe that they are somewhat genetically predetermined, but I've seen that it's the easiest to defy genetics during the period where your body grows the most: puberty. If you start lifting around 15-16 and develop good habits and discipline, the results seem like they're easier to obtain since you're training your body while it's still taking shape and before it's fully developed. Plus metabolism is usually better around those years for most people. I could be wrong It just seemed that way to me when I was playing sports.

The more I eat, the better my genetics get. Something along those lines.

Shaolin_sword36 how many cals a day he's a swimmer (and gay ), which gives reason to him being so.....defined.

while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

devilangel while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

Week 11, how time has flown for me! Jan 17: ....................April 6 Height: 5'8"..................5'8" Weight: 180................ 161 Bust: 36 ......................34 Waist: 38.5...................31 Hips: 42.5.....................37 Thighs: 25R 24L .....19.25R 19L Biceps: 14R 14L .........10.25R 10.25L Comparison Pics:Start Vs Today: Week 1 Vs Today:

before anyone mentions it: yes, I'm aware that my new suits bottoms are a wee bit too small, I am looking forward to shrinking into them as the next month or two progresses.

absolutely great job

YEAH!!!! GO POGO!! that's awesome. I'm so happy for you. How many pants sizes have you gone down losing 7.5 inches off of the waist and 5.5 off of the hips?

Lookin' good! Keep it up!

nic379 YEAH!!!! GO POGO!! that's awesome. I'm so happy for you. How many pants sizes have you gone down losing 7.5 inches off of the waist and 5.5 off of the hips? I was wearing a size 16 and they were TIGHT... I've shrunken down to a 10/12 that is comfy.

~*Pogovina*~ I was wearing a size 16 and they were TIGHT... I've shrunken down to a 10/12 that is comfy. that's awesome!!!!!!!!

those arms are only going to get bigger... sven and i are gonna pump them up (german accent)

Dragon absolutely great job thanks

Socrates Lookin' good! Keep it up! thanks

wow great progress

nic379 that's awesome!!!!!!!! cheaper too!

liptonme those arms are only going to get bigger... sven and i are gonna pump them up (german accent) bahahahah!! I'm gonna get man arms if I keep this genetic freak shit up

nice progress, very noticable difference. Keep up the good work.

momoarrowz wow great progress thanks! it has completely sucked sometimes but is sooo worth it when I get to compare pics and numbers

holy crap. the 2nd comparison is phenomenal. i know you're a lady and all, but thats still inspiring for me. awesome job. the amazing part is, you've been working out and gaining muscle too. btw, i like your new hair better too.

D-GUy nice progress, very noticable difference. Keep up the good work. I've been slowing down as I go but am toning up noticably under the ever-thinning layer of fat.

Nice progress.

Atenza6i holy crap. the 2nd comparison is phenomenal. i know you're a lady and all, but thats still inspiring for me. awesome job. the amazing part is, you've been working out and gaining muscle too. btw, i like your new hair better too. it's kinda fun proving to the beefcakes here that people are capable of cutting and gaining muscle mass at the same time and uhh... thanks. I'm letting the front grow out, I just have it in a ponytail today :lazy:

cASe SenSiTive Nice progress. thanks

~*Pogovina*~ I've been slowing down as I go but am toning up noticably under the ever-thinning layer of fat. as long you keep seeing progress

Great Job Pogo. Keep it up. Progress will slow down but as long as you keep at it things will come.

Great job!

damn, girl! I can't believe you were a 38 great progress!!

Wow, your waistline has visibly decreased. You can tell just by looking. And your tummy as basically all gone. Looking good girl.

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

so I started christophers routine...

so I started christophers routine...

Hey what's up guys, Been a long time lurker on the F&N forums...been lifting on/off for the past 4-5 years. When I started out I was 150ish at 6'. Bulked up to about 200 at one point about two years ago, but right now I'm at 180ish. I started christophers routine last night and let me tell you it was INTENSE. Squats, deads, bench, incline really kicked my a$$ and I almost puked when walking out of the gym. Good times! Will try to post some pics soon.

gat damn boyeeeeee

the first week killed me, now doing all 3 in one day is not as big a deal

how long were you in the gym for?

the day after the first routine really burned, but i've jacked up my bench by 50 pounds, my squats by 80 or so, and my dead lift by 50 since that first day (i'd never really done the 3 so i started out with 135 for each.) now it doesn't hurt as much the next day, kinda makes me sad. any reason why? my body adapts to the new weight? i'm doing the same 5x5 routine as christopher's posted.

