Showing posts with label reality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reality. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

50 cents was working out at my gym...

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Had these two bodygaurds lingering around at all times. He looks in pretty good shape though he had this large shirt on. Works harder than Wahlberg did that's for sure. Goes by 70 cents here in Canada.

Pfft.. 50 Cents... more like a wooden nickel...

dude is one big guy..

J-Unit dude is one big guy.. I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so...

Did you ask him if hes done with those 50's?

timberwolf I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so... how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits

Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese?

isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

gsteclipse97 how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits Possibly 6 feet tall. I never stood close to him. No idea how his legs look but I would think 190-200 at most. Of course Wahlberg said he weighed 190 at 5'7" and 50 cents does look bigger.

Socrates Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese? Just hanging around. These 2 bald white guys.

nic379 isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

how was his form? i always wonder if celebrities really know what they're doing

what was his routine like? was he westsiding, or should I say, east coasting it?

Didn't pay attention too much. Just saw him doing inclines... on the smith machine!

How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey.

He has been shot numerous times, I wonder if he keeps his shirt on so nobody will see his bullet scars? (Assuming they edit them out on professional pictures)

Ggggg - Unitttttttttt

trancezj How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey. I used to think about that actually. I mean knocking out a celebrity. Since I like living I'll pass on 50 cent and wait for the next one. Might land me a roll like the guy who punched out Van Damme or better yet, a reality show. Of course being on OT this much doesn't make for exciting reality tv.

<--- man boobies?soliddd

i need a necklace like that

yeah he's a gansta all right

ChosenGSR i need a necklace like that Wouldn't need to do shrugs then.

J-Unit dude is one big guy..

neegros with tats is like camo... they look more camofauge(sp?) then they do from the factory.

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger?

Blue=Gay Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger? Muscle is torn and replaced.

Ilyusha Muscle is torn and replaced. I know but does weight lifting promote new(more) muscle fibers to grow.

yes new muslce is formed!

there is always muscle there. is there wasnt, you would be a bone with skin on it. It would also be impossible to move your arm.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. Holy fuck..

Ilyusha Holy fuck.. i'll see your and raise you a

Ilyusha Holy fuck.. even Terri Schiavo had muscles.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. I hope you are kidding

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. Yes. There could be a situation where there was absolutely NO muscle in the bicep......

well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have.

Grouch well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have. Which could mean that new muscle fibers are growing.

Ilyusha Which could mean that new muscle fibers are growing. That would go against the whole 'new' part. If that is true.

Blue=Gay Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger? Some fibres may split

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. but is 20 like 30.....

it takes huge loads of stress to cause new muscle fibers to grow, or drugs (gh, slin)

SteveO it takes huge loads of stress to cause new muscle fibers to grow, or drugs (gh, slin) Drugs wont make new muscle fibres grow It is emerging research that under the right load and conditions muscle fibres MAY MAY MAY split, i.e its possible but you wont really see it happen much

Grouch well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have. you don't create new muscle cells.

edd91 Drugs wont make new muscle fibres grow It is emerging research that under the right load and conditions muscle fibres MAY MAY MAY split, i.e its possible but you wont really see it happen much yes, they will

