Showing posts with label gym. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gym. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... but for the past few days I upped my workout to an extra hour of hard cardio and now i am voraciously hungry during lunch time A few minutes ago i was sitting at my desk, and i had the biggest craving for a salad or something green. Since i was running short on time, i settled for a subway sandwhich, but i havent eaten lunch for a while now. Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat?

more hungry = hungrier

ryazbeck more hungry = hungrier yeah yeah... same difference

i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. and your goals should determine whether or not you should be eating more or less. bulking, slimming?

ryazbeck i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. i dont work out in the morning during the week, only during the weekend. But when i workout at night during the week - i work out hard. my goal is to have my shirt soaked in sweat and i have to actually ring it out like a soaked towel

ryazbeck i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. and your goals should determine whether or not you should be eating more or less. bulking, slimming? slimming . I am trying to lower my bf%. I am doing pretty damn good too, just gotta stay on course and i dont want to derail it by giving in to hunger

Juggernaut I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat? How much do you weigh/how tall are you, what are your goals, etc? Starvation much? edit: damnit i took too long to respond

then if you're gonna eat that snack at lunch try to make it low cal. count your calories and eat around 2000 cals, with working out and cardio you should lose no problem.

My questions still remain valid. How many calories are you taking in per day though? 1 bowl cereal and a glass of oj is like a couple hundred calories.

ryazbeck then if you're gonna eat that snack at lunch try to make it low cal. count your calories and eat around 2000 cals, with working out and cardio you should lose no problem. i am doing calorie counting now actually. i am trying to do between 1300-1500 a day for intake

b-stevens My questions still remain valid. How many calories are you taking in per day though? 1 bowl cereal and a glass of oj is like a couple hundred calories. i have a bowl of special K cereal and a glass of OJ for breakfest. For dinner i usually have one of those healthy choice meals that is at a max 500 calories. Maybe some pineapple pieces of an apple when i get home from the gym. Plus more water than jebus to drink

b-stevens How much do you weigh/how tall are you, what are your goals, etc? Starvation much? edit: damnit i took too long to respond i dont know what i weigh now after 4 months of this crazy diet/workout plan i am on. I know for a fact i now can wear a 33 pant size and its loose as hell on me. Last i checked i was 6'0, 185lbs, but then again that was end of janurary

Juggernaut i dont know what i weigh now after 4 months of this crazy diet/workout plan i am on. I know for a fact i now can wear a 33 pant size and its loose as hell on me. Last i checked i was 6'0, 185lbs, but then again that was end of janurary What makes you want to slim down at that weight?

b-stevens What makes you want to slim down at that weight? soccer season. I play forward. The skinnier i am, the faster I get. PLUS - i want a 6 pack so bad

holy crap you need to eat more often!

damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories

jonno damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories

I just had 4 double cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds.

Girl_Next_Door holy crap you need to eat more often! I have a crappy metabolism .... if i eat it goes straight to my gut, and i really want a washboard stomach

jonno damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories its between 1300-1500 a day. I burn probably 600-800 at the gym a night, so i have to intake something

Juggernaut I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... but for the past few days I upped my workout to an extra hour of hard cardio and now i am voraciously hungry during lunch time A few minutes ago i was sitting at my desk, and i had the biggest craving for a salad or something green. Since i was running short on time, i settled for a subway sandwhich, but i havent eaten lunch for a while now. Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat? *suspicious* you're joking, right?

Elfling *suspicious* you're joking, right? no... why? edit: I wouldnt come looking for serious advice spouting off bullshit....

cereal and oj lightweight

sounds like you have a horrid diet

Ceaze sounds like you have a horrid diet how so? I am not usually hungry ?

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Initially when starting back at the gym (after a month or 2), I would feel that really nice muscle pain. However after a week or 2 it would go away and never come back again as long as I routinely went to the gym...does this mean I am not working out hard enough? I want to feel that damn pain.

kingrukus does this mean I am not working out hard enough? No.

ok thanks

What Ceaze said :P Soreness after workouts isn't an adequate indicator that you had a good workout. As long as you're progressing- more weight, more reps, etc- you're doing fine.

if i dont workout hard enough i dont get sore, only goes for my chest, lats, quads and butt. i randomly get sore in my arms and shoulders

Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years.

no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

Mike4831 Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years. No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday).

ryazbeck no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

kingrukus No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday). Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. my kidneys *ACK* FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lylemcd I would strongly argue that DOMS is a pretty worthless indicator of muscle damage. Just too much variance there and any researcher who used something so subjective would be doing a pretty bad job of it. Resercher: So, are you sore today? Subject: Yup, my hips feel like I'm a hooker who serviced the fleet last weekend. Researcher (makes mark on clipboard): Yup, he's got that thar muscle damage. Sorry, that's crap. Lyle .

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. Are you serious

Whey protein is dangerous unless taken in VERY small doses.

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

well? whats it doing for me...any toning or fat burning?

Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park.

rollerblading is a hell of a workout

joy division Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park. about an hour of cruising around neighborhoods..going up some hills...going fast....very little lazy douching though

superbri007 no, but I heard that lollarblading is really good

yeees, it gives you nice tone man-glutes

will it burn any body fat, or do any overall toning? or just legs pretty much

it won't burn anything. it'll just give you an onion booty. no but seriously, if you do it with enough intensity, it could be a good cardio activity thats easy on the knees compared to jogging.

Rollerblading is horrible

great workout!

if you have to ask, then no

jackjohnson if you have to ask, then no well its definetely " a workout" since i sweat hard and can run out of breath when im skating hard. jw what it actually does for if it tones or burns any fat.

could be decent cardio.. it all depends on your intensity

I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that.

