Showing posts with label nutrients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrients. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning

you can't cook some chicken or eat a can of tuna? Tuna- takes 2 seconds to open the can. Chicken- make it all at once in the oven, on sunday or whatever...there you have it, 3-4 pounds of chicken breasts to eat for the next few days. I'd just get sick from drinkin so much ON

infinite loop i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning At least 50-60% of my protein comes from shakes if I'm targetting over 200g per day. I don't worry about it...

joy division you can't cook some chicken or eat a can of tuna? Tuna- takes 2 seconds to open the can. Chicken- make it all at once in the oven, on sunday or whatever...there you have it, 3-4 pounds of chicken breasts to eat for the next few days. I'd just get sick from drinkin so much ON yeah, i could.. i guess i'd just prefer not to because i don't like reheated chicken and don't like the taste of tuna. i know, i'm being a bitch i've gotten used to the on, it doesn't bother me at all anymore. if by chance it gets to me, we have free coffee at the office so i can get that to chase away the taste.

fuck reheating it, i hate it warm..just eat it cold- I bring 2 pounds of chicken breasts with me to school. Just leave it in my bag. mmmmm mmmm

infinite loop i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning I wouldnt worry about it. The only time I was ever told to make sure all my protein, or at least the majority of it, came from whole foods, was when a chinese herbalist told me my ying and yang and Chi was all out of wack. I changed my diet accordingly, and became sick and more tired and well all negative affects. I like the taste of food better, but sometimes its easier to make a shake and forget about it.

Getting a bunch from shakes is better than not getting enough. My only problem with relying on shakes too much is that they don't fill me up at all, so I do my best to get as much from whole foods as possible to keep my cravings down.

protein is protein but meat is sooo much more tasty....its true that different protein sources give different amounts of different amino acids but in my opinion it is all relevant

Shakes are ok but as Jugget said you wont be getting aminos and other nutrients that all help your body absorb and use up the protein. Also why are you having a shake before and after your workout? Your body can only digest so much at once and I may be wrong but Im guessing that 40g-1hour-40g is going to yield little more than lots of farting and protein turds. Protein wont help you work out it helps your body build muscle after you break it down working out so keep your post shake but re-consider the pre-shake IMO

Nothing wrong with the protein IMO; what's wrong is your veggies- or lack of it. That's a pretty bland diet for cutting to me Not to mention that a leetle more variety is good for the soul..unless you do well in the same routine , which honestly some of us do.

joy division fuck reheating it, i hate it warm..just eat it cold- I bring 2 pounds of chicken breasts with me to school. Just leave it in my bag. mmmmm mmmm hehe i used to do that, but everyone would make fun of me for eating "raw chicken" idiots

protein is protein. i see nothing wrong with it. if they dont fill you up I'd buy a bucket of mass gainer and throw in a couple of scoops. thats what I do and my shakes are ~400 calories, 45 grams of protien which fill me up pretty well

I get three of my meals from shakes and oats. Hasn't stopped me yet. You can only cook and eat so much. If we all had all the time in the world to cook, eat and workout then we wouldn't need shakes. Most of us have school and work.

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Is this multivitamin any good?

Is this multivitamin any good?

Since I'm starting a new diet any everything I told my mom to pick me up a multiviatmin. She went shopping at Costco and she picked up these multivitamins. It's like 8 different little pills that cover pretty much every vitamin/mineral you could ever need. My question is if it's really healthy to be taking in 3000+% daily value of certain nutrients. Also, are they missing anything important?

Any multi will do, seriously. I don't even worry about it anymore, I buy whatever generic multi is on sale at Wal-Mart; they're just a catch-all, cover all your bases thing.

I wonder if it's okay to just mix all this shit in together with my morning shake. It's a fucking pain in the ass popping 8 pills.

xpinchx I wonder if it's okay to just mix all this shit in together with my morning shake. It's a fucking pain in the ass popping 8 pills. If you're using a lot of protein powder already, you probably don't NEED a multi..most of those powders have a shitton of fortified vitamins and minerals thrown in, check the label for percents.

superbri007 throw that fucking vitamin E capsule out the window That's what I was thinking, that's a very high amount of Vit. E.

Why because out of no where, vitamin E is suddenly bad? I read article on vitamin E also -- it was something like "Vitamin E causes Premature Death". I don't believe it.

Man, these things are fucking hard to down. They all taste like shit. I think I'll just ditch these and get the gummy bear ones. I'll just throw away all the supplemental ones and eat the multi pill.

xpinchx Man, these things are fucking hard to down. They all taste like shit. I think I'll just ditch these and get the gummy bear ones. I'll just throw away all the supplemental ones and eat the multi pill. Seriously, get a one-a-day or something, that's probably all you need. Most of your nutrients should be coming from your diet anyways, multi is just a CYA.

