Friday, November 29, 2013

Name Some Must Have Exercises in your Workout Plan Ver. 2.0

Name Some Must Have Exercises in your Workout Plan Ver. 2.0

What are some must have exercises in a workout schedule besides the obvious squats, deads, bench...

I train with a medicine ball...if you haven't done this's quite a treat. I'll warm up first by doing 2x5min. rounds of skipping/30 sec. rest interval.

shoulder press, lat pull ups, db flys, calf raises

chin ups, bentover rows

my current workout plan doesnt have squats, deads, or bench

it does have some 1 arm med ball presses though, those are interesting

reverse hypers and rotator cuff shiet

christophers bad workout plan its a compromise w/ my partner. we do leg press instead of squats, and 1 arm med ball press and decline bench press instead of flat bench. we have a plenty of back excersizes, but no real lower back stuff When summer hits we'll change back to a more conventional routine.

dank its a compromise w/ my partner. we do leg press instead of squats, and 1 arm med ball press and decline bench press instead of flat bench. we have a plenty of back excersizes, but no real lower back stuff When summer hits we'll change back to a more conventional routine. You have a shitty partner then.

tize Power jelq

dank its a compromise w/ my partner. we do leg press instead of squats, and 1 arm med ball press and decline bench press instead of flat bench. we have a plenty of back excersizes, but no real lower back stuff When summer hits we'll change back to a more conventional routine. Unless your partner is your siamese twin, you should be able to do your own workout

Prison/Upright barbell row.

Tate Press.

rows(any form), chin ups(any grip)

Dips, Wide Grip Pullups, Rows, Shoulder Press, Flyes

Name Some Must Have Exercises in your Workout Plan Ver. 2.0

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