Do you have to say TONE in every god damn post. NO, it will not TONE your muscle. You will lose weight, uncovering what muscle you may have underneth -- giving the appearence of TONAGE (lol?). It is good cardio though (good on the knees), depending on your entensity.

just go to a damn gym

sr20wop just go to a damn gym I can't stand doing cardio in a gym so I normally rollerblade 2-3 times per week during the summer. Yes it is one hell of a workout if you make it. Actually a girl I work with use to speedskate and her and I would go every weekend and not quit till someone gave up. Some days we would end up doing 20+ miles. If you really want some fun basically skate upright for a couple of minutes and then crouch and try and get as far of a kick as possible for a minute or so and as hard as you can. If you have a friend who bikes try and draft them. Did that with a buddy of mine who raced and I could barely breath after a couple of miles. What muscles you work depend on your stance very similiar to an efx machine. If you are low you are going to notice it more in the whole leg if you are upright more in the middle of your legs.

iwishiwascool I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that. Use to aggressive to and it was amazing how much you really had to stay constrictinged and were squeezing your abs. Especially on rail grinds.

Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using?

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? my bauer hockey skates......thats all ive ever used since i was a kid.

I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice.

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? I started rollerblading 12 years ago it was a b-day present from my parents since I wanted something else to supplment my cycling. I basically have sticked with rollerblade brand the whole way. Right now I am on the Rollerblade Aero 2 got an awesome deal on them at a local sporting store that stopped carrying the rollerblade brand. The only problem I have is the boot is uncomfortable and almost makes my foot go numb but after a couple of miles almost like it breaks in and I don't have a problem. I use to have K2 and that was a nice boot. If I could take the Aero 2 skate and add the K2 boot it would have been perfect. What you got?

iwishiwascool I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice. Even when i was doing agressive I used rollerblade old school with the hard plastic boot. First skate I ever owned. Had a couple sets of wheels and bearing that I would switch depending if I was doing x-training, aggressive, or even playing hockey. God I miss that skate but man it would get hot. Ton of armor on it. Tore through grindplates like it was nothing.

jshively What you got? I have the Rollerblade Lightning 09 2004 model, had them for about a year. They're a five-wheel skate, built for fitness/speed. The boot is amazing, and even after a long (15-20 mile) skate, I hardly feel like I had them on. The only downside to having skates with such a long frame is that you can't do too many 'fun' things, other than going 25-30mph. They just aren't that agile. Plus, you have to pay to play: when my bearings wore out, it cost over $100 to replace them.

You guys are making me miss rollerblading, about 10 years ago I skated just about everywhere

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

How to kick higher?

How to kick higher?

How does someone train their legs to kick much higher? I am assuming just stretching your legs out and practicing kicking would do it?

Thats one way to do it...alot of it has to do with your hips being too tight. For example if you can do the splits you'll have an easier time kicking high. Dynamic stretching helps a bit as well, but relaxed and other kinds of stretching are just as important.

All about the flexibility.

relaxed stretching first, then with tension. do both kinds of splits (side and middle). do stretch up kicks to loosen the hamstrings. practice your kicks about a million times. I dunno if this attatchment will work right, I just came back to the board, but this is me at about 19.

Maestro Nobones relaxed stretching first, then with tension. do both kinds of splits (side and middle). do stretch up kicks to loosen the hamstrings. practice your kicks about a million times. I dunno if this attatchment will work right, I just came back to the board, but this is me at about 19. That is really impressive. If I want to kick higher, should I do those stretches everyday? Or can I overexert them?

I dunno I developed the ability over about a year's time. Your body should tell you how much pushing yourself is OK. Don't let yourself get comfortable until you are at your desired amount of stretch, but let yourself reach that point gradually; don't force it. If you work for it, it'll come.

I have trained in several martial arts for quite sometime and I always found that easiest way to improve your kicking height is simply practice kicks, and stretch. Stretch not only your legs, but also your groin, hips, glutes, and sides of abs. A combination of both intensive stretches and a lot of kicking practice will get you there.

stretching is one thing, flexibility is another. So yeah, you've gotta be pretty flexible.

3 or 7

VinSVT 3 or 7

hes right. posts 3 and 7. practice and flexibility.

Socrates How does someone train their legs to kick much higher? I am assuming just stretching your legs out and practicing kicking would do it? are you in martial arts or sumpin(serious, not trying to be a dick). cuz if you wanna become an all around better fighter, there is a very slim chance that in a real world fight you will get the chance to kick someone in the face if thats what you are after. if you are lifting at the same time that can be deleterious to your flexability goals. ive lost about 20% of my flexability in the last few weeks

incubimmer deleterious ,., ohh, fancy word...i like that one

incubimmer are you in martial arts or sumpin(serious, not trying to be a dick). cuz if you wanna become an all around better fighter, there is a very slim chance that in a real world fight you will get the chance to kick someone in the face if thats what you are after. if you are lifting at the same time that can be deleterious to your flexability goals. ive lost about 20% of my flexability in the last few weeks Yeah, actually. I grew up wrestling with my older brother, then wrestled in high school a bit. Took some boxing lessons at a gym for a few months, but gave it up pretty quick. I joined up with a MMA training gym (Springfield Fight Club) a couple months back and have been into it ever since. Going to jail for fighting directly after turning 17 got old REAL fast, and I have always been pretty addicted to fighting sports. I'm going to work on getting my martial arts belts through the military (easy to do at the Reserve Center here), and was going to continue training at the MMA gym and hopefully get set up with some good fights. A few of the guys travel around and fight, so I think it will be good teaching. The reason I want to get better at kicking now is because my friends set me up fights with guys from other towns or other guys for $50 a fight, and I can't get over the adrenaline rush from the fight. My kicks are weak, and when I kick someone in the head, it usually isn't very powerful. I figure I shouldn't do too much leg weight training.

Leo95SE hes right. posts 3 and 7. practice and flexibility. Dang you seriously knew what was going on there.

As long as you continue to train your flexibility separately, leg weight training is fine, how do you expect to kick hard with weak legs? look at cro cop, he ktfo'd so many people with his tree trunk legs... you gotta weight train, just continue to practice your high kicks too!