SteveO yes, they will Literature? Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy To begin, I'd like to cover the two main ways for an individual to increase overall muscle size. The first, muscle fiber hypertrophy, refers to the increase in the diameter of the individual muscle cells. The larger the cells, the larger the overall muscle, it's that simple. Muscle fiber hypertrophy = Big muscle fibers. Muscle Fiber Hyperplasia The second, muscle fiber hyperplasia, refers to the splitting of muscle fibers in the interest of creating new fibers. Obviously this would be of interest to anyone pursuing size or strength due to the fact that and if an individual has more fibers, their overall size potential is greater. Therefore when looking at hyperplasia, Muscle fiber hyperplasia + Muscle fiber hypertrophy = Many big muscle fibers. Ahh, the elusive double dose of size! At this point, I know that you're all supercharged to learn how to both make more fibers and to make them bigger, but I'm going to have to put the breaks on and be the bearer of bad news. The problem with hyperplasia is that no one really knows exactly how to promote it. Once we are born, some experts believe, muscle fiber number remains fixed for our lifetime. Therefore under normal circumstances muscle fiber hyperplasia seems nearly impossible. Interestingly, though, experts have begun to speculate that under abnormal circumstances, hyperplasia can contribute to overall muscle growth. For starters, recreational or even moderately intense weight training will probably NOT do it. Unfortunately there has not even been any evidence that very intense weight training will promote hyperplasia. One proposed link to hyperplasia, though is anabolic steroid use. A recent article in the American College of Sports Medicine's Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise found evidence for muscle fiber hyperplasia in anabolic steroid using powerlifters(1). This however, is pretty much the first evidence of a mechanism for hyperplasia in humans. [Editor's note: there is fairly long-standing evidence that hyperplasia does occur in (of all things) weight trained cats.] The bottom line is that unless we are ready to boatload anabolic steroids into our systems, neither you nor I are going to be enjoying the benefits of muscle fiber hyperplasia any time soon. At least not over a period of less than 5-10 years (and even then it would be modest). So what about hypertrophy? Well that, my friends, is a promising reality.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. seriously?

the gist is under nearly all circumstances, muscle fibers get bigger. You do not create more of them.

evi1eddie [color=black] Can you post the references too please

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. April fools?

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Ultimate Fighter

The Ultimate Fighter

The UFC's first "reality" TV series starts tonight on Spike TV at 11pm. If you are at all interested in martial arts it'll probably be worth a watch. 11pm EST, as in... 20 minutes from now.

flippin over right after family guy

I'm going to be missing it because of gymtime. I guess I'll check back here for a review.

Got the DVR set!

12 more minutes

haarago Got the DVR set! Upload to internet?

few more min to go

no cable

MikeTheVike1 no cable

watching it now

It's on now

at that drunk tard pissing over the guy's bed and pillow

a bit boring to watch but damn id love the experience... anyone wanna train???

I always enjoy watching people train in anything. Makes me wanna go work out the next day fired up and ready to go.

man to bad i quit martial arts in 1st grade could ahve been like these guys lol

For being ufc guys/coaches, I'm surprised at how nice and supportive they are in the training. Granted it's the first day, but I for some reason would've thought these guys to be a little more tough on these guys. Also, cauliflower ear sucks...

superbri007 that red headed fuck is a tool, i hope he's the first to go He finished the sick treadmill routine they had set up. 5mph@5mins 6mph@6mins 7mph@7mins 8mph@8mins 9mph@9mins 10mph@10mins it was something like that?

superbri007 yeah, and no one else did, so props to him for that. Maybe he's not all talk. it was 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each btw ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes.

superbri007 its easier to run 3.5 just strait-up instead of that pyramid conditioning shit they had them doing but, that was the point, to see who could do it, and who could not. are you sure it was the 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each? think about it man, i know i can do that and im hardley in ultimate fighter shape, it had to be what the first guy posted with the time intervals increasing along with the pace if it was actually hard enough where only one guy finished it.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. ................. those motherfuckers were sprinting near the end, and it was nonstop

it 5 for 5 minutes 6 for 6 minutes 7 for 7 minutes and so on not 5 minutes for each

btw the ear is cauliflower ear...comes from grappling.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. While curcuit training boxing, grappling, and muay thai... it is nothing to sneeze at.

superbri007 they had 2 treadmills goin for 16 guys. for 30 mins each, which is a total of 4 hours...that gym session was only like 3 hours +/- They also had a buncha guys quit. Only one went for 30 minutes.

That drunk asshole is probably gonna win the whole thing (middleweight), but his best compitition is the yoga guy. They are both accomplished MMA fighters. Their Muay Thai coach is a BADASS coach from the Fairtex gym. Their grappling coach is also a stud. REPLAYS are on Friday, 12:00 AM, Saturday, 7:00 PM, and Sunday, 5:00 PM.