Probably about an hour or so...I started off kinda light because I didn't want to jump into super heavy...didn't really know what to expect. Squats 95 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 205 x 5 Deads 95 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 225 x 5 Bench 95 x 5 115 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 Incline DB press 35's x 15 40's x 15 45's x 12

I'm also enjoying this program a lot, I"m in my 4th week and have been seeing really good gains.

I'm doing this program as well, its going really well.

Hope to start this on Monday. Did he mention anything about eating? Im trying to lose fat in the belly and am following his sticky thread on fat loss. 5'4, 150lbs.

I have been doing it for about a month and a half going really well so far.

johnson Hope to start this on Monday. Did he mention anything about eating? Im trying to lose fat in the belly and am following his sticky thread on fat loss. 5'4, 150lbs. eat.

where is the routine posted?

chris, I'd really like to know if you have something else to replace squats? my hips just aren't cut for it. I didn't workout today because the pain came back. Deads never seem to bother me, it's something about all that weight on my back. I see myself in the mirror and form looks dead on.

Is this routine in the stickies?

Kozzy McKoz Is this routine in the stickies? no

deznutz where is the routine posted?

vettedude no Then where may I view this routine?

Chris, i am putting my lil bro on this routine he is 18, 6'2 and weighs 135 and needs to GFH, u think it would be k for me to have him do box squats after a few weeks, and maybee switch up the DL's from luiek sumo to SLDL, whatr about GHR's could i get those in there too for him? Monday Squats-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.) Deadlifts-5x5(Do the same) Bench Press-5x5(Do the same) Incline DB Press-2x12-20 Wednesday Light Squats or Lunges-4x8 each leg Good Mornings-3x8-12 Shoulder Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight. Pullups-4xmax Friday Squats-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set. Bent Over Row-5x5 Incline Bench-5x5 Tricep Extensions-2x12-20

vettedude Monday Skittles-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.) Hohos-5x5(Do the same) Steak Press-5x5(Do the same) Incline Pepsi Press-2x12-20 Wednesday Light Pancakes or Waffles-4x8 each leg Good eatings-3x8-12 Donut Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight. Sweet rolls-4xmax Friday Skittles-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set. Bent Over Vomiting-5x5 Incline All you can eat-5x5 Buffet line Extensions-2x12-20

christophers what's wrong with your hips? just pain? sharp pain, radiates to (or possibly coming from?) lower back, and sometimes to groin. I had a long post on it when it occured, and surprise - it came from SQUATS! Put me out for 2 months

Ilyusha :r ofl:

christophers this routine is too hard for ya buddy btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20?

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? maybee 12-20 reps depending on how u feel

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? 12-20 reps

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? between 12 and 20 reps

so I started christophers routine...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

GucciGucci ---------- Bionic suit offers wearers super-strength 11 April 2005 Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition John Boyd A ROBOT suit has been developed that could help older people or those with disabilities to walk or lift heavy objects. Dubbed HAL, or hybrid assistive limb, the latest versions of the suit will be unveiled this June at the 2005 World Expo in Aichi, Japan, which opened last month. A commercial product is slated for release by the end of the year. HAL is the result of 10 years' work by Yoshiyuki Sankai of the University of Tsukuba in Japan, and integrates mechanics, electronics, bionics and robotics in a new field known as cybernics. The most fully developed prototype, HAL 3, is a motor-driven metal "exoskeleton" that you strap onto your legs to power-assist leg movements. A backpack holds a computer with a wireless network connection, and the batteries are on a belt. Two control systems interact to help the wearer stand, walk and climb stairs. A "bio-cybernic" system uses bioelectric sensors attached to the skin on the legs to monitor signals transmitted from the brain to the muscles. It can do this because when someone intends to stand or walk, the nerve signal to the muscles generates a detectable electric current on the skin's surface. These currents are picked up by the sensors and sent to the computer, which translates the nerve signals into signals of its own for controlling electric motors at the hips and knees of the exoskeleton. It takes a fraction of a second for the motors to respond accordingly, and in fact they respond fractionally faster to the original signal from the brain than the wearer's muscles do. While the bio-cybernic system moves individual elements of the exoskeleton, a second system provides autonomous robotic control of the motors to coordinate these movements and make a task easier overall, helping someone to walk, for instance. The system activates itself automatically once the user starts to move. The first time they walk, its sensors record posture and pattern of motion, and this information is stored in an onboard database for later use. When the user walks again, sensors alert the computer, which recognises the movement and regenerates the stored pattern to provide power-assisted movement. The actions of both systems can be calibrated according to a particular user's needs, for instance to give extra assistance to a weaker limb. The HAL 4 and HAL 5 prototypes, which will also be demonstrated at Expo 2005, don't just help a person to walk. They have an upper part to assist the arms, and will help a person lift up to 40 kilograms more than they can manage unaided. The new HALs will also eliminate the need for a backpack. Instead, the computer and wireless connection have been shrunk to fit in a pouch attached to the suit's belt. HAL 5 also has smaller motor housings, making the suit much less bulky around the hips and knees. HAL 3 weighs 22 kilograms, but the help it gives the user is more than enough to compensate for this. "It's like riding on a robot, rather than wearing one," says Sankai. He adds that HAL 4 will weigh 17 kilograms, and he hopes HAL 5 may be lighter still. Sankai has had many requests for the devices from people with brain and spinal injuries, so he is planning to extend the suit's applications to include medical rehabilitation. The first commercial suits are likely to cost between 1.5 and 2 million yen ($14,000 to $19,000). Why bust your ass to get strong when you can just put on a robot suit. Weight lifting will go the way of swording fighting (fencing) or horse riding (equestrian)... for a bunch of weirdos no one cares about. Discuss