Maestro Nobones As long as you continue to train your flexibility separately, leg weight training is fine, how do you expect to kick hard with weak legs? look at cro cop, he ktfo'd so many people with his tree trunk legs... you gotta weight train, just continue to practice your high kicks too! I'll make sure to do that then!

How often/ what kind of stretching do you do? Flexibility isn't set in stone, you can change it. There are shitloads of exercises you can do to increase flexibility, especially for legs...your #1 problem is probably your hips being too tight. How far can you go down into the splits? Being able to do the splits isn't necessary for good kicking but it will make it easier.

I should make a pictoral stretch guide

funny you should mention that

nice links

Leo95SE funny you should mention that the second link is not working for me. only part of it comes up

right click, save link as.

Leo95SE ohh, fancy word...i like that one no one smiley posts (had 2 add ome words in )

Socrates Yeah, actually. I grew up wrestling with my older brother, then wrestled in high school a bit. Took some boxing lessons at a gym for a few months, but gave it up pretty quick. I joined up with a MMA training gym (Springfield Fight Club) a couple months back and have been into it ever since. Going to jail for fighting directly after turning 17 got old REAL fast, and I have always been pretty addicted to fighting sports. I'm going to work on getting my martial arts belts through the military (easy to do at the Reserve Center here), and was going to continue training at the MMA gym and hopefully get set up with some good fights. A few of the guys travel around and fight, so I think it will be good teaching. The reason I want to get better at kicking now is because my friends set me up fights with guys from other towns or other guys for $50 a fight, and I can't get over the adrenaline rush from the fight. My kicks are weak, and when I kick someone in the head, it usually isn't very powerful. I figure I shouldn't do too much leg weight training. that makes more sense, shit i fight for free fairly regularly (not set up in advance tho), wish i could get $50 2 do it

How to kick higher?

one of the hotties from my class

one of the hotties from my class

easily one of the top 5 most gorgeous girls ive met in college. pic doesnt do her the justice. kinda sux that her and all her friends, even her sister, are just as jaw-dropping. more to come

hot is relative

hotness not found....i go for blondes...sorry (every man has his own tastes in women)

sorry mang

u guys r haters... She looks fine to me

I'm going to Berkeley in the fall. That's one of the five hottest girls you've met on campus? How's the gym? I'm guessing it does have a GHR or reverse hyper, but it's still good enough?

i have a thing for halfies and brunettes. although theres a really cute blonde frosh u guys might like. barely got to know her tho. oh and in relation to the other thread, this is the only guy from my class that's stronger than me (i think u can see why)

PreemO i have a thing for halfies and brunettes. although theres a really cute blonde frosh u guys might like. barely got to know her tho. oh and in relation to the other thread, this is the only guy from my class that's stronger than me (i think u can see why) LOL at background poster... Dude looks big, makes u look smal mang.

no GHRs or reverse hypers (yet) but we are supposedly getting a new contract with a different manufacturer than cybex who will supply a shitload of new stuff. we'll see.


PreemO no GHRs or reverse hypers (yet) but we are supposedly getting a new contract with a different manufacturer than cybex who will supply a shitload of new stuff. we'll see. That's what I thought. Hopefully, there'll be some new stuff when I get there.

i think she looks good...her body is bangin and ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say the pic just makes her face look weird

after 4 years here at berk, i think its an advantage to have a lack of pretty girls. cuz whenever you venture outside of berkeley, your lowered standards make every girl seem hot

how hot would you rate flavia?

eh well bezerkely is known to have an extreme shortage of good looking girls, so.. anyway, she's a cute girl, but not a "hottie" in my opinion.. not hating, just not my style.

lol, she doesnt do it for me (don't tell her that). i'm really picky and don't really go for hte mainstream type of hotness. in terms of looks, i adore natalie portman, or say kristin kreuk. subtle, but alluring. berkeley scale maybe a 7? other guys i know, former floormates, would rate her higher.

engineering did =! girls

she's "cute" not "hot"

Leo95SE engineering did =! girls i hear this all of my engineering classes are humungoid sausage fests. and the only girl in any of them is not good lookig...I am such an idiot for wastign away all of my core classes

PreemO i just about spit my drink across the room. dude looks like a.c. slater

preemo > *

vettedude i hear this all of my engineering classes are humungoid sausage fests. and the only girl in any of them is not good lookig...I am such an idiot for wastign away all of my core classes I went to an engineering school that practically WAS the "city" it was in. Imagine your engineering classes multiplied across the every piece of land within a 2 hour drive. Yeah, i don't go there anymore.

girls got the same frame

Zaffir I went to an engineering school that practically WAS the "city" it was in. Imagine your engineering classes multiplied across the every piece of land within a 2 hour drive. Yeah, i don't go there anymore. what school? blodes...

vettedude what school? blodes... says someone in texas where the hottest blondes in the world are.

one of the hotties from my class

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?

So yesterday afternoon, it was pretty dead, not a whole lot going on and not a whole lot of people at the gym. So usually, I'll see someone doing something kinda awkward once in a while....but yesterday I saw two guys doing odd stuff at the same time.... One guy is going curls with 10 lb plates on each side of a big barbell (bench-press bar)......and then this other guy is doing one arm 20 lb curls...with a fucking barbell. Now there was adequate equipment around that was being unused..... So are these guys morons or am I missing something here? Is there some kind of benefit to using a longer bar for balance or...???

1 arm curls with a longbar?

well the one arm curls with a barbell could be used to wrist strenght.

Grouch well the one arm curls with a barbell could be used to wrist strenght. every damn thread man, every damn thread!

Peal every damn thread man, every damn thread!

