Showing posts with label Caffeine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caffeine. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Creatine + Clen

Creatine + Clen

During the ECY stack I had no concerns with [testing my rats with] CEE. Now that Ive moved [my rats] on to slightly more potent agents, I would rather not risk dehydration or the other assumed risks in the combo. Is is safe or should I hold out on [feeding my rats] the CEE till after the cycle? ib4flames.

i'm no pro, but dont creatine and clen do opposite things? i thought creatine helped retain water, and clen helped get rid of it?

not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. Ack what a nightmare. 1 gram Clenbuterol was obtained, later it was measured and dissolved into water to make the proper amount ratio per ml. But looky here: Some clenbuterol, what seemed to be very little stayed on the tool which was used to move the clenbuterol from one container to another. Hey there (I thought in stuper), why dont I taste the remain and see what happens. (Can you think of something more ingeniues?--looking back, it was one of my most stupid and dangerous decisions of my life) Apparently an amount of approximately 5 - 8 miligram of clenbuterol was sublingually ingested, possibly more. (normal dose is at the microgram area), for those who dont know Clenbuterol is active at even 100 mcg. with the ~5000-8000 mcg that was ingested, some 50-80 times stronger the active dose, some unwanted effects might occur if you plan to live a healthy life, dont mistake where I have. T+30: Strange feeling, as if consciousness had changed, but not similiar to anything I ever felt. T+1h: Feeling somewhat better than normal (if only I would know what was ahead of me....) Is this clenbuterol i thought? T+2h: Heart rate is higher, but not alarming. T+3h: Eyes are open wide, and face is feeling stretched, something is building up, and fast. T+4h: Eyeballs seem to receive some greenish color besides the normal white... and quite amount of axienty had built up, dizzyness and nausea, but somewhat consciousness enhancement, certainly not a good time. T+5h: feeling quite ill, heart begins to speed up, and for the next 24 hours the heart rate stays at a steady alarming 125-135 beats per minute (WHILE LYING DOWN WITH HEAD ON PILLOW), i could hear my heart with my ear as the vains in my head and the entire body are all swallen up and beating, I can feel the blood pumping intensively, and I feel as I am ready to explode. My girlfriend urges me to get an ambulance, but I disagree, hoping its going to be fine and reassuring her i'm 'okayyyy.' My entire body was dancing to the beats of my heart; and it was the worst tune you could ever imagine. T+6h: From here on after for the next 18 hours, intense pressure in my head and limbs had built up, eyes got more wide open, and skin more stretched. T+12h: It feels as if my heart cant take it anymore as i feel it loosens in some fraile way, and begins to irregularly beat, which is extremely uncomfortable, and quite dangerous. T+13h: I get dehydrated rather easily, and my tempeature is 38 degrees celceus. T+15h: for the past hour the tempeature has risen +1 degree. I am now considering the ambulance theory (in my head), as I feel I cant take much more of this. T+16h: The pressure in the head is unbearable and keeps on increasing, the pain arises as if the skull pressures the brain and there is a psychological feeling as if brain fluid is frying the brain, from the temperature T+17h: A cold shower really helped ... ALOT. T+19h: Another shower helped. T+20h: I'm quite tired and exhusted, but in agonizing head pain fearing taking any sedatives since i dont know what interacts with this and how; i take 750mg Paracetamol. T+21h: Feeling a bit better, but still -- headache is anguishing, I am utterly exhusted and afraid to fall asleep, although possibly, i can. T+24h: Heart rate down to 120 per minute, and tempeature had decreased by two degrees the past two hours, a nice opportunity to get some sleep T+32h: Woke up.... (Thank God, I'm alive!) heart rate is still at a steady 120 beats per minute while lying down #!$#!$#!$!% T+42h: heart rate down to a steady 105 beats per minute t+70h: 65 beats per minute, lying down. For the following week, intense vain, skin, and eye pain was felt, besides the utter exhustion and the sharp pain in the center of the head. Thank God, For He saved me from my stupidity That only my faith kept me going, thougout this living nightmare. There were many side effects during the experience, of pseudohallucenogenic nature: closed and open eye visual effects, very hard stimulation; food was tasteless and meaningless, and would result in vomiting; nothing could be drank besides water, or heartburn would occur, and it did, from drinking Cola, alone. Increased sweating, and increased resperation, hard amphetamiine-like jitterness which lasted throughout the entire horryfing experience, highly-extremely increased metabolic rate, tempeature changes, general change in consciousness, ear popping, and some more things. Overall, This was my first experience with this pseudosteroidical substance, which i didnt take seriously, and i paid the price, and i'm lucky i'm alive to report it. Dont be stupid. If you cant measure something properly, and or not sure of its potency - DO NOT DO IT: as tempting or curiousing as it may be, you might not be as lucky as I was. What a nightmare Thank God its over. for your rats sake ;x

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x wow i bet your buddy was ripped after that

My rats take it in 20mcg tab form. Not much risk of overdose there. They are at 80mcg today. While in the most general sense they would appear to have opposing impacts, but on a cellular level they have little to do with eachother. My rats are drinking a 1.5-2 gallons of water per day so I think most of the risk is mitigated, but I want to be sure.

