Showing posts with label muscular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muscular. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Elbow pain?

Elbow pain?

Ok, since my last thread got locked (which was a joke, though I actually did that routine) I wanted to ask you guys a question. 2-3 weeks ago after reaching a new max on bench, I started getting some (fairly) dull pain in my elbow. It definetely feels like it is in the tendon or joint or something, or at least it isnt muscular. One of the weirder, more specific times it hurts is if my elbow is totally folded (forearm parallel to bicep), which happens when im in bed. I tried doing some light db curls today and even that resulted in some pain. And yeah, I should see a dr, and if its not better in a week or so I'll make an appointment. So, have any of you guys experienced similar pain, and if so, what was it? PS, I also have some back/leg/stomach injuries, which is why my workouts are so weaksauce

tize you goin heavy? or is your volume/intensity too high? or is your form a shitbath in a church house like I said, I had reached a new max on bench, so I was going relatively heavy. form was fine, and I was doing christophers, so maybe volume was a little high from what I was used to, but I had been doing the routine for some time previous to the injury. either way, I'm more concerned with what the injury is now, since it doesnt appear that I'll be able to get back into a similar routine in the forseeable future.

if it is inflamed think tendonitis tennis elbow may also be a possible case

Cobra Commander if it is inflamed think tendonitis tennis elbow may also be a possible case that's what I was thinking. I just took some ibuprofen, so I'll see what happens.

tize what kinda warm ups you do son usually 8 reps or so of significantly lighter weight, and usually some bar only reps before that

Elbow pain?

Injured again v.mylifesucks

Injured again v.mylifesucks

Well, about a year ago i was doing deadlifts, i was on my 4th set and was trying to go huge, on my 6th rep i felt a pinch in my lower spine. About an hour later i could barely walk i was in so much pain. It took me 5 minutes just to tie my shoes for weeks. After TONS of money spent on physical therapy and chiropractors, i finally was getting back on track. I had lots of xrays and scans done and it was determined that i damaged a lot of muscle tissue in my lower back. That was 1 year ago. 2 days ago i was doing squats, last week i did 365 for 6 reps on my 4th set, so i was going to do the same this week, i always keep good form, but i feel that my long torso (im 6'2"), puts a lot of pressure on my lower back no matter how hard i try. And on my 3rd rep i felt the same feeling i felt a year ago. The pain is pretty much 24/7, when i sit, walk, try to bend down, brush my teeth, etc. So now my back is totaly fucked again, all that money and rehab and physical therapy for nothing. I will never do deadlifts or squats again, no matter how perfect my form is, this shit always seems to happen, and its not worth tearing my lower back again. Sorry just had to rant

Sorry man. Hope it gets better faster than last time..

i can't do them either. Some people just weren't made to DL

I feel where you're coming from...I fucked up my back putting in an air conditioner last summer (I had before doing deads but it always got better), and it was fairly constant pain since started getting better, and then i hurt my lower back again doing squats. just recently went to the dr, he thinks its a muscular thing. starting physical therapy next month

yeah I fucked my back up along time ago and it seems to be getting better now, I just hope it improves in a hurry cuz I feel like a fucking douche doing curls and extensions

velamint I feel where you're coming from...I fucked up my back putting in an air conditioner last summer (I had before doing deads but it always got better), and it was fairly constant pain since started getting better, and then i hurt my lower back again doing squats. just recently went to the dr, he thinks its a muscular thing. starting physical therapy next month Good luck man, the physical therapy got way to expensive for me, i spent 300$ in 1 month. I first went to a chiro, but i realized that it was bullshit, he tried to feed me a line "My job is to keep your lower back and spine alligned while your tendons and muscle tissue heal" ...what a crock of shit, i didnt feel any improvement from going to him. The stretches work really good, but i think it really just takes time, even though it had been a year, i was still careful, i still have never done deadlifts since the first time, i would have never thought that squats would have been the thing to re-tear my back again.

do you wear a belt?

at least u know what messed up ur back. i'm still clueless as to how i injured mine cuz i haven't done a max attempt on squats or deadlifts this year

The same thing happened to me doing squats about 4 months ago, I took a week break with muscle relaxers, anti-inflams, stretching.. haven't had the pain since. You just need to take it easy on the weight.

Ceaze do you wear a belt? i have one, but never wear it.

PreemO at least u know what messed up ur back. i'm still clueless as to how i injured mine cuz i haven't done a max attempt on squats or deadlifts this year he wasn't maxing either

Injured again v.mylifesucks

Monday, January 13, 2014

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

The muscles most dominant for a powerful punch are your delts correct? anyone know any good exercises that would strengthen these muscles to throw devastating jabs? any boxers in here? thanks

superbri007 its mostly pecs. you sure? any second opinions?

superbri007 do chest exercises that are explosive in nature. try some cable work one hand at a time throwing punches. Or, have someone hold a exercise band behind you while your gripping it and throw punches with resistance. You can be creative and make up your own shit. what about shadow boxing with 10-20lb weights? or is that just stupid?

Maybe plyometric pushups? I found single arm pushups tended to improve my jabs.... Where in Toronto do you box?

i want to take a boxing class next year, but its 2 hours a day for only one credit

the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over.

brolli the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over. Still, I'm guessing he's asking aside from that....

hip and leg drive.

Grouch hip and leg drive. to big bird

a boxer once told me back is the most important...

how about we just say everything.

Grouch how about we just say everything. yeah. I guess if you work your ass off in the gym and boxing gym, you would become a hard puncher.


bag work. you learn better technique on it, plus it gets you used to punching something hard

The power generated is a series of movements relying on your core. Develop a better one, train hard.

