Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

A few months ago I decided to get very serious about lifting. I have a high metabolism and its been hard to gain weight, but enough excuses. Ive been forcing myself to eat more and more and I go the gym religiously now. Now, if I miss a scheduled day at the gym I feel horrible, it just doesnt seem right. I check F&N constantly to see new tips and read the daily logs of Broly OTrs. The before and after pics are definately inspiration. IVe noticed that every day I get ravenous, like Ive never felt before. I get super hungry and have to eat large portions to be satisfied. In between meals I have shakes and other snacks. The post workout feeling is addictive and awesome. I already am seeing gains, although minimal right now, they are coming. Im 5'9" 140 pounds. yesterday I benched 205 pounds, 5 times. A personal best so far. I know its not much but Im proud of it. I read about some OTers that have motivation folders with pics and stuff, what a great idea. IVe started one too. Everything is in your mind, there are no excuses. Broly is Good. Thanks OT.

superbri007 205 lbs for bench, not bad im 5'8, 165 and my best bench is 185 Thanks man.

That is good, for 5 reps too damn. Congrats broly, I'm going to work my ass of now too. Its worth it in the end.

Betta than me!

yea it def felt good.

Sounds like you're on the right path. I love the post workout rush and how great it feels to see the difference in pictures instead of just on paper.

im 150 and cant even do 205

superbri007 205 lbs for bench, not bad im 5'8, 165 and my best bench is 185 funny im 5'11 weigh 170... and my best bench is 215... yet you were just telling me what to do... odd?

That's a great bench @ 140lbs

7th Ninjai That's a great bench @ 140lbs TY

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

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