Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

I have 2 boxes of clen and a box of bromo I never used. I'm going back to the US in a week or so. Should I just take the pills out of the metal tabs and put it into an empty bottle like green tea extract or caffeine or something?

That or a balloon

edmang That or a balloon Man, thats hardcore right there. I think I'll gain 5 lb lbm just rocking it on the 15 hours plane ride with the balloon.

You could just put it in when you are about to land.

dude, you put them in a balloon, and then you put them in a block of wax as a candle, thats how you get weed from amsterdam

Where are you at now? Japan? How easy is it to get AAS over there? I wonder how easy it is to get AAS in thailand. I know there is a former pro bb'er who owns a gym down in Pattaya... What did you pay for the clen? Bromo?

couldnt you just mail them to yourself? its clen not testosterone

Paintballny Where are you at now? Japan? How easy is it to get AAS over there? I wonder how easy it is to get AAS in thailand. I know there is a former pro bb'er who owns a gym down in Pattaya... What did you pay for the clen? Bromo? Steroids are legal in Japan. I just ordered it and it came in a couple days. http://www.eagletsports.com/orderform.htm Take off 2 zeros for the price in dollars.

gsteclipse97 couldnt you just mail them to yourself? its clen not testosterone I am not sure. I thought they customs would check more through mail?

AznRyda I'm going back to the US in a week or so. Should I just take the pills out of the metal tabs and put it into an empty bottle like green tea extract or caffeine or something? that's probably the best idea. Granted, I've never done this, but it sounds logical. Besides, do you really want the take the chance of the balloon breaking?

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

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