Showing posts with label vitamin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vitamin. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Vitamin Question

Vitamin Question

Does anyone know how long I can expose vitamins to air before they start losing their potency? I travel alot and usually put my vitamins in those plastic vitamin things, but I'm afraid that by opening and handling the vitamins all those times, it will expose the vitamins to air for too long.


I don't think being exposed to air does anything, but sunlight does.

redking Does anyone know how long I can expose vitamins to air before they start losing their potency? I travel alot and usually put my vitamins in those plastic vitamin things, but I'm afraid that by opening and handling the vitamins all those times, it will expose the vitamins to air for too long. No different then opening up the bottle everyday to get a vitamin.

as long as you're not leaving them to sit out in the elements or something I don't see a problem with it.

Vitamin Question

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Anyone use Lipovarin?

Anyone use Lipovarin?

I've read its better than trimspa....the only thing I ever had luck with was RFA-1 but that's not available.... can you get lipovarin at GNC?


i get lipo 6 at gnc

Lipovarin is pretty good.

buy it online or from the vitamin shoppe

Anyone use Lipovarin?

having to force down breakfast?

having to force down breakfast?

I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do?

i know what you're talking about, it happens to me sometimes, not exactly sure why it is though, i usually wait a little bit and eat, but im also not bulking, if you're bulking i'd consider just forcing that shit down and toughing out the pain and you'll get used to it.

It happens to me alot I get a big glass of water, chew up my eggs and just wash it down

i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move.

happens to me every fucking day I normally just eat Oatmeal and a banana or something and force down my Creatine, glass of water, fish oil and all taht shit then I eat alot more later

i've just been making, skim milk or water, 2 scoops whey, 1/2cup oats, 2 tbsp peanut butter. Goes down quick and easy and that's like 600 cals.

This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down

I used to wake up fucking starving, but my appitite has been fubared for awhile.

i'm like that in the morning too....i just try to compensate by eating more later in the day

Lysine, B12, etc to promote appetite might help

Basically all my life I never ate anything untill noon-3 pm, I was just never hungry...At night I would eat constantly, everything in sight. As long as I don't eat too much at night I'm hungry in the morning

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down werd, 3 eggs max for me in the morning.

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down wow i could never put that into words until you said it. eggs are the worst thing to try and put down...but the other stuff is a lot easier.

my eggs are incredible

I think im just gonna start blending my entire breakfast into a shake and pounding it 5 minutes after I wake up. Anybody ever try to grind up toast and Vector cereal?

SickLife i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move. oh my god, i thought i was the only one. I wake up, grab the banana that I leave next to my bed and eat it.

i cant eat solid food for my first meal of the day, so i always do a shake. its not hard to crap 800-1000 calories into one, which i think is a pretty good start on the day

Ceaze my eggs are incredible my eggs are incredible edible eggs

I'm the same way, takes me awhile till I can eat... try taking a b vitamin complex... and stretching upon waking up...

jaymode I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do? im usually still full from the previous night (when bulking). i always have to wait a bit to eat and when i do its usually beef jerky and/or a protein shake for breakfast.

having to force down breakfast?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

anyone ever give it a try? I got some sample packs today, having my first one right now after going to the gym, and going to bed in an hour... it tastes quite good with water, mixes without clumps, does have a slight aftertaste but not too bad its got quite a bit of shit in it though, was pretty surprised. 340 calories (160 from fat) 18g Fat (8g Sat Fat) 10mg Cholesterol 12g carb 2g fiber 4g sugars 32g protein (somebody help me out here, what the fuck does IU stand for when talking about vitamins) Vitamin A, C and E Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vtiamin B6 and B12 Folate Biotin Pantothentic Acid Calcium (160mg) Iron (7mg) Phosphorus Iodine Magnesium (160mg) Zinc (5mg) Selenium Copper Manganese (1mg) Chromium (58mcg) Potassium (410mg) i skipped a few, those weren't important... now the rest, the more important things Multi-State Protein Blend - 32g Whey Protein Concentrate Whey Protein Isolate Calcium and Sodium Caseinates Micellar Casein Colostrum Glutamine Peptides Taurine then:Lipid Blend ~ 18g Dairy Lipids Sunflower Oil MCT's Coconut Oil L-Carnitine Mono & Diglycerides and finally: Creatine Potentiator Blend ~ 3g Creatine Monohydrate Betaine Arginine Methionine and last, 1mg of boron. right now I've been using the Natures Best Isopure protein and creatine... this seems to mix better, and though I've not tried the chocolate isopure, the max milk doesn't taste bad at all... considering picking more of this up later... just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it. pros, cons, whatever. heres hoping its not a bad thing to have before bed... normally i'm happy with my isopure, a glass of water and a little creatine after a workout... but doesn't have any casein in it... meh. i'm ranting.

tize fake ass muscle milk while i am aware of that... i prefer eas products

tize im drinking eas choco whey right now cuz they sell it at walmart any idea what the IU stands for? the EAS RTD's I usually drink are the 17oz Mocha Latte in the AM, Cookies and Cream before lunch, and French Vanilla before Dinner (or I'll make a water/isopure/sugar free raspberry drink instead), then dinner is two chicken breasts and some brocolli, and before bed, its usually another isopure mix with some liquid vitamins (tastes like shit though, but atleast its vanilla isopure, not chocolate ) considering doing the lower carb EAS RTD's but not sure, since i'm running around on my feet all day i think that'd be bad

oh yeah, I got my case of Mocha Latte today for $25 because I ordered 3 more cases of the things for next week, so they said they'd give me a discount... wasn't that nice? (new apartment is right behind the supplement store i go to )

i know it had to do with vitamins ass I figured it was something unit... odd way to measure that... the fuck is an international unit?

tize where do you see IU in the first place i always see it on my vitamins thats all i ever see it on is vitamins... nothing else never realized it till earlier today when i was looking at things. thats why i asked int he oringal post wtf it was

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

Monday, January 27, 2014

GNC Super Whey...

GNC Super Whey...

Is it any good? I am currently taking it. Its some blue berry flavor. It really tastes good. I just take it an hour after working out. It says I should be getting about 40g of protein. Should I take more throughout the day? Thanks for any info.

How much does it cost?

Draco How much does it cost? like $35 for 14 servings (the small tub) but i like the flavor so much, i might go back and buy the big tubs "Mega WheyT combines 40 grams of whey protein per serving with 5 grams of glutamine and 3 grams of branched chain amino acids BCAA. "

deznutz thanks for the input...

i picked some of it last month when GNC was having a big sale... I take it about an hour before my lift and about 30 minutes after... i got the multi berry flavor, or whatever... it was 26 bucks for the 5 pound jug... pretty much the only reason why i got it... i hate GNC

and how much do you way? you should be getting about 1.5-2g's of protein per pound of body weight

MaineSucks and how much do you way? you should be getting about 1.5-2g's of protein per pound of body weight i weigh about 180-185 lbs

illustrious like $35 for 14 servings (the small tub) but i like the flavor so much, i might go back and buy the big tubs " Bleh, way to much $.