Peal every damn thread man, every damn thread! lots of people do one arm BB curls

ryazbeck 1 arm curls with a longbar? what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb?

deznutz what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb? it's a cool exercise

an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

deznutz what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb? Yeah, I was like wtf? And then the other dude is doing 65lb (10 lb plates) standing curls with a big ass bench press bar

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

Fabian Yeah, I was like wtf? And then the other dude is doing 65lb (10 lb plates) standing curls with a big ass bench press bar Yeah thats called a standing straight bar curl, whats your point?

hey when you dont have heavy dumbells, you gotta figure somethign out.

vettedude hey when you dont have heavy dumbells, you gotta figure somethign out. another advantage is that you can shrug in the cage, facing the side. put the safeties just below hand height and load the bar with weights. No worriest about DLing anything up

something i love to do is to use a BB for leg presses. i just lay backwards on a bench, balance the BB on the middle parts of my feet, unrack, and press that shit.

this is not strange

cavefish Yeah thats called a standing straight bar curl, whats your point? .

Fabian And then the other dude is doing standing curls with a big ass bench press bar that's only about the best biceps exercise that exists

i lay down in a leg press machine upside down and use it as an incline bench. it actually helps me learn how to lift with all the blood rushed to my head. it takes a lot of self control and discipline. not to mention years and years of experience. try it.

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's... do this after poping an animal pack

mtnbike4522 do this after poping an animal pack nigga plz, i'm animal withou the packs

why aren't they using the power rack for curls like most people?

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's... I do rack deadlifts like that.

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?



Is it me, or is F&N getting a lot of new attention from other members (from OT main)? What changed to make F&N the new hotness?

summertime baby

Mistich summertime baby Figures.


~*Pogovina*~ it's "OMGIGOTTALOSEWEIGHTFAST!!!11ONE" season Yup, you know it Pog.

this should count as forum invasion

evi1eddie this should count as forum invasion

Because we run this bitch.

cavefish Because we run this bitch. word up son!

we've been too nice to the newbs of late, time to start crackin the again

It's like it's a january down the gym. when you have all the new people doing their "new years resolution" to get fit. These people are normally gone by march/april

OMG, everyday it gets worse! Do people actually want to get into shape a couple of weeks before summer?!

Gutrat OMG, everyday it gets worse! Do people actually want to get into shape a couple of weeks before summer?! Like it or not, people honestly believe sculpting a hard body only takes a few weeks. Then it leads to disapointment..then they quit...and then everything is ok again

Gutrat What changed to make F&N the new hotness? My pictures in the other thread.

I think it's funny. A few of my mates are like hey i'm gonna start down the gym and get in shape for summer. I'm like what summer 2006? SIlly people.

its gotten worse since people without subscriptions cant search its harder to tell a newbie off

lol at noobs (like me) hating on other f&n noobs

A conversation between me and a kid (pudgy) at work yesterday: Him: So what sort of pills should I take to get in shape for the summer? Me: Arsenic? Him: No, really. I really want to get in shape for prom (Like, next week), but if there isn't something that can do that, I want to look good on the beach. Me: Well, what about diet and exercise? Him: I've been trying. I switched to light cream cheese and I do curls and walk on my treadmill each night. Me: Definetly go with the Arsenic.

Patrick Bateman :broly:

Le55Than0 A conversation between me and a kid (pudgy) at work yesterday: Him: So what sort of pills should I take to get in shape for the summer? Me: Arsenic? Him: No, really. I really want to get in shape for prom (Like, next week), but if there isn't something that can do that, I want to look good on the beach. Me: Well, what about diet and exercise? Him: I've been trying. I switched to light cream cheese and I do curls and walk on my treadmill each night. Me: Definetly go with the Arsenic.


EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

anyone ever give it a try? I got some sample packs today, having my first one right now after going to the gym, and going to bed in an hour... it tastes quite good with water, mixes without clumps, does have a slight aftertaste but not too bad its got quite a bit of shit in it though, was pretty surprised. 340 calories (160 from fat) 18g Fat (8g Sat Fat) 10mg Cholesterol 12g carb 2g fiber 4g sugars 32g protein (somebody help me out here, what the fuck does IU stand for when talking about vitamins) Vitamin A, C and E Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vtiamin B6 and B12 Folate Biotin Pantothentic Acid Calcium (160mg) Iron (7mg) Phosphorus Iodine Magnesium (160mg) Zinc (5mg) Selenium Copper Manganese (1mg) Chromium (58mcg) Potassium (410mg) i skipped a few, those weren't important... now the rest, the more important things Multi-State Protein Blend - 32g Whey Protein Concentrate Whey Protein Isolate Calcium and Sodium Caseinates Micellar Casein Colostrum Glutamine Peptides Taurine then:Lipid Blend ~ 18g Dairy Lipids Sunflower Oil MCT's Coconut Oil L-Carnitine Mono & Diglycerides and finally: Creatine Potentiator Blend ~ 3g Creatine Monohydrate Betaine Arginine Methionine and last, 1mg of boron. right now I've been using the Natures Best Isopure protein and creatine... this seems to mix better, and though I've not tried the chocolate isopure, the max milk doesn't taste bad at all... considering picking more of this up later... just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it. pros, cons, whatever. heres hoping its not a bad thing to have before bed... normally i'm happy with my isopure, a glass of water and a little creatine after a workout... but doesn't have any casein in it... meh. i'm ranting.

tize fake ass muscle milk while i am aware of that... i prefer eas products

tize im drinking eas choco whey right now cuz they sell it at walmart any idea what the IU stands for? the EAS RTD's I usually drink are the 17oz Mocha Latte in the AM, Cookies and Cream before lunch, and French Vanilla before Dinner (or I'll make a water/isopure/sugar free raspberry drink instead), then dinner is two chicken breasts and some brocolli, and before bed, its usually another isopure mix with some liquid vitamins (tastes like shit though, but atleast its vanilla isopure, not chocolate ) considering doing the lower carb EAS RTD's but not sure, since i'm running around on my feet all day i think that'd be bad

oh yeah, I got my case of Mocha Latte today for $25 because I ordered 3 more cases of the things for next week, so they said they'd give me a discount... wasn't that nice? (new apartment is right behind the supplement store i go to )

i know it had to do with vitamins ass I figured it was something unit... odd way to measure that... the fuck is an international unit?

tize where do you see IU in the first place i always see it on my vitamins thats all i ever see it on is vitamins... nothing else never realized it till earlier today when i was looking at things. thats why i asked int he oringal post wtf it was

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

So you have just woken up, and you NEED to hit the gym right now, since it closes in two hours. You havn't eaten or drank anything since waking up. Do you go to the gym on an empty stomach? or eat some fruit? or some bread? or some protein?

rye bread & raspberry jam & down 30g of liquid protein or so.

dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

ANIMALPAK VITAMINS. Thats all you need.

