Monday, December 9, 2013

So I went to a spine physical therapist today...

So I went to a spine physical therapist today...

and she asked what my goals for therapy are. I said, of course, to be able to deadlift again. Her answer? "Why?"

The problem I find, atleast in my course, is that there are a high amount of (asian) people who are just doing the course because its a high-mark entry course, they do well too because they are good ROTE learners, so when they get out in the real world they don't have their own opinions about things like deadlifts because they don't care

christophers i can't wait until i'm in business. i know so many people who want sport oriented ART/chiros. my goal will be to get athletes back in action as soon as possible. no more "why's". What course are you doing?

So I went to a spine physical therapist today...

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