Draco Bleh, way to much $. so whats a better alternative?

illustrious so whats a better alternative? optimum nutrition

aenz optimum nutrition dot only reason I bought the GNC whey is that it was on sale... and my parents gave me a GNC gift card for Christmas. I hate GNC. online store = your friend. best tasting protein IMO is ProLab's Advanced Whey... tastes like Chocolate cotton candy and only has 3g's of carbs, only 25g's per scoop, tho and its usually cheap... the Vitamin Shoppe by my house had 5lbs for 26 bucks...'s store is selling a 2lb jug for 18 right now. do some research on the net, there are so many protein companies/flavors/options out there. trail and error

best times to take are in the morning, since your body is depleted, and after your workout. if the protein is an isolate it will release throughout the day and you can take your whole server in the morning, then one after your workout. if it isnt an isolate you might want to take the servings in a broken up manner. i think the average person can make use of about 25g of protein per hour.

MaineSucks dot only reason I bought the GNC whey is that it was on sale... and my parents gave me a GNC gift card for Christmas. I hate GNC. online store = your friend. best tasting protein IMO is ProLab's Advanced Whey... tastes like Chocolate cotton candy and only has 3g's of carbs, only 25g's per scoop, tho and its usually cheap... the Vitamin Shoppe by my house had 5lbs for 26 bucks...'s store is selling a 2lb jug for 18 right now. do some research on the net, there are so many protein companies/flavors/options out there. trail and error does the pro lab's advanced whey mix well? this mega whey mixes so well with water, i dont have to add anything at all.

GNC Super Whey...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

any trustworthy sites ?

Peal any site that sells a whole variety of stuff ?


iherb. i got my order the next day

1fast400 is pretty good too

1fast/bulk almost always unless I'm direct ordering from Avant or something like that. is pretty good too.

pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source Mike is a class act. I would still buy from there even if it's a dollar or two more. order before 3pm and spend over $40, and they over night it to you FREE! (other than ordering on weekends... orders placed on weekends will go out on Monday, thus... arriving on Tuesday), but I don't know if it applies to Hawaii and Alaska. ...and if you don't see something on their site... call the "888" number.

I ran out of whey today and didn't want to wait a couple days, so I just went to a Vitaminne Shop by my house. Bought a 5lb ON Whey for 30 bucks, and they had a shit load of stuff there. I'ld highly recommend purchasing form there if you need your supplements right away, the prices are decent, plus you get 5% back at the end of they year on your purchases.

GNC with a 20% discount and


I buy all at Green and Barrets (a shop here in UK) I have my standard list I've been using for awhile: Vitamin-B Complex Multivitamin and mineral Vitamin C Vitamin E Glutamine Co Enzyme Q 10 Calcium I may start on the creatine, soon but the fact I'd need to drink hell of amounts of water is really the only thing stopping me they give you a lot for your money.

pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source .

from this guy larry.. he sells me WHEY every sunday morning in the dark corners of boston. tell him jonno sent ya

jonno from this guy larry.. he sells me WHEY every sunday morning in the dark corners of boston. tell him jonno sent ya Yeah you told me that he gives you free protein shakes, all you have to do is close your eyes and suck it out of a hose.

BuckNut GNC with a 20% discount that will be soon for me to seeing as im about to get employed there.

cavefish Yeah you told me that he gives you free protein shakes, all you have to do is close your eyes and suck it out of a hose.

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

I'm going to start on a stricter diet today and was thinking I could get away with cooking chicken just once a day. Say, throw 4 breasts onto my Foreman grill, have 2 for lunch, 2 for dinner. Alternate BBQ with other marinades. I wanted to minimize time in the kitchen cooking. I was wondering what you guys do for your meat, whether it is chicken or something else. I am on a strict schedule with work and school and don't have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen.

I cook em' 12 at a time on sunday in the oven, then I'm set for at least 3 or 4 days.

sprite I cook em' 12 at a time on sunday in the oven, then I'm set for at least 3 or 4 days. Hmm, I could do that too. Just mic them for dinner time.

They just taste better baked/roasted to me. Foreman grill seems to dry them out and make them tough. massive thread in the archives with tons of recipes to keep you occupied

with heat

how do you cook grilled chicken breasts? hmm, got me.

you can boil split chicken breasts in a big pot for like an hour and that'll last a few days. the meat just falls off the bone so you have filets pretty much.

can't help, sorry. i only cook uncooked meat

ryazbeck you can boil split chicken breasts in a big pot for like an hour and that'll last a few days. the meat just falls off the bone so you have filets pretty much. thats the best imo. easy as hell and you dont have to spring for bonless/skinless breasts which are expensive as fuck. i get split breasts with skin and bones on em for 99 cents a lb and stock up that way, when boneless skinless is 3 bucks a lb or more.

I sometimes cook a whole 10-lb pack from costco in the oven in a big glass pan; olive oil and pepper, or random seasonings, lasts several days. Lately though I've been cooking extra at dinner for the next tastes a *lot* better when it's not two days old. Today's chicken: pan-seared with white wine worcestshire sauce and dijon mustard. Mm.

i have a broiling pan and do 6 at a time in the oven then i just keep them in the fridge till i need them.

If you guys like to buy whole split chicken breasts than i recomend that you make some Chicken Catchatori !!! You got everything you need, the protein in the chiken, vitamin C and other non-essential vitamins in the Tomato sauce, and of course a ton of carbs in the pasta for energy (if not on strict diet),1-...hatori,FF.html It takes soemtime to cook, but you can cook quantities of it at a time and it'll last you up to 2-3 days. It's a complete meal that will get you away from the usual bland chicken.

So most of you guys bake or broil the chicken instead of grill? interesting...I don't know jack about baking/broilings. Guess I'm going to check out that other thread.

Soak them in italian dressing for 24 hours and then grill on the foreman or if I don't have time to marinate I just put few slices in them and stick a little butter in the slices then cover with some salt and pepper and grill.

Olive oil, salt & pepper, grill it on the foreman. Then I cut them into strips and put it in the fridge. I usually eat the leftovers cold with rice, salad, or in a tortilla

I just put on grill, cook, eat. Not much flavor but fuck it. You get full either way no matter the taste.

Foreman grill- crushed black pepper, real lemon juice and seasoning salt Turkey- ground, add taco seasoning and apply to some romaine lettuce= turkey taco salad with picante sauce as dressing

tize i bake them. right now i have 5lbs of chicken breast marinating in a ziplock with half a bottle of italian dressing Finally tize does something right (Damn you and your bumping myspace threads.)

