Saturday, November 30, 2013

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

Just wondering how you all get your supply of protein per day. I weigh 12 stones (i assume the US system of 1 stone = 14 lbs applies, hence me being 170 lbs?) How can I eat 170g of protein a day? A 140g can of tuna has 35g of protein.. which is merely 20% of what i need in a day..

170 grams is easy as fuck, I just chow on meat all day and shit and take a protein shake after i lift and then I like reeses peanut butter cups and those pack like 3 grams holla

100% whey shakes on top of everything else

If I'm eating a decent amount of calories a day, it's hard not to get 170+ grams. Almost everything has protein in it.. I drink a lot of milk, there's a bunch right there. Even bread has a little protein in it.

Phlab If I'm eating a decent amount of calories a day, it's hard not to get 170+ grams. Almost everything has protein in it.. I drink a lot of milk, there's a bunch right there. Even bread has a little protein in it. I got this 12 grain bread that has 4 grams of protein PER slice

quickone I got this 12 grain bread that has 4 grams of protein PER slice

I dont, I still make gains.

peanut butter sandwiches...chicken...protein shakes..yummyy

i shit more than 170g of protein, it's not hard to consume

I'm probably under-estimating general food that we eat that has protein in it..


chicken, tuna, whey protein, casein protein, veges, oatmeal, wheat bread

Cottage cheese, chicken breasts, and tuna > * Then protein shakes to make up the difference, if there is one.

kingfaz Just wondering how you all get your supply of protein per day. I weigh 12 stones (i assume the US system of 1 stone = 14 lbs applies, hence me being 170 lbs?) How can I eat 170g of protein a day? A 140g can of tuna has 35g of protein.. which is merely 20% of what i need in a day.. 170g of protein a day isn't needed. Consuming more protein doesn't effect how much protein your body will absorb. It only takes what it needs and rids it's self of the rest. It's impossible for a body to add that much muscle mass in a day's time. If you ate that much protein, you will shit out about 110g of it. Try 0.36g of protein per pound of bodyweight you have. If you're 170lbs, you should take in only 62g.

I really try to go for around .02g of protein per 10 pounds htat I weigh, especially when I'm trying to make serious gains. chicken, tuna (staring at an emptry can right now), supps if you aren't hungry...

i consume 3-5 protein shakes daily, each with 45g of protein. rest of my daily protein comes from chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey, beef, and eggs.

joy division I really try to go for around .02g of protein per 10 pounds htat I weigh, especially when I'm trying to make serious gains. chicken, tuna (staring at an emptry can right now), supps if you aren't hungry... Try 0.36g per lb of bodyweight you have. This is the amount a body, that is building muscle, needs.

cbrpimp ?

infinite loop i consume 3-5 protein shakes daily, each with 45g of protein. rest of my daily protein comes from chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey, beef, and eggs. Why so much?

JuggetEQ Why so much? So I'm a big fat turd who weighs 400lbs should I eat 400g of protein a day? Or do I figure out my rough lean mass underneath all the shit and eat only 200g of protein a day?

JuggetEQ Why so much? i weight more than you, i'm at ~195. here's my typical meal breakdown. protein in parthens. meal 1: oatmeal (5g) meal 2: protein shake (45g) meal 3: lunch (30-50g) meal 4: protein shake (45g) meal 5: dinner (30-50g) meal 6: protein shake (45g) meals 2 and 4 serve as snacks, meal 6 is right before bed. the above diet is for a non-workout day. if i'm workign out, i'll add a pre and post workout shake (another 90g protien). so at 195lbs, i fluctuate between 200-250g and on a workout day between 200-300g. if i don't eat meals 2 and 4, i end up eating like shit the rest of the day. they pretty much help curb my appetite and keep my diet in check.

christophers jesus.. where do you get your info? that is extremely off base. much research shows athletes do well with 1g/lbm and as high as 1.5g/lbm. a lot of people like 1.5g/lb in protein. one of the dumbest things to do is under consume protein, which is what .36g of protein is. please stop stating stuff as fact. I get my information from Nautilus. The things I state are proven facts. The 0.36g diet was followed by such bodybuilders as: Frank Zane, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Sch, Vince Anello and many others. Athletes do more cardio than muscle building, by the way. Except for, of course, the sport of Weightlifting. In addition to your criticism, athletes try to sharpen a skill more than build muscle. You're correct, sir, this diet would suck for an althete. That's why I didn't prescribe this diet to an althete; to my knowledge, the person I gave this advise to is a weightlifter.

JuggetEQ I get my information from Nautilus. The things I state are proven facts. The 0.36g diet was followed by such bodybuilders as: Frank Zane, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Sch, Vince Anello and many others. Athletes do more cardio than muscle building, by the way. Except for, of course, the sport of Weightlifting. In addition to your criticism, athletes try to sharpen a skill more than build muscle. You're correct, sir, this diet would suck for an althete. That's why I didn't prescribe this diet to an althete; to my knowledge, the person I gave this advise to is a weightlifter. arnold in his book specifically states that you shoudl eat at least 1g of protien per lb of body weight on non-training days, and a bit more on days you train.

christophers what in the FUCK are you talking about? you have got to be an AE. or the stupidest fuck i've ever encountered ? I'd like to see your references on these claims that you need 1g/lb a day. If they are from a protein shake company, than, it's a marketing tool. Moron.

christophers what in the FUCK are you talking about? you have got to be an AE. or the stupidest fuck i've ever encountered yeah, he's got to be an AE. i feel retarded for typing out a reply

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

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