Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Creatine + Clen

Creatine + Clen

During the ECY stack I had no concerns with [testing my rats with] CEE. Now that Ive moved [my rats] on to slightly more potent agents, I would rather not risk dehydration or the other assumed risks in the combo. Is is safe or should I hold out on [feeding my rats] the CEE till after the cycle? ib4flames.

i'm no pro, but dont creatine and clen do opposite things? i thought creatine helped retain water, and clen helped get rid of it?

not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. Ack what a nightmare. 1 gram Clenbuterol was obtained, later it was measured and dissolved into water to make the proper amount ratio per ml. But looky here: Some clenbuterol, what seemed to be very little stayed on the tool which was used to move the clenbuterol from one container to another. Hey there (I thought in stuper), why dont I taste the remain and see what happens. (Can you think of something more ingeniues?--looking back, it was one of my most stupid and dangerous decisions of my life) Apparently an amount of approximately 5 - 8 miligram of clenbuterol was sublingually ingested, possibly more. (normal dose is at the microgram area), for those who dont know Clenbuterol is active at even 100 mcg. with the ~5000-8000 mcg that was ingested, some 50-80 times stronger the active dose, some unwanted effects might occur if you plan to live a healthy life, dont mistake where I have. T+30: Strange feeling, as if consciousness had changed, but not similiar to anything I ever felt. T+1h: Feeling somewhat better than normal (if only I would know what was ahead of me....) Is this clenbuterol i thought? T+2h: Heart rate is higher, but not alarming. T+3h: Eyes are open wide, and face is feeling stretched, something is building up, and fast. T+4h: Eyeballs seem to receive some greenish color besides the normal white... and quite amount of axienty had built up, dizzyness and nausea, but somewhat consciousness enhancement, certainly not a good time. T+5h: feeling quite ill, heart begins to speed up, and for the next 24 hours the heart rate stays at a steady alarming 125-135 beats per minute (WHILE LYING DOWN WITH HEAD ON PILLOW), i could hear my heart with my ear as the vains in my head and the entire body are all swallen up and beating, I can feel the blood pumping intensively, and I feel as I am ready to explode. My girlfriend urges me to get an ambulance, but I disagree, hoping its going to be fine and reassuring her i'm 'okayyyy.' My entire body was dancing to the beats of my heart; and it was the worst tune you could ever imagine. T+6h: From here on after for the next 18 hours, intense pressure in my head and limbs had built up, eyes got more wide open, and skin more stretched. T+12h: It feels as if my heart cant take it anymore as i feel it loosens in some fraile way, and begins to irregularly beat, which is extremely uncomfortable, and quite dangerous. T+13h: I get dehydrated rather easily, and my tempeature is 38 degrees celceus. T+15h: for the past hour the tempeature has risen +1 degree. I am now considering the ambulance theory (in my head), as I feel I cant take much more of this. T+16h: The pressure in the head is unbearable and keeps on increasing, the pain arises as if the skull pressures the brain and there is a psychological feeling as if brain fluid is frying the brain, from the temperature T+17h: A cold shower really helped ... ALOT. T+19h: Another shower helped. T+20h: I'm quite tired and exhusted, but in agonizing head pain fearing taking any sedatives since i dont know what interacts with this and how; i take 750mg Paracetamol. T+21h: Feeling a bit better, but still -- headache is anguishing, I am utterly exhusted and afraid to fall asleep, although possibly, i can. T+24h: Heart rate down to 120 per minute, and tempeature had decreased by two degrees the past two hours, a nice opportunity to get some sleep T+32h: Woke up.... (Thank God, I'm alive!) heart rate is still at a steady 120 beats per minute while lying down #!$#!$#!$!% T+42h: heart rate down to a steady 105 beats per minute t+70h: 65 beats per minute, lying down. For the following week, intense vain, skin, and eye pain was felt, besides the utter exhustion and the sharp pain in the center of the head. Thank God, For He saved me from my stupidity That only my faith kept me going, thougout this living nightmare. There were many side effects during the experience, of pseudohallucenogenic nature: closed and open eye visual effects, very hard stimulation; food was tasteless and meaningless, and would result in vomiting; nothing could be drank besides water, or heartburn would occur, and it did, from drinking Cola, alone. Increased sweating, and increased resperation, hard amphetamiine-like jitterness which lasted throughout the entire horryfing experience, highly-extremely increased metabolic rate, tempeature changes, general change in consciousness, ear popping, and some more things. Overall, This was my first experience with this pseudosteroidical substance, which i didnt take seriously, and i paid the price, and i'm lucky i'm alive to report it. Dont be stupid. If you cant measure something properly, and or not sure of its potency - DO NOT DO IT: as tempting or curiousing as it may be, you might not be as lucky as I was. What a nightmare Thank God its over. for your rats sake ;x

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x wow i bet your buddy was ripped after that

My rats take it in 20mcg tab form. Not much risk of overdose there. They are at 80mcg today. While in the most general sense they would appear to have opposing impacts, but on a cellular level they have little to do with eachother. My rats are drinking a 1.5-2 gallons of water per day so I think most of the risk is mitigated, but I want to be sure.

