Monday, November 25, 2013



just got low carb GROW! chocolate today...tastes great that is all

I hear it tastes like cake batter. Truth?

christophers a lot of products have dumb names. muscle milk should just be called 'add heavy cream and chocolate flavoring to whey and milk, milk' I know you ain't be dissing MM. I don't really mind muscle milk as a name. I find it to be infinitely better than products like JACKED! and SWOLE! and TURBO POWER ANABOLIC BOMB!111

christophers no i like muscle milk i'm just not blind to the fact that the reason why it tastes so damn good is because its got a lot of fat in it. fat tastes awesome. i lovered heavy cream in my shakes when i went 180 220 Hey, there's nothing wrong with fat

I was referring only to product names.

christophers he never goes above 150g/carbs a day now, or when he was GROWING!

and another question, if you don't need to go over 150g of carbs, yet earlier this week it was said that going over 1g of protein/lb isn't good, am I supposed to get all of my calories from fat? too much contradicting shit lately

christophers nah you just use whatever you want as a ballast most people will just do much better eating a bunch of carbs and others with protein?

christophers and just cuz you dont "need" more than 1g/lb protein doesnt mean yo ucant get more cals from it if you want to when gaining weight itll jus be converted to carbs, no big deal yeah, but some people were laughing at the fact that people consume more...

i got the low carb one because people on the site said it wasnt as thick and tasted better i think i get enough carbs anyway with all the bread and rice i eat

Low carb Grow! really is the tastes like quik

ya it does taste damn good

meh, I don't think it's that great

tize elementary biology my friend What is the name of the process in which amino acids are converted to fatty acids?


blam gluconeogensis gluconeogenesis is the conversion of amino acids (or lactic acid or glycerol) to GLUCOSE

I never had low carb grow but I love the regular grow. Good stuff

Ceaze gluconeogenesis is the conversion of amino acids (or lactic acid or glycerol) to GLUCOSE Yar, I read your post wrong. Only a retard would think something that begins in gluco involves converting something to fat.

blam Yar, I read your post wrong. Only a retard would think something that begins in gluco involves converting something to fat. is this sarcasm? or are you trying to diss tize?

is going on?

no I wasnt dissing him, I was more covering up for my own retarded statement due to reading the thread to fast :-|


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