Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... www.bawls.com daily, will it hurt my gains at all?

quickone I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... www.bawls.com daily, will it hurt my gains at all? i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much.

Fuck Energy Drinks.

water. drink water.

Sometimes durin school or work I need them to keep me goin and awake

nic379 i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much. OMG i love lost!!!

forum95 OMG i love lost!!! OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it.

ideeosinkruhcee water. drink water. I do but I can't drink it for energy

I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

i know what lost is i invest in their company

Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative.

Fuck no it won't! I slam a Redbull before I workout all the time!

yes, you're going to end up looking like pokesteve

just do what makes you happy dude. you obviously know its questionable. but here i am eating a cheese danish. & i'm not worried

nic379 OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it. Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff

sweetcheeks Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative. I try and stay away from nutrasweet/splenda/sucralose etc....plus I dont like the way sugar free stuff tastes. And idk...I like the taste of that stuff + energy=

Full Throttle, I love. Tastes exactly like the clear opaque gummy bears.

I about you just sleep more?

BuckNut I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

superbri007 is it that good, I figured it was just like monster or rockstar energy I think it's the best tasting stuff out there. And I don't know if it was all in my head, but it seemed like it made me feel better than all the other ones as well.

Psyc0 Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff yeah i read that on the can. stupid texas no surfing people

Natezilla I about you just sleep more? Well I have school most nights until 10:30....then I go home get there by 11...and I still have to eat and do whatever...probably get to bed around 12...then I have to wakeup at 4:50-5:00 for work.

only time i drink red bull is with vodka! and no thats not while working out! hehe

see av for best energy drink

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

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