Showing posts with label ALA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALA. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Flax or Fish Oil

Flax or Fish Oil

what up.... Ok I've been reading a lot about both fish and flaxseed... their benefits and what not. It goes back and forth saying flax is better...and fish is better... In your experience's what do you like better fish or flax... both health and cutting results.

take both

fish is higher omega 3 levels flax is more balanced 3,6,9

SteveO fish is higher omega 3 levels flax is more balanced 3,6,9 taking both at same time or alternate it....

Like christophers said if you HAVE to pick one make it Fish Oil, if not take both.

what about them fish burpss

QuePuto what about them fish burpss take em before bed

QuePuto what about them fish burpss or freeze them

QuePuto what about them fish burpss The ones I get have this special coating on them so they don't completely disolve until they reach the lower intestine (supposidly). I forget the name of the coating, but I got this big bottle of them at Sam's Club. Although I never had any fish stank from the uncoated capsules.

Draco The ones I get have this special coating on them so they don't completely disolve until they reach the lower intestine (supposidly). I forget the name of the coating, but I got this big bottle of them at Sam's Club. Although I never had any fish stank from the uncoated capsules. I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too.

CrackSeed I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too. the enteric coating smells kinda like marshmallows but i buy the omega complex from Sam's club: Borage, Flax, Fish, and Safflower Oils all in one capsule I take two in the morning and two before bed, i usually get one or two fish burps about 30 minutes after taking em

CrackSeed I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too. Sam's club eh... damn pay for another membership....hmmm

christophers if you pick one, then fish oil

Been on Fish oil for almost a month now and have yet to get these "fish burps"

Im new to this fish/flax is this for the good balance of intake... take 6 fish gelcaps and 6 flax caps daily... too little too much.

Flax Seed Benefits vs. Fish Oil Benefits Flax seed oil benefits are numerous, and as such flax seed has been recommended in recent years as an essential part of a healthy diet. However, new evidence has emerged that although flaxseed is important, fish oil might be an even better source of Omega-3 fatty acids. What are flax seed oil benefits and how can it help you? Flax seed, also known as linseed, is an ancient crop that has been harvested all over the world. Its therapeutic properties have long been touted, as ancient peoples used it to soothe abdominal pains and aid digestion. Flax seed oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which have incredible immunity boosting qualities, meaning they can help your body fight off illness and disease. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties which may help manage depression, cancer and even slow the aging process. Most people are Omega-3 deficient, which is why it is so important to supplement your diet with them. The main flax seed oil benefits lie in its ALA fatty acid content. However, in order to be optimally effective ALA must be converted to long-chain Omega-3 fats in the body, and many people, especially the elderly, do not have efficient internal mechanisms to achieve this. What is a better source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Recent studies have shown that fish oil may be a better source for the Omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs. Fish oil, harvested from cold water fish, contains the fatty acids DHA and EPA. Research points to the fact that DHA and EPA have more therapeutic value than ALA found in flax seed oil. Also, DHA and EPA do not have to be converted, as they are already long-chain Omega-3 fats and are easily absorbed in the body. So the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are better for your health than those found in flax seed oil, because they are more easily utilized by your body and are more powerful and therapeutic. You can increase flax seed oil benefits by substituting or adding fish oil to your diet. How Can You Find A High Quality Fish Oil Product? Only fish oils contain the special benefits of DHA and EPA Omega-3 fatty acids. So it's important that you find a high quality fish oil product so you can get the maximum health benefits. Some things to keep in mind: 1) Natural fish oils are oftentimes contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury. 2) Most fish oil in capsule form does not come from the country where it is harvested, meaning there are often additives to make sure it stays fresh through all the extra handling and processing. 3) Many fish oils contain low levels of DHA, which is the most important component. Therefore, you need to find a pure fish oil product that does not have any of the drawbacks mentioned above.

Flax or Fish Oil

Friday, November 29, 2013

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

I read through a bunch of the noob thread and it doesnt spell it out, but it seems that it helps you gain more LBM weight, and overall gives you better nutrition. Is that about right? What are everyone's experiences clean bulking vs. dirty bulking? Sorry if this is a repost, I can't search.

Clean bulk = Less work when cutting.

I know what they are, I'd like to know what the relative advantages/disadvantages are of each.

why would progress be slowero n clean foods? doesn't it just boil down to # of cals?

