Sunday, December 29, 2013

I am pathetic

I am pathetic

17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym?


you're about where i started from.. only i was even weaker

Don't get discourage. You complaining is not helping either -- instead, you should do some research ask some questions and set up a routine and better eating habits. We got lots of pros here (Christophers, the most well known, but certainly not the only one), that know alot of stuff.

Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Just think, if you start now by the time you are 20 you will be completely changed. If you have the dedication, of course.

no just stay the way you are. it will make me look better.

Grouch no just stay the way you are. it will make me look better. ass lol nah man get on a routine and eat healthier... i mean read the newb guide to fat loss... and stick to it... it'll be hard but it depends how determined and motivated you are.

christophers i would pay money to see you ellipticaling it away The girls at the gym already stuff dollar bills down my gym shorts.

superbri007 yea, they are payin you to get the fuck out hey I'm making money ain't I.

I see you killing yourself within 2 years unless you change at least 3 of those things in your life.

Ilyusha I see you killing yourself within 2 years unless you change at least 3 of those things in your life. good motivation

Yah, tahts where I was a year ago only...I was at 300 tho and im 6'1" tall. I was like fuck this shit, and boom 3 months later 100 pounds lighter, few months after that muscle in places I never had visible muscle before, hehe...Now...Im happy/feel great have girlfriend na dhave other friends that are girls =)

Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Post some pics. I can't really remember what Jonno looked like 18 months ago and those would be like perfect before shots.


Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Wow dude you're a loser

jonno ^^ jonno pics of how you look now?


Did you fill that hoodie, or was it baggy on you?

Ilyusha Did you fill that hoodie, or was it baggy on you? sleeves are obviously baggy.. middle wasnt really tight but not loose either

Looks pretty filled

jonno sleeves are obviously baggy.. middle wasnt really tight but not loose either no you have fucking 500lb woman arms..

White Yah, tahts where I was a year ago only...I was at 300 tho and im 6'1" tall. I was like fuck this shit, and boom 3 months later 100 pounds lighter, few months after that muscle in places I never had visible muscle before, hehe...Now...Im happy/feel great have girlfriend na dhave other friends that are girls =) how in the fuck did you lose 100 lbs in 3 months?

nic379 how in the fuck did you lose 100 lbs in 3 months? I had a friend who did something similar, Starvation and Ephedra were what helped him.

jonno what were you eating? i'm cutting right now. i just had a snack. a small peach and 16oz of ice water. needless to say, i'm still hungry. it looks like a chiggin' wing. yum.

I am pathetic

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