Saturday, November 23, 2013

Muscle Milk

Muscle Milk

I was able to get some muscle milk for extremely cheap so I bought containers of it a month ago to take before going to bed each night. I have strawberry banana, and the flavor was quite nasty. At first it was not bad, but eventually the aftertaste just got unbearable. Is there anyone here who has had other flavors of muscle milk? If so, which are the best?

cookies and cream. Most flavours IMO taste pretty good, but the strawberry did have a really weird after taste. Even made my throat a lil funky each time. Enough that I passed a full container on to my brother.

I like the blueberry, and root beer float...but cookies n creame owns

i see. thanks for the advice guys. I ordered from there last time, and thought that it was significantly cheaper than or DPS nutrition. What do you guys think of that site?

I just bought the crem brule (sp?) just now...cant wait to try it

I like to mix half chocolate milk and half banana creme. If I had to chose one flavor, it would be banana creme. Chocolate peanutbutter is way too rich for me. I got tired of cookies and creme and creme brule after a while. I get mine at 24hr fitness when it goes on sale for $19.99 :-)

but on the site above its only 16.99. is the site good to trust? I've ordered from them once before, but I'd like to know if they have any reputation of any shady business

Ive had a 2lb. of every single flavor they make except for Root Beer Float. My favorite would be Banana.

anyone find a site that sells muscle milk for cheaper than the one above? Please post it here!

I always get "Chocolate Banana Crunch" --- it is really good.

brolli but on the site above its only 16.99. is the site good to trust? I've ordered from them once before, but I'd like to know if they have any reputation of any shady business I don't know about where you live, but they want like $11.61 to ship to me.

A quick question.. If I want to get whey protein, what is the brand you guys recommend?

Sammo A quick question.. If I want to get whey protein, what is the brand you guys recommend?

I get the stuff from costco...its $20 for 6lbs

Socrates lol please tell me your fuckin kidding. Sammo A quick question.. If I want to get whey protein, what is the brand you guys recommend? Get this

Jeff Coleman lol please tell me your fuckin kidding. Get this Tastes incredible

Socrates Tastes incredible It should give you an orgasm for 16$ a pound

twofourtysx I get the stuff from costco...its $20 for 6lbs Same here. My friend tried muscle milk and really wasn't impressed.

it sure as hell tastes good, but for the price it better come with a complemetary bj. I'll stick to ON whey.

ON is the best whey, and muscle milk is the best casein

brolli ON is the best whey, and muscle milk is the best casein where in bmore are you n00ber?

so is that site i put up the cheapest we could find?

eh... I got impatient and orderd already. grand total of 80 bucks for 4 cookies and creme muscle milk + shipping

you should have mixed flavors. You're gonna get tired of cookies and cream after 4 tubs in a row!

Muscle Milk

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