the reason we will continue to lift weights is presented clearly in that picture. No one wants to look super scrawny like that kid..

Some people lift for asthetics as well.

spazntwich "Hay baby check out my 10" bionic penis, LOL"

Believe it or not, some people lift for their own health, which a Bionic suit won't help.

If I wanted to get maintain/improve my health, lifting weights would be at the bottom of that list. I'd spend all week running, cycling, and shuttling.... Which incidentally, is how I wound up being 120 in the first place

Looks comfortable.

that'll go great with the lazy sex chair

spazntwich Am I the only one who's not surprised at all the guy wearing the damn thing in the picture is Asian? I was thinkin the same thing

Am I the only one creeped out by the fact that they named this thing HAL?

Robotic limbs are still legal at PL meets, right?

@ this thread

spazntwich Am I the only one who's not surprised at all the guy wearing the damn thing in the picture is Asian? did you even read the article? It was developed in Japan

Can anyone say siezure + ripped off legs? Wireless network on a computer controlling people's movements? I smell puppetmasters.

wouldn't it be hilarious if it ran out of battery and he was too weak to get out of it?

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

proper form for legpress & squats

proper form for legpress & squats

what i've been taught: Squats:-slightly larger stance than shoulder width -let your knees go in the same direction as your toes -keep your toes pointed out a little bit less than 45 degrees -shoulders should be aligned with heels -keep core tight -chest & chin should be up -push with heels -when you go down, knees shouldn't go over your toes, or just a tiny bit, and thighs should be parallel to floor or a little below if you do ass2grass Legpress:-shoulder width apart -push with heels -hips in back of seat all the way please correct me if i'm wrong, i think i might be doing squats wrong and i was never too sure on legpress.... thanks


proper form for legpress & squats

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

I'm currently in a brazilian jiu jitsu class, and we meet Tues-Thurs-Sun and go for 2-3 hours (stop and go learning on Tue/Thurs, and all out free grappling on Sunday). I'm trying to lose weight and gain/keep muscle, so will everything I have listed be good for that? I'm 6'2" and fluctuate around 253-255 lbs. I've been eating better and after this spring semester lets out i'll be lifting and riding a bike around the neighborhood. CLA 180 Softgels/800 mg $16.99 Yohimbe 1111 50 Capsules/1.111 grams $11.00 Muscle Milk 2.48 lb Chocolate $23.99 Vitamin C w/ Rose Hips 250 Tablets/1000 mg $8.00

get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111

Ceaze get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111 Thanks for the reply. Anything else I should add to this? Currently i'm just taking a multivitamin and fish oil I bought locally. I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl?

dingo I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl? that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil

Ceaze that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil Ahh... hrm, according to this review, it states on the label not to be used by females, but, that's also going by somone who could have potentially read it wrong? None the less thanks again. I'll be placing an order this weekend

I went through 2 bottles of sesathin, and I wasn't sure how good the results were. My sex drive was down too.