IMHO i think that you wont look as good as if you did creatine for like 4 weeks and then ran your clen because w/ clen you are trying to lose bf and look shredded and depending on how you respond to creatine you might have water retention leaving you slightly bloated. cliffsne makes you bigger, the other makes you smaller, so run the big then the small

supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer.

iwishiwascool supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer. huh i havent done the research on CEE (haha but bought it anyway) well then i guess go for it?

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him

gsteclipse97 yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion.

the caffeine is what dehydrates you, not the ephedrine or clen

Dunken yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion. if you buy the liquid pre diluted instead of makin it yourself then you should have nothing to worry about unless you are a real dope who cant measure correctly. i dont see how anyone could screw it up if you took 10 seconds to measure it and double check

I bought 500g of CEE from bulknutrition today.

How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking?

AznRyda How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking? 5g taurine, just banannas for cramps when I feel them. When I can tell the rats feel them.

i need to supp with magnesium to get rid of the cramps

The first few days were crazy. It wasnt the big muscles... just the lil ones. Id be sitting still for a while and my entire back would cramp up. Or my hands or toes.... ect. I was fine today.

Creatine + Clen

Monday, January 27, 2014

best pic up line ever:

best pic up line ever:

"do these pants make me look fat?" "no honey, the fat makes you look fat"

jonno "do these pants make me look fat?" "no honey, the fat makes you look fat" "Does this shirt make me look fat?" "No, your face does." Tommy Boy > *

Dude, seriously... Thats fucking stupid but I actully laughed out loud.

"Do these pants make my ass look big?" "No, your fat ass makes your fat ass look big"

I lost my teddy bear...want to sleep with me tonight

Leb_CRX I lost my teddy bear...want to sleep with me tonight

By the way, the best pick up line is the one where you punch the girl in the ovaries and say, "how bout them apples?" When she says that those are ovaries and not apples, you take out a sack of apples and beat her with it.


Ilyusha By the way, the best pick up line is the one where you punch the girl in the ovaries and say, "how bout them apples?" When she says that those are ovaries and not apples, you take out a sack of apples and beat her with it. I liked the one you said about the cloth smelling like cloraform better.

D-GUy I liked the one you said about the cloth smelling like cloraform better. "Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"

Ilyusha By the way, the best pick up line is the one where you punch the girl in the ovaries and say, "how bout them apples?" When she says that those are ovaries and not apples, you take out a sack of apples and beat her with it. I use almost the same line but with a claw hammer.

best pic up line ever:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sciatic Pain stops me from working out. help

Sciatic Pain stops me from working out. help

About two years ago I was diagnosed with sciatica. Well since then everytime I start up a new workout routine i'll get into it for about 2 weeks and bam it hits me. Is there anything I can do to get rid of this? I usually get a sharp pain down my left rear and it freakin hurts for like four days. I stretch every morning as I was taught in rehab. I can't figure it out. help

i have it as well, sleep with a pillow between your legs. it will work amazing.

also, do reverse hypers. if your gym doesn't have a machine, either find a gym that does or improvise and do them on the regular hyperextension bench facing the oppossite direction. reverse hypers are one of the main reasons i am even able to go to the gym anymore after my herniated disk a few years ago that had me basically crippled for a long time.

Undefined also, do reverse hypers. if your gym doesn't have a machine, either find a gym that does or improvise and do them on the regular hyperextension bench facing the oppossite direction. reverse hypers are one of the main reasons i am even able to go to the gym anymore after my herniated disk a few years ago that had me basically crippled for a long time. Can you describe how to do the reverse hyper? I don't know all the technical terms. thanks

Some day people will use the search function.

Jeff Coleman Some day people will use the search function. Uh read that before I posted my question, but thanks anyways.........

Sciatic Pain stops me from working out. help

Friday, January 17, 2014

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

I just started Bas Rutten's Mixed Martial Arts work out and it is amazing. I want my workouts to be a challenge everytime, and this one is. When watching the instructional DVD it didn't seem like it would kill me as much as it did. I suggest you all check it out,

I've come close to buying many times, I already have a fairly structured workout so maybe when I make some changes. I've heard only great reviews from it

You too huh? I uh "purchased" it myself and it kicks my ass. Even the 2 minute rounds are killing me, and I'm only doing the boxing/thai boxing routines at this point. The all around fighting workout is HARDCORE.

I'm getting seriously tired of your bullshit, cut it out or I will definitely fuck you up.

I get to have a 2 time iranian pancrase champion /former olympic wrestler yell at me during conditioning- at least in the rutten tapes you can cheat and take a rest

they make you do pretty hard stuff for martial arts. this week just to warm up it was holding a med ball over your head and then hopping in a squat about 60ft. everyone was dead by 30ft and we've done this lots of times before

cavefish I'm getting seriously tired of your bullshit, cut it out or I will definitely fuck you up. thats great

