Tuesday, November 26, 2013

compared to highschool numbers

compared to highschool numbers

Those of you that played sports in highschool and had to max out regularly on off season (baseball, football, rugby, track, etc...) how have your numbers changed since then? Have you improved or not? I know some people that actually get worse after highschool sports once they go to college or start working and some get better. I played football and rugby. numbers are as follows: Senior Year: Bench = 325 Squat = 425 Deadlift = 505 200lbs/5' 7" Now (ending freshman year of college) 1 year later: Bench = 405 Squat = No longer max on squat Deadlift = 550 210lbs/5' 10"

either show pics or nobody cares

I don't place much stock in high school numbers because most people do them with absolutely horrible form and the coaches don't seem to give a shit. But I'll play along: Senior Year, about halfway through (never maxed after that really then I got hurt) Bench: 275 Squat: 435 Dead: I didn't dead until late that year on my own but the first time ever I worked up to 355 before I started losing grip. I was 6'1 240 during the season which is when I did all this. Now:Bench: 365 Squat: I don't go heavy because of groin/hamstring injuries Dead: 525 but I havn't maxed in forever

Socrates either show pics or nobody cares How are pictures of me doing the weight relavent? eh, if you guys dont believe my numbers, thats cool... I will live. I was more interested in other peoples results anyways.

5'8 162lbs in HS and now I'm back down to that weight Totals: 605 Now: 855

HS: Bench 155 Squat: awfull, i did nto go low enough 265 would be a guess DL: i did not know what a DL was Now bench: 275 DL: 405 Squat 345X3 low box

I'm a sophmore in HS right now. We max tommorrow... O noes IbshittyformnocareHScoaches....

tize ur one of the strongest people here 8) chris's bench sucks he's doing like 435 unequipped, how does that suck?

DaWARW I'm a sophmore in HS right now. We max tommorrow... O noes IbshittyformnocareHScoaches.... where in texas do u live?

dude I was 112lbs in highschool, talk about numbers.

tize im pretty sure he hasn't broken 400 raw...could be wrong tho no he posted about 405 raw, a while back.

DTR, pics of yourself?

SENIOR YEAR(Football & Wrestling) 150lbs @ 5'7 Bench 205 Dead: 225 Squat: 225 Fast forward 4yrs 170 @ 5'7 Bench: 310 Dead: 365 Squat: 320

Drudge SENIOR YEAR(Football & Wrestling) 150lbs @ 5'7 Bench 205 Dead: 225 Squat: 225 Fast forward 4yrs 170 @ 5'7 Bench: 310 Dead: 365 Squat: 320 those are some kickass numbers

compared to highschool numbers

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