Why does it matter if you women can't take it anyways (they can). Are you a 6'2 230+ girl? I wouldn't take yohimbine until later to try to get of stubborn fat anyways. Proper dosing is harder, and you won't feel the effects as much as an EC stack. I heard great things about Lean Xtreme. It all boils down to your diet though, basically.

superbri007 Go with some ON 100% Whey Actually on my list of things to buy, I did change to that, simply because it's 155 servings. I *can* use the whey as a meal supplement right? Is this a bad diet: 7am: Whey drink 9am: Apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 11am: lunch time (I try to eat clean here, doesn't always work), can I substitute this for a whey drink as well? 3pm: Another apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 5-6pm: Dinner typically consisiting of baked pork chops, baked chicken, brown rice, diet drinks, anything along these lines 10pm (or right before bed): Whey drink

a slower digesting protein blend would be better

I wouldn't go with muscle milk. it's like 350 cals

It may not be good for females (ie. people who can get pregnant while taking it), but that doesn't mean they can't take it.

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Anyone ever pull quads on the decline bench?

Anyone ever pull quads on the decline bench?

Many a time I was pretty close to pulling something

i've almost pulled a hammy on regular bench. when i try to use "leg drive" i probably do it wrong. when that happens i go back to flat foot

I've had my hips cramp while flat benching.

christophers or you never stretch/your flexibility sucks check.. and check. point taken

Anyone ever pull quads on the decline bench?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

...discuss. I'm more curious how everyone feels about it for us tall lanky lifters. And please, if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and can't back up what you say with more than just meathead evidence, then don't post.

i've always heard dont let the knees go more than about 1" beyond your toes. it works for me

Was kind of funny that article was on t-nation just as this thread is made. Good article though.

christophers, can I please get a link to that article? This post is an attempt to get an annoying "phys-ed major" (no I'm not joking, he went to college to be a gym teacher) that I went to high school with off my back. He just started going to my gym, and feels the need to critique my every move. I want to arrive on leg day this Thursday with some paperwork in case he intends to critique my squat, even though he admitted to me this morning while leg pressing that he hasn't worked legs in over a year.

great great writeup. after yrs of squatting bb style, ive decided to try pl style, ala legs out. wow. i have to give credit to pls. they are more flexible than you would assume. there is no way my hips thought they were meant to move that way! lol form, and proper lower back and hip development are important though, hence the reason for the suppl excercises like pull throughs or ghrs to help aid in this motion.

D-GUy Was kind of funny that article was on t-nation just as this thread is made. Good article though. Ah, nevermind. I did go there and ran a search, but it's broken and I didn't even check the new articles. Thanks!

Good work Christophers -- very informative.


i'm gay :kieke:

they go slightly beyond if your squatting properly, theres no real way otherwise. But too far is bad but you will know it if you do anyway. Try and squat where you feel the most comfortable, width, stance, etc. I tend to squat narrow and lean back and sit with weight more. Arch my back alittle, place the bar low on my traps, and on the way up i tend to thurst my hips forward to get the squeeze. I have tried all sorts of stances and this is what i like the best. Plus it caused the most growth for me. Also powerlifting style tends to widen the waist more and fatten the ass as well. This isnt a study though, just what i have learned for myself over the years

I think as you train the hammies you will be less like B when trying to keep your knees back. I know when I first started squating I would have to focus on not falling backwards when keeping my knees back, but now it is second nature. Although like everyone else said, I still move them a little in front of the toes.

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Glutes (buttock) The Best Exercise for Women

Glutes (buttock) The Best Exercise for Women

Glutes (buttock) The Best Exercise for Women

The best exercise for men and women the glutes is the hip thrusts or hip bridging. Most of us have "gluteal amnesia," where the glutes do not turn on. This one is tricky to do without activating the hamstrings. Lie flat on your back with your palms down and arms out to the side on the floor. Keep your natural lordotic curve in the spine. Brace or stiffen the core. Squeeze your gluteal fold as if there is a coin between your butt cheeks. Externally rotate your knees. Raise your toes off of the ground to get rid of the dominant hamstrings if they are activated - else you can keep them flat. You can also palpate the quadriceps (have a friend do it for you) and have the hamstrings relaxed. Your friend can touch them to see if they're switched off - they'll wiggle if they are off and become stiff if they're turned on. Next, you rise from the hips and hold for a 10 count and repeat. When you get more advanced you can go off of one leg - but that takes weeks of conditioning.

Stretching the hip flexors:

  • You can do a psoas stretch and palpate the psoas to feel it activate. You stand in a staggered stance and opposite of lead leg - that arm is up and back. The arm closest to lead leg reaches over and palpates the psoas. Hard to describe with words - pictures do it justice.
  • Another stretch for the hip flexors is going down on one knee and having the opposite arm to lead leg lift upwards and stretch out the psoas. This targets the psoas from the iliacus during hip flexor stretching. Hip extensor patterns are simultaneously trained on the opposite side of the body. You can also perform this exercise in walking steps - or walking lunges. But keep that opposite hand held up high

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