Monday, July 15, 2013

Great body without using any chemical substances

How to have a great body without using any chemical substances

Great body without using any chemical substances

To get the body you dream of you need dedication and determination. You need to be open-minded and accept that the greatest things in life, like a great physique, take a lot of time and a lot of effort. To be honest, it usually takes a year to 2 years of really hard training, eating, sleeping and cardio to get a chiseled physique if you're starting from nothing.

Many of you out there are teenagers and a year or 2 will go by fast anyways. You'll see small changes every 3 months and it will continue progressing. Some of you are hard gainers, some of you have a slower metabolism and others put on muscle just looking at the weights. You have to discover what kind of body you have and train based on it's needs.

Magazines will always tell you how to make a certain body part bigger... The fact is, genetically, some people have big arms and some have a big chest and some have monstrous legs and it wouldn't matter how hard a guy like Flex Wheeler trained, he'd never get his quads as massive as Tom Platz; and, in the same token, no matter how hard Platz tried he couldn't get Flex's complete, symmetrical physique with explosive guns (arms).

The point I'm getting across is to train your body in balance. It sometimes takes a while for "lagging" body parts to come up, but if you take your time and keep your body at a positive nitrogen state and sleep properly you'll get there.

This world is always focused on getting bigger and bigger and bigger and look at bodybuilders today with their 46 inch waists - they're all pregnant looking from all those drugs they take. I've seen every single bodybuilding video that all the pros have released and they all train sloppy - from Cutler to Coleman and Warren and so on and so forth. No wonder they end up with so many tears and injuries - they train way too heavy and way too sloppily.

Besides, you don't get to keep those physiques when you go off the drugs. Stay away from the damn drugs and put in the hard work.

Would you honestly want to look like Ronnie Coleman and weight over 300 lbs with a mammoth waist or look like Brad Pitt from "Fight Club." Well, here's a little secret to help push my point - women with 9 times out of 10 prefer the Pitt look. Why is that? It's because juiced up bodybuilders may exude testosterone but they are so over blow that their morphology has strayed from the ideal phenotype. In other words, they no longer look human to the opposite sex - they look like deformed bubbles of muscle. Trust me when I say you should aspire to have a body like a male muscle model/fitness model. You'll do great to have a 28"-32" waist with defined abs and cuts and throughout the body than a huge physique.

Don't give up at the gym and don't let those drug pushers tell you I have no idea what I'm talking about - they want your money. And these bodybuilders are "self medicating" with dangerous underground hormones - many of them made solely for animals. Veterinary steroids are not designed for our receptor sites and the hygiene in these underground labs leaves little to be desired.

Getting cuts quickly is no problem; lots of slow cardio on a slight incline, lots of rest and proper nutrition and you're there. If you want to put on serious muscle you have to lift at least 4 times a week and count all your calories, proteins and carbs. Weighing your food isn't expensive - food scales are everywhere. You don't need a gym to workout - you can do it at home if you buy the weights. You don't need heavy weights, when you lift you should feel the muscle working - your mission isn't just to push the physical weight.

All of these magazines promote supplements, and many are great - but you don't need even half of them.

To keep it natural I would recommend supplementing with a multi-vitamin, ALA (alpha lipoic acid) capsules to get rid of oxidants, and BCAAs to keep the body at a positive nitrogen balance. And protein powder I feel is needed, because it's hard to eat a physical meal all the time.

How to have a great body without using any chemical substances

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