Kickbacks are the most important in developing a powerful punch.

curls! Punch stuff. Keep good form and uhhh.... I remember hearing somewhere before that Bruce Lee didn't want a bigger chest because it slowed down his punches. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Can anyone elaborate on that?

bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power.

Grouch how about we just say everything. fucking for a hard punch, you need total body strength, punching requires alot, but the best way to get a better punch is to hit the punching bag

timberwolf Where in Toronto do you box? i don't actually box, yet at least. although i want to try some lessons this summer and thought it'd be a good idea to check to make sure i'm not missing anything. thanks for all the tips and help guys. i appreciate it. i'm asking for my own curiousity mostly, and because there's a good chance i will be forced into a fight or two over the next couple weeks. I know who they'll be against and really doubt i'd ever lose them. But better safe than sorry. So bottom line just overall strength, especially core, and explosive workouts?

The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62

Ceaze The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62 i was just gonna tell him to squat, but i think your answer was better.

joy division bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power. work on powerfull crosses and hooks.... all in the hips!!

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My routine...critique wanted (long)

My routine...critique wanted (long)

Any thoughts, suggestions? Monday: chest, abs & tri dumbbells - 4 x 8 incline dumbbells - 3 x 8 decline on cable machines - 3 x 8 fly machine - 3 x 8 burnout bench - 1 x 21 various abs (depending on day) skull crusher (lying) w/ bench bar - 3 x 8 one-handed pulldowns on cable stack - 3 x 8 overhead rope pulls on cable stack - 3 x 8 dips - 2 x ? (usually about 25 - 30 first set, 20 - 25 second set) Tuesday: back & biceps pulldowns - 4 x 8 seated row machine (don't know what it is called) - 3 x 8 dumbbell rows - 3 x 8 lower back machine - 3 x 8 pullups - 2 x ? (usually 10 first set, 6-8 second) traps - 4 x 8 bench bar curls - pyramid sets (1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 10, 1 x 12) seated incline curls - 3 x 8 concentration curls - 3 x 8 hammer curls - 3 x 8 (immediately following each set, lighter dumbbells ~20lbs used for making circular motions) Wednesday: shoulders, abs & tri military press - 4 x 8 lateral raises - 3 x 8 front raises - 3 x 8 reverse fly? (don't know name) - 3 x 8 various abs (depending on day) skull crushers w/ curl bar - 3 x 8 triangle bar pulldown - 3 x 8 rope pulldown - 3 x 8 dips - 2 x ? (see above for # reps) Thursday: legs leg press - 4 x 8 extensions - 4 x 8 curls - 4 x 8 calf press - 3 x 12 calves on leg press machine - 3 x 15 Friday: chest, abs & biceps bench - 4 x 8 incline bench - 3 x 8 decline bench - 3 x 8 flys - 3 x 8 various abs (depending on day) bench bar curls - 3 x 21 (7 wide grip, 7 narrow, 7 normal) incline bench curls - 3 x 8 superman curls (what I call them) ->use 2 weight stacks, curl with upper arms parallel to floor, bring hands toward head, like a typical flex pose... - 3 x 8 hammer curls - 3 x 8 (w/ afterward as on tuesdays) Saturday: legs squat - 3 x 8 rest is same as Thursday minus the leg press So that's it. Comments? Suggestions? I am always looking to make it better. FWIW, I am ~6'4", ~185... thanks E

seems to be overtraining to me..dunno..

I am just glancing at it and I will give my .02 later. But you have way to many sets to per day to be working a group twice a week and you need to vary your rep scheme.

You need to give your muscles more time to rest. You're overtraining and probably working against yourself. Take it back a notch and work each muscle group once a week. You shouldn't be at the gym working out every day.

Yeah first thing that popped into my head was overtraining. What are your goals? What's your diet like?

holy overtraining batman

Thanks for the input guys - I was beginning to suspect that I was overtraining some. My goals at first were the typical: get my bench to 300, and look good. Got to 300 a couple of weeks ago, and I look good, but after that my goals changed to being more fit, so I think that I am going to take up swimming 2x/wk and drop off to working each group 1x/ diet is, at best guess ~4000 cal/day; I have a super high metabolism, and I know that this is not really high if I want to be bulking, but I don't really want to bulk too much; I am tall and lean, and I want to stay that way, but muscular...any more help? Thanks guys. E

bump? I still want some more feedback

It's only about 24-6 sets a day... hardly overtaining it seems. I posted a routine where it was 20 sets of mostly 10s and no one thought that was even close to overtaining. If you are worried about overtraining though just knock off a lift a day.

thanks man - really appreciate the feedback - and to the gym I go...

My routine...critique wanted (long)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Finally got back in the groove the last couple days of playing (I've played like 7 days in a row). I've got my swing back to where I need it to be and was simply smashing today. Up 4 times, had a triple, single, and two bombs (one was like 325 feet and one was like 385). If I keep playing consistently, I really wouldn't mind playing organized baseball again. I know I could play at a lot of lower division/ junior colleges but since I'm chilling at D1 OSU, I don't know whether they'd give me a chance. In any case I'm getting bigger/stronger as well so it shouldn't be more than 6 months before that 385 foot bomb turns into 400+. By the way, baseball= best sport ever. IBhaters

But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

Baseball is fun. But track is the greatest sport ever.

Ilyusha But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

I baseball.