If you have time, my favorite way is to cube the chicken, the pan fry it in olive oil with a little soy sauce. I usually add some peanut at the end and carmelize them just a little, then eat everything as a chicken ceaser salad. Sooo good.

i used to buy tons of foster farms chicken breast from costco. they are precooked, so i just microwave them....

knowledge If you have time, my favorite way is to cube the chicken, the pan fry it in olive oil with a little soy sauce. I usually add some peanut at the end and carmelize them just a little, then eat everything as a chicken ceaser salad. Sooo good. I do something similar, but I just go ahead and make it stir fry.

broil them. Cover them in your favorite spice, throw it all in the oven and watch it as it cooks- only takes 10 or so minutes on as many as you can in there.

Coat in Cajun spice and pan fry with a little olive oil.

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

need to buy more protein... where should i buy it and what type should i buy?

Vitamin world brand is cheap and tastes good. 17g/scoop i do two scoops.

I use ISOXP Chocolate formula, 45g protein/50g scoop, tastes great, average price for protein in my city.

look into optimum nutrition its pretty much the preferred brand on here because it is cheap and has a fair amount of protein per serving 23g if I'm not mistaken. I have the 10lb bag right now

ON 10lb bag>* It tastes so good. Once it hits your lips

ON 100% whey is pretty decent, can't beat the price really has it for the cheapest I've seen, though I prefer to order with

can you get ON stuff at local nutrition stores?

XsLiCk can you get ON stuff at local nutrition stores? Yes but it is a rip off there. I saw the 5lb ON 100% at GNC for $49 You can get a 10lb for cheaper @ 1fast400

I buy my ON 100% at 1fast400 its like $25 or something

5lb ON @ Vitamin Shoppe right now for $30

5lb ON is like $30 at vitamin shoppe. It's good as far as price and protein content but it tastes terrible compared to the Designer that i used to use.

I wish people would listen to me about ABB Pure Pro, it's fucking great, no clumps in a shaker and mixes great with water. 2 scoops = teh win

ON is the best ive ever had

ON is pretty good compared to the rest, price wise and taste wise. I normally buy 2 tubs of protein, one tub is usually Muscle Milk for home. The other tub I keep at work, and I usually try something different.

before black star labs turned all nazi, they were the best deal and had the best whey *sigh

I like "justwhey" but it really isn't cheap comparatively, I'm getting my shipment of ON today so I'll let you know if it sucks

I bought a 5lb tube of EAS Myopro Strawberry for $21 off 2 weeks ago - 22g/scoop

I just switched to Chicago Nutritions protein and really like it and was taking Beverly before that. I buy everything local just because the guy is a really good guy. I pay about 30 bucks for 2.5lbs on average. I know that is really more than I could get online but well I like to support the locals.

Mass before black star labs turned all nazi, they were the best deal and had the best whey *sigh you can just order from with the BSL flavoring

10lb bag ON protein from

For any of you british guys head over too They sell flavourless (no additives, just 100% whey) whey at 70%, 80% or just isolate. You can choose to add additives but I choose not too cos it's healthier (ibGayHomo) plus it really does'nt taste bad at all, like a fairly barky and rough vanilla flavour. They also sell tons of other supplements and if you buy in bulk (over £50) and it's a bulk discount item then you get 10% off. I get all my whey from there (I get 80% cos I'm a cheap bastard) God I sound like a sales clerk

cbrpimp i paid 24.00 for a 5lb at vitamin shoppe as part of their monthly special I saw it on monday at that price. GNC pisses me off. has the best tasting protein shakes EVER. You don't even know. They are thick and omg goodness. Unfortunately my gym stopped saling them, so until my debit card comes, I am using Muscle Milk. I can order things online with a debit card, right?

Ceaze you can just order from with the BSL flavoring hollaaaaaaaa i dont use any other protein

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Is this multivitamin any good?

Is this multivitamin any good?

Since I'm starting a new diet any everything I told my mom to pick me up a multiviatmin. She went shopping at Costco and she picked up these multivitamins. It's like 8 different little pills that cover pretty much every vitamin/mineral you could ever need. My question is if it's really healthy to be taking in 3000+% daily value of certain nutrients. Also, are they missing anything important?

Any multi will do, seriously. I don't even worry about it anymore, I buy whatever generic multi is on sale at Wal-Mart; they're just a catch-all, cover all your bases thing.

I wonder if it's okay to just mix all this shit in together with my morning shake. It's a fucking pain in the ass popping 8 pills.

xpinchx I wonder if it's okay to just mix all this shit in together with my morning shake. It's a fucking pain in the ass popping 8 pills. If you're using a lot of protein powder already, you probably don't NEED a multi..most of those powders have a shitton of fortified vitamins and minerals thrown in, check the label for percents.

superbri007 throw that fucking vitamin E capsule out the window That's what I was thinking, that's a very high amount of Vit. E.

Why because out of no where, vitamin E is suddenly bad? I read article on vitamin E also -- it was something like "Vitamin E causes Premature Death". I don't believe it.

Man, these things are fucking hard to down. They all taste like shit. I think I'll just ditch these and get the gummy bear ones. I'll just throw away all the supplemental ones and eat the multi pill.

xpinchx Man, these things are fucking hard to down. They all taste like shit. I think I'll just ditch these and get the gummy bear ones. I'll just throw away all the supplemental ones and eat the multi pill. Seriously, get a one-a-day or something, that's probably all you need. Most of your nutrients should be coming from your diet anyways, multi is just a CYA.

Is this multivitamin any good?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Whatup guys been lifting for like a year and a half now, currently taking protein and creatine. Time to order up some new stuff cause I ran all out and was looking for some input from you guys what you think works well. I don't know much about Gluatamine, which i hear is good, and NO2, which i hear works well also. Has anyone tried either of these and did these help??

N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE

malto and flax seed oil if you already dont have it.

fish oil

ryazbeck N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE What the hell is CEE

creatine ethyl ester

ryazbeck creatine ethyl ester What's the difference between that and mono. I've only tried mono and that's all i've ever heard of. Thanks for the suggestions

why dont you read up on it?

ryazbeck why dont you read up on it? do you not know?

nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it.

ryazbeck nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it. Alright cool thanks anyways, you said something about fish oil though, can you recommend a brand/brands you've tried.

never had it either, just taken flax seed, but you can get cheap vitamins at

Just get the fish oil at Costco.

At bulknutrtion forums they say CEE is not effective either. Just stick to what your taking right now, nothign replaces hard work in the gym. And also nothing replaces HGH and anabolics.

Russian red actijube training packs. Good shit

Who is saying no2 works well....? For get.... ON 100% Whey Protein CEE Multi-Vitamin

deznutz Who is saying no2 works well....? For get.... ON 100% Whey Protein CEE Multi-Vitamin thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather

ChosenGSR thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather 15 bucks for a multi-vitamin? Thats not to bad at all.

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Monday, December 16, 2013

fawking stretch marks!!!!

fawking stretch marks!!!!

every fucking month i have new stretch marks on my arms today, i have a new one my right front delt shoulders


Yea I got them all the way down my bicep now, kinda sucks but I stopped caring about them along time ago.