Aluyminyum they make you do pretty hard stuff for martial arts. this week just to warm up it was holding a med ball over your head and then hopping in a squat about 60ft. everyone was dead by 30ft and we've done this lots of times before todays training: warm up/stretch/etc. 14 rounds- 3 minutes each, 15 seconds in between Rounds 1-2 = shadow boxing Rounds 3-6 = bag work Rounds 7-10 = pad work Round 11 = sprints w/stepping Round 12 = sprints w/shuffleing Round 13 = jump rope w/knee ups Round 14 = Jump rope w/single leg (5 on each leg) Then 45 minute non-stop "road work" consisting of: Jogging, reverse jogging, sprinting, shuffle in/outward, sidestep in/outward, bear crawls, crab walks, toe ins, toe outs, hops (feet together), zig-zag inward/outward all around the room, never stopping - clockwise then counter clockwise... then jog to the center and 15 more minutes of: Front/back, side to side, switch hips, quick steps, dive bombers, mountain climbers, hops (in place). My legs hurt

cavefish You too huh? I uh "purchased" it myself E. link?

joy division todays training: My legs hurt you should start a training log

velamint you should start a training log Kind of impossible to recreate it in a thread on account of our trainer tells us when to do things, its always timed...also alot of the lifts/movements require proper form that you don't want to attempt without being shown but... for example the strength training day is all oly lifts with special weights (one handed); snatch/press/cleans/etc. etc....then there are things like slaloms and turkish getups which have multiple steps to them and are really hard to explain.

I wish there was an mma gym around here...although when I'm not injured any more I'd like to start taking bjj and boxing

yeah I've never seen any place that was so serious about conditioning. Classes are at least 3 hours long, 3 times a week. It takes lots of dedication

joy division Damn! That's a pretty serious routine. How long have you been training? I'm just now making the switch from boxing to MMA.

thats intense. 3 hours, you better be sore!

illmatix Damn! That's a pretty serious routine. How long have you been training? I'm just now making the switch from boxing to MMA. I trained for over a year at the same place back in 2003-2004. I just started up again in january of this year after taking time off for school/work/personal deals. Yeah soreness pretty much rocks me if I don't get proper sleep and nutrition- the trainer makes us go to a nutrition class and we have to set up our own diet. Right now I'm eating ~380g carbs, ~230g protein and ~67g fats.

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... daily, will it hurt my gains at all?

quickone I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... daily, will it hurt my gains at all? i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much.

Fuck Energy Drinks.

water. drink water.

Sometimes durin school or work I need them to keep me goin and awake

nic379 i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much. OMG i love lost!!!

forum95 OMG i love lost!!! OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it.

ideeosinkruhcee water. drink water. I do but I can't drink it for energy

I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

i know what lost is i invest in their company

Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative.

Fuck no it won't! I slam a Redbull before I workout all the time!

yes, you're going to end up looking like pokesteve

just do what makes you happy dude. you obviously know its questionable. but here i am eating a cheese danish. & i'm not worried

nic379 OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it. Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff

sweetcheeks Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative. I try and stay away from nutrasweet/splenda/sucralose I dont like the way sugar free stuff tastes. And idk...I like the taste of that stuff + energy=

Full Throttle, I love. Tastes exactly like the clear opaque gummy bears.

I about you just sleep more?

BuckNut I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

superbri007 is it that good, I figured it was just like monster or rockstar energy I think it's the best tasting stuff out there. And I don't know if it was all in my head, but it seemed like it made me feel better than all the other ones as well.

Psyc0 Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff yeah i read that on the can. stupid texas no surfing people

Natezilla I about you just sleep more? Well I have school most nights until 10:30....then I go home get there by 11...and I still have to eat and do whatever...probably get to bed around 12...then I have to wakeup at 4:50-5:00 for work.

only time i drink red bull is with vodka! and no thats not while working out! hehe

see av for best energy drink

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Reducing Soreness

Reducing Soreness

Is there any way to reduce the length of soreness after working out?

Work out more.

Eat more. Sleep more. Recovery techniques.

Glutamine seems to help me.

Natezilla Eat more. Sleep more. Recovery techniques.

Reducing Soreness

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Am I working too hard or too little?

Am I working too hard or too little?

Day 1 - Chest, Tri's Day 2 - Back, Bi's Day 3 - Shoulders Day 4 - Legs Day 5 - nothing Repeat My question is, do I need to to work those muscles more often than once every 4 days, or is that fine? If anyone wants to post their routine, that'd be cool. Thanks Broly Crew

adrunkgerbil Day1- Abs, curls bench Day2- abs curls and more curls Day3- abs curls bench Day4- abs Day5- Bench and curls

shadowx My question is, do I need to to work those muscles more often than once every 4 days, or is that fine? If anyone wants to post their routine, that'd be cool. depends on a lot of factors... how much volume, are you going to failure or using submax weights, what your body can handle, how much you eat and sleep, etc

Am I working too hard or too little?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014



Can i take nitro tech and Thermo gain all in the same day or will that be 2 much? i have one glass of nitro teck in the morning then one after i work out and then iam just going to to take 1 thermo gain befor i work out? just wondering thx.

take those suppliments and throw them out the window and never buy celltech again.

Take one English lesson and call me in the morning.

pokesteve he already threw his money out the window, might as well keep the supplements... Could just do it out of spite btw never make your subject a question mark again.