I used to be good at it. ended up droping baseball for racing mountain bikes..

superbri007 are you a sprinter? Do you pay attention to anything I ever post?

superbri007 well, i figured your slow as fuck from all this crunking and what not and farmers walks, and DL's, etc. What do you run a 100 in? ib 13 I was running high 12s 2 years ago. In flats even.

superbri007 playing ultimate frisbee all the time and doing a couple sessions of HIIT this past summer has made me soooo much faster. Frisbee is great for building speed, because its not boring to try and sprint after a frisbee that is far out of your reach. Its quite a goal, and having something to chase after makes you all that much faster without having to think about it. now I understand why they have the fake rabbits at dog tracks Goddamn I hate frisbee. Why the hell would you dick around with something homo-riffic like that when you can play football and still keep your balls? Football>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ultimate frisbee

superbri007 I never said frisbee was better then football, i fucking love football. Too bad no one ever wants to play here at my school. They enjoy masturbating, playing wiffle ball, drinking, and occasionally playing b-ball. when I play frisbee, its either, for a pass and I still sprint. or its actually a pretty hardcore game of just pure sprinting up and down the field. damn your school sucks

superbri007 no, the people here suck. They are like zombies. There are plenty of athletes, but everyone else is just disgusting fat bodies who drink all the time and sit around like turds. /rant i wanted to try out for baseball this year for my university, but Its a bit too late for that now, and plus i'm a junior. Not so sure I could compete at the college level Yeah there are plenty of lazy asses around here too. "Hey you wanna play baseball?" "No i uhhh...just don't want to" I mean wtf. If I improve my defense and get up to 240 I am going to try-out next year when I'm a sophmore. I only wish that I had like a real trainer person to help out rather than just doing this shit myself.

It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in.

trancezj It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in. Same here. In fact we were kicked off our field because some stupid ass softball game was about to take place. I don't even understand why guys would ever want to play a girls sport. And the older dudes get so into it. Talk about

Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia

Ceaze Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia Thanks. I need to work on my core more

I'm not going to brag, but I couldn't list all the amazing shit I did. Get me drunk and I'm fucking Al bundy talking about the glory days. Oddly enough, I wasn't a power hitter. I hit a few out, but they were few and far between.

my baseball coach got murdered

i suck but i also havent played in years

Playing baseball is sweet...i can't stand watching it though I've played back when I was 8 and just quit last year for one plays anymore. like someone said, it's all slow-pitch one plays fastball anymore... psst...pitcher= best position ever...curveballs fucked up my arm though when I was young...

I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer

GilgaMesH baseball= best sport ever. now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better

im so in this crew

Jeff Coleman now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better And the Indians

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer bahaha, did your team happened to get called a bunch of faggots yesterday?

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer you should quit that shit and join the baseball league we are starting

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Saturday, December 28, 2013

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape

those same people that are trying to get in shape are usually the people cramming their face with fries. Now the people that do have dedication and the will to lose it

tommyortom seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape I get pissed off at my friends at school who would joke at me eating salads or bringing in protein shakes for lunch, but after I started getting a lot of noticable gains, they would ask me to take them to the gym with me and shit. I'm like . I really wouldn't mind helping them out (I don't know much, but enough to get them started) except for now they'll try to eat healthy at lunch, then go home and smoke weed and eat fast food all day long, then tell me how much buffer they have gotten in the past week.

I give props to them initially, if I see them still doing it a month from now, more power to them. If I see them doing it still and they look about the same, then they're no better than the idiot cramming their face at mcdonalds.

Socrates I get pissed off at my friends at school who would joke at me eating salads or bringing in protein shakes for lunch, but after I started getting a lot of noticable gains, they would ask me to take them to the gym with me and shit. I'm like . That's like people at work, who find it unimaginable that I don't drink sugar beverages. They also wonder why I'm not fat. Uhhhh.....

D-GUy I give props to them initially, if I see them still doing it a month from now, more power to them. If I see them doing it still and they look about the same, then they're no better than the idiot cramming their face at mcdonalds. haha..theres this lady in my sub whos around 50 who isnt obese or anything..but could lose a good 30-40 joke....shes been doing a LIGHT walk around the neighborhood for the past 2-3 years....and i see no physical change in here at all!!!!!! maybe shes just doing it for cardio or to just get outside and look at the nature.....but she hasnt made any progress what so ever ahha

ya I have a lady running in my neighborhood I see every tuesday when I come home from the gym. She is in pretty decent shape and she stays that way. I wonder if others think in this way(noticing others changes and such). I know a bunch of people at the Y I go to probably notice.

I hate walking and running cause I know the shit people say about me when they drive by, but fuck em I figure it will all be worth it in the end.

i'm built and muscular, but i'm definitely chunky. and its not a good chunky like chunky beef stew. i'm a nice guy, and i'm friends with good people, who are usually really cool and what not. however, sometimes they'll throw fat jokes, and i'll laugh it off. but seriously, i dont like hearing them. for example, they'll see me eating a salad during school lunch. (i'm in highschool) "dude, why are you eating a salad...?!" "oh, i'm on a diet. i'm tryin to lose some weight." "HAHAAHA. YOU?! lose weight?! sorry man, but thats just too funny" "heh, yeah." or i'd be at a family gathering with all my relatives...and we'd be getting cake slices from our aunt. she'll give each person a slice of cake, but for me she'll cut it smaller and take off the frosting and say "you don't need that anyway" yeah i'm being a pansy and complaining, but it sure as heck doesn't make my day hearing/watching that crap.

btw, i've lost 8 pounds since mid feb, while seeings gains on my bench/squat/deadlift.

