Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural ?

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural ?

#1. Is it natural to have unnaturally large calf muscles? My friends keep saying my calf muscles are like major big but i haven't exercised in awhile, and i only noticed them like years ago. Is it just a natural thing or maybe due to physical activity from when i was a pee-wee? Just a wondering question.
#2: I am kinda flabby on my arms and stomach/abs. i kinda am weak seeing how girls can beat me at arm wrestling (maybe cause the bone in elbow gets pushed into table) but moving on, what are some good exercise routines i could do? i have been doing continuous pushups of 30 per day and situps/crunches 30 per day too. Any other things i can do? I am 5'3"- 5'4" weighing around 110 lb. 17 years old. should i watch my diet since i kinda am just a "eat whatever I'm given kid"

Monday, July 15, 2013

Great body without using any chemical substances

How to have a great body without using any chemical substances

Great body without using any chemical substances

To get the body you dream of you need dedication and determination. You need to be open-minded and accept that the greatest things in life, like a great physique, take a lot of time and a lot of effort. To be honest, it usually takes a year to 2 years of really hard training, eating, sleeping and cardio to get a chiseled physique if you're starting from nothing.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Feel Great After Your Workout

What to do so You Feel Great After Your Workout

Feel Great After Your Workout

Exercise should, technically, make you feel more energized, toned and fit -- not tired or sore. And while a little bit of fatigue and aches are normal, if you feel awful after you workout it's a surefire way to quickly give up your routine. Here are 14 simple tips that you can use before, during and after your next workout to make sure you feel the way exercise is intended to make you feel: great!

1. Make sure your body has fuel. Eating a small snack about an hour before your workout may help give you energy.
2. Get enough sleep. If your body is truly tried, your workout will only exacerbate this feeling.
3. When you start a new exercise routine, or increase intensity/duration, do so gradually.
4. Take a few minutes to warm-up before your workout.
5. After you workout, stretch your muscles.
6. Don't exhaust yourself. If you're feeling completely out of breath or extremely fatigued, decrease the intensity of your workout.
7. Give yourself time to recover. Avoid training the same muscle groups two days in a row.
8. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to fatigue.
9. Eat something after your workout. Eating a mixture of protein and complex carbs within 90 minutes of working out will help repair your muscles and give you energy. Some great snack ideas include nuts and fruit, yogurt or cheese and whole-grain crackers or a tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread.

If you've already worked out and now feel sore, here's what you can do to soothe your achy muscles:

10. Massage the area.
11. Apply a cold pack to the area.
12. Use BlueStop MAX Arthritis Pain Gel, a natural, proven topical gel that will relieve your pain in minutes.
13. Give it time. Muscle soreness should go away on its own in a few days.
14. Do some low-impact exercise. This increases blood flow to your muscles and can help to relieve soreness.

What to do so You Feel Great After Your Workout

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Muscles disappeared after quitting sports

Muscles disappeared after quitting sports

I've quit tennis and volleyball about a year ago and well, I've noticed my muscles are disappearing (normal I assume). Anyway, I'm not gaining any weight, but I can see my 6 pack disappear, I used to have tight abs, but well I quit sports for a while and it's gone now. I was wondering if you know any good exercises I can do at home or in the yard or something,

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Man Boobs How to reduce naturally?

Man Boobs How to reduce naturally?

I am 16 and i am pretty big, I am like 1.85 m tall and probably over 120kg (last time i checked my weight i was 80kg but i think i was 12) yea 80kg 12 year old D:. i have man boobs (im very ashamed of it). I used to play sports when i was younger(a lot younger). I don't know why i put off going to the gym for a long time, but i have decided to go (My brother is going to pay for me because hes starting to go). Im the only fat person in my family, my brothers are (in my opinion) very fit, but i probably ate a lot more then them growing up. What kinda exercises do you think i should do. i have a big belly. I want to get rid of my belly and man boobs. Im open to all suggestions. (please explain how to do exercises).

 I haven't ever been on a diet, i buy energy drinks every time i go to the shopping centers. Sometimes i buy a 2.25litre of fizzy drink (coke or sprite etc..) and it will be gone very quickly. My friends have inspired me to get into shape, because when ever im with them all they talk about is how much they can bench and how big their muscles are, but im too embarrased to join in because im full on lard. Can u give me a diet that would help me alot with my fat problem. 2 years ago i used to walk to and from school, should i start back up? How much time a day/week should i be exercising for the actual exercise to be effective. Any help is good help.

Man Boobs How to reduce Tips and Tricks

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