Tuesday, December 10, 2013

about to start cutting, need some advice

about to start cutting, need some advice

first a brief background:in the past year i went from about 154lbs to 182lbs, and i am 6'1. I want to start cutting now because I am noticing a slight build up of fat, no exact idea on bf now but i was 8% at 154lbs and i am guessing i am around 11-12% now. just for a reference my waist went from 30in to 32.5in. i am currently taking cee, i want to know if i should keep taking that along with the other supplements i am on in the same amounts if i am cutting? for supplements: right now i take cee everyday and 3 servings of ON Whey on workout days, and only 2 servings of ON Whey on off days (which comes out to about 40% of my protein from supplements). I plan on keeping the same diet with low fat meats etc., but just cutting back on the high carbs, such as pastas. my goal for cutting is about 8-10lbs and I plan on biking 3x a week for cardio. does it matter if i do cardio on the days i hit the gym? i normally lift weights 4x a week, so i was thinking of doing cardio the other days. i basically want to see my abs again, so i am going to cut for a month or so and seeing the progress i make. i know i am being picky by cutting after so little gains but i have never done it before, so i want to get an idea of how hard it actually is. any more advice would be helpful.

I recomend not cutting, but my advice sucks. cuttign is not hard, it just sucks

vettedude I recomend not cutting, but my advice sucks. cuttign is not hard, it just sucks do what he said. People like you that cut after they gain a little bit of fat are people who never progress. Aim for a higher goal, forget about this summer and just think about next summer

SteveO do what he said. People like you that cut after they gain a little bit of fat are people who never progress. Aim for a higher goal, forget about this summer and just think about next summer hmm, maybe start cutting when i reach 195lbs? i was 140lbs 4 years ago, but i just started seriously lifting in 2003 so i thought it may be time for a cut.. i am going to get my bf measured in the next week just to make me more confident on what i want to do.

12% is still really lean mate, its what a lot of us actually cut down too. I'd atleast bulk to 220lb

thanks guys, i think im gonna bulk some more then cut. maybe not 220lb but atleast 200+.

maniak thanks guys, i think im gonna bulk some more then cut. maybe not 220lb but atleast 200+. go to 220 dude, you will not regret it.

Make it up to 215 or so and then cut

about to start cutting, need some advice

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