Is this multivitamin any good?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

stupid question about losing fat..

stupid question about losing fat..

sounds weird and i've been wondering hypothetically lets say you only take protein shakes and your vitamins throughout the day for a while probably really hard to do but you take about lets say 1000 cal worth of shakes and you work out normally and in the morning get like a tbs of peanutbutter to get you going would you lose body fat quicker? and would this be bad for the muscles... i know you are lacking nutrients and its hurting the body in the long run but this is just a hypothetical question.

sounds like a psmf

eh would it work tho?

i know if you do psmf in cycles but the refeed process... like what would you take in?

but seriously any thoughts on this... like i'm about 16 percent bf wondering if i did it how much would i probably cut down (this is in a perfect situation where i have a high metabolism) Basically, a PSMF is 1.5 g/lb of LBM (not total body weight, just your lean mass), veggies, and fish oil for your essential fats. It's not meant to be long-term without a schedule refeed or some time eating at maintenance in there, but it's not too complicated.

XsLiCk sounds weird and i've been wondering hypothetically lets say you only take protein shakes and your vitamins throughout the day for a while probably really hard to do but you take about lets say 1000 cal worth of shakes and you work out normally and in the morning get like a tbs of peanutbutter to get you going would you lose body fat quicker? and would this be bad for the muscles... i know you are lacking nutrients and its hurting the body in the long run but this is just a hypothetical question. that is a horrible idea. You WILL be hungry all the time, even with EC. You won't learn good eating habits. etc. yes, you will lose fat quicker but it is ONLY because you have a huge caloric deficit. You are much better off doing it with real food for a variety of reasons. About the only workout you can do on a diet like this is maintenance: full-body, 2 sets per muscle, 2-3 times a week. Any more and you're just fucking yourself.

you'll lose a ton of muscle even with all the protein because your glycogen will be so low/non-existant it's why atkins people lose so much weight

I've heard of this diet. Basically flax seed oil and protein shakes and vitamins. It would work really good if you dont mind losing muscle.

Werdna you'll lose a ton of muscle even with all the protein because your glycogen will be so low/non-existant it's why atkins people lose so much weight Muscle and water wieght I think.

stupid question about losing fat..

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

eating before bed

eating before bed

we were at ruby tuesdays and this girl says she wants the salad because "its too late for the carbs in pasta; i dont want to get gain fat" do people store calories differently depending on when you eat them? ex: if i eat dinner at 8pm and my friend eats at 11pm every night and we both go to sleep at 11:30pm, is he going to gain more fat? i argued that it didnt matter but i really didnt have any science to back it up, and it was interesting that i didnt know so i just argued what i whats the deal?

yeah but like her friend was arguing that the carbs are stored as fat overnight...and i said fat loss depended more on total number of calories

when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body.

Moonwalker when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body. but if you expend 3000 cals a day, and eat 3000 every night before bed, you are saying you would gain weight more than someone who eats the 3000 cals in the morning or at lunch?

size18boarder but if you expend 3000 cals a day, and eat 3000 every night before bed, you are saying you would gain weight more than someone who eats the 3000 cals in the morning or at lunch? no, its the same

can we get someone respected in here to clean this up ceaze? christophers?

holy fuck, people. thermodynamics are thermodynamics. if you both eat the same number of cals, it doesn't matter what time you consume. that girl was an idiot.

Werdna holy fuck, people. thermodynamics are thermodynamics. if you both eat the same number of cals, it doesn't matter what time you consume. that girl was an idiot. .

Moonwalker when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body. stop posting

i usually have a protein/carb mix meal before i go to bed

i've always had my biggest meal before bed. even when cutting

ff cottage cheese and protein shake before bed = win

Meh. It's not going to make a huge difference unless you're binging before bed, which is what a lot of people do. People who lose weight by not eating before bed, lose because they are generally the type to starve all day and pig out at night; therefore when they set a limit, they lose weight because they are cutting back on calories.

i usually have a shake or steak before bed so i keep protein in my system all day.

i eat my fish oil and cottage cheese + whey before bed every night.