Atenza6i btw, i've lost 8 pounds since mid feb, while seeings gains on my bench/squat/deadlift. Keep it up

tommyortom seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape

As a fattie I've been there done that. I really think 90% of fat people who want to lose weight don't go through with it because they don't know what to expect. People think, "oh man I'll lose 50lbs in like 2-3 months no problem!" Then after week 3 when the initial loss of water weight and truth of the matter hits them they decide that they'll do it later or its "too hard". The thing most fat people forget to realize is that you did not gain those extra 20,30,150lbs over night! It happened over a long time as you gradually became heavier and most likely lazier. I failed at turning my life around atleast 20 times. This time though I changed my mindset. I decided that I wasn't going to pollute and mistreat my body. I quit smoking, got myself a good diet (no starvation for me), figured out a good lifting schedule, started going for walks and 7 almost 8 months later I am 58lbs lighter(255-198) and feeling better than ever. I go home and people stop in their tracks when they see me. Its a great feeling and I wish more people knew what it was like. I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. I had to go about reading about nutrtition and I had to make a lifestyle change to get where I am. I can wait till I can start bulking and if someone had told me that in the future I would want to put on weight I would laugh at them. So umm yeah thats enough ranting for me. Go fatties GO!

Paintballny As a fattie I've been there done that. I really think 90% of fat people who want to lose weight don't go through with it because they don't know what to expect. People think, "oh man I'll lose 50lbs in like 2-3 months no problem!" Then after week 3 when the initial loss of water weight and truth of the matter hits them they decide that they'll do it later or its "too hard". The thing most fat people forget to realize is that you did not gain those extra 20,30,150lbs over night! It happened over a long time as you gradually became heavier and most likely lazier. I failed at turning my life around atleast 20 times. This time though I changed my mindset. I decided that I wasn't going to pollute and mistreat my body. I quit smoking, got myself a good diet (no starvation for me), figured out a good lifting schedule, started going for walks and 7 almost 8 months later I am 58lbs lighter(255-198) and feeling better than ever. I go home and people stop in their tracks when they see me. Its a great feeling and I wish more people knew what it was like. I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. I had to go about reading about nutrtition and I had to make a lifestyle change to get where I am. I can wait till I can start bulking and if someone had told me that in the future I would want to put on weight I would laugh at them. So umm yeah thats enough ranting for me. Go fatties GO! thats the way it has always been for me. i lost 30 pounds my senior year, i definately needed to lose more but it felt great, then i went to college and i fucked everything up. when i was away at college the rest of my family all started doing weight watchers together and my sister and dad both lost a lot of weight, my sister lost like ~60 pounds, yet i still sat around and kept telling her atleast i can eat whatever i want. i regret my previous choices with my weight so much and i really do think that this is the time i change, i can only hope to have the same success you had.

[QUOTE=Paintballny] I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. IQUOTE] So true. i just get angry when people try to tell me how to lose weight. they don't realize that i've been losing weight on my own, with my own will power. when people tell you that you should lose weight or point out whehter you should eat that or not, it doesn't help AT ALL. if anything, it helps me with my lifts b/c i just direct that frustration onto the barbell.

mask of obsidian I can only hope to have the same success you had. In the end its all about how badly you want change. And for me its something I have wanted all my life. I've lived a very privaleged life. I've always gotten the material goods I wanted and I've around the world and back. The one thing money could never buy me though was discipline and self respect. Those are two things I desire and by doing this I am not only creating them but I am also creating the body I've always wanted.

Paintballny In the end its all about how badly you want change. And for me its something I have wanted all my life. I've lived a very privaleged life. I've always gotten the material goods I wanted and I've around the world and back. The one thing money could never buy me though was discipline and self respect. Those are two things I desire and by doing this I am not only creating them but I am also creating the body I've always wanted. thats excellent motivation right there.

You know some people just can't help being fat. Some just have a naturally slow... HOLY SHIT IS THAT A ROOSTER BOOSTER?!!!

Atenza6i thats excellent motivation right there. yeah definately

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

Email one you have the average bodybuilder type of exercise modality without assessing how to properly execute a movement (you don't tell a beginer to simply do squats without first teaching form!) and only a bodybuilder works a single muscle group in one day. For most of us, who want to be in good functional strwenght or who do athletics and are more concerned about power, strenght, endurance and coordination than simply being "BIG" A good lesson in Kinesiology might help you. Or do you read? My response ou are a close minded fool. First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). I am not here to teach a person how to squat, in fact doing that over the internet would be damn near impossible. I am telling what is the best way to go about causing hypertrophy of the gluteus muscle group, which is what she asked. I actually consider myself a mix between a bodybuilder and powerlifter, by the way. I do not only promote one group per day once per week lifting. As you can see if you read some of my other threads, I have also talked about westside training and 3 day splits. I can guarantee my methods increase power strength and endurance. Just because I don't prescribe to your methods does not mean that my methods do not work and in the same I am not saying anyone elses methods don't work, to a point. Now when someone wants to work every muscle every day of the week, of course I am going to say something. -Michael P.S. Get off your high horse. Email two before I even responded to the first Hey sorry about the you can't read comment, but bodybuilding is not a sport! Who cares what you look like what can you do? Asia wrestling weight 110 and 105 after really cutting "to make weight not to put on some shinny skivies" 22 years lifting weights (for strength, power and muscular endurance) Hey that's longer than you have been alive. Eight marathons, six under 3 hrs, 20 min. wrestled 12 years - US national team Climbed three peaks in Peru and Bolivia over 18,0000 feet. Rock climb Yosemite Mountain Bike through northern California What can you do? Response #2 Get off your damn high horse. In the last two weeks, I have helped build a house for habitat for humanity, cleaned up my campus, worked at the animal shelter, along with finishing up my research, presenting it at a national ACS meeting and presented a paper for publication. You need to realize that physical accomplishments are not everything, I have. The fact that I have been lifting for less than 3 years probably says something about my motivation. But if you don't think that size is impressive, also note that my lifts put me over a 1200 total for the big three. Oh, and I am also pretty good at hockey. I don't know what I have said to perturb you, maybe it is just that you are a bitch looking for someone to praise you, maybe it is because you haven't been laid in a while, I don't know, but the fact is that there is so much more to life than what you have listed for your "accomplishments". -Michael Why do I keep going back? I think I need a 12 step program

BTW, here is her profile, there are some NWS pics in there for you horny bastards (Christophers I am looking in your general direction).

maybe christophers can help up my strwenght.

holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage.