Get some carbs and some protein.

Ceaze dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

what are you trying to do at the gym? heavy lifting, cardio(for how long), or yoga(empty stomach for sure),.. depends what you are gonna do.

devilangel if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

tize go back to your myspace forums, did acura give you this address??? im a legit member here. and myspace forum sucks my ass!

tize <3 you mackin on me? hahhaha

prolly a weight gain shake 600 calories + 52 g protien + 15 ounces of water= win

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

Monday, January 27, 2014

4.7.05 1rm - Squat 315lbs

4.7.05 1rm - Squat 315lbs

Passed my goal of 300!!!!! Anyone care to post their 1rm on Squat?

Mine is a little more than that now. Good job 3 wheels feels good huh?

Neo22 Mine is a little more than that now. Good job 3 wheels feels good huh? yeah it does...i was so pumped just putting them on

305 - I want to make it the three 45s. Soon enough!

335 baby, one step ahead!!

Nice, I have been battling a fever and bronchitis all week and went in and did 275 x 5, I was pretty impressed.

christophers 695 Weak sauce.

christophers 695 Nuthin but a peanut

christophers 695 100 bucks says you can do 700

just curious but why the hell do you people do this 1 rep shit?

PurEvl just curious but why the hell do you people do this 1 rep shit? I never maxed out on Squat's before so i thought id give it a try, im going to go back to 300lb or less and work my way up.... Plus we have a strongman competition at the university...i might enter myself

295 i think. Thats from pyramiding up

last time i maxed i got 245 up

PurEvl just curious but why the hell do you people do this 1 rep shit? it make me feel like a big man

Jeg1983 it make me feel like a big man your a pl'er your not trying to get bigger, correct?

christophers pl'rs are always trying to get bigger but stay in their weight class, more muscle = helpful either way you slice it but not in a vanity way. I didnt think dez was trying to be a pl'er? Noobs hammering big weight for 1 rep maxes is nothing more then a recipe for injury.

PurEvl but not in a vanity way. I didnt think dez was trying to be a pl'er? Noobs hammering big weight for 1 rep maxes is nothing more then a recipe for injury. Agreed plus I have lost a bit of size since going pure pling

435 beginning of march. i never do maxes during my workout. i only did it that one time b/c it was a powermeet and i just wanted to see where i was.

PurEvl but not in a vanity way. I didnt think dez was trying to be a pl'er? Noobs hammering big weight for 1 rep maxes is nothing more then a recipe for injury. negative, not going the pl'er way....

Good job. I don't do 1RM's anymore, just rep a bunch at 225, but my previous max was 405.

I think im going to try that 20 rep squat routine

more than you, less than chris

335. but i was about 160 at the time. too heavy for 148 & too light for 165. heh.

deznutz negative, not going the pl'er way.... exactly, he's saying quit risking injury with the 1rm crap

Ed Goan never 1RM'd in the gym btw. His totals were something like 2200lbs which was a record in his class that stood for 17 years

4.7.05 1rm - Squat 315lbs

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

Repped 100 3x on flat bench today, I was happy. I broke 90's 3 weeks ago and, on the first attempt, dropped one of the 90lb dumbbells out of my left hand (elbow couldn't take it), picked them up again and repped 4.

I've found it's easier for my elbows to have the weight laying on my chest as I lay down and then use solely my arms to spread out. Before, I was kicking the db's off my thighs as I was laying down and I think the force of slowing the weight down to counter gravity while getting set up was what was fucking with my elbows.

I can shrug 100's

Mystery Guest I can shrug 100's Highest I've gone on shrugs is 90's and I'm good for 5

Are we talking one arm curls or dumbell benching? edit* my guess is benching

7th Ninjai Repped 1000 30x on flat bench today, I was happy. I broke 900's 3 weeks ago and, on the first attempt, dropped one of the 900lb dumbbells out of my left hand (elbow couldn't take it, it snapped, bending backwards, so I took the other dumbell and smashed it back into place), picked them up again and repped 40. Now that's animal intensity, that's animal pride. fixed.

I usually do 70s for incline press after I do BB flat

Opi Are we talking one arm curls or dumbell benching? edit* my guess is benching Benching. One arms curls, I can only do 47.5 on the last set

ralyks fixed. Post more

ChosenGSR I usually do 70s for incline press after I do BB flat I stopped doing barbell indefinitely. My numbers (stopped a ~month or so ago) were 225lbs 5x, 265max on flat. When I first started flat db several months ago, I had trouble with anything beyond 75lbs but I seem to be improving faster as I am focused on it now. My incline is still lacking, I can only get 85 4x on the last set. I tried flat BB last week to see if I had lost strength there, I had trouble pushing 205 6x

7th Ninjai Highest I've gone on shrugs is 90's and I'm good for 5

NoXeN I need to grow some traps

ralyks fixed. animal pak > *

7th Ninjai Benching. One arms curls, I can only do 47.5 on the last set wow... Im using 40 for each arm... I dont feel so shitty anymore

props to that man. too bad my gym doesnt go higher than 100s on DBs, gotta use the bar.

ryazbeck props to that man. too bad my gym doesnt go higher than 100s on DBs, gotta use the bar. Thanks man Mine doesn't either - I guess I'm just going to have to work on increasing reps. I'll be in a new gym this summer, so I guess that will be one of the requirements of wherever I end up.