The Ultimate Fighter

Monday, December 23, 2013

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

I always do this, started cutting again today seriously after 2 weeks of cheating, started the day off right, 2 eggs +1 white and 1 cup of oats, then a tuna wrap and then a 55g protein shake and a burger patty w/o bun, then... I just went off and in the last 2 hours I've eaten 2 Cinnebon cinamon buns, a frosted chocolate cupcake (very big), 3 oreos, a piece of banana bread and some other crap.... anyone else have a LOT of trouble sticking to a clean diet?

You need to learn self control say to yourself 'Will i fell good about this an hour from now?' Remember food is fuel not fun.

Really fucking weaksauce.

There's this vending machine at my work that has these Skippy Peanutbutter Snackbars. They're like pure peanut butter with rice krispies on the inside. Absolutely delicious. In front of me was my plain chicken berast-on-cardboard sandwich, some cottage cheese, a yogurt, and some reheated brown rice. I ate all my food just fine, but I was still a *little* bit hungry. You have no idea how hard it was for me to sit in front of that fucking vending machine and not get a peanut butter bar. In reality, that bar isn't too bad for my diet. But alas, I made a commitment to eat nothing but healthy, clean foods. You just have to look at what you're doing. Eating all that not-so-great tasting foods just so you can better your health. So, why go through all the trouble eating all that healthy shit if you're just going to waste any profit gained from eating healthy by binging on a bunch of junk food. It's all about self-control. Learn it.


You can't even make it one day? Jesus. I won't tell you how many calories are in those cinnabon things...but let's just say you really, really have to cut that shit out. Have you tried starting small (very little sugar, diet sodas only, no candy, chips, etc) instead of diving straight into an egg white and oats diet? Baby steps...sounds like you need to ween yourself off of the trash.

Wow you really suck at dieting

Alt+F4 You can't even make it one day? Jesus. I won't tell you how many calories are in those cinnabon things...but let's just say you really, really have to cut that shit out. Have you tried starting small (very little sugar, diet sodas only, no candy, chips, etc) instead of diving straight into an egg white and oats diet? Baby steps...sounds like you need to ween yourself off of the trash. I think it would be more helpful to him if we told him. Cinnomin roll x 2: 1480 calories Oreo x 3: 160 calories Banana Bread x 1: 185 calories Large frosted cupcake x1: ~150 calories (or more) So that little binge costed you more than 2000 calories because you probably didn't list everything you ate. You need to seriously reevaluate why you're doing this and how important it is to you. If you're trying to lose weight, 2000 calories is probably all you should eat/drink (of clean foods) throughout an entire day. So fix your diet before you come here looking for sympathy.

i just ate half a pizza =(

You have no self controll, you can eat that shit, just not that much... My cutting diet today BOB mcdonalds

vettedude You have no self controll, you can eat that shit, just not that much... My cutting diet today BOB mcdonalds this coming from someone at what weight and body fat? You simply don't eat that shit when you're cutting. Useless calories, and see the post on 'Insulin', you might learn something.

SteveO this coming from someone at what weight and body fat? You simply don't eat that shit when you're cutting. Useless calories, and see the post on 'Insulin', you might learn something. well, i am still loosing weight eating whatever the fuck i want, until this stops, i will continue to do it.

I wish I could get good results fucking around and eating whatever. When I put time and effort in something I want good results fast, so I try not to cheat. I value my time too much. i'd rather spend more time eating and getting stronger than feeling lethargic cutting.

seriously you suck at dedication and fitness

I find it easy to eat clean. I've been eating almost the same stuff everyday and I'm not getting bored at all. If I do have a cheat day I'm going to work it off to limit its effects

Soularis I find it easy to eat clean. I've been eating almost the same stuff everyday and I'm not getting bored at all. If I do have a cheat day I'm going to work it off to limit its effects I just love eating a ton of food. My cheat day is eating a ton of clean food. fuck variety!

I don't think cutting is that bad if you eat the right things. I don't really get that hungry even when I was cutting since I was still eating like 6x a day. You just have no motivation and a weak sense of self control.

D-GUy I don't think cutting is that bad if you eat the right things. I don't really get that hungry even when I was cutting since I was still eating like 6x a day. You just have no motivation and a weak sense of self control. whats your body fat and are you taking any supplements? I think about food a lot more nowadays then I used too.