You should follow the lee priest diet posted in the magazines meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, sleep

Jeff Coleman You should follow the lee priest diet posted in the magazines meal, nitro tech, gram of test, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, 3000iu of gh, meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, 3000iu il5, sleep fixed

Peal fixed

lol well thx but i got them for free... so i was just wondering about... and i forgot this a a english class. iam shure pretty much everyone understood me, but thx n ways

bml lol well thx but i got them for free... so i was just wondering about... and i forgot this a a english class. iam shure pretty much everyone understood me, but thx n ways hardly

Peal fixed huh? i thought Lee Priest was natural? Thats what the artical said

be careful with 2 many supplements u can mess up ur livers

Jeff Coleman huh? i thought Lee Priest was natural? Thats what the artical said ronnie is too, drugs are unsafe

Ceaze be careful with 2 many supplements u can mess up ur livers


Monday, December 30, 2013

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

after I take all my shit CEE Whey Shake Fish Oil Multivitamin and something to eat is there something im doing wrong maybe I should eat more when I take them all

are carbs in there with "something to eat"?

let me see how much there is for todays meal

100grams today

FrozynFyre 100grams today yeah. eat. I just had a 130g with lunch alone.

SteveO yeah. eat. I just had a 130g with lunch alone.

breakfast and lunch I'm at 185 gms carbs and 159gm protein so far today

superbri007 when I eat food, i get sleepy, if thats what you mean. Im talking about getting super sleepy after eating and taking supplements I feel good today though I got a really good ngiths sleep last night though

lots of food in your stomach means that your body needs to digest it. so your body sends blood towards your stomach to start digestion, and the more food the more blood needed so less blood in other parts of your body means fatigue, woowee

FrozynFyre Im talking about getting super sleepy after eating and taking supplements I feel good today though I got a really good ngiths sleep last night though Maybe you just answered your own question.

ACURA TL-S Maybe you just answered your own question.

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

I did a chest workout today, and I was wondering if I could do anything to help the soreness (should start to hurt tonight and in the morning) Obviously a warmup tomorow, but anything in the meantime?

ice packs?

sleep tons and eat well. Try to get some blood flowing through those muscles as well.

I can't do a single pushup...chest is just sore

protein and i've always heard stretch but it never does anything for me

time machine

Shaolin_sword36 I can't do a single pushup...chest is just sore I doubt that. If that is true you do to much chest stuff.

Glutamine usually helps my soreness for some reason..

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Fitday is telling me that yesterday I burned 3297 calories broken down as follows: Basal: 1769 Lifestyle: 1086 Activities: 442 I have "seated work, some movement" as my 9-5 job routine. Does 3297 burned sound a bit excessive? Considering I worked out for an hour and walked 20 mins to and from work, and that only burned 442??

that does sound a bit excessive

lifestyle sounds really high, odd.

ryazbeck lifestyle sounds really high, odd. yeah...not sure what's gone wrong. I sit at a desk all day and look at computer screens.

fitday is all messed up. It says that you burn 0 calories no matter how long you sleep, when in fact it's something like 50 calories an hour... their food calories are pretty accurate though

I don't understand how the fatties lose weight with fitday. It has always seemed to me that they waaaay overestimate your basal and lifestyle calories.

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Monday, December 23, 2013

This really sucks

This really sucks

I got a wisdom tooth pulled lat night (longest root doc had ever seen, luck me ) so i couldn't really eat or drink much. Today ain't gonna be much better because my mouth is swollen but good. And starting tonight I have to fast for some blood tests as part of my physical tomorrow. bye bye my muscle

you really wont lose much in a few days, make sure you sleep alot

welcome to cutting!

I've been cutting for over a month now, and this is beyond cutting for me.

fasting for a blood test isn't a big deal, you just dont' eat/drink for one night and you really don't want to stress yourself while your socket is healing, increased blood pressure during that time can cause the socket to bleed and not heal properly just chillax

SoKo fasting for a blood test isn't a big deal, you just dont' eat/drink for one night and you really don't want to stress yourself while your socket is healing, increased blood pressure during that time can cause the socket to bleed and not heal properly just chillax thats the problem, working out (in the end) is relaxing for me. If I don't work out I get real tense and grumpy...its like I'm addicted

Dragon thats the problem, working out (in the end) is relaxing for me. If I don't work out I get real tense and grumpy...its like I'm addicted work out your brain and read just don't do anything to jostle the blood clot

im starting to come down with a cold...excellent

NoXeN im starting to come down with a cold...excellent be careful, a machine might fall on you

Don't bitch.. At least you didn't get mono I haven't been back to the gym in about 6 weeks. My spleen is still all swollen up, and I've lost about 15 pounds of muscle.

This really sucks

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

Because of my crazed obsession of working on my car till the wee hours of the morning...I literally had about 3.5hrs of sleep last night. I was a mess at work and was falling asleep on the phone w/my girl earlier. I am kinda awake now, a tad groggy, but conscious. If you were in my situation-would u still go to the gym today? I try to go 7 days a week, just because I can since gym is soo close to me and its such a habit not that when i am forced to skip a day, i feel super guilty. **EDIT: I would do elliptical for 30-40min, no lifting.

fahrfrumlosin Because of my crazed obsession of working on my car till the wee hours of the morning...I literally had about 3.5hrs of sleep last night. I was a mess at work and was falling asleep on the phone w/my girl earlier. I am kinda awake now, a tad groggy, but conscious. If you were in my situation-would u still go to the gym today? I try to go 7 days a week, just because I can since gym is soo close to me and its such a habit not that when i am forced to skip a day, i feel super guilty. **EDIT: I would do elliptical for 30-40min, no lifting. yes but then zzZ