IMHO i think that you wont look as good as if you did creatine for like 4 weeks and then ran your clen because w/ clen you are trying to lose bf and look shredded and depending on how you respond to creatine you might have water retention leaving you slightly bloated. cliffsne makes you bigger, the other makes you smaller, so run the big then the small

supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer.

iwishiwascool supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer. huh i havent done the research on CEE (haha but bought it anyway) well then i guess go for it?

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him

gsteclipse97 yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion.

the caffeine is what dehydrates you, not the ephedrine or clen

Dunken yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion. if you buy the liquid pre diluted instead of makin it yourself then you should have nothing to worry about unless you are a real dope who cant measure correctly. i dont see how anyone could screw it up if you took 10 seconds to measure it and double check

I bought 500g of CEE from bulknutrition today.

How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking?

AznRyda How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking? 5g taurine, just banannas for cramps when I feel them. When I can tell the rats feel them.

i need to supp with magnesium to get rid of the cramps

The first few days were crazy. It wasnt the big muscles... just the lil ones. Id be sitting still for a while and my entire back would cramp up. Or my hands or toes.... ect. I was fine today.

Creatine + Clen

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ginseng and Green Tea Extract

Ginseng and Green Tea Extract

I picked up a bottle of siberian ginseng and some product called revxp(came attached to my protein container), took them before my workout today, and felt like the energizer bunny. I love this stuff. The ginseng is pretty straight forward, but I was wondering if anybody knew of what the revxp is made of and what exactly it does. RevXP: Per serving (3 capsules):Green Tea Extract: 900mg Yerba Mate Extract: 600mg Coleus Forskolii Extract: 360mg "6-pack" (prorietary blend): 350mg - Dandelion leaf and root - Synephrine - Octopamine - 4-Hydroxyisoleucine - Amentoflavone - Piper Nigrum

Someone must know something... Bump

ralyks I picked up a bottle of siberian ginseng and some product called revxp(came attached to my protein container), took them before my workout today, and felt like the energizer bunny. I love this stuff. The ginseng is pretty straight forward, but I was wondering if anybody knew of what the revxp is made of and what exactly it does. RevXP: Per serving (3 capsules):Green Tea Extract: 900mg Yerba Mate Extract: 600mg Coleus Forskolii Extract: 360mg "6-pack" (prorietary blend): 350mg - Dandelion leaf and root - Synephrine - Octopamine - 4-Hydroxyisoleucine - Amentoflavone - Piper Nigrum The dandelion leaf and root is a diuretic I believe. Forskolin is often added to thermos, It supposedly releases cAMP, to boost fat burning rate. Yerba Mate is a caffeine source though I'm not sure.

my understanding is that it has caffeine, theobromine and forskolin in it, but I'm not sure what else. Nor do i know what exactly the ingredients do... it appears that this stuff is marketed the same way other "fast weight loss formula"s are. edit: beaten by the all mighty hotness himself, Timber edit again: my "knowledge" is worthless

Would it be likely that it was the revxp or ginseng that kept me going yesterday? Has anyone heard of the ingredients in revxp being bad for you when taken over a period of time?

ralyks Would it be likely that it was the revxp or ginseng that kept me going yesterday? Has anyone heard of the ingredients in revxp being bad for you when taken over a period of time? I wouldn't worry about it. Nothing there really more potent than ECA stacks.

Ginseng and Green Tea Extract

Friday, January 24, 2014

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it?

im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount?

Demize im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount? 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger...

i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE

wtf dude

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE i went with vasapro, Mistich recomended it, alot of people are out of it ATM, I went with yohimbine from bulk nutrition, and cafiene from them aswell.

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE Clcik here

Demize I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? o clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it? How much do you weigh? How much carbs and how much fat do you have per day?

I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein.

well i ate some pizza today lol weight= 190

just stick with your diet..

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. I don't think he has *too much* protein at all.

should i do some e just to get bonkers on the weights once a week? one week i go bonkers on arms/abs next week legs etc ect. @ once a week will i build a tolerance?

i love teh protein, eat some raw eggs and red meat, flip out and kill some weight!

GilgaMesH I don't think he has *too much* protein at all. Compared to his fats and carbs he does.

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. he's right, this will be an unsuccessful cut without dietary changes. you may find that you end up with less lbm/fat mass. according to your fitday log, your ratios are 10%fat, 27%carb, and 63% protein. if you're adding protein powder on top of that, the ratios are more skewed with way too much protein. you need more carbs and fat if you want to lose fat instead of muscle. even with that much protein, your body will be burning it as the primary fuel instead of releasing fat to burn.

i think you're asking for low blood sugar problems and i'd be surprised if you can maintain your current lbm thru this cut with the thermo

Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be?

Demize Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be? I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake.

vettedude 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger... it increases lipolysis

Ceaze it increases lipolysis

Neo22 I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake. are you serious? for women too? i'm taking lipo 6 and i've been more concious about eating more protein and cals...but i'm still trying to cut down on my carbs/ fat. is this wrong? god im so confused

BrickTamland i started it today im pretty fucking jittery from the last 200mg of caffeine but i'm supposed to take another 200mg with ephedrine now give it a few days. my first day i was cracked out. now i can feel the energy, but i dont feel the sides at all.

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

Excessive Caffeine Intake?

Excessive Caffeine Intake?