Grouch holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage. :hatefuck:

and that emo fag in the other forum is a douche too.

You play hockey? Its kinda funny that the general OT population probably has about 0.0001% hockey players but theres a number of F/N regulars who play.

Grouch holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage. Yes, this whole thing or should I say both things, were written because when some girl asked how to work her ass and everyone else was saying buns of steel videos and the such, I said "squat".

therealdeal You play hockey? Its kinda funny that the general OT population probably has about 0.0001% hockey players but theres a number of F/N regulars who play. I don't play regularly anymore. I played in high school and now I do alot of reffing with some playing on the side.

Grouch and that emo fag in the other forum is a douche too. Thats ok, I still have yet to convince this one girl, who has gotten through the anatomy portion of her PT book and thinks she knows everything, that the food pyramid is bullshit and that 6 meals a day does nothing that 3 proportionally larger meals wouldn't.

ACURA TL-S I don't play regularly anymore. I played in high school and now I do alot of reffing with some playing on the side. How come you don't play regularily anymore?

therealdeal How come you don't play regularily anymore? Lack of ice and time constraints. Hopefully I will have some time after I graduate in two weeks, plus they are in the process of putting in two new sheets 5 minutes from my house. Right now there is only one near Memphis.

ACURA TL-S BTW, here is her profile, there are some NWS pics in there for you horny bastards (Christophers I am looking in your general direction). Oh god.

dude no joke...that bish wants to devour your pen0r

what in the gayshit got up her nasty ass cooter?

"First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet.

Stupid bitch.

Elfling "First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet. shut it woman and get back to the kitchen As for acura....why the fuck are you arguing with a woman in the first place. Tell her to bleed for a week and then come back

I am telling what is the best way to go about causing hypertrophy of the gluteus muscle group, which is what she asked. You should have told the bitch that you're response was appropriate because what was asked was how to shape the gluteus (bodybuilding question) not on how to get a more functional gluteus.

what a cockly ugly broad

Bitch looks like a she-male that got smacked in the face with a 12" frying pan. She's prolly one of those new-age E-Thugs... watch your back.

I have recieved a couple of fairly good e-mails too, they really dont like us overthere acura... LOL's

I'm scared

ACURA TL-S Thats ok, I still have yet to convince this one girl, who has gotten through the anatomy portion of her PT book and thinks she knows everything, that the food pyramid is bullshit and that 6 meals a day does nothing that 3 proportionally larger meals wouldn't. I like how that one argued with the pier reviewed studies, and said that they where too old, cause they where like 8 years old...

Elfling "First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet. I was more referring to the assumption that bodybuilders cannot read.

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

Friday, December 20, 2013

Job change: may not have the opp. to go to a gym now...

Job change: may not have the opp. to go to a gym now...

I go to the gym to maintain my weight... not to get muscular, but just not to get fat. I am considering cancelling going to the gym all together because I do not think I will have time and/or opportunity to go to the gym once I start. Do you feel that I will stay in shape as much if I do workout videos? For instance, I like the Comcast On Demand videos a lot. I am wondering if going TO a gym will make a difference or if I can stay in just as much shape doing videos. Thanks

What do you currently do when you go the gym?

If you just go to "not be fat", doing bodyweight training and cardio at home with a good diet would probably be sufficient. Not as good as going to the gym though.

Just buy a stairstepper or a treadmill for your house/apartment.

If general fitness and weight management are your interests, there is plenty of shit you can do outside of a gym. Cardio stuff is obvious (walk, jog, bike or get an elliptical, treadmill, etc...). For strength training, look for a book called "The Naked Warrior" by Pavel Tsatsouline... strength training concepts, routines, and exercises using bodyweight and a minimal amount of equipment.

There is *always* time to go to the gym, imo. I've never stopped going, not even during my working two jobs, 14 hours a day phase that lasted a year. If you really want to, you'll find the time somehow..and of course there's the other options people have put forth about in-home stuff.

Elfling There is *always* time to go to the gym, imo. I've never stopped going, not even during my working two jobs, 14 hours a day phase that lasted a year. If you really want to, you'll find the time somehow..and of course there's the other options people have put forth about in-home stuff. That's really how I feel about it

Elfling There is *always* time to go to the gym, imo. I've never stopped going, not even during my working two jobs, 14 hours a day phase that lasted a year. If you really want to, you'll find the time somehow..and of course there's the other options people have put forth about in-home stuff. I agree, but I am also thinking that it would be extra nice to save myself the money as well, because I am SEVERELY lacking in funds... to answer NickStam, I use the treadmill/stairmaster/some yellow cardio machine for a little while, and then I use the machine weights for abs, legs and arms... I dont do a whole hell of a lot at the gym, i spend a max. of about 45 mins there... thats why Im thinking it may be an equally as effective/cheaper way to keep myself in shape ... but im not really sure, so thats why Im asking you guys

Triple-C I agree, but I am also thinking that it would be extra nice to save myself the money as well, because I am SEVERELY lacking in funds... to answer NickStam, I use the treadmill/stairmaster/some yellow cardio machine for a little while, and then I use the machine weights for abs, legs and arms... I dont do a whole hell of a lot at the gym, i spend a max. of about 45 mins there... thats why Im thinking it may be an equally as effective/cheaper way to keep myself in shape ... but im not really sure, so thats why Im asking you guys Then you're probably right You can get a decent dumbbell set at Modell's or whatever for >200 bucks. If you shop, you can probably find used weights somewhere for even cheaper. And running/walking outside is free

Elfling There is *always* time to go to the gym, imo. I've never stopped going, not even during my working two jobs, 14 hours a day phase that lasted a year. If you really want to, you'll find the time somehow..and of course there's the other options people have put forth about in-home stuff. yeah, what he said.

freeskiwp yeah, what he said.

jonno *chuckles* It's cool, I'd rather be thought a guy half the time here anyways I just do find it funny because to me, Elfling is not a very manly name.