QBoost Controllers I always do this, started cutting again today seriously after 2 weeks of cheating, started the day off right, 2 eggs +1 white and 1 cup of oats, then a tuna wrap and then a 55g protein shake and a burger patty w/o bun, then... I just went off and in the last 2 hours I've eaten 2 Cinnebon cinamon buns, a frosted chocolate cupcake (very big), 3 oreos, a piece of banana bread and some other crap.... anyone else have a LOT of trouble sticking to a clean diet? well, this is why moderation is so important to most people. i mean, if you are strong enough to stay clean 100% on your diet, then sure, nothing will ever distract you.. but if you are just like the rest of us, you have to slowly change your diet, gradually.. when you cut all the junk dramatically, in your head, you are depriving, and as a consequence, you will binge on junks the very next second comes by... the worse thing is that the more you eat junk, the more you crave them so its just a vicious cycle you go through... instead of thinking you are dieting(restricting), think that you are actually eating better food and enjoying them.. i know it sounds hard, but the first 3-4 days are the hardest.. but i promise that after that, you won't even miss the junk.. it takes about 3-4 days for your body to completely get rid of sugar & junks.. good luck.

AznRyda whats your body fat and are you taking any supplements? I think about food a lot more nowadays then I used too. No clue what my bf%, but my cutting calories was around 1800(11x165). Mainly ate oatmeal, chicken breasts, tuna, wheat bread, veges, and took my whey protein after working out. You just have to get used to eating less, it's all in your head.

D-GUy No clue what my bf%, but my cutting calories was around 1800(11x165). Mainly ate oatmeal, chicken breasts, tuna, wheat bread, veges, and took my whey protein after working out. You just have to get used to eating less, it's all in your head. That's the fucking truth. Just look at that junk food in front of you and ask yourself - am I really hungry? Is this really worth it? Most the time I find myself about to eat some junk food I find that I'm really not hungry at all. It's just a mental thing. I feel like I should always be eating.

xpinchx That's the fucking truth. Just look at that junk food in front of you and ask yourself - am I really hungry? Is this really worth it? Most the time I find myself about to eat some junk food I find that I'm really not hungry at all. It's just a mental thing. I feel like I should always be eating. I think that only works up to a certain point. I think its fairly easy/straightforward going to average body fat levels.

well I at too clean and not enough cals so I lost alot of my bulking gains.

AznRyda I think that only works up to a certain point. I think its fairly easy/straightforward going to average body fat levels. Yeah. My mom jumped on the Atkins bandwagon and she lost something ridiculous like 20 lbs in 3-4 weeks and she looked great. But after that she didn't lose any weight at all so she got discouraged and stopped the diet. She blew back up like a baloon. I wish people would just eat healthy.

I have been cutting for about 12 weeks now and have never had problems like that. Some people call my diet shitty but it's incredibly clean compared to yours. I think you need to practice some self control. without that, you may as well get your stomach stapled, it'd be the only way for you to limit your caloric intake and still eat as much as you want/could.

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

damn dem ngas swole.

the fuck is that from?

One early evening I took my first shot of Testosterone Suspension, at age 23 and 210lbs lean. The next morning I was about 213lbs, and a lot leaner! How the hell is that possible! My muscles were so much harder, and I looked more cut up! I immediately went to the gym and had a fantastic workout. I felt great! Just in one day. This being, because Test Suspension is water based which gets into the system quickly. What the hell happened to me!! That power that I once had, remember, the power that I spent my freaking life and life savings trying to achieve, was ripped from me completely, plus some! I had no strength or vitality left in me at all, and I was only 24 freaking years old! All the damn roid head writers or know it all roid users had no answers for me now! They told me what damn supplements to take and what steroids are the best, but what about when you get sick. What happens when the god damned steroids kill you. What do you take then? None of these bastards have any answers or are willing to help now. In April of 2000 I weighed 163lbs was 5'7, yes two inches shorter, and surprises just kept on coming. Now, not only did I have no strength, couldn't digest food, had pains all over my body, was consumed by depression, had constant thoughts of suicide, and continued to lose weight, but now my skin looked yellow, there were muscle twitches all over my body, and I couldn't sleep more than 2 hours a night! Oh yeah, my hormone levels were basically non-existent. Dumbasses.

