Thursday, November 28, 2013

Going back to the gym

Going back to the gym

Whats up F&N. From the Art & Photography forum I was trolling... willg133 and damn i was almost expecting something from know what the nicest forum on here is? the fitness forum with all the meatheads....not what you would expect but its the truth...go cook up some noodle soup for yourself haha, thought that was funny. anyways. I posted up the picture of my back with the dam hickeys on it from the acupuncture and acupressure garbage after I hurt my back about two weeks ago. I couldn't walk without pain for a few days, and finally I can move around without feeling any pain. There is still a bit of discomfort when I move my body into certain positions, but for the most part I'm okay now. I stopped lifting for the past two weeks (parents grounded me from going to the gym). I still kept an okay diet, but it seems like I've gained back a bit of water weight from not doing my 45 minutes of cardio as I was used to, 4-5 times a week. Starting today, I'm gonna go to the gym and see how things feel. I'm gonna take another week or two off from squat/dead to make sure things are healed up. I hurt it really bad because about 3 weeks ago, I had a minor back injury, then tried to do squatting as normal a week later, totally screwing over my back. I dont wanna make the same mistake again. Oh and trust me, I'm so anxious to get back to do squats. I'm so eager I flex my quads at home thinking "dam im losing too much muscle" When I get the chance, I'll put up some progress pics. In Feb I used to be around 227. about 3 months later, now, i'm about 215, with most of my muscle still there. Now that I lost a bit of fat, my disproportionality of my left and right lat is much more apparant. also, i can see a "sex" muscle developing on my right side of the body, but not my left. weird. Its good to be going back. Now that I think of it, I'm gonna head out to my gym now.

i've been off for about a month now cause of my work schedule, but i can't wait to get started again next week

Going back to the gym

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