I finally got the 130's up, maybe by the end of the summer I can have the 150's up!

~stangzorized~ I finally got the 130's up, maybe by the end of the summer I can have the 150's up! 150's What does your gym go up to?

7th Ninjai 150's What does your gym go up to? 150's

in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university.

ManinCamo in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university. I've never tried 100's on incline, but I've done 90's for 6 before. My flat is so much stronger for some reason.

ManinCamo in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university. I started my chest routine with flat this morning: 60x15, 70x12, 80x8, 90x6, and 100x3 I moved to incline db and went 65x10, 75x8, 85x4 I would love to be at 100's for incline, nice work

I usually hold them on the inside of the DB (hands as close as they can be), put the DBs on my knees and roll back so that they are already up in the air.. keep everything as tight as I can and it usually works out fine from there...

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

Applied to Bally's in Toronto :noes:

Applied to Bally's in Toronto :noes:

If I get the job I'll cut you a sweet deal on membership

nice, i work at my gym and dont get charged for a membership, its like some extra pay each month

Shaolin_sword36 If I get the job I'll cut you a sweet deal on membership The one on Bay and Bloor or Eaton Centre?

What kinda job would you have? Selling memberships?

go_duke21 What kinda job would you have? Selling memberships? I believe so. And the address is Sheppherd Ave.

Applied to Bally's in Toronto :noes:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

*****T SHIRT NOTlCE*****

*****T SHIRT NOTlCE*****

The discussed shirt in the other tshirt thread is going to be made(see thread for picture) Price: 10 dollars + s/h Send: username, size, address to Send MO/cash to: Jon Simmons, 7690 Old Foxe Court, Columbus, OH 43235 (also send username with payment so I know who to check off) If you said 'in' own up to it and get your shirt so im not left with a ton of trying to do you guys a favor by making these for no profit If you want one I need an email from you

ibeveryoneasksforpics Oh,


I'd buy it if it was a tank.

your screwed partner


I still don't get why that quote is funny and who said it. I think I missed something.

what about paypal sgt.? i think that'd be much easier

its from a funny thread. Werdna I still don't get why that quote is funny and who said it. I think I missed something.

paypal sounds better then cash/mo

AmCo paypal sounds better then cash/mo and what IS the S/H?

So people are buying a t-shirt with a quote on it that about 100 people in the world will even know about? And more than likely, nobody you will ever meet in person will have a shit's clue about what it means? And here I thought I wasted money on car and bike parts.

Alt+F4 So people are buying a t-shirt with a quote on it that about 100 people in the world will even know about? And more than likely, nobody you will ever meet in person will have a shit's clue about what it means? And here I thought I wasted money on car and bike parts. yeah AND we waste money on our cars

i dont have one

As I asked before - If there is only TEXT and no pictures, why don't you guys use iron ons? An iron on sheet costs $15 for 20 pack, and you can just pritn on it. it will stay perfectly save money and save tons fo trouble organizing it

no paypal no care

tryfuhl no paypal no care . no, "no gym for home?" only on the front, no care. no, "it's called a deadlift. now stop staring." no care.

Figures. Everyone is all gung-ho on getting a t-shirt until its time to actually pay.

Phlab Figures. Everyone is all gung-ho on getting a t-shirt until its time to actually pay. perhaps if payment guidelines and actual shirt design were set in stone, people wouldn't have decided they wanted anything

I'll give cafepress and the "no gym for home?" and the deadlift ideas a shot if yall want. I can throw together a decent design too and sell that their base price (like $15)

mike perhaps if payment guidelines and actual shirt design were set in stone, people wouldn't have decided they wanted anything alright man, step the fuck up and try to organize a 24 person consensus on one's like herding autistic sheep

Sgt. Ownage alright man, step the fuck up and try to organize a 24 person consensus on one's like herding autistic sheep I could do it easily.

In for shirt that I don't have to explain meaning to anyone who reads it

mike I could do it easily. Then do it. I have the 10 bucks sitting right here.

Phlab Then do it. I have the 10 bucks sitting right here. I didn't say it would be 10$, I said that I could do this more easily.

*****T SHIRT NOTlCE*****

Its cutting time but I cant run

Its cutting time but I cant run

I messed up my knee about 8 months ago. Its getting better and I went out and ran a half mile last week. which just made my knee worse and sore for a few days. So no more running until its completely better. What else can I do for cardio? I used a rowing machine a lot last summer which helped a lot.

you could just keep diet in check and you could lose fat that way. you could also swim or possibly bike?

eliptical machine if you have access to one. Great cardio workout, but easy on the knees/shins etc.

Carnifex L I F T W E I G H T S

DCyamaha eliptical machine if you have access to one. Great cardio workout, but easy on the knees/shins etc. an AWESOME machine. i think that's probably the only machine i used during wrestling to cut weight.

8 months and your knee is no better? Did you have surgery on it? If not, then you probably need it. If so, then you must not have done any rehab. Don't hold your breath for it to get any better unless you have it checked out (possibly again) by a doctor.

I got the same problem. I have a messed up and knee and it is time to cut. I have found the only thing to do is have a strict diet and do what you can on the elliptical machine. Or I dont know if you have access to one of these, but in my school's gym there is this cardio machine that you only use your arms for, its like a bicycle machine for arms.