Jeg1983 Yea I got them all the way down my bicep now, kinda sucks but I stopped caring about them along time ago. i didnt care about them before....but first i notice a red "scratch" then next day it was gone----then a week later it came back...then after workout, it formed into a fucking stretch marks

i have them everywhere......on my chest on my arms

Armpit and biceps *infinity

I don't give a shit about them.

<==== former fatass i have em on my lower back, triceps, obliques, hammies, and ass. they are faded now but you can still notice em if you look

how long do they take to fade? i've had my new ones on my bi's for about a month now, and while they aren't bright red anymore they're still noticeable from a distance.

< ===== still a fatass right here had em since i can remember and im adding more as i get stronger. i hate cardio

Get something called Strivectin SD , it reduces them and the appearance of them dramatically.

I gotta everywhere, vertical one's on my sides and belly, bicepsm, back. they suck try cocoa butter, supposedly it helps reduce them

I have them on my legs, it's horrible. I'm hoping that when I lose some weight they will fade out some. I've been using lotion/cocoa butter on them, but it doesn't seem to help. I think that will only help if you know the stretch marks are going to happen, ie pregnancy.

evi1eddie how long do they take to fade? i've had my new ones on my bi's for about a month now, and while they aren't bright red anymore they're still noticeable from a distance. Mine faded in about a year

I have really bad stretchmarks on my lower back

everyday like after a shower just put on some lotion preferable with aloe or cocoa butter and that will hydrate your skin and help prevent them. It helps a lot.

I have them pretty bad as well. The only place is in the armpit region and biceps though. For a while what I would is take 1 vitamin E gel tablet every morning and before bed I would break a gel tablet open and spread it on the areas with stretch marks. It worked pretty well but I ran out and never got back to buying more. I think this time I will try the cocoa butter and see how that goes though.

collagen for teh win... I had some killer stretchies on my inner legs, they're finally fading out kinda tho.. still pretty damn visible

yeah i have near the front delt/armpit area, and i'm wondering when it will go away...hopefully soon now that i'm dieting again...i also have a ton of my upper legs

Ceaze does that just help fade the marks? edit: nevermind, says made to prevent stretch marks

i've stumbled across something that has actually worked really well to help the stretch marks on my biceps fade. i got the marks a couple months ago and though they were no longer blood red, they were still dark red/purple and really stuck out on my arms. i heard that vitamin e was supposed to help w/ stretch marks and while looking around a vitamin/nutrition store, i found pure vitamin e oil, 70,000 IU for $12. i've only used it three times thus far, rubbing it and massaging it on my arms, but each time the stretch marks are less noticeable. each time i use it they become lighter and smaller, the smallest ones look like mere skin blemishes and when i run my finger across the small ones, they feel smooth and indistinguishable from normal skin. the big stretch marks are still a problem, and by big i'm talking 1/2" wide and 4" long, but those are making improvements too. one stretch mark that was 1/4" wide and 3" long has faded into my skin tone and is only noticeable from like a foot away. before i bought the vitamin e oil i ordered strivectin sd but the oils been working so well that i haven't even cracked the bottle yet. i'm planning on using it only after the vitamin e stops improving the strechies. good luck guys edit: btw it didn't do anything for the old stretch marks that had already faded into little white lines

I've had them on my legs for months now

Rebs im natural and i was skinny as shit and got them Same. Got horizontal ones on my lower back, and some small ones on my upper armpits. I think I see some starting to form on my rear delts. What you gotta do is just smother the "stretchmark zones" (places stretchmarks typically show up) with cocoa butter once a day. Putting it on after they already appear won't do too much.

Keepn in mind strivectin -sd is hella expensive.

fawking stretch marks!!!!

for those taking CEE

for those taking CEE

what other supplements are you cycling in?

Protein, multi-vitamin, and fish oil.

i thought everyone was taking this stuff....

scivation xtend

16mg of ephedrine and tyrosine pre workout.

Ceaze scivation xtend That stuff actually works?

heh ceaze, is that cause you got 100grams of cee free from 1fast400?

test cyp dbol eq steel cut oats ZMA

di arg malate weight loss shit as seen in training log

How do you guys stomach that sour ass taste? I basically just use gatorade in the quantity of a shot glass and hold my nose. man that stuff is SOUR

cavefish steel cut oats

taqman15 How do you guys stomach that sour ass taste? I basically just use gatorade in the quantity of a shot glass and hold my nose. man that stuff is SOUR try it in orange juice

taqman15 How do you guys stomach that sour ass taste? I basically just use gatorade in the quantity of a shot glass and hold my nose. man that stuff is SOUR i bought the capsules

size18boarder i bought the capsules I regret not making that decision now

some people in here need to man the fuck up, its not that bad

Mistich some people in here need to man the fuck up, its not that bad its beyond sour. but you gotta do what you gotta do

taqman15 its beyond sour. but you gotta do what you gotta do yeah it was in the beginning, but i got used to it and its fine now

i just take it with my protein shake, its not that bad after a week or so of taking it.

deznutz i thought everyone was taking this stuff.... i heard it's like creatine and it helps you recover faster ? care to correct me or add to my post ?

jj1njja i heard it's like creatine and it helps you recover faster ? care to correct me or add to my post ? Creatine Ethyl Esther

di-argenine malate is supposed to work well with it. 1400 sells it as a stack. Basically you get the CEE for free when you buy the stack.

i started taking this stuff yesterday - Omega Cre-ethyl Thunder - based on positive reviews. the list of supplements included are Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL 2400mg Glycerol Monostearate 2000mg Glucuronolactone 800mg Potassium Phosphate 400mg Sodium Phosphate 280mg Methylxanthines 112mg Niacinamide 80mg Pyrodoxine HCL 8mg

for those taking CEE

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

how do i stop getting stretch marks?

how do i stop getting stretch marks?

i keep getting them on my arms. where the biceps are and they're getting longer to where my armpits are. what can i do to stop this?

cocoa butter lotion w/ vitamin e every day after you shower to prevent new stretch marks

who really cares how to get rid of them, just keep lifting.

stop eating fatty

Rebs i heart stretch marks, they are like scars on your hands..shows hard work nigga yea from eating alot too?

get bigger

i alsways get stretch marks there when im bulking, i always took pride in that i was getting stretch marks from my muscles growing so fast instead of from getting fat.

well it's going to take years for them to fade.. so put lotion on it with vitamin e.

Rebs yeah i havent seen my dick in 7 years. i've seen it

Rebs yeah i havent seen my dick in 7 years.

evi1eddie cocoa butter lotion w/ vitamin e every day after you shower to prevent new stretch marks Well said. I put on some cocoa butter on my upper armpits/lower shoulders and upper arm where the current stretch mark would come back in (there's a small one that appeared not too long ago, but faded out), and on my other armpit/arm/shoulder.. Haven't gotten one since. And ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or whatever the hell the saying is. You won't even get stretch marks there to begin with if your skin is good from the daily applications. PS, try not to go down a ridiculous amount on stuff like DB flys or DB incline bench.. I got the one on my left armpit for having my ROM on one rep uncrontrolled (went down too far). It wasn't there when I went in, checked right after that set... sho nuff, big fat stretch mark.