Caffeine and go! then sleep

i regularly get 4 hours of sleep saturday night, go to work at 2am on sunday, work for 8 hours and then go to the gym on my way home. So tough it out :P wont hurt ya

yes, i was there at 6:30 am this morning after only sleeping 11-12 hours over the last 3 nights

princess0fdiabl0 i regularly get 4 hours of sleep saturday night, go to work at 2am on sunday, work for 8 hours and then go to the gym on my way home. So tough it out :P wont hurt ya i'm pretty sure it will overtraining

depends how the week was going. if I could afford to take a day off, I would

Shaolin_sword36 i'm pretty sure it will overtraining one day, i doubt he would overtrain.

i wouldnt

princess0fdiabl0 one day, i doubt he would overtrain. he already goes 7 days a week (assuming medium to high intensity) that is overtraining as it is

I wouldent I am lazy and really like my sleep


Shaolin_sword36 he already goes 7 days a week (assuming medium to high intensity) that is overtraining as it is my bad, should have read the post closer, 7 days

you're not going to get much benefit until you actually rest and let your body recuperate, so why bother

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Well ever since I have started my E/C stack a few weeks ago I have started to sweat pretty heavily under my I was wondering what everyone recommends for the best anti-perspirant. I currently use Degree, but it doesn't work well at all. Didn't want to post this in the main forum because of all the douchebags there and I would just get flamed more than actual advice, thanks.

Right Guard with the Power stripe works well. The key is to get anti-persperant and deoderant. Deoderant just covers the smell.

Mystery Guest Right Guard with the Power stripe works well. The key is to get anti-persperant and deoderant. Deoderant just covers the smell. this stuff smells good too

I went to Kroger the other day and saw this stuff called Mitchum...I thought I overheard somebody saying something good about it. I might go try and pick that up today.

Old Spice Red Zone has always worked for me.

red zone sucks, axe stick sucks, right guard sucks, speed stick sucks, mitchum is good...

While on the discussion of anti-perspirants, I have a few questions as well. I find that I sweat quite a bit even if I'm not physically active. My right armpit sweats sometimes for no reason at all. And when I'm at work (truck unloader) I get really bad swamp ass. Is there like some kind of pill I can take that will lower my overall perspiration because it's embarassign.

I use old spice soft solid. The green solid type red zone caused me to have a horrible burning when ever I put it on though, so I stay away from that.

ACURA TL-S I use old spice soft solid. The green solid type red zone caused me to have a horrible burning when ever I put it on though, so I stay away from that. That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped.

xpinchx That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped. Holy shit, I gotta look into that! I have same probs as you. Just sitting around doing nothing at all my pits start to sweat like mad, and I get swamp ass real easy....But thats normal, cause its Az and its fucking hot. But hate my pits sweating in the winter while watching TV. My undershirts go bad real fast. It sucks

xpinchx That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped. had the same problem, bought some drysol from an online pharmacy for $20 and apply it weekly, problem solved

White Holy shit, I gotta look into that! I have same probs as you. Just sitting around doing nothing at all my pits start to sweat like mad, and I get swamp ass real easy....But thats normal, cause its Az and its fucking hot. But hate my pits sweating in the winter while watching TV. My undershirts go bad real fast. It sucks Yeah, I rotate my white t-shirts every few months. I need to get some more drysol because the cold sweating is coming back . Read more about it here: and here: Note that 1/4 of the people on that website are pussies. After you put it on just suck it up and go to sleep and it'll be fine in teh morning. Nothing works nearly as good as Drysol, trust me. Ask your Doc about it.

++ to that Certain Dri stuff. It works like Drysol; you put it on at night before bed. It works really, really well. I used to live in a swamp (Houston), had horrible armpit sweat, but Certain Dri solved everything. Plus it's only like $6 too. Should be fairly common at local pharmacies.

Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly.

jshively Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly. Get this spot shot stuff, dont know what its called =/ but spray it on pits before put in wash, works wonders.

axe cause the ladies love it

jshively Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly. Yeah that's why I never really buy white shirts...they go bad after like 4-5 months, so it's not even worth it to me. My undershirts are horrible.

i use degree but I'm a pussy girl so who cares

i have to switch every 2 months or so, otherwise i start getting irritated..

I'm gonna try drysol, I sweat like crazy all the time.

cavefish Old Spice Red Zone has always worked for me. l

Ones that don't make you itch.

Soularis axe cause the ladies love it yeah they also love 8 inch diameter pit stains

bigbadben this is similar to what a friend of mine in england told me about last week. its called triple dry. im a bit nervous with the aluminum chloride in it. ive heard ppl getting cysts and stuff from it. although, it works great. i hate having sweat circles when i wear dress shirts.

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me

Filmboy44 screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise back pain is the worst and takes a while to get back to normal.

tofu back pain is the worst and takes a while to get back to normal. yeah it is... but our power-squat rack (as I call it) is right next to this door/closet that they keep all the "powerlifting" crap in the chains, thicker squat bar, bands, chalk, etc. Its like 3 feet from this this guy goes to the closet to get something and thats when he screamed at me it was like right in my ear.