I started adding the Y to my EC this week. So I'm doing YC in the morning (2 hours before breakfast), then EC 3 times later in the day. Thats adding up to 800mg caffeine, plus I'm drinking at least 20oz diet mtn dew (yesterday i had 2). This is adding up to 1+ gram of caffeine a day. Yesterday I was feeling a little whacked out in the middle of the day, but I slept ok. Are there other negative effects to consuming this much caffeine on a daily basis? I have a feeling I'm going to have a wicked withdrawl when I stop using the stack, oh well.

don't need that much....halflife of caffeine is around 7-8 hrs

Ceaze don't need that much....halflife of caffeine is around 7-8 hrs so should i just do 2 E+C doses after the one YC first thing in the morning? me at 2pm yesterday =

I think it effects people differently. A buddy of mine stopped having his cups of coffee every morning and said it made him sick and had headaches. When I dropped my ECY stack stack I was consuming over 1000mg a day and didnt experience any sides.

caffeine withdrawl is terrible

DCCapen Not everyone gets caffeine withdrawl. I worked at Starbucks for 3 years and would just quit drinking coffee for the hell of it every once in a while because it ended up having little effect on me. I later would resume but never had issues. yeah, i'll take sundays off from the pills and not get any real headaches or anything. i'm usually pretty hung over on sundays thou

Excessive Caffeine Intake?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

so it's coming back? SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths. advertisement The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years. Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths, including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004. .

Now to see if this will be marketed well, challenges before chances of manufacturing, etc...


whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform.

i read in one of the articles that the ball is in the FDA's court now or something along those lines giivng me the impression that although that judge ruled in favor of the utah company, the fda can still ban it.

meh who gives a shit really....

Dragon whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform. Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

Sgt. Ownage meh who gives a shit really.... no ph no care?

tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

gsteclipse97 tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription... can you not read?

tryfuhl no ph no care? nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness

mike so it's coming back? it was never really gone

Sgt. Ownage nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness Yeah, but if this pans out, we'll be able to get it straight.. and in mixes as a dietary supplement... I don't think that some people are getting that ephedrine can't be in dietary supplements, or sold straight (easily), either

superbri007 1fast400 sells it by itself, last time i checked....but it was out of stock. now, ephedrine with Guaifenesin is another story Yeah, it's been out of stock for years though

spoofy it was never really gone you on the other hand, have been i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf?

tryfuhl I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf? yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me

gsteclipse97 yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it...

again that is

tryfuhl Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it... true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode

tryfuhl you on the other hand, have been miss me?

gsteclipse97 true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode we could get good home-mixes from 1fast or something tho, if they choose to do one...

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Firstly I hope nobody on this forum buys NO products... But I hate it when I see idiots posting on other places asking for the best NO product, spending like 100$+ on them when they do nothing.

I don't buy any supplements....

Yeah we all know that it's impossible to make gains without supplements

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... retard! :sarcasm:

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me?

brolli typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me? Or someone responding to someone who takes what other people do w/ their lives a little too seriously...

what the hell is a no product

NO-Xplode, not "no supplements"

well thread starter is a douche either way

brolli typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me? man what the fuck is wrong with you?


Ilyusha NO-Xplode, not "no supplements" exactly

NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills.


brolli NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills. Yes, arginine and citrulline are the base of every energy supplement, and there is no caffeine in no-xplode, yep... okay

im confused

caffeine reverses the effest of NO products...and brolli, dont hate just cuz NO products havnt worked for you...

brolli NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills. Not really. They both increase blood flow, but via two totally different mechanisms. NO supps dilate blood vesseles (lowers blood pressure) and decrease their resistance which increases blood flow , while products liek caffeine and ephedrine increase blood flow by jacking up heart reate and constricting blood vessles (raises blood pressure)

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... i dont buy any supplements at all either.

you are all things non-broly ban!

brolli they do nothing. Confirmation: You're a certified idiot.

NoXeN you are all things non-broly ban! in!

pt Confirmation: You're a certified idiot. hi pot, its the kettle, your black j/k

wtf is going on in here

The first posts disturbes me.

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... daily, will it hurt my gains at all?

quickone I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... daily, will it hurt my gains at all? i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much.

Fuck Energy Drinks.

water. drink water.

Sometimes durin school or work I need them to keep me goin and awake

nic379 i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much. OMG i love lost!!!

forum95 OMG i love lost!!! OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it.

ideeosinkruhcee water. drink water. I do but I can't drink it for energy

I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

i know what lost is i invest in their company

Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative.

Fuck no it won't! I slam a Redbull before I workout all the time!

yes, you're going to end up looking like pokesteve

just do what makes you happy dude. you obviously know its questionable. but here i am eating a cheese danish. & i'm not worried

nic379 OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it. Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff

sweetcheeks Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative. I try and stay away from nutrasweet/splenda/sucralose I dont like the way sugar free stuff tastes. And idk...I like the taste of that stuff + energy=

Full Throttle, I love. Tastes exactly like the clear opaque gummy bears.

I about you just sleep more?

BuckNut I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

superbri007 is it that good, I figured it was just like monster or rockstar energy I think it's the best tasting stuff out there. And I don't know if it was all in my head, but it seemed like it made me feel better than all the other ones as well.