2nd the lotion everyday. although it wont completely prevent them, i have noticed that they appear less since using vitamin e lotion everyday.

how do i stop getting stretch marks?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Is this the right oatmeal?

Is this the right oatmeal?

So, did I get the right oatmeal? Ingredients: 100% Rolled Oats, Naturally Contains Oat Bran.


it's fine

Mike McDermott NO YOU MUST HAVE STEEL-CUT OATS They are like steroids, in oat form. really? hell yeah, I've been looking for something like this. Hook me up and tell me where i can score some from.

Steel-cut oats may keep you less hungry for an hour or so. Other than that, rolled are fine

Steel cut oats are basically the exact same nutritional value as rolled oats except I guess steel cut oats taste different. Serving Size: 1/4 cup dry (40g) Servings Per Container: about 20 Amount Per Serving% Daily Value*Total Calories150 Calories From Fat20 Total Fat 2 g3% Saturated Fat 0 g0% Polyunsaturated Fat 1 g Monounsaturated Fat 1 gCholesterol 0 mg0% Sodium 0 mg0% Total Carbohydrates 26 g9% Dietary Fiber 4 g15% Soluble Fiber 2 g Insoluble Fiber 2 g Sugars 0 gProtein 4 gVitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0% Calcium 2% Iron 6%

ryazbeck Steel cut oats are basically the exact same nutritional value as rolled oats except I guess steel cut oats taste different. Serving Size: 1/4 cup dry (40g) Servings Per Container: about 20 Amount Per Serving% Daily Value*Total Calories150 Calories From Fat20 Total Fat 2 g3% Saturated Fat 0 g0% Polyunsaturated Fat 1 g Monounsaturated Fat 1 gCholesterol 0 mg0% Sodium 0 mg0% Total Carbohydrates 26 g9% Dietary Fiber 4 g15% Soluble Fiber 2 g Insoluble Fiber 2 g Sugars 0 gProtein 4 gVitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0% Calcium 2% Iron 6% Well, steel cut have like 30 points less than rolled on the GI scale, other than that they're are the same. Don't sweat it, unless you're cutting

i dont even eat oats and im a bad motha.

eddscat Don't sweat it, unless you're cutting even if you are cutting.. don't sweat it

whats the deal with oatmeal anyway?

steel oats are for fat idiots who have training near a decade only to get fatter and bench 265 for one....there for a rare genetic breed of faggoats

Wait, what's wrong the steel cut? I recently made the switch from 1 cup of rolled to 1 cup of steel cut in my shakes. I figure the extra 300 cals wouldn't hurt..

PurEvl steel oats are for fat idiots who have training near a decade only to get fatter and bench 265 for one....there for a rare genetic breed of faggoats but with steroids and a combination of steel cut oats, anyone can be bigger than you

SteveO but with steroids and a combination of steel cut oats, anyone can be bigger than you left that out, good call

in his defense, pt isn't as bad as you're making out.... hes worse, rot you fag (I so know hes reading this as well)

a standard rolled oat serving is 1/2 cup, not 1/4 in other words, steel cut has twice the calories, etc

shastaisforwinners steel cut has twice the calories, etc ^^^ bingo...

PurEvl steel oats are for fat idiots who have training near a decade only to get fatter and bench 265 for one....there for a rare genetic breed of faggoats fagoats

oatmeal is pretty high in fat. I reckon that's the only reason it's low G.I. as it's pretty common fact that fat slows down the absorbation of a meal

eddscat oatmeal is pretty high in fat. I reckon that's the only reason it's low G.I. as it's pretty common fact that fat slows down the absorbation of a meal if you call like 3g's high

jonno if you call like 3g's high it's 9g per 100g That's alot for a starch food

eddscat it's 9g per 100g That's alot for a starch food stress much?

jonno stress much? science much? Someone has to have brains

just switch over to steel cut oats, stuff is pretty good. A different texture and flavor compared to Quakers Rolled Oats. Only problem is, I made it for the first time yesterday and it blew up in the microwave. I shit you not.

Is this the right oatmeal?

Friday, December 6, 2013

I need to gain weight

I need to gain weight

hey everyone. I currently play High school baseball and Im a catcher. The only problem is that I am too small. I am 5 feet 9 inches and I weigh 147 pounds. I am a junior by the way(11th grade). I am not worried about my height. What I am worried about is my weight. I have been working out forabout a year now and I have gained a little bit of muscle but not much. I have taken NO2 pills. I have taken Protein. I have taken muscle milk, and none of them seem to work for me. I have really started taking it serious now for about a week. I workout with my friend who really knows what he is doing, an he told me to get some weight gainer and NO explode, so i did. I really want to get up to at least 170 pounds by the end of the summer. I really need some help, so please tell me what I can do to get up to 170 pounds A.S.A.P.


Read stickies


how much should I eat a day and wat?

Peety7 how much should I eat a day and wat? Ok seriously now......

maybe you should just eat more...

eat until you cant anymore then eat a lil bit more

i know this kid personally and i want someone to give him advice besides me him hearing that he needs to eat all the time from me so then he realizes that it is true.....ive tried and i think he needs to hear it from someone else like you alll who know what you are doing

Peety7 so please tell me what I can do to get up to 170 pounds A.S.A.P. lots of steriods

animal pak vitamins.

eat everything in sight. eat until you can't eat anymore. then pause for awhile.. and eat again. it's not like you have this special condition that doesnt allow you to gain weight. if you eat enough you will put on the lbs.

Peety7 how much should I eat a day and wat? 15,000 calories and 600 grams of protien

twofourtysx 15,000 calories and 600 grams of protien Thaat lol

Start with a minimum of 18 calories per pound of bodyweight. Get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. The rest doesn't mean jack shit. If you're still not gaining weight, jack the calories. Take a multi-vitamin. Supplement with whey as needed to hit your protein goals, but at a caloric excess like that you shouldn't have any trouble gettin all your protein from whole foods. Fuck the NO products and spend that money on food. Supplement essential fatty acids, fish oil and or flax oil.


thanks guys

i need a happy sad smiley... you have gotten serious in a week? that's your first problem...

see food diet.

seriously, eat like crazy. even if you're not hungry. say you go into your kitchen and look in your pantry. you see a new loaf of bread? get 4 slices, not 2, and get tons of peanut butter and jelly and make a quad-decker. something to wash it down. you see some milk. nope not good enough. get 3 scoops of whey and mix it in and use tha to wash it down. feels gross? go look for some spam. get 2 cans, open em up. be careful not to cut yourself. slice the spam in pieces, fry them on a skillet , go back to that loaf of bread. get a few more slices and make yourself some spam and mustard sandwiches. dessert? look in your freezer. 12 pack of haagan daz ice cream bars from costco? eat 6 of em. then eat the other 6. get the picture? good, now eat 8 eggs scrambled with olive oil.