A lot of people think it doesn't make a difference. How much of the excess weight goes to lean body mass and how much goes to fat is mostly determined by genetics. 80%. Its your P-ratio.

So basically with dirty bulking you put on more fat and less muscle? Am I interpreting that right?

food is all comprised of the same chemicals, 'clean' foods are not some magical form of chemicals that adds muscle without fat. The greater the carloric surplus the greater the fat gain, but also the greater the muscle gain. Its just going to be easier going far over the caloric maintenance level on 'dirty' foods. If you counted calories on a dirty bulk and a clean bulk and ate the same level of calories, I'm quite confident the fat gains would be relatively unnoticable

Bulking:Dirty Bulk = More Fat, More Muscle, Less Time Clean Bulk = Less Fat, More Muscle, More Time Cutting:Dirty Bulk = Takes Longer to loose the bf, keep more muscle mass Clean Bulk = Less bf to cut, could loose more muscle mass during cutting process than dirty bulk

christophers I agree with wazzle26

clean bulking will result in either really slow/no gains. if you seriously want to put on mass and get stronger, just eat balls to the wall. enjoy yourself too, eat fries and hamburgers and pie and shit. that makes the subsequent cutting a lot easier.

Sweet, I think dirty bulking is the way to go for myself personally. I think I am just going to eat pretty much normally but just add in stuff like chocolate bars, burgers, more pop, pizza. Want to add 10 pounds by July. Edit: I assume you just mean it makes the cutting easier because you'll have only been on strict diet for 6 months instead of 12...I'm hoping it'll make cutting easier because I won't be gaining a bigger appetite, but rather just an addiction to sugar, therefore I'll get cravings but not hunger pains when I cut.

Clean bulking is a slow process no doubt...I believe its for people who have already achieved some sort of serious muscle mass though. I think most kids in here need to eat clean 3-4 days and pig out the rest. Kind of a 50 50 mix. EVeryones afraid of getting fat...well to get to were i am I got huge/strong bloated and fat. Then cut it all off with hardcore diets. You do this over a few times and you come back leaner/denser and better everytime at the same offseason weight. Thats how I get to 260 and still stay 12%ish nowadays. disclaimer... Pl'ers are exempt as usual

PurEvl Clean bulking is a slow process no doubt...I believe its for people who have already achieved some sort of serious muscle mass though. I think most kids in here need to eat clean 3-4 days and pig out the rest. Kind of a 50 50 mix. EVeryones afraid of getting fat...well to get to were i am I got huge/strong bloated and fat. Then cut it all off with hardcore diets. You do this over a few times and you come back leaner/denser and better everytime at the same offseason weight. Thats how I get to 260 and still stay 12%ish nowadays. disclaimer... Pl'ers are exempt as usual nah pl'ers aren't exempt, I plan on going hard until I hit around 230lb, then cut down and maintain strength.

So....what do you guys recommend us newbies do for bulking? Clean or dirty?

I like diry bulking

dirty bulking just sounds more fun

did you guys find you got a lot of stretch marks during your bulking phases?

Rebs clean bulk = looking skinny all the time.. fixed

and i agree with Pur, i think the clean bulking route is for people who are already fairly big and just want to maintain their lean physique while adding muscle and strength slowly. but for the vast majority of people here, i think "dirty" bulking is the way to go and it's not as if you eat nothing but saturated fat...i still ate oatmeal all the time, plenty of omega3's etc.


I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings.

dexterium I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings. are you shitting me?

dexterium I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings. Sugar to every meal and no fruits...let me know how that works out.

good point.

christophers ya, its up to you. however the person who gains mroe muscle/fat will pretty much always be the one to progress faster, especially if he lose fat fast ala werdna or the kid in our gym. also due to: more weight gain -> more strength -> more strength = more microtrauma = more muscle again, its individual.. but most people simply cannot think long term. its all short term. thats the biggest fault i see daily. shit I think my bodyfat varies with what I've eaten in the last 2 hours. no joke.