Psyc0 Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff yeah i read that on the can. stupid texas no surfing people

Natezilla I about you just sleep more? Well I have school most nights until 10:30....then I go home get there by 11...and I still have to eat and do whatever...probably get to bed around 12...then I have to wakeup at 4:50-5:00 for work.

only time i drink red bull is with vodka! and no thats not while working out! hehe

see av for best energy drink

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Yohimbine people: Do you take yohimbine on days with no morning cardio?

Yohimbine people: Do you take yohimbine on days with no morning cardio?

Is it still effective? It seems like the stuff I read implies that it should only be used before cardio and in the morning when your insulin is low. Otherwise it doesn't serve a purpose.

i'd still take it

Thanks. My thighs are still rocking from the uphill sprinting.

Yeah I still take it and just don't eat for like 2-3 hours.

It made me all jittery.

iCe It made me all jittery. lightweight

Ceaze lightweight or he took the extract like me

size18boarder or he took the extract like me the herbal version was weaker than the synthetic version, for me

Ceaze the herbal version was weaker than the synthetic version, for me uh i dont know which i had but i ODed and went to the hospital and got a raging boner...covered by a paper gown...i was pitching a fucking tent

i made a nasal batch. 5g per ml and used three squirts along with 200mg caffeine for the first time today. didnt affect me as much as i thought it might.

vettedude tell em about the day you took 20 yohimbine pills(50mg) when I told you to take 20mg.

aenz i made a nasal batch. 5g per ml and used three squirts along with 200mg caffeine for the first time today. didnt affect me as much as i thought it might. i hope you mean 5mg

haha yeah my bad... otherwise i'd be a beast and half

Yohimbine people: Do you take yohimbine on days with no morning cardio?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Caffeine = Bloody Noses?

Caffeine = Bloody Noses?

Everytime i drink caffeine, i get a nose bleed. i dont know what's wrong. When I drink Sprite, I feel fine. When I drink Coca-Cola (or even worse.. Bawls, Sobe, RedBull) I get nosebleeds. When I drink high-caffeine drinks (Bawls & Sobe) I get nose bleeds at least twice a day for the next three days. I don't eat a lot of sugar. This has been going on ever since I can remember drinking Coke... 4? Any ideas?

Caffeine, being a stimulant, coupled with blood vessels that are on the verge of popping by way of genetics or what have you, would contribute to a bloody nose.

coke would give me blood nose as well. But since i got older it happens less frequently. But i don't drink it often though. Just mostly water.

AmCo coke would give me blood nose as well. no shit.

well why not stop drinking coke, and bawls, and red bull? problem would be solved

Caffeine = Bloody Noses?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

question about ephedrine..

question about ephedrine..

i was looking through the archives and was reading about the yohimbine hcl/ephedrine/caffeine combination and was curious about ephedrine. i'm a college athelete and ephedrine is on the ncaa's banned substance list. how long does ephedrine stay in the body? and when i quit using it (in season) will my body fat loss remain, or will i bounce back to my original bf% (i'll still be dieting/working hard)?

not sure about lifespan, but you won't lose teh gains you made while on ephedrine. As long as your diet doens't go to shit, the fat burned off will stay off. If you have the time and aren't grossly out of shape for your sport, I'd suggest skipping teh ephedrine, just in case. As an athlete, don't you get tested in teh offseason as well, or is that just the pro's?

I believe the half life is only a few hours.

i swam division III and we got tested once, for like physicals and shit. never again for the rest of the season. i'm transfering to a division I school and gonna swim there as well as possibly run track (sprinting). i duno how the drug testing is done there, but here we were told we might randomly be tested... but never were (besides that initial testing)

Not sure about half life either but you will look softer after going off ephedrine...

isnt it hard to find stuff with ephedrine in it these days?

oh... my b... not really up on stuff like that...

question about ephedrine..

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

Because of my crazed obsession of working on my car till the wee hours of the morning...I literally had about 3.5hrs of sleep last night. I was a mess at work and was falling asleep on the phone w/my girl earlier. I am kinda awake now, a tad groggy, but conscious. If you were in my situation-would u still go to the gym today? I try to go 7 days a week, just because I can since gym is soo close to me and its such a habit not that when i am forced to skip a day, i feel super guilty. **EDIT: I would do elliptical for 30-40min, no lifting.

fahrfrumlosin Because of my crazed obsession of working on my car till the wee hours of the morning...I literally had about 3.5hrs of sleep last night. I was a mess at work and was falling asleep on the phone w/my girl earlier. I am kinda awake now, a tad groggy, but conscious. If you were in my situation-would u still go to the gym today? I try to go 7 days a week, just because I can since gym is soo close to me and its such a habit not that when i am forced to skip a day, i feel super guilty. **EDIT: I would do elliptical for 30-40min, no lifting. yes but then zzZ

Caffeine and go! then sleep

i regularly get 4 hours of sleep saturday night, go to work at 2am on sunday, work for 8 hours and then go to the gym on my way home. So tough it out :P wont hurt ya

yes, i was there at 6:30 am this morning after only sleeping 11-12 hours over the last 3 nights

princess0fdiabl0 i regularly get 4 hours of sleep saturday night, go to work at 2am on sunday, work for 8 hours and then go to the gym on my way home. So tough it out :P wont hurt ya i'm pretty sure it will overtraining

depends how the week was going. if I could afford to take a day off, I would

Shaolin_sword36 i'm pretty sure it will overtraining one day, i doubt he would overtrain.