Q: Is it really true that calories eaten at night are more easily stored as fat, or that I shouldn't eat anything after 6pm if I want to lose weight? A: This is another one of those common ideas and the answer is that it depends. A lot of diet authors give the 6pm (or even 4 pm) rule for weight loss without ever really explaining why. In my mind, this is just a simple trick to get people to eat less, which of course causes them to lose weight (pretty simple trick too - get people to eat less and they lose weight. Wow!) The common reason given is that since you're less active at night, the calories are more likely to be stored as fat. Other authors have commented that insulin resistance is higher in the evening and eating carbs will more likely be stored as fat. But is it true? Again, it depends. Now, if eating a big meal at night (which is quite common in the US) causes you to eat more calories than normal, of course you will gain fat from it. But it's not from eating it at night, it's from eating too much overall (the same thing would happen if you ate too much earlier in the day too). That is, it still comes down to calories. But, overall, assuming the same daily caloric intake, there's no real reason to assume that eating a larger meal at night compared to in the morning will lead to more being stored as fat. Think about it this way. Say you're the same person from the previous question eating 2000 calories per day. If you eat more of your calories at night, that means that you're eating less earlier in the day. So even if you did store more of those calories eaten at night, your body would be mobilizing more stored fuel earlier in the day when you were eating less. End result: no difference. As a side note, one study of dieting and exercising women found that eating more calories at night caused less muscle loss, but no difference in fat loss. Presumably more nutrients were available during the night to avoid muscle breakdown. The women who ate more in the morning did lose more total weight, but the entire difference was because they lost more muscle. Basically, the old bodybuilder idea that you should eat fewer calories at night appears to be counterproductive to keeping muscle on a diet. What really matters in the big scheme of things for weight and fat loss is total calories in versus total calories out. But assuming you eat the same number of calories, whether you eat more of them earlier in the day, or more of them later in the day, it doesn't seem to matter. In fact, eating a larger meal at dinner (or a small bedtime snack) may spare more muscle. The only way eating a lot at night will make you fat is if it causes you to eat more overall. by Lyle McDonald, CSCS

eating before bed

Monday, November 25, 2013

microwaving eggs

microwaving eggs

are there any problems doing this? it's so much faster and easier, there's gotta be a catch to it

nuke the whales

They just don't taste as good to me. But who cares about taste anyway.

They get rubbery if you over-nuke them. PLus they don't taste so good. dont need an egg wave to do that?

2 eggs, a margarine container, 90seconds, and bread. the fastest breakfast in a jam.

no catch, just taste different. I actually enjoy the taste

1 whole egg + 5 whites every morning. Nuke it for 1 minute, mix, nuke for another minute and done.

What does nuke mean?

Captain Amazing What does nuke mean? duh, we throw em out in the back yard and bomb them with nuclear warheads edit: someone beat me with the correct answer

They taste "alright" to me for a quick fix just add some pepper and salt and stir every once in a while. 2 eggs probably like 2 to 2 1/2 min.

kills the nutrients

sweetcheeks They get rubbery if you over-nuke them. PLus they don't taste so good. .

eliktronix kills the nutrients Don't forget your tinfoil hat.... it prevents the government from controlling your dreams

KetchupKing Don't forget your tinfoil hat.... it prevents the government from controlling your dreams

eliktronix awesome site. i had this for awhile. worked pretty well.

put cheese on them when u microwave and the difference in taste goes away.. also stop them while micrawaving once or twice and stir it up and add some pepper each time.. i do hate trying to clean up the damn bowl.. eggs and cheese stick like a mother and dishwasher is an asswhole

Erik_sr20 I usually just cook up a huge motherload of scrambled eggs on the weekend and put em in the fridge. Then weekdays before work i just take a couple big scoops and heat those up in the micro. great idea.

it takes less time for me to make a 6 egg scrembled egg deal (1 whole, 5 white) in a pan tastes a lot better...I guess you have to stand there for 20 seconds with a spoon moving it aroudn so it doesn't get burnt.

microwaving eggs

Monday, November 11, 2013

benifits of extra virgin olive oil vs. regular olive oil?

benifits of extra virgin olive oil vs. regular olive oil?

Any difference between the two, or is it just the taste?

RichSpidizzy Any difference between the two, or is it just the taste? better quality fats

no stds

i was wondering the same thing. better EFAs? i know extra virgin is thicker and tastes better.

Extra virgin olive oil is from the first cold pressing of the olives. Subsequent presses often employ heat to extract any remaining oil from the olives.

which would mean that with no heat theres more nutrients etc and it also has the most flavor and would also explain why its thicker and darker, thank you mr. henderson

BiffHenderson Extra virgin olive oil is from the first cold pressing of the olives. Subsequent presses often employ heat to extract any remaining oil from the olives. who are you, emeril's brother? reveal yourself.

No problem. I just watch a lot of the FoodNetwork. Cable>regular crappy TV shows.

sr20wop no stds

sr20wop no stds

benifits of extra virgin olive oil vs. regular olive oil?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

how to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches. Right now it is impossible to target fat loss in one specific area. My waist is 32 inches and I'm 6'6". You have a trainer and you do a lot of Olympic training. I'm guessing your cardio is sport specific, you run the field, laps around the track, plyometric endurance, etc.

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