Grouch ok shut it, crunk a junk

you shoulda fuckin slapped with a 5lb plate after that shit

Filmboy44 I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me i feel ya filmy, I have two fascia tears on my left leg, bruised real nice. There healing though. My knees are so bad right now I cant squat 225

Filmboy44 shut it, crunk a junk My hands hurt. I can't.

heh i did the same thing but re-tore some ligament and muscle tissue in my lower back, my post is prob near the bottom of the forum, i feel your pain.

PurEvl i feel ya filmy, I have two fascia tears on my left leg, bruised real nice. There healing though. My knees are so bad right now I cant squat 225 how is that going to effect your show?

bad back eh? I guess your age is starting to show

The other day I was attempting a new PR on deadlift, and right when I was about to pull, this guy goes "PPPSSSSTTTTTT!!!" real loud. totally fucked me up. He was trying to get the attention of some other guy across the gym.

Filmboy44 how is that going to effect your show? it shouldnt, I should be fine just coasting in and doing light leg workouts, the quads are still ok

Filmboy44 I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me Sounds like how I herniated a disc in my back, minus the big dawg comment! Make sure to keep moving around, and go see a doc, you dont wanna fuck with back injuries.

spoofy bad back eh? I guess your age is starting to show I'm not OLD

i prolly woulda told him to STFU.... but a chick squatting the heigh-weight equivalent to that would likely scare the dude enough to get away with it not that I can squat shit, mind you.

~*Pogovina*~ i prolly woulda told him to STFU.... but a chick squatting the heigh-weight equivalent to that would likely scare the dude enough to get away with it not that I can squat shit, mind you. there are only abut a handful of guys at my gym that can squat 6+...actually I'd say 5+...

You should have ripped out your spine and strangled the faggot to death with it.

Perplexed Did you fucking kill the cunt or what? no, it was my fault...I wasn't practicing Arnold's logic of "a bomb could go off and it won't break bbers concentration"

Man, that's fuck up. I would have been so pissed off.

too bad they got rid of your reverse hyper

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

from a fucking email I got, so don't ask me for a fucking link! Exposed: The Top Ten Diet Fallacies - And The Truth to Set You Free By Ori Hofmekler, author of :ol('');" target=_blank>The Warrior Diet Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day When you wake-up, your body is already in an intense detox mode, clearing itself of endotoxins and digestive waste from the past evening meal. During the morning hours, when digestion is fully completed (while you are on an empty stomach), a primal survival mechanism, known as fight or flight reaction to stress, is triggered, maximizing your body's capacity to generate energy, be alert, resist fatigue and resist stress. This highly geared survival mode is primarily dominated by part of the autonomic nervous system known as the SNS (sympathetic nervous system). At that state, the body is in its most energy-producing phase and that's when most energy comes from fat burning. All that happens when you do not eat the typical morning meal. If however you follow what "normal guys" do and eat your morning bagel and cereal and egg & bacon, you'll most likely shut down the above energy producing system. The SNS and its fight or flight mechanism will be substantially suppressed. Instead, your morning meal will trigger an antagonistic part of the automatic nervous system known as the PSNS (Para sympathetic nervous system), which makes you sleepy, slow and less resilient to fatigue and stress. Instead of spending energy and burning fat, your body will be more geared towards storing energy and gaining fat. Under this state, detox would be inhibited. The overall metabolic stress would increase with toxins accumulating in the liver, giving the body another substantial reason to gain fat. (Fat tissues serve as a biological storage for toxins) The overall suppressing effects of morning meals, can lead to energy crashes during the daily (working) hours, often with chronic cravings for pick-up foods, sweets, coffee and tobacco. Eating at the wrong time, would severely interrupt the body's ability to be in tune with the circadian clock. The human body has never adapted to such interruptions. We are primarily pre-programmed to rotate between the two autonomic nervous system parts: the daily SNS and the nightly PSNS. The SNS regulates alertness and action during the day, while PSNS regulates relaxation, digestion and sleep during the nightly hours. Any interruption in this primal daily cycle, may lead into sleepiness during the day followed by sleeping disorders at night. Morning meals must be carefully designed not to suppress the SNS and its highly energetic state. Minimizing morning food intake to fruits, veggie soup or small amounts of fresh light protein foods, such as poached or boiled eggs, plain yogurt, or white cheese, will maintain the body in an undereating phase, while promoting the SNS with its energy producing properties. *Note: Athletes who exercise in the morning should turn breakfast into a post-exercise recovery meal. Such meals should consist of small amounts of fresh protein plus carbs such as yogurt and banana, eggs plus a bowl of oatmeal, or cottage cheese with berries. An insulin spike is necessary for effectively finalizing the anabolic actions of GH and IGF1 after exercise. Nonetheless, after the initial recovery meal, it's highly recommended to maintain the body in an undereating phase by minimizing daily carb intake in the following meals. Applying small protein meals (minimum carbs) every couple of hours will keep sustaining the SNS during the daily hours while providing amino acids for protein synthesis in the muscle tissues, promoting a long lasting anabolic effect after exercise. In conclusion, breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day. The most important meals are post-exercise recovery meals. Saying that, for a WARRIOR every meal is a recovery meal helping to recuperate from either nutritional stress (undereating) or physical stress (exercise). It's when you eat that makes what you eat matter. Discuss. ...and no, I do not know what the other nine are.

every meal is important

i eat all my meals like im breaking from a fast

fuck that. I love food in the morning.

dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach

I'm guessing the gimp that wrote that never did any sports in highschool

I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before.

timberwolf I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before. and look how ripped you are...except that you puke up blood

wtf last sentence?