i wouldnt

princess0fdiabl0 one day, i doubt he would overtrain. he already goes 7 days a week (assuming medium to high intensity) that is overtraining as it is

I wouldent I am lazy and really like my sleep


Shaolin_sword36 he already goes 7 days a week (assuming medium to high intensity) that is overtraining as it is my bad, should have read the post closer, 7 days

you're not going to get much benefit until you actually rest and let your body recuperate, so why bother

only 3.5hrs of sleep - would u still hit the gym

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

With nice weather finally starting to show up here, the last thing I want to do is waste my afternoon ion teh gym, so recently I started going to the gym before work at 6:30am and wow, what a difference. I've found I feel a lot better and have lots of energy throughout the day. And I have the afternoon/evenings to enjoy the weather.

Dragon With nice weather finally starting to show up here, the last thing I want to do is waste my afternoon ion teh gym, so recently I started going to the gym before work at 6:30am and wow, what a difference. I've found I feel a lot better and have lots of energy throughout the day. And I have the afternoon/evenings to enjoy the weather. I might try working out a little earlier

I used to go workout at 5am in the morning before work. It was great getting it over with. But I found I am less likely to push myself in the morning. In the afternoon I can push myself to failure, but in the morning I find my self giving up and not getting those extra reps.

Im going to go eat and take my CEE then workout peace out punk ass bitches

I like waking up, dicking around for a few hours, then going to the gym. But when I start working, I don't think I'll have that luxury.

hells no. no way. id die.

I prefer working out about 8 at night on mon/wed then on friday i work out about 3ish. (due to the gym shutting early) but on sundays (when i do legs) i'll go down about 2 and work out. I don't think i could work out in the morning.

I dont see how anyone could ever workout in the morning, i am so damn tight, How the hell do you ever get loose? And I also have a bsolutely no motivation in the mornings. UGH

i used to work out at 5am, 3 times a week during the swim season. man that was a pain in the ass. everyone was pretty groggy, but if you got a good nights rest u were fine.

Heavy lifting early in the morning = teh lose..... cardio is another story

I find my motivation in the great weather I can enjoy afterwork now that I'm not going to the gym. As for having energy, caffeine and gatorade work wonders

Dragon I find my motivation in the great weather I can enjoy afterwork now that I'm not going to the gym. As for having energy, caffeine and gatorade work wonders Cool. When we have the TO meet, we'll drag everyone into the gym in the morning.

Puppet Master when i join the gym again i'll be a morning whore too. not mega early but like 7am I like going after 8:30am usually because all the working stiffs are still there before that.

timberwolf Cool. When we have the TO meet, we'll drag everyone into the gym in the morning. on a weekend? not bloody fucking likely

timberwolf I like going after 8:30am usually because all the working stiffs are still there before that. some of us have to work to pay for things like gym memberships. besides, its the punks without jobs hanging around the gym all day that cause most of the probs!

I have noticed when i work out in the morning, i am always tired and the afternoon i am so pumped its ridiculous, but with classes, i HAVE to work out in the mornin'

Dragon on a weekend? not bloody fucking likely On the weekends I usually get to bed at 4 or 4:30 because of the bar. I can usually still go in at 8:30 or 9 am though of course I have to crash for 2-3 hours in the afternoon.

Leo95SE some of us have to work to pay for things like gym memberships. That's what gf's are for. If she likes the way you look... she should pay for it.

deznutz I have noticed when i work out in the morning, i am always tired and the afternoon i am so pumped its ridiculous If I don't work out at night I get so restless and my body aches for not moving weight. timberwolf That's what gf's are for. If she likes the way you look... she should pay for it.

I love lifting in the morning, but there's no way i'm getting out of bed at 6 to go to the gym. I hvae a hard enough time getting up at 7:30.

Puppet Master when i join the gym again i'll be a morning whore too. not mega early but like 7am Get yourself down balance Fuck going that early. i normally get down there about 7:30 at night on mon/wed.

i prefer night when its not as busy

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

I have 2 boxes of clen and a box of bromo I never used. I'm going back to the US in a week or so. Should I just take the pills out of the metal tabs and put it into an empty bottle like green tea extract or caffeine or something?

That or a balloon

edmang That or a balloon Man, thats hardcore right there. I think I'll gain 5 lb lbm just rocking it on the 15 hours plane ride with the balloon.

You could just put it in when you are about to land.

dude, you put them in a balloon, and then you put them in a block of wax as a candle, thats how you get weed from amsterdam

Where are you at now? Japan? How easy is it to get AAS over there? I wonder how easy it is to get AAS in thailand. I know there is a former pro bb'er who owns a gym down in Pattaya... What did you pay for the clen? Bromo?

couldnt you just mail them to yourself? its clen not testosterone

Paintballny Where are you at now? Japan? How easy is it to get AAS over there? I wonder how easy it is to get AAS in thailand. I know there is a former pro bb'er who owns a gym down in Pattaya... What did you pay for the clen? Bromo? Steroids are legal in Japan. I just ordered it and it came in a couple days. Take off 2 zeros for the price in dollars.

gsteclipse97 couldnt you just mail them to yourself? its clen not testosterone I am not sure. I thought they customs would check more through mail?

