Wednesday, November 27, 2013

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

it's all going to my gut! what gives?? I'm a skinny guy who just started hitting the gym in an attempt to build up some mass. I'm eating 6 times a day and managed to put on about 10 lbs in 2 wks. Unfortunately most of that weight seems to be loaded in my gut. What am i doing wrong? is this normal??

hit the gym harder too.

Wtf are u eating mang?

cereal and sandwiches before lunch. lunch usually involves chicken, vegetables and white rice afternoon i'll eat some tuna dinner involves more chicken and more white rice (i'm asian). night time is usually just yogurt / light snack. sometimes i'll hit KFC or mcdonalds for lunch though, maybe that's whats doing it?? btw, i have no idea what eating a lot of white rice does to the body, anyone know?

maybe cut back your calories a little and see what happens. some of that 10lbs is probably water weight as well

Thanks, i'll try that. funny thing is i posted two weeks ago sayin that i was skinny as hell (135lbs then, now 145). A lot of people were sayin just eat whatever i can get my hands on. But am i actually over-doing it?? btw how bad is KFC if i dont eat the skin and only eat the meat (breast meat)?

someguy88 Thanks, i'll try that. funny thing is i posted two weeks ago sayin that i was skinny as hell (135lbs then, now 145). A lot of people were sayin just eat whatever i can get my hands on. But am i actually over-doing it?? btw how bad is KFC if i dont eat the skin and only eat the meat (breast meat)? depends on your goals, if you just want to be a fatass PL, then eat away, but if you want to try and minimize fat gain when bulking, just try and keep it cleanish, some extra fat won't kill ya. Just try dropping your calories by a little and see what happens, and continually adjust, more if weigth isnt' coming on quick enough, less if you feel your gaining too much fat.

Dragon depends on your goals, if you just want to be a fatass PL, then eat away, but if you want to try and minimize fat gain when bulking, just try and keep it cleanish, some extra fat won't kill ya. Just try dropping your calories by a little and see what happens, and continually adjust, more if weigth isnt' coming on quick enough, less if you feel your gaining too much fat. Well my goal isnt to be a fatass PL (actually i dont know what a PL is but it doesnt sound good ) I definitely want to gain weight in the form of lean muscle. I'll try eating cleaner and drop the cals a bit. Thanks again!

What's your gym routine like??

You have to gain some fat to gain muscle as well. Are you working out hard enough?

Well the key to gaining weight is to add muscle not fat. I would just eat healthier. Or if you can't do that try to lose more calories than you bring in and eat higher protein foods. Buy a supplement that is designed to add lean mass. Whey protien, Creatine, or that stuff that GNC puts out. They will all help add.

KFC, McDonalds, and Cereal are most likely your problem.

Mike4831 Well the key to gaining weight is to add muscle not fat. I would just eat healthier. Or if you can't do that try to lose more calories than you bring in and eat higher protein foods. Buy a supplement that is designed to add lean mass. Whey protien, Creatine, or that stuff that GNC puts out. They will all help add. if he uses more cal than he eats, we will lose weight and not gain any muscle, creatine doesn't add lean mass and GNC blows.

I'm asian and i eat white rice too. But I've been trying to cut down on it since it is starchy carbs.And eating too much of that isnt' too good i think.

Dragon if he uses more cal than he eats, we will lose weight and not gain any muscle, creatine doesn't add lean mass and GNC blows. Hmm.

gstrdr1 What's your gym routine like?? 3 days a week day1 : chest, biceps bench press (machine) incline DB press incline fly (machine) preacher curls DB curl concentration curls day2 : legs, shoulders Leg press Leg curls Leg extensions Shrugs Lateral DB raises Shoulder press (machine) day3 : back, triceps front pull down cable rows DB bent over row Dips skull crushers i do 3 sets of everything, 8-12 reps (to muscle failure) i realize i'm using a lot of machine stuff... i know it's no good but at my gym all the free weights and benches are used by all these massive dudes and i'm scared to move in and embarass myself with puny weights also i want to do squats and DL's but i dont have a training partner and i have no idea what the technique is. dont wanna be breaking my back trying...

5.10-Crux You have to gain some fat to gain muscle as well. Are you working out hard enough? not sure, how can i figure out what is "hard enough"?

t3nchi I'm asian and i eat white rice too. But I've been trying to cut down on it since it is starchy carbs.And eating too much of that isnt' too good i think. ya i figure white rice isnt good either but i dont know why. what's bad about starchy carbs, does it make u fat?

KingGargantuan KFC, McDonalds, and Cereal are most likely your problem. i hear ya, i'll try to avoid those foods from now on. i guess i AM gaining a bit of mass in other areas besides my gut. like my friends say they notice i'm gaining weight (and they arent pointing to my stomach while saying that). its just that i noticed my stomach is starting to stick out and at this rate, there's no way in hell i'm ever gonna get the 6 pack i've always wanted

someguy88 3 days a week day1 : chest, biceps bench press (machine) incline DB press incline fly (machine) preacher curls DB curl concentration curls day2 : legs, shoulders Leg press Leg curls Leg extensions Shrugs Lateral DB raises Shoulder press (machine) day3 : back, triceps front pull down cable rows DB bent over row Dips skull crushers i do 3 sets of everything, 8-12 reps (to muscle failure) i realize i'm using a lot of machine stuff... i know it's no good but at my gym all the free weights and benches are used by all these massive dudes and i'm scared to move in and embarass myself with puny weights also i want to do squats and DL's but i dont have a training partner and i have no idea what the technique is. dont wanna be breaking my back trying... might want to add a bit more back (ie. deadlifts) and drop one of the bicep movements, but otherwise looks fine. Oh ya, and maybe sub squats in for leg press. as for the free weights, just leave the ego at the door and do what ya can, remember, all those massive guys were once small too.

and on leg day, Squats SLDL leg press

ok thanks for the help guys! appreciate it!

someguy88 not sure, how can i figure out what is "hard enough"? bring lots of water and lift till you're sore. don't just go thru the motions

cut out the machine stuff, hit the weights

ideeosinkruhcee bring lots of water and lift till you're sore. don't just go thru the motions soreness isn't a good thing to base your workouts on.

So I'm putting on weight BUT...

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