Elfling Then you're probably right You can get a decent dumbbell set at Modell's or whatever for >200 bucks. If you shop, you can probably find used weights somewhere for even cheaper. And running/walking outside is free sounds good... at least I know if I DO make the decision to drop the gym and just do videos and stuff on my own, it wont make a huge difference from what I do at the gym

spending money on a gym, might be more motivation for you to go...

im sorry elfling .im retarded

MikeTheVike1 spending money on a gym, might be more motivation for you to go... thats what I thought, and it worked for about 6 mos, but since the payment for the gym isnt making a HUGE dent in my budget, Ive realized that I just kinda "figure" my way out of the payment now.... I consider it less out of my paycheck now rather than less out of my take-home, if that makes any sense... I I guess Im just looking for words of encouragement as far as dropping the gym and doing it on my own... I almost have my mind made up, but Im looking for someone to tell me its a GREAT idea or HORRIBLE idea, based on the facts ive given

Pushups, Hindu squats, upsidedown pushups, there is always an option.

I don't know about everyone else, but paying for a gym motivates me to go. I spend xx amount of dollars a month for equipment that I'd better be using. If I didn't spend a dime, I'd probably be sitting home doing pushups and situps thinking I'd get massive. But the fact that I pay motivates me. I think if you can, just try to continue going to a gym w/ a (paid?) membership so that you'd have a reason to go out. Plus, while you're there you get to have a certain mentality that you might not be able to achieve at home. If you're not looking at that route, I think that motivation would be key in terms of working out several times a week. So maybe get a buddy to run with you or something...I don't know. I'm kind of rambling.

I think allot of it depends on how you get motivated. About 3 years ago I prepaid a gym membership and could never get motivated to go. As a result I never really made any progress and fatened up. I also let the membership lapse after it expired. I finally decided to do something about being out of shape and bought a bench/squat rack and dug out my old free weights. I started working out again on April 1st and have been hugely motivated so far. I'm doing the dreaded cardio by taking my boxer on bikerides 3-4 times a week and lifting 3 nights a week. I've dropped 18 pounds (mostly water i'm sure) so far and I swear I feel stronger. I screwed up and dropped a grip on my gym membership and never used it. I spent $200 on a decent home bench and use it all the time. I even look forward to using it. Food for thought anyway.

Job change: may not have the opp. to go to a gym now...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What is it with short Asians who are deceivingly strong?

What is it with short Asians who are deceivingly strong?

I was in one of our squat racks doing some exercises and this Asian guy about my age who was probably around 5'6", probably 130lbs was next to me in the other one. To make a long story short he went through his squat routine and got up to 335. He did 335 x 4 before he quit and then started doing some GMs. If I was to look at the guy I wouldn't even guess he could squat that much weight. He didn't look too muscular and his legs weren't all that big. He did have knee wraps and those weightlifting shoes on, though. I think he popped some Animal Paks before he started working out. Cliffs: Small Asian guys are strong.



reminds me of filmy's story.. but the asian guy at his gym did something like 585 or something

some people are decieving... i dont look too strong but i guess in general im not weak...

you'd be amazing how many small asian guys FAR outbench white guys at my gym.. white .. black .. mexican ... you should see the look on their faces =P

asian dude is the only other one ive seen at the gym squatting more than two 45s. His gf went up to ~100, she was hawt. All the other guys, white, black, whatever seem to just do squats for cardio or something

Well they may be strong but they're still small.

its because they squat when they go poopie.

AznRyda its because they squat when they go poopie. [IMG][/G] pl training since day 1...

AznRyda its because they squat when they go poopie.

ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

liptonme ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

liptonme ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

im asian and im weak i guess i dont fall under the short/strong asian categories

liptonme ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

liptonme ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

evi1eddie i don't get it.. ? are these responses sarcasm or just making fun of me

liptonme i don't get it.. ? are these responses sarcasm or just making fun of me they're meanie-heads. You're insanely strong for your size. i see you lift and am like

i'm asian, short, and strong but i'm also fat.

damn my genes! when i squat the 45 pound bar then i go teehee when i see others do without a bar.

reminds me of me edit: minus the asian and small penis

AmCo damn my genes! when i squat the 45 pound bar then i go teehee when i see others do without a bar. People at your gym squat without the bar?

Shaolin_sword36 People at your gym squat without the bar? Go do 500 squats without any weights, just your body. See what happens.

I really don't think asians are naturally strong. I don't think many small people in general are naturally real strong. They surely worked on it for years and years When I started out I couldn't lift shit, but after two years the gains are steady and strong. People go when they see me shoulder press 70-75 lb dumbbells. Still working hard at benching 100 lb dumbbells though I'm still a newbie at lifting, but my goal is to be deceivingly keeps me going since i've been pretty weak before I started lifting

What is it with short Asians who are deceivingly strong?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

pic request: that skinny runner!!

pic request: that skinny runner!!

help? tryin to convince my friend to stop running so much.. thx!

His goals may not be your goals Running alone doesn't make you skinny; marathon running with no weight training is different from a few days of running for cardio.