AznRyda I'm going back to the US in a week or so. Should I just take the pills out of the metal tabs and put it into an empty bottle like green tea extract or caffeine or something? that's probably the best idea. Granted, I've never done this, but it sounds logical. Besides, do you really want the take the chance of the balloon breaking?

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think?

there's a ton of literature on the positive effects and general safety of creatine

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? Apparently you haven't read any studies.

ACURA TL-S Apparently you haven't read any studies. Hence the question.

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You mean, you never bothered to educate yourself before forming your opinion... wtg

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You didn't look very hard.

yes, yes i do.

christophers i dont understand the question. what "supplements"? aas? Stuff like 'natural growth hormone,' shit that you see at GNC. I mean, I would think that if the supplement in question actually worked it would be advertised as having clinically tested etc.

Creatine and protein is it. The suppliment industry is not regulated by the FDA, who knows what you are getting, they can say whatever they want in advertising and claims. Most studies done were performed by the company selling the product so draw your own conclusions.

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! Oh ya, I wasnt reffering to ephedrine or creatine or even whey or fish oils. I watched TUF the other night and there wa this hilarious ad with chuck lidell promoting some 'xyience' supplements, and I checked some of it out and they have like 'fat burning mix' but its ephedrine free.

DCCapen This thread is like someone going into a political debate and asking the people there to tell them about politics before he has anything of his own to say I would actually compare it more to reading a newspaper about politics before jumping to conclusions. A guy like christophers could tell me more in a couple minutes than I could possibly learn over hours and hours of research. I'm sorry, but your analogy is terrible.

pass the test please

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! read this, then read it again, then write it down, then read it tomorrow

christophers most otc supps have minimal at best effects, just get some tests if you want a real effect Where do I sign up for studies like this?

assuming the black spots are motor neurons, look at how much more robust they are in B than A; also the fiber's area has increased considerably. gonna be a lot more power generated after the test en..

what are the side effects of test?

christophers what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway)

Ceaze well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway) AV

iCe AV

GTPBR what are the side effects of test? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! Get the fuck out and never ever come back. In fact forget that you have ever been on F&N, reformate you computer and go back to using AOL.

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

this restaurant really cares about you!

this restaurant really cares about you!

"it's what i eat and what i doT . i'm lovin' itT" McDonald's® Launches New Worldwide Balanced, Active Lifestyles Public Awareness Campaign "The new balanced, active lifestyles platform is designed to inspire McDonald's customers to improve their overall well being" I dont support mcdonalds financially(ex- buy their food), but i do support thier new ad campaign. kudos, to you, mcdonalds. You can help us all with positive reminders to stay active.

They're only doing it because they created a fast food generation that's addicted to sugar and caffeine and are finally feeling the pressure. No matter what they do today in the effort of better health, they'll still be making the same shitty burgers tomorrow.

Well if they don't keep their insanely obease demographic alive, or atleast barely clinging to life, how can they expect to make profits in the future. Smart bussiness plan is all it is.

Mugwump They're only doing it because they created a fast food generation that's addicted to sugar and caffeine and are finally feeling the pressure. No matter what they do today in the effort of better health, they'll still be making the same shitty burgers tomorrow. I wouldn't give McD's that much credit. They didn't create a fast food generation, they're just supplying what people want. Unless of course they have been secretly putting some highly addictive substance in their burgers.....

What I would like to know is why does a SALAD cost 4-5 bucks??? If they cared about me they'd stop charging so much for some lettuce tomatoes and frozen chicken shit.

nic379 frozen chicken shit

mcdonalds needs to develop an appartus much like the beer hat, so we can drink nice frosty chocolate milk shakes, and still have 2 hands free to do curls...

nic379 What I would like to know is why does a SALAD cost 4-5 bucks??? If they cared about me they'd stop charging so much for some lettuce tomatoes and frozen chicken shit. it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it?

D-GUy it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it? convenience easyness

they started this ad campaign shortly after the release of supersize me

D-GUy it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it? awe it tastes ok, don be that hard on em...

The hard part of making a good salad in a place like mcd's is training the kiddies to be conscious of quality. Theres a reason the dont dress the salads for you... it would be to much of too little most of the time. clinging to life

evi1eddie they started this ad campaign shortly after the release of supersize me a wrestling buddy of mine had an idea regarding that. He was going to call up McDonald's and ask them to pay him $10,000 to eat their food every day, for 30 days, and he would lose 5 pounds. :lol:

Do you really think they care about you or anybody? They will do whatever is necessary to make money, even sell salads

this thread is a joke. mcdonald's giving a fuck? ha

superbri007 fuck mcdonald's

superbri007 FUCK MCDONALD'S lc

Heh... McDonald's is my friend ever since I started bulking. $1 double cheeseburgers own, I scarf down 2-3 at a time.

the negative people will hate mcdonalds wether they do responsible or irresponsible deeds. although, you can try to see it from their angle. Health is the new s*it. Theyre listening and responding to feedback. ....and fuck mcdonalds.

gosideways Heh... McDonald's is my friend ever since I started bulking. $1 double cheeseburgers own, I scarf down 2-3 at a time. weak

this restaurant really cares about you!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