Great Article...

deznutz Great Article... for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake.

breakfast > * at least while dieting...i've read stuff where they follow successful weight losers and find two things in common in like 95% of them: eating breakfast and getting enough sleep

brolli for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake. HOLY DUMBASS ALERT, BATMAN!

this thread can suck my phallusy

GOGZILLA dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach I cant eat breaky in the morning if I'm going to train straight away because I'd just puke it up anyway. Most I would have before hand would be a coffee or a shake then have my oats when I'm finished.

Anytime I read an article that vaguely talks about "toxins" & detox I am automatically skeptical.

thats great, if you want to get your energy by breaking down your muscle for energy

All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4 meals of the day.

Elfling All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4-15 meals of the day. fixed for those who are bulking

Dragon fixed for those who are bulking

and this is why the internet sucks....cut an paste gurus who read to much. I will be sure to use my fight or flight tomorrow before cardio

superbri007 fuck that shit, breakfast = winnar lets talk about the word breakfast for a minute break + fast = breakfast to break your fast from sleep, so you eat breakfast, to replenish your blood sugar, etc. i'd say thats very important I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast.

ralyks I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast. In which case you would definitely be breaking a fast, hmm?

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

Monday, December 9, 2013

Holy fuck, I totally whored up in here tonight...

Holy fuck, I totally whored up in here tonight...

I was wide awake and bored... i didn't even go into main forum, I lub yous guys!

wooo lytew8 man up bitch oh wait a minute

JoeyCrack wooo lytew8 man up bitch oh wait a minute I was lifting more than a guy the other night. caught me by surprise.

~*Pogovina*~ I was wide awake and bored... i didn't even go into main forum, I lub yous guys! YOu wake up around 5am normally? I'm assuming its 1-2 hours behind there... I woke up at 5:30 myself. Of course I'll be sleeping the rest of the day anyways.

timberwolf YOu wake up around 5am normally? I'm assuming its 1-2 hours behind there... I woke up at 5:30 myself. Of course I'll be sleeping the rest of the day anyways. no, i just couldn't sleep- i pulled an all-nighter. i just finally ran outta things to do around the house (dishes, laundry etc) and decided to hit the board. I'm normally up and groggy at 6:30 CST.

There is stuff to actually read in F&N

holy carp... almost every thread was just replied to by you or timerwolf

deznutz There is stuff to actually read in F&N yep it's not all pant shitting and OP bashing

Rummy holy carp... almost every thread was just replied to by you or timerwolf Which is why i made this thread

~*Pogovina*~ Which is why i made this thread Today's my last day at this job. Thus getting a nice early start posting on OT.

Rummy Today's my last day at this job. Thus getting a nice early start posting on OT. I'm just taking advantage of posting while I can. I'm gonna have a nightjob soon and will be sleeping/ caring for the 3 y/o all day

Holy fuck, I totally whored up in here tonight...

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

damn dem ngas swole.

the fuck is that from?

One early evening I took my first shot of Testosterone Suspension, at age 23 and 210lbs lean. The next morning I was about 213lbs, and a lot leaner! How the hell is that possible! My muscles were so much harder, and I looked more cut up! I immediately went to the gym and had a fantastic workout. I felt great! Just in one day. This being, because Test Suspension is water based which gets into the system quickly. What the hell happened to me!! That power that I once had, remember, the power that I spent my freaking life and life savings trying to achieve, was ripped from me completely, plus some! I had no strength or vitality left in me at all, and I was only 24 freaking years old! All the damn roid head writers or know it all roid users had no answers for me now! They told me what damn supplements to take and what steroids are the best, but what about when you get sick. What happens when the god damned steroids kill you. What do you take then? None of these bastards have any answers or are willing to help now. In April of 2000 I weighed 163lbs was 5'7, yes two inches shorter, and surprises just kept on coming. Now, not only did I have no strength, couldn't digest food, had pains all over my body, was consumed by depression, had constant thoughts of suicide, and continued to lose weight, but now my skin looked yellow, there were muscle twitches all over my body, and I couldn't sleep more than 2 hours a night! Oh yeah, my hormone levels were basically non-existent. Dumbasses.

superbri007 there is a quote from the bible out of Genesis, its obviously a foundation somewhere in Jesus-land LOL Knock Knock Who's there? Its Jesus on Roids, LOL

superbri007 there is a quote from the bible out of Genesis, its obviously a foundation somewhere in Jesus-land LOL Knock Knock Who's there? Its Jesus on Roids, LOL lol that was funny... that explains all the bad things that happen in the world Jebus has roid rage.. duh.

superbri007 yeah, because if they actually showed actual swole steroid users, people might actually think "hey, i wanna look like that" so they show an anorexic runner, an adolescent soccer player, a weak kid witha bicep pose, and some pre-pubescent A-rod look-alike ...his biceps looks better than mine

GilgaMesH damn dem ngas swole.

superbri007 yeah, because if they actually showed actual swole steroid users, people might actually think "hey, i wanna look like that" so they show an anorexic runner, an adolescent soccer player, a weak kid witha bicep pose, and some pre-pubescent A-rod look-alike those standard plates mean hardcore

what's funny is the guy in the top left should be ashamed to admit to seroid use, but you can see what appears to be a slight case of gyno.

oh snap, that taylor hooton kid went to my old high school. i saw pics and he didn't look any bigger post cycle

the story is his family blames steroids for making him depressed and killing himself. when he was already going to a therapist etc. before he ever touched the shit.

