Sunday, November 17, 2013

Injuries deciding whether I should bulk or cut?

Injuries deciding whether I should bulk or cut?

Ok, so right now I have a bad lower back, a possible abdominal-area hernia, a bad elbow, and my knee is still a little iffy from knee surgery last summer. With that being said, its hard for me to want to bulk up without being able to lift heavy - I cant deadlift, I can only squat super light (less than 100lbs), and I dont think I'll be able to bench for a week or two at best. Should I just say fuck it and try to cut down? My only hesitation here is that I'm not cavefish style - both muscular and fat, but rather I am probably just a hair past skinny-fatitude. Any advice?

you shouldn't be bulking nor cut! what you need to do is let your body heal, maintain or imporve your fitness level in every aspects, size is not your concern yet. bulking and cutting is more fine tuning after you maintain your fitness level in my opinion... there is no elevators to being fit and healthy, everyone has to take stairs.

so you're saying just take in maintainance calories or what? I get what you're saying otherrwise, but why not take in calories at a slight deficit and try to lose some fat?

tize cant you tell im putting my moves on her? OP->RP conversion baby!! and btw, sucking isnt a bad thing when its a girl. remember that chris remember that. eh?!?!?

Injuries deciding whether I should bulk or cut?

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