I'm currently in a brazilian jiu jitsu class, and we meet Tues-Thurs-Sun and go for 2-3 hours (stop and go learning on Tue/Thurs, and all out free grappling on Sunday). I'm trying to lose weight and gain/keep muscle, so will everything I have listed be good for that? I'm 6'2" and fluctuate around 253-255 lbs. I've been eating better and after this spring semester lets out i'll be lifting and riding a bike around the neighborhood. CLA 180 Softgels/800 mg $16.99 Yohimbe 1111 50 Capsules/1.111 grams $11.00 Muscle Milk 2.48 lb Chocolate $23.99 Vitamin C w/ Rose Hips 250 Tablets/1000 mg $8.00

get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111

Ceaze get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111 Thanks for the reply. Anything else I should add to this? Currently i'm just taking a multivitamin and fish oil I bought locally. I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl?

dingo I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl? that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil

Ceaze that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil Ahh... hrm, according to this review, it states on the label not to be used by females, but, that's also going by somone who could have potentially read it wrong? None the less thanks again. I'll be placing an order this weekend

I went through 2 bottles of sesathin, and I wasn't sure how good the results were. My sex drive was down too.

Why does it matter if you women can't take it anyways (they can). Are you a 6'2 230+ girl? I wouldn't take yohimbine until later to try to get of stubborn fat anyways. Proper dosing is harder, and you won't feel the effects as much as an EC stack. I heard great things about Lean Xtreme. It all boils down to your diet though, basically.

superbri007 Go with some ON 100% Whey Actually on my list of things to buy, I did change to that, simply because it's 155 servings. I *can* use the whey as a meal supplement right? Is this a bad diet: 7am: Whey drink 9am: Apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 11am: lunch time (I try to eat clean here, doesn't always work), can I substitute this for a whey drink as well? 3pm: Another apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 5-6pm: Dinner typically consisiting of baked pork chops, baked chicken, brown rice, diet drinks, anything along these lines 10pm (or right before bed): Whey drink

a slower digesting protein blend would be better

I wouldn't go with muscle milk. it's like 350 cals

It may not be good for females (ie. people who can get pregnant while taking it), but that doesn't mean they can't take it.

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

Monday, December 2, 2013

lifting early in the morning?

lifting early in the morning?

who does it? what's your daily schedule like? here's my problem: getting up early to workout isn't working since my brain isn't awake enough to say "NO DONT GET BACK IN BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I wake up and hit the snooze at 5:30, 5:39, 5:48, 5:57, etc until about 7am. And this is after going to bed anywhere from 9pm to 11pm. I'm too lazy/unmotivated. The other morning we had to get up early to make a doc appointment for our new baby. I went to bed at 12:30-1am. 5:30, the alarm went off and I was out of bed and in the shower by 5:32. I NEED MOTIVATION... maybe i'm going to have to slap a pic of arnold right behind my alarm clock.

I always lift in late afternoon, usually around 8pm. An hour or so after I eat dinner. More food in me seems to give me more energy, plus im wide awake from being up the whole day. Afterwards I go for a 2 mile jog and come home beat and go to bed

heh, i usually wake up at alike 4:30am and eat breakfast, then hit up the gym around 5:15 or so.

I get up at 4:30am, lift at 6:15, finish around 8, shower, and I'm at work by 8:30-9. I go to bed around 9-9:30 and I still have problems getting out of bed, but I know if I don't, I won't have time to go in the afternoon and I'm not the type of person who can just skip a workout without a good reason

I can't lift early in the morning, my body is not ready to go and my joints just ache when I try to go heavy

Jeg1983 I can't lift early in the morning, my body is not ready to go and my joints just ache when I try to go heavy

Jeg1983 I can't lift early in the morning, my body is not ready to go and my joints just ache when I try to go heavy yeah. it sucks. thats why i used to do at night. but i only seem to have time early now. so i'm kinda stuck not knowing what to do

I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic

timberwolf I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic when i have made it to the gym in the morning, it's never after eating. i hop out of bed, put shoes and workout clothes on, head to the gym.

I can't even wake up for my 11 o clock class. I can't imagine trying to do something physical any earlier than noon

I get up at 4:30 for my first hour session of cardio on the stepmill

timberwolf I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic There's no way I could do that. I eat around 5:15 and it takes me about another hour to get dressed, walk the dog, and get to the gym next to my work. I'm well on my way to being digested at that point, but not sleepy.

With the nice weather slowly coming on, I'm feeling less and less inclined to go to the gym after work cause I would rather spend the time on/tinkering with my bike. I've started slowly getting my body used to working out in the morning before work. Last week I woke up early once, this week it will be twice, etc, until my body gets used to getting up before 6 every day.