You need to eat like mad. Supplements wouldn't hurt either.

lots of olive oil, fry everything in olive oil, fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, bread, seriously, its good. but remember, dont get the olive oil too hot otherwise it turns to trans fat. just make sure the OO isnt smoking, so like just above medium heat is good. get Extra Virgin Olive Oil, its the best for you

Cobra Commander i need a happy sad smiley... you have gotten serious in a week? that's your first problem... wats that suppossed to mean. What im saying is that I finally realized that I need to not only work out, but eat right in order to gain weight

I need to gain weight

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Make Oats Taste Better

Make Oats Taste Better

I bought some Rolled Oats (all my store had ) yesterday and cooked them in microwave with water like it said and ate them. Man, they are nasty. Any ideas to make them taste better? How do you guys eat your oats?

I throw in some sliced almonds and a bit some cinnamon and sugar. Various fruit is good too.

I have Whey Protein Shake(chocolate) too. What do you guys put in those to make them taste better. Apparently Blender works best, but I'm not sure what to throw in with it.... maybe fruit?

rebel I have Whey Protein Shake(chocolate) too. What do you guys put in those to make them taste better. Apparently Blender works best, but I'm not sure what to throw in with it.... maybe fruit? banana yoghurt natural pb olive oil ramen . . .

water or milk, 2 scoops chocolate whey, 1 banana, cup of oats, and 1-2 tbsp peanut butter. Obviously you'll need a blender for this, should taste pretty decent.

1.5 packets of splenda and a little vanilla flavoring. it won't taste good, but it will be tolerable

i just put a teaspoon of sugar, it's bearable.

rebel I bought some Rolled Oats (all my store had ) Such as Quaker? that big ass can? What is the issue with rolled oats?

mattyballgame72 Such as Quaker? that big ass can? What is the issue with rolled oats? Most people say Steel Cut Oats is better. I looked for 10 minutes It's a 2lb bag. I gotta start somewhere

Orange Juice Strawberries Bananas 1/4 Cup Whey Protein In Blender Tastes pretty damn good. I guess I could've added ice and it would've tasted a little bit better. edit: maybe I should add Oats next time?

rebel Orange Juice Strawberries Bananas 1/4 Cup Whey Protein In Blender Tastes pretty damn good. I guess I could've added ice and it would've tasted a little bit better. edit: maybe I should add Oats next time? of course it tastes good, you basically made a fruit smoothie with a bit of added protein use more whey, 1/4 cup isn't even 1 scoop of most proteins.

i chop up a banana, and put some cinnomon and 1 packet sucralose. Taste good.

i use very little water. I cant stand it all soupy, ugh

infinite loop 1.5 packets of splenda and a little vanilla flavoring. it won't taste good, but it will be tolerable you got it, sometimes i use raisins

TheMentor i just put a teaspoon of sugar, it's bearable. im gonna give that a shot

so many threads about oats must kill self

grind up oats in mini food processor (could just use a blender) until they are a fine powder, put that + natty PB +banana + ice + 2 scoops chocolate ON whey in a blender, blend, enjoy

jonno so many threads about oats must kill self

I just pour in water. I literally gag uncontrollably and have to stop eating rolled oats after half a serving or I will puke. I can eat steel cut oats all day long. I think it goes back to my boy scout days and the endless week-long camping/backpacking trips where oatmeal was a staple of our diet and I hated it . Wish I had known about steel cut oats when I was 14 .

Chris3G of course it tastes good, you basically made a fruit smoothie with a bit of added protein use more whey, 1/4 cup isn't even 1 scoop of most proteins. Hmm.... should I boost up to like 1/2 cup? or a whole cup? I got ripped on this protein stuff. I got like a pound...maybe less for $15. Bullshit. HEB sucks. Where can I get cheaper Whey Protein? Where can I buy Steel Cut Oats?

rebel Hmm.... should I boost up to like 1/2 cup? or a whole cup? I got ripped on this protein stuff. I got like a pound...maybe less for $15. Bullshit. HEB sucks. Where can I get cheaper Whey Protein? Where can I buy Steel Cut Oats? Yeah $15 for a pound is pretty bad. Optimum Nutrition whey is pretty popular around here because it's decent nutritionally and it's pretty cheap, even it if it isnt the best tasting..around $30 for 5lbs. I just took a scoop of ON and put it in a measuring cup and 1 scoop is about 1/3 cup...most people use 2 scoops per shake so that's around 2/3 cup assuming the stuff you have is similar. Do you have any serving size/nutritional data?

in for where to buy steel cut

Vitamin cottage (not sure if its local to colorado only ) has steel cut oats for $2 for 24 oz.

Opi in for where to buy steel cut Local healthfoods store Local grocery store Cook them if possible.

pt Local healthfoods store Local grocery store Cook them if possible. I checked the local Giant (grocery store) they only had rolled I guess I need to try the healthfood store

Make Oats Taste Better

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

I'm currently in a brazilian jiu jitsu class, and we meet Tues-Thurs-Sun and go for 2-3 hours (stop and go learning on Tue/Thurs, and all out free grappling on Sunday). I'm trying to lose weight and gain/keep muscle, so will everything I have listed be good for that? I'm 6'2" and fluctuate around 253-255 lbs. I've been eating better and after this spring semester lets out i'll be lifting and riding a bike around the neighborhood. CLA 180 Softgels/800 mg $16.99 Yohimbe 1111 50 Capsules/1.111 grams $11.00 Muscle Milk 2.48 lb Chocolate $23.99 Vitamin C w/ Rose Hips 250 Tablets/1000 mg $8.00

get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111

Ceaze get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111 Thanks for the reply. Anything else I should add to this? Currently i'm just taking a multivitamin and fish oil I bought locally. I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl?

dingo I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl? that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil

Ceaze that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil Ahh... hrm, according to this review, it states on the label not to be used by females, but, that's also going by somone who could have potentially read it wrong? None the less thanks again. I'll be placing an order this weekend

I went through 2 bottles of sesathin, and I wasn't sure how good the results were. My sex drive was down too.

Why does it matter if you women can't take it anyways (they can). Are you a 6'2 230+ girl? I wouldn't take yohimbine until later to try to get of stubborn fat anyways. Proper dosing is harder, and you won't feel the effects as much as an EC stack. I heard great things about Lean Xtreme. It all boils down to your diet though, basically.

superbri007 Go with some ON 100% Whey Actually on my list of things to buy, I did change to that, simply because it's 155 servings. I *can* use the whey as a meal supplement right? Is this a bad diet: 7am: Whey drink 9am: Apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 11am: lunch time (I try to eat clean here, doesn't always work), can I substitute this for a whey drink as well? 3pm: Another apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 5-6pm: Dinner typically consisiting of baked pork chops, baked chicken, brown rice, diet drinks, anything along these lines 10pm (or right before bed): Whey drink

a slower digesting protein blend would be better

I wouldn't go with muscle milk. it's like 350 cals

It may not be good for females (ie. people who can get pregnant while taking it), but that doesn't mean they can't take it.

