Friday, November 29, 2013

The best myspace thread evar!!!1

The best myspace thread evar!!!1

Sorry about all the outside thread posting, but main forum fitness threads simply don't happen enough to be entertaining. Anyone who knows anything about M1t, Ph's, and steroids needs to take a quick look at this. Some quick highlights The starter M1T, Does anyone know if this pill is still legal to take? I got it from Total Fitness like 4 weeks ago and have already done a 2 week on-2 week off cycle. I have now been told that this M1T pill is illegal to take in the United States of America. The lackies i have 5 bottles of 20mg lol i took hawthorne berry, milk thistle w/ cranberry extract ill be alright...worse comes to worse ill get surgery! :P would takin an anti estregen while on your cycle affect the positive effects of m1t..? i am on cycle right now.? and how long does m1t stay in your system.. and when i stop takin it.. will i lose all mass/strength gains..? reply back please.. oh yeah.. where can i get an anti estregen..!? This site is better than collegehumor.

i can only read about 1 or 2 posts at a time before I started or at teh absolute idiocy in the threads

The best myspace thread evar!!!1

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