Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

I'm guessing my form is screwed up on one of these excersies. This has never happened before. Also note that I just added the pullups this week I've never done them before (cant see how this could be it though). ---- Back, Biceps Heavy Weights 3 second negative on work sets 2 warmup sets 5 min warmup (running) Assisted Pull-Ups, wide grip - 4 sets of 6 Bent Over Rows, Barbell - 2 WU sets 8x30, 5 sets 8x65 6x80 4x90 2x100 12x30(burnout set) Bicep Curls, DBs standing - 2 WU sets 8x10, 4 sets of 8x15 8x15 8x15 4x20 +3 Supersets of EZ-bar curls 8x35 8x35 8x35 Crunches - 4x15xbw ---- One thing is the weight for my bent over rows needs to come down big time next week.. at 90lbs my form is terrible I can't bring it all the way up.. (you bring it up to your waist not your chest, right?) Thanks

The exrx guy's form isn't great on a lot of his gif demonstrations. Your chest probably hurts because of pullups.

Ilyusha Your chest probably hurts because of pullups. OK the more I think about it this is probably it.. this is the first time this has happened and its the first time I've done pullups. Thanks

one more question... my abs are never sore the next day or just plain ever. Not even a little bit. Is this not good or is it accecptable? I know soreness doesn't = good workout but I'm just wondering if I am working them hard enough. I do 4 sets of 15 cruches 3 times a week.

sometimes my chest only gets sore 2 days after maybe yur just gettin sore from chest day?

NormanNormal one more question... my abs are never sore the next day or just plain ever. Not even a little bit. Is this not good or is it accecptable? I know soreness doesn't = good workout but I'm just wondering if I am working them hard enough. I do 4 sets of 15 cruches 3 times a week. my abs never get sore... im pretty sure they recoup really quick

sr20wop sometimes my chest only gets sore 2 days after maybe yur just gettin sore from chest day? nope thats definitely not it

sr20wop my abs never get sore... im pretty sure they recoup really quick ok cool.. thanks

Lets see have never had a specific muscle group hurt from a specific set of exercises. You add in another exercise, and another muscle group hurts...odds are this exercise is the culprit :duh: Just messing around, it was probably the pullups broly. Never complain when your muscles are sore, that means they are getting stronger

Z PYRATE Never complain when your muscles are sore, that means they are getting stronger But don't think that just because they aren't sore that you can go ahead and keep working them and overtraining them...

if your abs don't hurt, you're not doing enough

my abs always hurt after a big ab session

weighted decline crunches = sore abs

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

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