I used to be a Cross Country runner but I did some weight training along with it so I didn't look like a total twig. As for the pic I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Go to the Christian Bale thread for a pic of a skinny guy.

its meant as a joke. hes in his 40s, is getting back into shape. wants to run 6 min miles and bench twice his weight. thx for the acceptance of this parody.

call me mick I used to be a Cross Country runner but I did some weight training along with it so I didn't look like a total twig. As for the pic I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Go to the Christian Bale thread for a pic of a skinny guy. why would you have any "fucking idea" what im talking about. the thread is older than youve been on here. thanks for the useful input! im sure someone has it.. it was of that aussie runner i think?

Too bad I don't have my yearbook here.... I used to be twig runner in highschool

KetchupKing Too bad I don't have my yearbook here.... I used to be twig runner in highschool lol... dont get me wrong.. im all for anything you can succeed in.. but this guy was just nasty skinny

Leo95SE lol... dont get me wrong.. im all for anything you can succeed in.. but this guy was just nasty skinny I was 120 @ 6 feet... does that count?

KetchupKing I was 120 @ 6 feet... does that count? ok, that may work.. lol he actually went from a 37" waist to a 31" waist in 4-5 months. really fast weight loss, thats why i like to make fun of him.. but we also keep each other going.. kinda fun

Leo95SE ok, that may work.. lol he actually went from a 37" waist to a 31" waist in 4-5 months. really fast weight loss, thats why i like to make fun of him.. but we also keep each other going.. kinda fun If he keeps running he'll get ever lower. I ended my senior year with a 26" waist... 24" if i sucked it in. Never found a pair of pants that fit

Leo95SE why would you have any "fucking idea" what im talking about. the thread is older than youve been on here. thanks for the useful input! im sure someone has it.. it was of that aussie runner i think? The thread is older than I've been *posting* here, not been on offtopic. I wasn't trying to be an asshole, but thanks for the sarcastic reply.

call me mick The thread is older than I've been *posting* here, not been on offtopic. I wasn't trying to be an asshole, but thanks for the sarcastic reply. my reply was in the same tone as yours... if you didnt know, why did you post? and why did it have to be "no fucking idea"? its been posted a few times. hopefully someone can provide it..

Leo95SE my reply was in the same tone as yours... if you didnt know, why did you post? and why did it have to be "no fucking idea"? its been posted a few times. hopefully someone can provide it.. I was just tired and still am because I was up all night studying. Don't get all hostile over someone using the word "fucking". I would like to see the picture as well.

hahahahahahhaa!!! thats it... thanks a ton chris

christophers Odd, he doesn't look sinewy at all, just really fat skinny.

christophers jesus, i hope his leg didn't break after he took that step

christophers what the hell is sinewy? sin·ew·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sny-) adj. Consisting of or resembling sinews. Having many sinews; stringy and tough: a sinewy cut of beef. Lean and muscular. See Synonyms at muscular. Strong and vigorous: sinewy pro

christophers what the hell is sinewy?

christophers That looks almost normal to me . I used to be a distance guy, but now that I'm done running collegiately I'm getting into lifting, slowly. I had my body fat taken my sophomore year in a Bod Pod and it was < 2%. Anorexia/Belemia is rampant among distance runners.

that guy looks sickly.

BeerSteak That looks almost normal to me . I used to be a distance guy, but now that I'm done running collegiately I'm getting into lifting, slowly. I had my body fat taken my sophomore year in a Bod Pod and it was < 2%. Anorexia/Belemia is rampant among distance runners. less than 2% eh? have trouble walking/living?

disblohs less than 2% eh? have trouble walking/living? I did get sick a lot. I was also taking adderall at the time, which most of you probably know is an appetite depressant, so that didn't help. I'm not nearly as skinny as that guy in the picture, I have a pretty good natural build.

pic request: that skinny runner!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Injuries deciding whether I should bulk or cut?

Injuries deciding whether I should bulk or cut?

Ok, so right now I have a bad lower back, a possible abdominal-area hernia, a bad elbow, and my knee is still a little iffy from knee surgery last summer. With that being said, its hard for me to want to bulk up without being able to lift heavy - I cant deadlift, I can only squat super light (less than 100lbs), and I dont think I'll be able to bench for a week or two at best. Should I just say fuck it and try to cut down? My only hesitation here is that I'm not cavefish style - both muscular and fat, but rather I am probably just a hair past skinny-fatitude. Any advice?

you shouldn't be bulking nor cut! what you need to do is let your body heal, maintain or imporve your fitness level in every aspects, size is not your concern yet. bulking and cutting is more fine tuning after you maintain your fitness level in my opinion... there is no elevators to being fit and healthy, everyone has to take stairs.

so you're saying just take in maintainance calories or what? I get what you're saying otherrwise, but why not take in calories at a slight deficit and try to lose some fat?

tize cant you tell im putting my moves on her? OP->RP conversion baby!! and btw, sucking isnt a bad thing when its a girl. remember that chris remember that. eh?!?!?

Injuries deciding whether I should bulk or cut?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Going for a new dead PR today

Going for a new dead PR today

got my technique down...been working with a PLer (girl) that has me in a more leaning back more as if Im sitting and expelling from my diaphram(sp?) instead. t'was alittle awkward first to adjust to that minor change, but now my shoulders aren't as forward and its easier off the lift. I was working with 405 to get my form...then I hit 585 easier and then 635 nicely. I'm going for a new PR of 685 previous best was 665

no you really aren't.

good luck

Peal no you really aren't.