superbri007 there is a quote from the bible out of Genesis, its obviously a foundation somewhere in Jesus-land LOL Knock Knock Who's there? Its Jesus on Roids, LOL

superbri007 there is a quote from the bible out of Genesis, its obviously a foundation somewhere in Jesus-land LOL Knock Knock Who's there? Its Jesus on Roids, LOL lol that was funny... that explains all the bad things that happen in the world Jebus has roid rage.. duh.

superbri007 yeah, because if they actually showed actual swole steroid users, people might actually think "hey, i wanna look like that" so they show an anorexic runner, an adolescent soccer player, a weak kid witha bicep pose, and some pre-pubescent A-rod look-alike ...his biceps looks better than mine

GilgaMesH damn dem ngas swole.

superbri007 yeah, because if they actually showed actual swole steroid users, people might actually think "hey, i wanna look like that" so they show an anorexic runner, an adolescent soccer player, a weak kid witha bicep pose, and some pre-pubescent A-rod look-alike those standard plates mean hardcore

what's funny is the guy in the top left should be ashamed to admit to seroid use, but you can see what appears to be a slight case of gyno.

oh snap, that taylor hooton kid went to my old high school. i saw pics and he didn't look any bigger post cycle

the story is his family blames steroids for making him depressed and killing himself. when he was already going to a therapist etc. before he ever touched the shit.

I really hate to hear about young kids killing themselves but in all reality steroids played very little if any role in this. He was a manic depressive kid and would have most likely killed himself soon or later if his parents kept ignoring the truth.

Paintballny I really hate to hear about young kids killing themselves but in all reality steroids played very little if any role in this. He was a manic depressive kid and would have most likely killed himself soon or later if his parents kept ignoring the truth. People just love their scapegoats, though.

Ilyusha whoa, back then they had knee muscles This guy got pretty big

NickStam This guy got pretty big He got huge. Then he says he lost like 60lbs and couldn't workout anymore. He took cyp, primo and deca. What a sad story.

A-rod with a gold club...hmm

Plano West idiots..... I'm glad I went to Jesuit instead of heading to West.

Neo22 He got huge. Then he says he lost like 60lbs and couldn't workout anymore. He took cyp, primo and deca. What a sad story. I don't know much about steriods. Did he use the wrong combinations or did he just have bad reactions.

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

theres 2 'fighters' in the gym and they seem to alternate days of coming in so as to hassle me to the fullest. Scenario 1: me and my friend are on incline bench...after every set i finish, 'fighter' #1 proceeds to walk over and tell me some bullshit i dont care about how he switched jiu jitsu gym from the black dragon school to the gracie school. he then proceeds to bring up 4,000 different submissions he just learned and prefaces every one with 'you're a know know this one right?' and then proceed to say 'here man youre too tall, i cant do it on you...get on your knees so i can do it' then he proceeds to put me in some dumbass sleeper hold variation nearly knocking me out so i have to tap his arm...he then gets this dumbass shitfaced grin on his face and says 'har har hardy har har pretty good hold eh?' as i think 'yeah man, next time youre in a fight and the guy is over 5' 5" just ask him politely to get on his knees so you can do your flawless submission repetuoire' this goes on between every set causing a 5-7 minute break between every fucking set (Reapeat paragraph Mon-Wed-Fri) Scenario 2: 'fighter' #2 takes a break from his incline situps and throwing punches at the top of every rep to take notice of my 'undefeated wrestler' shirt and waltz on over. meanwhile my friend and i are in the middle of deadlifting. he proceeds to butt in and say 'hey....are you a wrestler' (he obviously is very perceptive and has 40/30 vision or better because it has registered with him that i wear wrestling apparel every day to the gym). he then goes on to tell me about how he trains with a wrestler who was a two time state champ in west virginia where the west virginia state tournament consists of 2 parapolegic mutes with down syndrome. thinking im enthralled to hear this, he then goes on to tell me about every single principle of brazilian jiu jitsu and how i should do it. (meanwhile nearly 5 minutes have elapsed) he then takes an abrupt change in subject matter to the tv show 'the ultimate fighter' 'have you ever seen the ultimate fighter' 'no' (a lie in a futile attempt to stifle conversation...bad idea) 'ohhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, well in that case (insert backround story, physical specs, fighting backround, and undergarmet preference of every single fighter on the ultimate fighter.....then after that he spends 5 more minutes telling me how the show was only supposed to give out 2 contracts at the finale but the fight was just so damn fucking a sweet they DUH DUH DUH gave out 3. (insert me shitting my pants out of suprise). then after that riveting 15 minute long sabbatical from lifting, he proceeds to walk back to the corner and throw some lightning fast jabs and ultra smooth kicks in the mirror (Reapeat paragraph Tues-Thu) note to self: never wear wrestling apparel again or get swamped by the 'everything we wear says "tapout" on it' crew