I really hate to hear about young kids killing themselves but in all reality steroids played very little if any role in this. He was a manic depressive kid and would have most likely killed himself soon or later if his parents kept ignoring the truth.

Paintballny I really hate to hear about young kids killing themselves but in all reality steroids played very little if any role in this. He was a manic depressive kid and would have most likely killed himself soon or later if his parents kept ignoring the truth. People just love their scapegoats, though.

Ilyusha whoa, back then they had knee muscles This guy got pretty big

NickStam This guy got pretty big He got huge. Then he says he lost like 60lbs and couldn't workout anymore. He took cyp, primo and deca. What a sad story.

A-rod with a gold club...hmm

Plano West idiots..... I'm glad I went to Jesuit instead of heading to West.

Neo22 He got huge. Then he says he lost like 60lbs and couldn't workout anymore. He took cyp, primo and deca. What a sad story. I don't know much about steriods. Did he use the wrong combinations or did he just have bad reactions.

Hilarious pic *steroid related*

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Crankiness anyone?

Crankiness anyone?

I really think that dieting and running has taken a toll on my overall demeanor. I notice this the most at work. I'm always tired and not as bubbly as I used to be. Is this happening to any of you guys, or do you think it's all in my head?

ive almost cried three times today and i feel sorry for the first person to say something even remotetly smart ass to me because i will snap and go off on them. i've already told everyone around me, but i bet my mom just wont be able to help herself and end up being the first person to smart off

You guys need some prozac or something. Seriously I have a female friend that takes it once a month

if i get tons of good rest, i feel absolutely great. (not cranky) but still a bit drained from being in a calorie deficit. its hard especially b/c i'm a senior in from 7am-2pm, work from 2:30-7:30, then dinner and workout + cardio at gym from 8:30-10:30 including ride there and back, and then some hw...its tough. i'm actually staying home today so i can get good rest. i was runnin on 3 hours of sleep today. it doesn't help that i dont have a day to sleep in during the week either...never get a chance to catch up on sleep. working out/cardio 4-5 days a week, school & work from monday - friday, church on friday night, saturdays at 7am, and sunday morning, then the cycle repeats itself.

Just normal women emotions.

ive noticed that i tend to get pissed off at the slightest things a lot more

mask of obsidian ive noticed that i tend to get pissed off at the slightest things a lot more watching the UFC makes me feel more aggressive than cutting or working out ever would. i tried an armbar on my 12 year old brother.

no it should make you feel the opposite, more energetic, feel better about yourself.

Hip Hippo Just normal women emotions. not for me i very rarely get this way.

Dieting hasn't really giving me mood swings or anything. FUCK YOU!!!!!

Crankiness anyone?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Too much volume for one day?

Too much volume for one day?

For the past month and a half I have been working out twice a day on fridays. Around midday I do:Squats 3x8 Box Squat 1x20 Bench Press 5x5 Deadlift 5x5 About 6hrs later I go and do. Calf Thinger 3x20 weighted wide grip chins 3x10 DB Press 5x5 and then finish w/2 or 3 sets of tate presses or curls () It hasn't been a problem, I only feel it on Sundays. I get 5k+ calories (1 shake after each workout, rest is whole foods). And I'll get about 10hrs of sleep tonight. Too much for my CNS or no? Like I said I only "hurt" (just slightly sore) on Sundays.

the way i see it (and i know il be disputed on this) everyone is different and you need to find what works for you, last summer before i knew what i was doing, id work out 3 times a day an hour each, 2 times lifting and 1 hour of cardio (and i ate hardly anything, what i did eat was protein and well below maintenance cals). that was definitely what would be on this board or anywhere considered over training, but i gained significant muscle strength durring this time as well as i lost 40 lbs of mostly fat. i wouldnt be as strict as i was but it all has to do w/ your metabolism and your body's predisposition to make gains, and of course what you eat. id personally suggest taking a month or so eating where you think your maintenace cals are and see if you gain or lose weight, then tweak your food as needed. im no expert but i would venture to say thats a little excessive for one day. il let christophers feild that one.

whats the rest of your week look like?

Undefined whats the rest of your week look like? Have the whole weekend off, usually just lounge around the house. I don't lift again til Monday afternoon.

you're just doing the same workout once a week?

dmaestro Have the whole weekend off, usually just lounge around the house. I don't lift again til Monday afternoon. youre dedicated arent u.

Shaolin_sword36 you're just doing the same workout once a week? no, i workout mon, tues, wed, and fridays. thurs and the weekend i have off. fridays I workout twice though

Undefined youre dedicated arent u. yeah im obsessed.

Too much volume for one day?

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