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

Friday, November 22, 2013



I've never thought of veganism and always thought I'd be the last person to try it. I wouldn't even try vegetarinism. Yet lately I've been reading about the benefits of veganism. They're too much to list but I'm wondering if anyone here is a vegan. How does it work? How do you replace the vitamins/minerals that meat/milk products provide you with? how do you fight off temptation? I've always been a meat eater but I'd be willing to give up in exchange for the benefits of a healthier diet. I'm already pretty healthy. I usually eat salads everyday. So describe to me your vegan routine

Humans were meant to be omnivores. It is impossible for us to get proper nutrition from vegetables alone. We can't even digest cellulose for God's sake.

im not reading this... but theyre all fags /thread

I tried it. It would be alot easier if soy didnt pump you full of estrogen since most substitute foods are lke OMG SOY GOGOGOGOOGOGOGO. And then I started to bulk and it was all fucking over I remember researching it a while ago, searched OT and found a thread here about it where pretty much everyone was flaming the vegan As many can agree, we would be alot better off if everyone went halfway rather than a few wackjobs eating strictly vegan and pushing everyone else to do the same calling them "specists" (ala racists) and other crap like that. As such I eat mostly vegitarian with 1 serving of meat for dinner. Oh and all the milk/whey/eggs I consume makes me very un-vegan though

for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three...

D-GUy for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three... sharing is caring.

Using Maddox's material without giving credit = fun. I do it all the time in class!

Mike McDermott Damnit, I get that smiley from you everytime I post.

Mike McDermott Yeah, I guess you do. -- Some people just can't detect sarcasm.

Mike McDermott

would you two quit flirting?

Ronnie doesn't eat vegetables, so why should i need to

at least if you're a vegetarian you can still eat pop tarts and pepsi

Ceaze at least if you're a vegetarian you can still eat pop tarts and pepsi the important things

I thought this thread was about vagina.

Ilyusha I thought this thread was about vagina. in many ways it is

Carnifex "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." - Albert Einstein. He's actually right. way to back that statement up

Ceaze Ronnie doesn't eat vegetables, so why should i need to but he does

Carnifex "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." - Albert Einstein. He's actually right. ... because he's got all those nobel prizes for human physiology right!!???

KetchupKing but he does not according to this interview with him

Ceaze not according to this interview with him you can see him eating corn and beans in his vid

Carnifex No, because he's actually right. If you are going to say this please back it up

Jeg1983 If you are going to say this please back it up I think it's more of a theory, not a fact or fiction type thing

eddscat I think it's more of a theory, not a fact or fiction type thing then he should not come here spouting it off like its the truth

Meat just tastes good, I could never be a vegan.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

...discuss. I'm more curious how everyone feels about it for us tall lanky lifters. And please, if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and can't back up what you say with more than just meathead evidence, then don't post.

i've always heard dont let the knees go more than about 1" beyond your toes. it works for me

Was kind of funny that article was on t-nation just as this thread is made. Good article though.

christophers, can I please get a link to that article? This post is an attempt to get an annoying "phys-ed major" (no I'm not joking, he went to college to be a gym teacher) that I went to high school with off my back. He just started going to my gym, and feels the need to critique my every move. I want to arrive on leg day this Thursday with some paperwork in case he intends to critique my squat, even though he admitted to me this morning while leg pressing that he hasn't worked legs in over a year.

great great writeup. after yrs of squatting bb style, ive decided to try pl style, ala legs out. wow. i have to give credit to pls. they are more flexible than you would assume. there is no way my hips thought they were meant to move that way! lol form, and proper lower back and hip development are important though, hence the reason for the suppl excercises like pull throughs or ghrs to help aid in this motion.

D-GUy Was kind of funny that article was on t-nation just as this thread is made. Good article though. Ah, nevermind. I did go there and ran a search, but it's broken and I didn't even check the new articles. Thanks!

Good work Christophers -- very informative.


i'm gay :kieke:

they go slightly beyond if your squatting properly, theres no real way otherwise. But too far is bad but you will know it if you do anyway. Try and squat where you feel the most comfortable, width, stance, etc. I tend to squat narrow and lean back and sit with weight more. Arch my back alittle, place the bar low on my traps, and on the way up i tend to thurst my hips forward to get the squeeze. I have tried all sorts of stances and this is what i like the best. Plus it caused the most growth for me. Also powerlifting style tends to widen the waist more and fatten the ass as well. This isnt a study though, just what i have learned for myself over the years

I think as you train the hammies you will be less like B when trying to keep your knees back. I know when I first started squating I would have to focus on not falling backwards when keeping my knees back, but now it is second nature. Although like everyone else said, I still move them a little in front of the toes.

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

how to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches. Right now it is impossible to target fat loss in one specific area. My waist is 32 inches and I'm 6'6". You have a trainer and you do a lot of Olympic training. I'm guessing your cardio is sport specific, you run the field, laps around the track, plyometric endurance, etc.

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