Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hang Clean & Press

Hang Clean & Press

Anyone have a vid or animated gif of this exercise?

Ah, here we go...

hmmm lots of decent clips

Draco Ah, here we go... I saw that when I was searching for you. To be honest, that lift is garbage. Maybe the weight is too light, but when you clean you gotta generate enough power so you are on your toes at the top of the lift. The only time you see a lifter not get to his/her toes, is when the weight is too heavy and they front squat it. Even then the power generated is enough to cause a heavy stomp upon the come down and catch.

The guy in that vids heels come off the ground, look at it closesly. Even though he is using a light weight, his form isn't that bad. Although I admit he doesn't explode with it like you see O-lifters do.

cavefish The guy in that vids heels come off the ground, look at it closesly. Even though he is using a light weight, his form isn't that bad. Although I admit he doesn't explode with it like you see O-lifters do. yeah, you are right, the example vid isnt too great still, his bar speed seems so slow. I dont think it demonstrates the idea behind a clean very well.

Yeah, someone needs to dig up that Shane Hammon GIF where he cleans 500+

That's a hang pull and press. A clean uses minimum pull where the bar barely changes in height. Like this

Hang Clean & Press

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