Its cutting time but I cant run

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

I started this new job about 3 months ago and just tried to keep a quiet cool attitude and not really discuss my outside interests too much because I really am more of a quiet person... anyways...the pregnant woman openly asked me about diet tips and exercises she can do to help with her pregnancy and weight gain. So...there were 6 girls around when they heard this..and the one girl asked me if I was a PT or certified or something. I said just "no" and the other girl stood up and said I am a bodybuilder. So thats all they needed to hear when they came around and started firing off all types of questions about weight loss and even weight gain. So I'm just spinning my head about all this and don't know who's talking about what. so shit I told them if they wanted 'personal attention' to talk to me later about it too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up

Filmboy44 too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something.

tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner

its a small office too...there are a few that I'd off the "personal" service too "lets work that fat off honey"

christophers i play PT for a lot of people and dont ask anything for it. for some reason i just like helping people. although i get stuff for it all the tme, including money. i'm not going to say no. 4 tubs of muscle milk + 150$ came today from someone i helped lose 25 lb's and get to 8% i actually woulda rather just had cash instead of that muscle milk but oh well thats rather generous. Most of the time my advice isn't they keep comin back. they don't want to hear dieting isn't easy and they actually have to work at it for a while before they see results. I don't mind. I like talking about it and helping them. THey aren't hurting me any by not listening so whatever

cavefish Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something. oh and don't forget to contact the IRS to report any extra income.

evi1eddie tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

cunninglinguist I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cardio? Shirt available

Cardio? Shirt available

Since i only posted this somewhere in the t-shirt sticky and i have a feeling people haven't seen it, those of you that wanted the Cardio? Is that Spanish? shirt can get it at for whatever the cafepress base price is. I also made a no gym for home shirt, but because you are only allowed 1 design per shirt type, i had to mix up the type of shirts that are available. If anyone really wants a specific type of shirt, let me know.

Chris3G Since i only posted this somewhere in the t-shirt sticky and i have a feeling people haven't seen it, those of you that wanted the Cardio? Is that Spanish? shirt can get it at for whatever the cafepress base price is. I also made a no gym for home shirt, but because you are only allowed 1 design per shirt type, i had to mix up the type of shirts that are available. If anyone really wants a specific type of shirt, let me know. NGFH in a babydoll tee?

~*Pogovina*~ NGFH in a babydoll tee? sure, do you want the small "NGFH?" text on the front pocket area also, or just the large text on the back?

Just For The Record. That Was My Idea! lc

man that no gym for home shirt sucks

cardio spanish! loving it!

i'm poor as fuck, but i may have to buy one of those

Chris3G sure, do you want the small "NGFH?" text on the front pocket area also, or just the large text on the back? on the front too, please (any other color options? )

looks like they only have white in the baby doll style

Chris3G looks like they only have white in the baby doll style that's ok, better than lime green

NGFH? N**** get fuckin huge?

drunknmunky NGFH? N**** get fuckin huge? no gym for home

~*Pogovina*~ no gym for home

any chance there could be a cardio/spanish shirt with the whole phrase on either the front or the back?

wtf? i thought the no gym for home shirt was going to have the long ass paragraph on the back side

i would make your graphics a lot larger or else they won't look nearly that good when printed on a shirt

i do like the idea of spanish/cardio on the same side.

do they have black or grey shirts? I dont wear white

My hero...

christophers for fucks sake who cares about the no gym for home shirt. i would put money on about 1 to 2 people ACTUALLY buying them. make the text all on 1 side on the cardio shirt and ill buy one i just made one like this with the full text on the back, all lettering same size. that's as big as it gets.

christophers ringer T? does it cost you anything to add shirts? the problem is they only let you have 1 type of each shirt in the store at the same time. So, if you want to order it, i'll make that design as a ringer t , delete the one that is there, and then you can go in and put the order through.

christophers ok well if u make a ringer ill order 1 now. ill order a plain 1, but would prefer a ringer ok i made it a ringer for you

Do they ship to Cananda? How much does it cost?

ringers annoy me

Cardio? Shirt available

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Are there any decent tricep or shoulder exercises with minimal/no wrist involvement? Ive got a broken wrist so i dont want to put any unnecessary pressure on it, but i want to keep the tris & shoulders progressing...

kekekekekeke. no. well theres this machine where the pads rest on your elbows and work your side delts. example:

You could do the same with bands if your gym doesn have machines

Keep working your uninjured arm

Ceaze Keep working your uninjured arm !!

ryazbeck !! Training the uninjured arm helps to maintain strength and size in the injured arm. It's called the cross-training effect.

hise shrugs upper body sled dragging (you wont have to support the weight) other than whats been mentioned, use this as a time to develop something that you usually neglect, ie neck, balance, cardio, whatever.

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

So Paul Childress HATES bbers...figures

So Paul Childress HATES bbers...figures

As ceaze suggested I email him to ask him if I can workout with him...that was a long time ago. So when I got a response I told my other bber friends about it and they decided to go, it was on a day I was out of town (last tuesday) and well only one of my bber friends actually went. I just got a call from him now and I asked him "so how was it" him: "bro, it was stupid they kept tellig me I was training all wrong and tried to actually influence me to PL me: "really?" him: yeah man, since I'm only 19 they figured they can do that me: so did you guys workout? him: yeah yeah, but I wasn't really learning anything me: how so? him: well they have their click and it was hard for me to stay within it me: you mean keep up? hahaaha him: no not keep up, he said he never expects anyone to be doing his weight and shit me: should I go? him: no, how long you been competing? me: this is my 10th year him: phht fuck it man, they'd chew you alive...they hate bbers, don't get me wrong it was cool as shit to see so many elites there, especially here...but its not for you man. me: what about your girl, doesn't she train there? him: yeah, but she PL's .............. I figured as much that it would be like that.

Interesting, but I don't see any evidence of bodybuilder hate from your friends conversation.

cavefish Interesting, but I don't see any evidence of bodybuilder hate from your friends conversation. "him: phht fuck it man, they'd chew you alive...they hate bbers, don't get me wrong it was cool as shit to see so many elites there, especially here...but its not for you man."

So... you emailed Childress to see if you could work out with him ... and sent one of your friends instead.

huh...that sucks...powerlifters always come to my shows and are always welcome? Shit its one of the favs at the arnold to.