KLoWnPR109 I can't even wake up for my 11 o clock class. I can't imagine trying to do something physical any earlier than noon i know your pain....just imagine having to get up for an 8am ever morning for a semester because thats the only time the classes you need are being offered

timberwolf I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic you're crazy dude.. i could never work out with nothing in me. but obviously it's workin for ya

timberwolf I wake up at around 8am and workout around 9 or 9:30. I think I'm the only one here though that never has breakfast before I workout. Actually experimented with breakfast before workouts and just felt lethargic wtf, no preworkout food at all? damn, that could mean everything i know about weight training is bullshit if you can get away with that and be in the shape youre in. or maybe you have freaky genetics and you'd be 100 lbs bigger if u actually ate before you worked out

Give me your modship, then be a real borly and hit the gym. Once your prove your broliness we can oil wrestle for it.

you can't blame yourself most people won't get up after a workout on 5 hours of sleep

up at 6:30, in the gym by 6:50 or so, and then at work by 9. im a nite person, i hate mornings but i wanna succeed so i do it cause it works best for my schedule. i grumble and cuss all around the house in the morning as i am getting ready

Undefined wtf, no preworkout food at all? damn, that could mean everything i know about weight training is bullshit if you can get away with that and be in the shape youre in. or maybe you have freaky genetics and you'd be 100 lbs bigger if u actually ate before you worked out:dunn: I sip a protein shake throughout my workout. And still eat immediately after...

I used to lift in the morning. Biggest issue was the pre-workout meal. I'd have my breakfast of oats and 6 eggs at about 6, work out at about 7:30-8.

Good god, I couldn't imagine lifting/doing anything physical when I first wakeup in the morning. I am a zombie until maybe the 2nd or 3rd hour of being awake.

i lift at around 8pm, by the time it gets to 8pm i feel real tired/sluggish

went again this morning, and with the help of some caffeine, had a pretty good fuckin workout.

lifting early in the morning?

Sunday, December 1, 2013



Would nicotine gum be good for bulking? I know nicotine gum coupled with caffeine is supposed to bump metabolism up somewhat but it's also supposed to have a nutrient partitioning effect, so if you just ate more calories to make up for the supposed metabolism bump, would it be beneficial?

I think you need your head examined if you're thinking about using nicotine to help with bulking. Most people would use it for cutting, I believe it also has some appetite suppressing qualities which would be counter productive to bulking.

cavefish I think you need your head examined if you're thinking about using nicotine to help with bulking. Most people would use it for cutting, I believe it also has some appetite suppressing qualities which would be counter productive to bulking. ness

It doesnt effect my appetite whatsoever for some reason

when i bulk, i find food and lots of it work the best.

i dont know of any benefits it could have for bulking. i thought it was purely an appetite suppresant(for those of us who dont smoke that is)

Undefined i dont know of any benefits it could have for bulking. i thought it was purely an appetite suppresant(for those of us who dont smoke that is) I already stated the benefit,nutrient partitioning

Perhaps this is not the board to ask. You should try


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

I have heard that caffeine helps to boost metabolism. What are some reasons to add caffeine to a diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

Monday, November 25, 2013

My Daytime Fatigue situation. What causes it???

My Daytime Fatigue situation. What causes it???

I have serious daytime fatigue. Just about anytime when the sun is out, I get really tired and sleepy. But when it gets dark, I feel energetic and lively. This causes me to takes naps anywhere from 1-3 hours during the daytime. I can force myself to go without naps during the day, but the daytime fatigue still remains even after the following days. I have some theories as to why I may be having this:-I don't eat breakfast. I have absolutely no appetite in the morning, or anytime right after I wake up. -I masturbate 2-3 times a day. Perhaps this may be causing my body to tire so quickly. Result of being artficially "sexed-out" maybe? -My consumption of sugar has drastically been reduced. Ever since I started fitness training/body building, I no longer consume food items that contain added sugar or any type of added fructose. The one listed in my first theory is probably one that I won't be able to change. I just am unable to eat a decent meal right after I wake up. The most I can do right after a nap or a night's sleep is a glass of juice and maybe a slice of bread. The masturbating one in the second theory, I will only change if that may be a major cause. I am just addicted to porno and I jack off every chance I get because it feels so good. But if that's a highly possible contributing factor to my fatigue, then I will definately try. And the one in the last theory, consumption of sugar, is one that I can easily adjust. I was in fear of becoming a diabetic because it runs in the family but my latest test came up negative for diabetes. Health reasons aside, I can easily consume higher sugar levels if that helps, but only if that helps. This fatigue seemed to have started ever since I started eating 'healthy'. Before i started eating healthy, I drank soda like it was water, drank coffee occasionally as well and ate junk food all the time. I was hyper and energetic during the day and slept well at night. What do you guys think? Please share your suggestions and comments.

take this to freak shiat

Peal take this to freak shiat for real. Eat breakfast, and eat more meals. 2-3 times a day is a lot, and this could be a pretty big factor. Your sleeping schedule is probably all messed up because you usually do take naps; stop giving in and try to put off napping for a couple weeks so you can get in a normal rhythm.

don't beat off for a couple of days and see if thats the problem

Keep it down in here Im tryin to sleep

Eat breakfast... /endthread

find a girlfriend. this will cure you on several levels 1. less beating the meat 2. running around with/for her, so no time to sleep during the day. 3. little jaunts to the coffee shop with her. a bit of caffeine wil keep you focused during the day.

cbrpimp Dude get a girlfriend I have a girlfriend.

keep busy (does not include jacking off)

jerking off wont make u tired


Are you getting exercise throughout the day (besides the obvious flogging) ? What does your day usually consist of?

what kinda food are you eating when you do eat? are you drinking coffee and how much, what other beverages, any fruits, etc? your diet plays a big role on this and you can also fix your problem with correct diet, but i need to know more info.

My Daytime Fatigue situation. What causes it???

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