Monday, December 9, 2013

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

damn dem ngas swole.

the fuck is that from?

One early evening I took my first shot of Testosterone Suspension, at age 23 and 210lbs lean. The next morning I was about 213lbs, and a lot leaner! How the hell is that possible! My muscles were so much harder, and I looked more cut up! I immediately went to the gym and had a fantastic workout. I felt great! Just in one day. This being, because Test Suspension is water based which gets into the system quickly. What the hell happened to me!! That power that I once had, remember, the power that I spent my freaking life and life savings trying to achieve, was ripped from me completely, plus some! I had no strength or vitality left in me at all, and I was only 24 freaking years old! All the damn roid head writers or know it all roid users had no answers for me now! They told me what damn supplements to take and what steroids are the best, but what about when you get sick. What happens when the god damned steroids kill you. What do you take then? None of these bastards have any answers or are willing to help now. In April of 2000 I weighed 163lbs was 5'7, yes two inches shorter, and surprises just kept on coming. Now, not only did I have no strength, couldn't digest food, had pains all over my body, was consumed by depression, had constant thoughts of suicide, and continued to lose weight, but now my skin looked yellow, there were muscle twitches all over my body, and I couldn't sleep more than 2 hours a night! Oh yeah, my hormone levels were basically non-existent. Dumbasses.

superbri007 there is a quote from the bible out of Genesis, its obviously a foundation somewhere in Jesus-land LOL Knock Knock Who's there? Its Jesus on Roids, LOL

superbri007 there is a quote from the bible out of Genesis, its obviously a foundation somewhere in Jesus-land LOL Knock Knock Who's there? Its Jesus on Roids, LOL lol that was funny... that explains all the bad things that happen in the world Jebus has roid rage.. duh.

superbri007 yeah, because if they actually showed actual swole steroid users, people might actually think "hey, i wanna look like that" so they show an anorexic runner, an adolescent soccer player, a weak kid witha bicep pose, and some pre-pubescent A-rod look-alike ...his biceps looks better than mine

GilgaMesH damn dem ngas swole.

superbri007 yeah, because if they actually showed actual swole steroid users, people might actually think "hey, i wanna look like that" so they show an anorexic runner, an adolescent soccer player, a weak kid witha bicep pose, and some pre-pubescent A-rod look-alike those standard plates mean hardcore

what's funny is the guy in the top left should be ashamed to admit to seroid use, but you can see what appears to be a slight case of gyno.

oh snap, that taylor hooton kid went to my old high school. i saw pics and he didn't look any bigger post cycle

the story is his family blames steroids for making him depressed and killing himself. when he was already going to a therapist etc. before he ever touched the shit.

I really hate to hear about young kids killing themselves but in all reality steroids played very little if any role in this. He was a manic depressive kid and would have most likely killed himself soon or later if his parents kept ignoring the truth.

Paintballny I really hate to hear about young kids killing themselves but in all reality steroids played very little if any role in this. He was a manic depressive kid and would have most likely killed himself soon or later if his parents kept ignoring the truth. People just love their scapegoats, though.

Ilyusha whoa, back then they had knee muscles This guy got pretty big

NickStam This guy got pretty big He got huge. Then he says he lost like 60lbs and couldn't workout anymore. He took cyp, primo and deca. What a sad story.

A-rod with a gold club...hmm

Plano West idiots..... I'm glad I went to Jesuit instead of heading to West.

Neo22 He got huge. Then he says he lost like 60lbs and couldn't workout anymore. He took cyp, primo and deca. What a sad story. I don't know much about steriods. Did he use the wrong combinations or did he just have bad reactions.

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

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