Friday, November 29, 2013

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

i would like to know is there any thing i can intake that will allow me to increase my weight but not fat wise i know working out is key but i work 8-6 monday~saturday i come home and i'm exhausted but i do manage to do 100 pushups/25lb 4 sets of 12 bicep/tricep curls so that my body can stay in shape would a protein supplement(whey) in any way benefit me or is it only necessary for full time gym people ?

stupid noobs do 500pushups a night and you'll be hitting 300s on the bench in no time.

knucks stupid noobs do 500pushups a night and you'll be hitting 300s on the bench in no time. ethug

Read the stickies. And dont make faggot excuses. I work from 6:30-5 everyday. I still go. You have to want it. PERIOD

Fabian Read the stickies. And dont make faggot excuses. I work from 6:30-5 everyday. I still go. You have to want it. PERIOD thx for link fabian

my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted

stickies > you



run of the mill response


creatine will increase your weight if taken correctly, and strength too. but kinda pointless if you're not actualy gonna really lift. research it more for info. instead of doing 100 pushups and curls, take 45 minutes and go to the gym (that's all it takes, i promise) and get a good real workout. read the stickies as advised, they really are useful though it is a ton of reading.

here's a link to the stickies, they're at the top of the page or hell, just hit back on your browser. they're the threads saying "Sticky : thread topic"

Frisco crew holla.

China i would like to know is there any thing i can intake that will allow me to increase my weight but not fat wise i know working out is key but i work 8-6 monday~saturday my thoughts..................... 1) i'm 6'2" and 179.5 lbs... was 184 lbs a couple weeks ago, got real sick, dropped to 174 and now i'm almost at 180 again. started workin out a few years ago i was 145 lbs and 6'2"... THAT sucked. 2) EAT - like a mother fuck. drink protein shakes between meals w/ an apple or banana. 3) DRINK - tons and tons of h20. me and the bathroom are GOOD friends. 4) i work 8-4:30 M-F on my "9-5" job, go to class mon, tue, wed, thur, and sun for 1.5 hrs during the week and 3 hours on the sunday class. i workout tue, thur, sat in the morning before going to work for 1 hr. i do cardio on the alt days for 30-35 mins and rest on sunday. good luck... it takes TONS of work.. and if you want to gain weight you have to EAT.

China my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted If you want it bad enough there is always time. I worked as a Diesel Mechanic last summer and came home dirty and tired but still made it a point to lift. Truck parts are heavy as are the tools needed to work on them. Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. I was increadably tired for a week or so but adapted and the gains show it. Lifting after work will be a drain on you but if you eat properly your body will adapt. Basically, stop making excuses and make time if you really want it, also read the stickies, the information is there for a reason.

since ur work is so exhausting, you're probably burning a shitload of calories thus you are more. and if you're too exhausted to lift, then your sol. lift on your days off from work even if its only 2 days a week, better than nothing. focus on heavy compound movements, squat, dead, bench, row, chin. do that and eat a lot, you shall gain weight.

[QUOTE=GTPBR] Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. QUOTE] damn that sounds like it'd give you huge forearms pics?

[QUOTE=Undefined] GTPBR Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. QUOTE] damn that sounds like it'd give you huge forearms pics? Thats whatd I figured but it didnt happen. And by leg I mean the size of my thigh, that thing was heavy as shit. Wasnt eating enough to pack on a lot of muscle but by the end of the summer I was stronger then I had ever been and had a crazy grip (not Grouch level but I was impressed). I started college in August and I've gotten soft but got back in the weightroom in January so I'm back on track.

China my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted Mine is probably moreso than yours. I work 40 hours a week doing freight/recieving. We generally move at about 2000 pieces every 2 hours for 8 hours straight. So every shift I pick up and move roughly 8,000 boxes that weigh anywhere from 15-70 lbs. And I still work out about three times a week. BTW, read the stickies and the F&N archives.

great advice guys i'm now more motivated than ever before

China thx for link fabian No problem at all man. Most here will also help you, but some can act like jerkoffs at times if they feel like joking....only when your new to lifting, you sometimes can't distinguish

Good luck on not putting on any fat. I bulked from 145 to 170 with virtually ZERO fat gain, but as soon as I even tipped over 171, my stomach started slowly getting unscrawny.

China my job is very physically demanding..[ ] me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted [ ] Oh.....muffin.....are you gonna be okay? Whatsssamatta? Sand where there shouldn't be sand? Man up and lift. It's not tricky. Plenty of people (me included) have had 10+ hour days of physical labor every day and have still gone to the gym.

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

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