Peal no you really aren't.

film it

didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you?

gotta love to hate

disblohs didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you? he only said that cuz he was a weak sexy beast.

its almost 11pm, what happened?

that's a big jump. i say he fails

wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys

and peal...thanks for justifying the reason you've been on my IL for a while

Filmboy44 and peal...thanks for justifying the reason you've been on my IL for a while you love the attention man, don't lie. and just quietly, I see no mention of limitations within this thread. IMO there are quite a lot of us that aim high, not only in bb or pl but in life.

Filmboy44 wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys i was serious

disblohs didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you? do I really have to explain it to you like your a 4 year old? I am concerned ONLY with being as muscular and as defined as possible. However, if you knew anything about training you'd know that heavy weight = big muscles (to explain it to you as if you are 4)...and since that is my targeted goal. I am going to attempt heavy lifts in order to stimulate or shock the muscle into growth I'm NOT concerned with going into the gym and trying to move the most weight possible for a contest...I"m doing deads to improve my overall condition as a whole. I find it exciting and thought I'd share the fact that I was going for a new PR but it looks as though none of you can comprehend that.

What do you expect filmy? You post fake shit all the time to get people riled up, you make fun of this forum and act like you are better than all of us. Most of these people don't even rememeber when you used to be helpful and nice in this forum. So don't expect a big hug and slap on the ass when you come in here and post stuff like this from most of the memebers here.

Did you hit it or not?

Filmboy44 wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys what hate? we were just joking least i was. heck, i wanna know if you hit it or not.

Filmboy44 do I really have to explain it to you like your a 4 year old? I am concerned ONLY with being as muscular and as defined as possible. However, if you knew anything about training you'd know that heavy weight = big muscles (to explain it to you as if you are 4)...and since that is my targeted goal. I am going to attempt heavy lifts in order to stimulate or shock the muscle into growth I'm NOT concerned with going into the gym and trying to move the most weight possible for a contest...I"m doing deads to improve my overall condition as a whole. I find it exciting and thought I'd share the fact that I was going for a new PR but it looks as though none of you can comprehend that. do i have to explain basic grammar to you like you're a 4 year old? don't be such a condescending prick. i asked you a simple question and you had to go off and be an asshole about it. so you never post anything helpful and then you expect everyone to praise you for a new PR? people are always posting threads about their new PRs and i'm sure you don't race in there to congratulate them. a perfect example is the thread on the first page with the title " Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells ." i see that you didn't go in there and give him a high five and tell him good work. the problem with you, at least that i've noticed since i started posting here, is that half of the time you are a nice guy and the other half you are a bitch. congrats on your new PR, asshole

disblohs do i have to explain basic grammar to you like you're a 4 year old? I stopped reading right there the typical mentality of OT. Always trying to better one up on the other person because you think it makes you a better man... whatever man....

Filmboy44 I stopped reading right there the typical mentality of OT. Trying to better one up on the other because you can't it. whatever man.... i can't understand what you just said. regardless, i'm sure you read what i posted and you justified my post with your response. you're acting like a little bitch again. get over yourself. edit: you fixed it. do yourself a favor and read it and maybe you'll realize why there's so much animosity towards you.

disblohs i can't understand what you just said. regardless, i'm sure you read what i posted and you justified my post with your response. you're acting like a little bitch again. get over yourself. edit: you fixed it. do yourself a favor and read it and maybe you'll realize why there's so much animosity towards you. I'm not going to drag this out. Obviously you can't comprehend much so I'll keep it short. You missed my point entirely, which in a way justified it; as for reading your I stopped right htere, I didn't care to read on. I can care less about any "animosity" toward me at all...the threads in the this forum are bullshit through and through...those that are 'lurkers' or too shy to post ask me in PM's and I help them as much as I can so don't give me this shit about why people hate me you little shit 95% of this board can't hold my fuckin' lifting straps...

Going for a new dead PR today

Friday, November 15, 2013

Do you think this is really filmy?

Do you think this is really filmy?

[this is actually serious]

No. .....unless he's posted pics I haven't seen before.

Is this the same guy?

Hahahahaahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaha leave filmy alone


PurEvl Hahahahaahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaha don't leave me hanging dude


the prowler has a pic of him.. it's been posted before

He's only posted off season pics of him... except maybe 1 in season?

In for pic

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "no"

KetchupKing He's only posted off season pics of him... except maybe 1 in season? he posted a pic of himself on stage once

So the general consensus is that filmy is full of shit? Why would he lie about stuff like this?

Peal So the general consensus is that filmy is full of shit? Why would he lie about stuff like this? e-cock size

Peal So the general consensus is that filmy is full of shit? Why would he lie about stuff like this?

I don't think that's him, but he is definitely a big muscular dude - I think he was in competition once, and I do have a pic at home that looks like it's his face.

Peal So the general consensus is that filmy is full of shit? Why would he lie about stuff like this? Hit, Nail, Head.

well, he posts pics all the time showing his face in normal clothes, so suddenly when he posts a bb'ing pic, the face gets blacked out, seems fishy...

whoa what a sad loser

Mass well, he posts pics all the time showing his face in normal clothes, so suddenly when he posts a bb'ing pic, the face gets blacked out, seems fishy... I know the secret

yep loser


Do you think this is really filmy?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Best Picture Gallery

Best Picture Gallery

Where can I find the largest and best picture gallery of muscular males? From body builders to lean and six pack. No I am not gay I just want to have a "reference guide" as to how I want my body to look. Thanks


evi1eddie big time

evi1eddie no shit

I wouldnt say so, he's just looking for inspiration

Found this website by accident Have fun

this is the gayest thread in F&N! It's alright to compare...just...try to keep it heterosexual. who would have thought

Grouch who would have thought Whoa, did not see that one coming


Grouch who would have thought

Grouch who would have thought


Best Picture Gallery

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