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

Monday, December 2, 2013

Man this bulking

Man this bulking

Man this bulking shit is killing me. Ive never eaten so much in my life, and Im only on week 1. 3k - 4k+ calories a day is a killer. I think I need to mix up a couple more shakes into this "eat all the fuck you can, and more" diet.

Jsweet Man this bulking shit is killing me. Ive never eaten so much in my life, and Im only on week 1. 3k - 4k+ calories a day is a killer. I think I need to mix up a couple more shakes into this "eat all the fuck you can, and more" diet. or just eat denser foods, or man the fuck up, it aint hard to eat!!

It gets easier the more you do it. At least for me.

3-4k isnt even that much

im currently sitting bored. so im making a pot of pasta.

try 6 smaller meals instead of 3 big ones 500-650 cals each the ecy of bulking. edit: careful though, its been banned...

yeah, get high a lot and eat shitloads of sweets, you'll get your calories just fine

I had trouble getting over 4k til my stomach grew. Eventually I was making two 1100 cal shakes a day (1 cup oats, 1.5 vit d. milk, 3 scoops whey, 2 tbsp oil or pbutter) in addition to a couple good sized meals. Those shakes REALLY help. Eventually I got used to 'em and managed to eat a decent sized meal, and then throw one back right afterwards.

I just ate over 1k calories in 15 minutes, man the fuck up.

evi1eddie the ecy of bulking. edit: careful though, its been banned... I fucking hate smoking up cause i get all kinds of hungry, and I can't resist food when I'm baked So I eat, then I sleep.

jonno 3-4k isnt even that much my power lifting friend eats about 12 k a day, 6'3 350 ish.

cj48045 my power lifting friend eats about 12 k a day, 6'3 350 ish. Damn... That dude is huge! What kind of BF% is that?

Mike McShit garry frank = the hulk lou ferrigno = the hulk

I can't say I understand why people have problems bulking.. that's the easy part

no way, cutting is way easier

Ceaze no way, cutting is way easier Maybe with a knife.

trancezj Maybe with a knife. it's even easier than that

garry frank's diet: Breakfast 20 Egg White Omelet 4 Egg Yolks 4 Cups of Rolled Oats 2 Bananas 4 Tablespoons of Flax Seed Oil Multivitamin Packet 1000mg of Vitamin C Digestive Enzymes 24 ounces of Water Mid Morning Snack 4 Scoops of Whey/Miscellar Casein Protein Formula 32 ounces of Skim Milk 1 cup of Cottage Cheese 4 tablespoons of Flax Seed Oil 24 ounces of Water 1000mg of Vitamin C Digestive Enzymes 10 grams of Glutamine Peptides Lunch 1 pound of lean skinless Chicken Breasts 4 cups of Brown rice 4 Cups of Salad 6 Tablespoons of Olive oil 24 ounces of Water 1000mg of Vitamin C Digestive Enzymes 10 grams of Glutamine Peptides Mid Afternoon Snack 4 Scoops of Whey/Miscellar Casein Protein Formula 32 ounces of Skim Milk 4 tablespoons of Flax Seed Oil 1000mg of Vitamin C Digestive Enzymes 10 grams of Glutamine Peptides Dinner 2 pounds of Lean Sirloin Steak 4 baked potatoes 4 cups of Green Salad 6 Tablespoons of Olive Oil 20 ounces of Water 1000mg of Vitamin C Digestive Enzymes Pre-Workout 1 pound of Chicken Breasts 4 Cups of Sweet Potatoes 4 tablespoons of Flax Seed Oil 20 ounces of Water 1000mg of Vitamin C Digestive Enzymes 10 grams of Glutamine Peptides During Training Anthony's Secret "Training Formula" 64 ounces of Water Post-Workout 24 ounces of Water Anthony's Secret Post Workout Formula containing over 15 different Ingredients 1000mg of Vitamin C Bedtime Meal 4 Scoops of Whey/Miscellar Casein Protein Formula 32 ounces of Skim Milk 4 tablespoons of Flax Seed Oil 2 Cups of Cottage Cheese 1000mg of Vitamin C 10 grams of Glutamine Peptides Digestive Enzymes

Ceaze it's even easier than that Plasma torch?

christophers i feel like such a girl dieting. haha, yeah, especially when you eat out somewhere.

Mike McShit 12k he was north americas strongest man 99 so lick me !

i bet he shit a small baby giraffe 3 times daily

Just finished up my GNC Weight Gainer 1849 or w/e, recommend me a decent tasting weight gainer I can supplement into my diet.

christophers when i went from 180 some to 220 i ate 6000-7000 cals a day easy everyday of "CLEAN" food. that ws too much food for me and my metabolism but still. bulking is fun shit. dieting is so fucking gay, i feel like such a girl dieting. If you were to do it again, would you keep calories the same? less? not care about the type of food as much?

Jsweet Just finished up my GNC Weight Gainer 1849 or w/e, recommend me a decent tasting weight gainer I can supplement into my diet. Real Gains has been good for me.

Man this bulking

HP_84 approves quinoa. only grain with complete protein.

HP_84 approves quinoa. only grain with complete protein.

"Quinoa has excellent reserves of protein, and unlike other grains, is not missing the amino aicd lysine, so the protein is more complete (a trait it shares with other "non-true" grains such as buckwheat and amaranth). The World Health Organization has rated the quality of protein in quinoa at least equivalent to that in milk.",74,00.html for canadians to get this shit, hit up your local bulk barn. they sell organic quinoa, it seems expensive for the amount you get, but when you cook it, the shit blows up. also, it doesn't taste bad at all either...has a very nice texture. looking forward to christoff entering this thread to recommend m&m's instead.

i have better lifting technique than you

Grouch i have better lifting technique than you i doubt it. but that's not the point of this thread.

Nutrition Chart Quinoa/1/2 cup dry Calories 318 Total fat (g) 4.9 Saturated fat (g) 0.5 Monounsaturated fat (g) 1.3 Polyunsaturated fat (g) 2 Dietary fiber (g) 5 Protein (g) 11<---complete protein, unlike oats. Carbohydrate (g) 59 Cholesterol (mg) 0 Sodium (mg) 18 Riboflavin (mg) 0.3 Vitamin E (mg) 4.1 Copper (mg) 0.7 Iron (mg) 7.9 Magnesium (mg) 179 Manganese (mg) 1.9 Phosphorus (mg) 349 Potassium (mg) 629 Zinc (mg) 2.8

HP_84 i doubt it. but that's not the point of this thread. no no I really do. even in my diet i still lift more than you. and finally, no one cares what this thread is about because you are a douche bag.

