Showing posts with label energy drinks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy drinks. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... daily, will it hurt my gains at all?

quickone I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... daily, will it hurt my gains at all? i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much.

Fuck Energy Drinks.

water. drink water.

Sometimes durin school or work I need them to keep me goin and awake

nic379 i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much. OMG i love lost!!!

forum95 OMG i love lost!!! OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it.

ideeosinkruhcee water. drink water. I do but I can't drink it for energy

I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

i know what lost is i invest in their company

Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative.

Fuck no it won't! I slam a Redbull before I workout all the time!

yes, you're going to end up looking like pokesteve

just do what makes you happy dude. you obviously know its questionable. but here i am eating a cheese danish. & i'm not worried

nic379 OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it. Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff

sweetcheeks Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative. I try and stay away from nutrasweet/splenda/sucralose I dont like the way sugar free stuff tastes. And idk...I like the taste of that stuff + energy=

Full Throttle, I love. Tastes exactly like the clear opaque gummy bears.

I about you just sleep more?

BuckNut I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

superbri007 is it that good, I figured it was just like monster or rockstar energy I think it's the best tasting stuff out there. And I don't know if it was all in my head, but it seemed like it made me feel better than all the other ones as well.

Psyc0 Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff yeah i read that on the can. stupid texas no surfing people

Natezilla I about you just sleep more? Well I have school most nights until 10:30....then I go home get there by 11...and I still have to eat and do whatever...probably get to bed around 12...then I have to wakeup at 4:50-5:00 for work.

only time i drink red bull is with vodka! and no thats not while working out! hehe

see av for best energy drink

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Gatorade/Powerade > Water?

Gatorade/Powerade > Water?

Do you all think that Powerade/Gatorade really hydrates better than water, and if it does, does it hydrate enough to pay $0.50 a bottle of Powerade? I searched the forum and there wasn't a whole lot on this, so I thought I would bring it up. Thanks.

too much sugar in those fuckin things

Well I read this post, so that also prompted me to ask. MWHC22 sugars are the same way for me. i eat sugars when i feel like i need some. also if you look at energy drinks such as powerade or other fitness liquids they differ in water mostly in salt and sugar content. the main difference between one of those drinks and water with a pinch of salt and spoonfull of sugar is that the salts and sugars are engineered to in a more simplified form for quicker absorbtion into you body to get it ready for use. thus speeding up your digestive proicess to get the things it needs from salts and sugars.

LBKornhusker Do you all think that Powerade/Gatorade really hydrates better than water, and if it does, does it hydrate enough to pay $0.50 a bottle of Powerade? I searched the forum and there wasn't a whole lot on this, so I thought I would bring it up. Thanks. you need to drink lots of water that said gatorade is great used as a during/post workout drink, thats what that quote was referring to

Sometimes I have a thirst that only Gatorade or Powerade can quench. This is usually when I've worked out much more than I usually do in a day, like I went to play basketball or something after my normal workout. If you do a good job keeping hydrated normally you shouldn't need Gatorade, but in extreme cases it can be of some help.

size18boarder you need to drink lots of water that said gatorade is great used as a during/post workout drink, thats what that quote was referring to Ok, that was the answer I was looking for. I don't really like to drink Powerade just throughout the day, but after working out it's really tasty and I feel a lot less thirsty afterwards. Thanks.

Gatorade and powerade is great for replacing electrolytes, which is why it's suggested as a post-workout drink. Water will rehydrate you but not replace electrolytes.

i use powerade during my workout. btw powerade>gatorade

gatorade is called GATORade for a reason, its for fat alligator looking people who dont care about being ripped, you wanna be a fat alligator? who swims around in shit all his life? think about it? Or do you want to be ripped and drink water like a shark and have zero bodyfat and eat protein like shrimp and other fish all a shark, not a fucking deer eating gator who loves sugary bullshit and looks chubby as a motherfucker and not lean at all, your choice.

Patrick Bateman gatorade is called GATORade for a reason, its for fat alligator looking people who dont care about being ripped, you wanna be a fat alligator? who swims around in shit all his life? think about it? Or do you want to be ripped and drink water like a shark and have zero bodyfat and eat protein like shrimp and other fish all a shark, not a fucking deer eating gator who loves sugary bullshit and looks chubby as a motherfucker and not lean at all, your choice. at first I was like " marketing has gotten to someone" but then I realized who wrote this....

Gatorade is great if you're an athlete or playing a sport where you sweat out lots of electrolytes/sodium and need to replace your carbs.

Patrick Bateman gatorade is called GATORade for a reason, its for fat alligator looking people who dont care about being ripped, you wanna be a fat alligator? who swims around in shit all his life? think about it? Or do you want to be ripped and drink water like a shark and have zero bodyfat and eat protein like shrimp and other fish all a shark, not a fucking deer eating gator who loves sugary bullshit and looks chubby as a motherfucker and not lean at all, your choice. great stuff.

~*Pogovina*~ Gatorade and powerade is great for replacing electrolytes, which is why it's suggested as a post-workout drink. Water will rehydrate you but not replace electrolytes. .

Patrick Bateman gatorade is called GATORade for a reason, its for fat alligator looking people who dont care about being ripped, you wanna be a fat alligator? who swims around in shit all his life? think about it? Or do you want to be ripped and drink water like a shark and have zero bodyfat and eat protein like shrimp and other fish all a shark, not a fucking deer eating gator who loves sugary bullshit and looks chubby as a motherfucker and not lean at all, your choice.

gatorade is good for sports where you become glycogen depleted.

Patrick Bateman gatorade is called GATORade for a reason, its for fat alligator looking people who dont care about being ripped, you wanna be a fat alligator? who swims around in shit all his life? think about it? Or do you want to be ripped and drink water like a shark and have zero bodyfat and eat protein like shrimp and other fish all a shark, not a fucking deer eating gator who loves sugary bullshit and looks chubby as a motherfucker and not lean at all, your choice.

Gatorade/Powerade > Water?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Body building FAQ's

Body building FAQ's


Q. I'm 15, 5' 10'', weigh 9 1/2 stone (sorry for the imperial measurements) and i do alot of Dirt Jumping (push bike) and motocross, would you say i was and Ecto, Endo or Mesomorph?

A. Ectomorphic (9.5 stone is 130 pounds US and 60 kg - and you're tall)

Q. I am currently on the mend from a serious ankle injury, and cannot weight bear on one leg, i am using crutches so one leg is losing strength. My physio said muscle loss was 5% a day, is this true?

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