Thursday, December 12, 2013

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me

Filmboy44 screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise back pain is the worst and takes a while to get back to normal.

tofu back pain is the worst and takes a while to get back to normal. yeah it is... but our power-squat rack (as I call it) is right next to this door/closet that they keep all the "powerlifting" crap in the chains, thicker squat bar, bands, chalk, etc. Its like 3 feet from this this guy goes to the closet to get something and thats when he screamed at me it was like right in my ear.


Grouch ok shut it, crunk a junk

you shoulda fuckin slapped with a 5lb plate after that shit

Filmboy44 I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me i feel ya filmy, I have two fascia tears on my left leg, bruised real nice. There healing though. My knees are so bad right now I cant squat 225

Filmboy44 shut it, crunk a junk My hands hurt. I can't.

heh i did the same thing but re-tore some ligament and muscle tissue in my lower back, my post is prob near the bottom of the forum, i feel your pain.

PurEvl i feel ya filmy, I have two fascia tears on my left leg, bruised real nice. There healing though. My knees are so bad right now I cant squat 225 how is that going to effect your show?

bad back eh? I guess your age is starting to show

The other day I was attempting a new PR on deadlift, and right when I was about to pull, this guy goes "PPPSSSSTTTTTT!!!" real loud. totally fucked me up. He was trying to get the attention of some other guy across the gym.

Filmboy44 how is that going to effect your show? it shouldnt, I should be fine just coasting in and doing light leg workouts, the quads are still ok

Filmboy44 I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me Sounds like how I herniated a disc in my back, minus the big dawg comment! Make sure to keep moving around, and go see a doc, you dont wanna fuck with back injuries.

spoofy bad back eh? I guess your age is starting to show I'm not OLD

i prolly woulda told him to STFU.... but a chick squatting the heigh-weight equivalent to that would likely scare the dude enough to get away with it not that I can squat shit, mind you.

~*Pogovina*~ i prolly woulda told him to STFU.... but a chick squatting the heigh-weight equivalent to that would likely scare the dude enough to get away with it not that I can squat shit, mind you. there are only abut a handful of guys at my gym that can squat 6+...actually I'd say 5+...

You should have ripped out your spine and strangled the faggot to death with it.

Perplexed Did you fucking kill the cunt or what? no, it was my fault...I wasn't practicing Arnold's logic of "a bomb could go off and it won't break bbers concentration"

Man, that's fuck up. I would have been so pissed off.

too bad they got rid of your reverse hyper

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

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