Grouch no no I really do. even in my diet i still lift more than you. and finally, no one cares what this thread is about because you are a douche bag. dont make me come to gilroy. i pay you and goatboy a visit. i doubt it would be hard to find your ugly mug.

HP_84 dont make me come to gilroy. i pay you and goatboy a visit. i doubt it would be hard to find your ugly mug. Come get it you prepubescent little bitch.

Grouch Come get it you prepubescent little bitch. i got some candy for you.

fyi.. i strike like a ninja, you wouldn't even know what hit you.

HP_84 i got some candy for you. No it works the other way around. Remember you're the little girl and I'm the predator.

I'd eat that shit if it makes you strong enough to military press your own bodyweight


Ilyusha:wtfpentuphomosexualdesires: HP_84 is a MAN!!!???

Grouch No it works the other way around. Remember you're the little girl and I'm the predator. HP_84 fyi.. i strike like a ninja, you wouldn't even know what hit you. ninja bitch. you could be 6 feet 10 300lbs for all i care. but when you see that 5'9'' mother fucker pop out of your closet in the middle of the night attacking your head with a baseball bat, then you'll know who the real predator is...bitch.

This is the gayest thread I've ever seen.

Are you 12?

HP_84 ninja bitch. you could be 6 feet 10 300lbs for all i care. but when you see that 5'9'' mother fucker pop out of your closet in the middle of the night attacking your head with a baseball bat, then you'll know who the real predator is...bitch. you really fucked up this thread.

HP_84 approves quinoa. only grain with complete protein.

Friday, November 29, 2013

is it ok to work out when sick?

is it ok to work out when sick?

my whole family is sick with the runny nose, sore throat, congestion crap. i noticed this morning at the gym that my workout was twice as hard to do as usual and i think it's because i'm getting sick as well. i have a runny nose but that's it so far. it's ok if i still go to the gym tomorrow right? its my cardio day and i'm trying to lose weight so i really want to go but not if it's going to hurt me

i'd stay home for a couple of days and just keep your diet in check

i say its fine to work out when your sick... might be as hard... but it just makes me feel like ive accomplished more when i do it...

I actually enjoy working out when I'm sick, as it makes me feel a lot better. Make sure to drink extra water though.

XsLiCk i say its fine to work out when your sick... might be as hard... but it just makes me feel like ive accomplished more when i do it... i've heard that when you work out it lowers your immune system for a short time. is this true? if so that would just make me get even sicker.

I usually go when I'm sick, put i get nowhere close to my max numbers, and i don't do cardio.

dude, when your sick your body uses EVERYTHING you have towards your immune system, so if you're not fully recovered from a workout then you're weakening your immune system because your body has to use resources for recovery as well. rest, sleep fucking sleep and eat easily digestible foods. are we talking about like a fever here? cuz if we are, stay warm as hell and take hot baths, eat alot of vitamin C, and help flush it out. just dont workout, a few days getting well is better than risking it getting worse and being out for longer. you're not gonna lose any gains.

not a good idea as stated above

ryazbeck dude, when your sick your body uses EVERYTHING you have towards your immune system, so if you're not fully recovered from a workout then you're weakening your immune system because your body has to use resources for recovery as well. rest, sleep fucking sleep and eat easily digestible foods. are we talking about like a fever here? cuz if we are, stay warm as hell and take hot baths, eat alot of vitamin C, and help flush it out. just dont workout, a few days getting well is better than risking it getting worse and being out for longer. you're not gonna lose any gains. who are you talking to im a girl, and its a runny fever. no infection as someone else mentioned...just a runny nose.

superbri007 your a girl and you are in the "pussyfeelgood club"? as opposed to the pussyhurt crew

I'm with the others who said it's not a good idea. Rather take a few days off and get lots of rest so you can return to full health sooner. I tried to tough it out at the gym when I got sick last month and what was just a routine common cold ended up taking over a week to go away. Rest up

superbri007 I have mixed opinions. I have been lifting with bronchitis for the past month...and I wonder why I still have bronchitis So part of me says it keeps your immune system low. But when I don't lift, I feel depressed and anxious, which also lowers the immune system. so its 6 of one, or half a dozen of the other now I'm on a 5 day anti-biotic for my infection I've had some bad luck with my lifting schedules the past few months from injuries and colds Oh well, once spring comes by, no more flu season, no more being cooped up in college dorm rooms with the heat blasting and germs spreading yeah im kinda torn too. i get sad just thinking about not going to the gym tomorrow. but i don't want to get sicker either. i'm drinking OJ to boost my immune system. and i saw a commercial for these new immune system boosting i might go get some of those.

Larry Lex I'm with the others who said it's not a good idea. Rather take a few days off and get lots of rest so you can return to full health sooner. I tried to tough it out at the gym when I got sick last month and what was just a routine common cold ended up taking over a week to go away. Rest up ok. i hate this...i really want to go o well, i better rest

I think its okay...depending on how sick you are. I like to for psychological reasons. I would just stick to light cardio though at most. Working out with weights supposedly taxes the immune system in the hours following the workout.

timberwolf I think its okay...depending on how sick you are. I like to for psychological reasons. I would just stick to light cardio though at most. Working out with weights supposedly taxes the immune system in the hours following the workout. i would just walk on the treadmill for 90 mins....the most intense would be a brisk 3.6 mph walk on a incline of 7.

cbrpimp I dont so i dont get people at the gym sick that's where i got sick....damn people not cleaning off the freaking machines after they use them but i dont thin i would get anyone sick from using a treadmill that i wpie off afterwards

superbri007 just cause you see it on tv doesn't mean its going to work get some echinacea, vitamin C + zinc lozenges, and get some low acid OJ don't hit me...o wait..slap me harder i have the lozenges and dayquil (my SO is sick so he bought it) and i've been drinking OJ.

cold - yes sick - no

nic379 that's where i got sick....damn people not cleaning off the freaking machines after they use them but i dont thin i would get anyone sick from using a treadmill that i wpie off afterwards Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping.

the people at your gym are going to hate you when you get them all sick.

timberwolf Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping. I clamp 45 lb plates under my armpits while rubbing my ass crack along the bar and coughing on the bench press.

timberwolf Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping. i'm not a mean person though i wish i was...but i'm not. i even went out and bought my own antibacterial wipes so i could clean after myself. I'm kind of an ass about it though....i make sure EVERYONE that is even remotely near me sees me cleaning up after mylsef so that they might think "hey i should do that too"

Silver85327 the people at your gym are going to hate you when you get them all sick. i hate them for getting me sick...and no two wrongs dont make a right...but i dont think i will get anyone sick....i wipe after myself and i dont talk to or breath on anyone

superbri007 your one of those girls my aim screen name is the same as this name you bolded the wrong part the "my SO" part should have been

i worked out a couple times when i was sick, all it did was make me feel worse and increase the length of the cold

is it ok to work out when sick?

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