As an mma practitioner this UFC show has become a blessing on the one hand and the gayest thing on the other... Tons of people are showing up to train, all because of the show. They only last a month or less, they don't realize its seriously hard work. Then there are all the people who just watch the videos and pretend they can do something like it (like backyard wrestling). The exposure is good in terms of making the sport larger...but there are always bad things that come with expansion, like the douchebags you saw.

that's great. I wish i had people like that at my gym. But instead I only have immigrant farm workers children.

You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa.

Jeff Coleman You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa. meh, local shows will be easier to set up and probably more frequent now though.

Lower devisions like IFC, GC, KOTC, SuperBrawl etc. have NO problem getting fighters. So dont expect there to be more shows just because more people want to fight, if they wanted more shows they would contract more fighters.

my friend is the NY state champion in mma or whatever

I understand that the idiots are strong now..but why even cater to them? Tell the little chump to back off, you're lifting and don't have time for him..don't feed his stupid ego trip.

Real fighters wouldnt be focusing half their week in the "gym" Most explosive moves can't be replicated with your typical gym set. I don't think this sudden burst of popularity will last very long, give it a year or so.

superbri007 holdempoker.jpg except poker isn't going anywhere

superbri007 holdempoker.jpg Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah.

b-stevens Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah. i love hold em.. but i dont walk around with chips and cards

jonno i love hold em.. but i dont walk around with chips and cards the other day in class he enlightened me with the "reason" why he always has them on him. He told me that he shakes when he's not playing cards... like it's some kind of physical addiction.

I'm gonna guess that they just train in grappling and aren't really fighters... anyways people who preach about it incessently are gay.

buy your own equipment and lift at home, i did and it was worth it

there was always a good mix when i went 2 the Y, couldnt tell ya now cuz i work out @ my house.

Good think I work out at our school football weight room so I know everyone in there and no random people come in I can also do some lifting at my house

make sure you have plenty of weight on the bench next time he comes over and be like, "wow, i got something new i learned two, here sit down on the bench and i will show you", lift bar up, drop on his chest.

tize he would karate kick sarges face doubtful and most likely you could make sarcastic comments like "ohh is the baby going to tap out?" worst case scenario step on his foot and run.

Jeff Coleman You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa. Yeah now I can go to my local bar/club and there will be even more lightweights to beat the shit out of on fight night!

b-stevens Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah. work on your grip and learn to tear decks of cards in half.

Be like "Black Dragon this, motherf**ker!", and then use your index and middle fingers to gouge out his eyes.

Its pretty stupid to compare sport fighting systems to combat systems. Its like comparing stock cars and formula, they are two different things. Also its the fighter not the system who is ultimately responsible for the outcome of a fight. Anyway, yeah there are a lot more people interested in MMA now that TUF aired but I am happy for it. I'm glad that every third guy is talking about armbars and rnc's, even if they are looking at kimura's and neck cranks. Whatever, until NHB fighters start making the money they deserve, I'm all for the blatant commercialism. If it means that there will be more wannabe's walking around acting like jackasses, so be it, it better than fighting for 500 bucks and having no health insurance.

Grouch that's great. I wish i had people like that at my gym. But instead I only have immigrant farm workers children. Gilroy

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

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