Saturday, November 30, 2013

When you feel overtrained....

When you feel overtrained....

do you prefer to just take an entire week off or simply down loading and reducing weight and intensity?

christophers eat, rest, get art done, and dont think about lifting Getting ART done this Saturday.

i do nothing, the gym is out of my head, when it comes back i know im ready

I usually take some time off.

I skip a workout.

Last week I was thinking I was possibly overtrained. So this week I've been working out everyday... squatted twice and did overrhead squats two days in a row. My compromise was no upper body work except fo shrugs. And also the floor presses. Senililty striking at 37. I'm usually not this stubborn but I guess I figure I'm going away in less than two weeks, during which I'm not sure I'll be hitting the gym regularly.

I *like* being in the gym..I hate taking days off. If I have two or three sucky workouts in a row though, I'll take a day off and just try and relax.

usually just take a break for a day or two and catch up on sleep/food.

Elfling I *like* being in the gym..I hate taking days off. If I have two or three sucky workouts in a row though, I'll take a day off and just try and relax. same here...I'm going to be going through withdrawl pains soonm damn tooth

my workouts are spaced out in such way that I have 3 full days to recover at the end of the week. Usually thats more than enough time for me to feel fully relaxed and ready to roll with another week.

timberwolf Getting ART done this Saturday. Sup bro' How do you find it? I had ART done 5 or 6 times specifically for my lower back. I found it helped loosen the muscle and relax my spine. I tried accupuncture recently and that was something special. I felt very good after, a lot less tension in my back, not to mention I slept like a baby that night. Is ART for a specific injury, or just in general for you?

i take a day or two to do nothing but eat heavily and sleep. mind stays clear, then back to weights.

2000GT Sup bro' How do you find it? I had ART done 5 or 6 times specifically for my lower back. I found it helped loosen the muscle and relax my spine. I tried accupuncture recently and that was something special. I felt very good after, a lot less tension in my back, not to mention I slept like a baby that night. Is ART for a specific injury, or just in general for you? Hoping it'll help the lowerback though I'm more concerned with the tendonitis lately.

What are some of the things you notice when you are overtrained? It's hard for me to tell if i'm just tired, overtrained or lazy.

dirtysouthboy What are some of the things you notice when you are overtrained? It's hard for me to tell if i'm just tired, overtrained or lazy. big work outs too close together ideally you should be doing 3-4-5 workouts a day depending on hard you go if you feel weaker, you need a couple days off. working out makes you weaker: resting makes you strong.

Shaolin_sword36 big work outs too close together ideally you should be doing 3-4-5 workouts a day depending on hard you go if you feel weaker, you need a couple days off. working out makes you weaker: resting makes you strong. Yeah, i know that, but besides having a good spaced out routine, you just go by how weak you feel? Are there any signs besides feeling weak to know if you have overtrained?

dirtysouthboy Yeah, i know that, but besides having a good spaced out routine, you just go by how weak you feel? Are there any signs besides feeling weak to know if you have overtrained?'ll know. rest sufficiently, its one of the most overlooked parts of a training program then when you body adapts, it will overshoot homeostasis and THAT is when you should be working out

God I love ART. If any of you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis go to an ART session, and do exactly what he tells you for post-session training and I gurantee your pain will be cut in half.

When you feel overtrained....

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