Well yeah, I can understand where your friend is coming from. I don't know how serious he was about the "hate" but you seem to know him pretty well. Its two different worlds though, I can see why Childress was trying to "convert" him so to speak, since thats what he does. Maybe your friend just misunderstood his intensity while training?

maybe his friend has terrible genetics to be a bb'er and paul saw that an was trying to tell him to try Pl'ing instead..

christophers paul is one of the nicest most humble people around, so is the crew he trains with. hes had several bb'rs come to their gym to lift with them. i know one who went there personally and said it was great. so, filmys friend is full of shit, or filmy is full of shit, or both. maybe i'll give paul a ring and ask him go right...and when you do ask him how little Mikey was and tell him to say hi to Becky for me

PurEvl maybe his friend has terrible genetics to be a bb'er and paul saw that an was trying to tell him to try Pl'ing instead.. not sure, its a give and take...he's extremely bless with a nice frame, and his chest and back dwarf his arms...

where's my baby's card you slacker

It just sounds like your friend was unwilling to conform to his training methods and/or intensity to me.

b-stevens It just sounds like your friend was unwilling to conform to his training methods and/or intensity to me. ^

b-stevens It just sounds like your friend was unwilling to conform to his training methods and/or intensity to me. I wouldn't know...

If I were you I would still take the opportunity to train with him despite what your friend thought.

So Paul Childress HATES bbers...figures

Thursday, January 23, 2014

For those who do overhead shrugs....

For those who do overhead shrugs....

How much weight do you use? Just curious....

95-135 for sets of 20

Sounds dangerous.

timberwolf How much weight do you use? Just curious.... If your shoulder is hurting then this is a movement I would advise against.

i did them once, and Mr. Rotator Cuff was like " what the hell you doin crazy ass cracka! "

christophers i have never had any rotator issues thx benching properly and not much overhead pressing damn you christophers, damn you to hell...

christophers and no its not cuz of gear, since this gym doesnt use gear often at all. ive never seen a bottle of test squat a grand.

Jeg1983 95-135 for sets of 20 .

Dangerous, unneeded, easily replaced exercise < *

ive been using DBs, 45 lbs each

SteveO ive been using DBs, 45 lbs each Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion?

cbrpimp hold barbell with weight on it above head, and shrug. bloody hell

timberwolf Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion? I lock my arms Yea you don't have a large ROM when doing these

timberwolf Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion? not locked, slight bend

sounds scary, i've never even thought of doing shrugs with weight above you. why would you?

My rotator cuffs punch me in the face when I try it. I've had rotator cuff issues since before I started lifting

overhead shrugs scare me

overhead squats scare me more

Mass ive never seen a bottle of test squat a grand. wrong gear dummy

I usually do a few sets of 20 with 95lbs or so to get warmed up before moving on to DB/BB shrugs.

why in the world would anyone do that? unless youre looking to get injured.

Patrick Bateman why in the world would anyone do that? unless youre looking to get injured. some people want to get big.

I do 25lbs each side of a barbell for 20 reps. I don't lock my arms or else it's too awkward to shrug but pretty close. i love these because they don't kill my hands like normal shrugs

christophers i know i feel bad, but nobody listens to me. we have tons of injuries at my gym. but the one thing we dont have much of is rotator issues, and weh ave 600+ raw benchers. and no its not cuz of gear, since this gym doesnt use gear often at all. its cuz we dont bench with elbows out and we dont overhead press very often. most overhead press once every 2-4 weeks. wait a second...overhead pressed every 2 - 4 weeks? How the hell are you supposed to get big doing that?

christophers since when are overhead presses a requirement to get big gutrat? i know of quite a few pro bodybuilders who do 0 overhead pressing. theres 300+ men at my gym who bench 700+ who do 0 overhead pressing. theres many movements that will give shoulder hypertrophy w/o the neccesary risks of overhead pressing. i know, i know, i know. you guys all know someone who has been overhead pressing for 20 years with no problems. and for that one person i know 15+ who have shoulder issues because of tons of overhead work and elbows out benching. please tell me you meant 30 people or I'm gonna cry and move to cali and go to your gym

For those who do overhead shrugs....

Conventional vs Sumo?

Conventional vs Sumo?

Should I be doing both or just stick with one?


so no advantages in switching around now and again?

i cant do conventional, my arms are too short or something

i think sumo is saposed to better mechanically, but it takes alot of practice to get the form down and such. I can pull prettty much the same with both.

thanks man, conventional is a cluster fuck for me at the moment. my gangly legs are all up in there like spaghetti.

I don't know. I'm 6'1, should conventional be easier? It seems like I can lift more with sumo. And it tires out a different part of my back -- am I crazy?

how close is everyone's legs on conventional? My feet are about 6 inches apart, and my arms are right outside my legs.

I put my feet a little less than shoulder width I dont know if I am doing them right or wrong though. I really regret joining the gym I did. And I am just doing conventional as i dont know how to do Sumo at all.

christophers take recorsd on both i pull conv, but i do sumo's for max effort day a lot but i always do speed deads with conv what bodily aspects would be more advantageous for a sumo lift? eg. is it generally suited better to tall guys?

I switch up. I still do some form of deadlift almost every squat/dead day, so to keep from getting stale I do all kinds of variations.

I usually do conventional when training but I've always been able to pull more with sumo.

On DL's I do conv. Seem to be able to get more drive that way, even if I have to pull it higher. On squats I do sumo because it feels more stable and easier on my knees

I have only done conventional.

i squat both and pull sumo right now my conv squat is higher than my wide stance which i am trying to change

I love it.

ajahhahaha wtf bend me over and call me alfred

christophers this is what i think about sumo i share the same view as jeff ace of base playing in the background

christophers hes stronger than you, maybe hes onto something Apparently not, cuz I listen to that sometimes too

christophers That guy seems hilarious, and the garage gym looks pretty awesome

my football coaches always taught us to do sumo, so thats how i've been doin it since. today i tried conventional for the first time, and i absolutely loved it, much better than sumo.


I've done conventional when I first started and saw great gains when I switched to sumo, my weight lowered a bit, but it shot back up in no time. I think sumo helps prevent people from cheating. Now, I can do the same, if not more, with sumo than with conventional

Conventional vs Sumo?

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