Friday, November 29, 2013

is it ok to work out when sick?

is it ok to work out when sick?

my whole family is sick with the runny nose, sore throat, congestion crap. i noticed this morning at the gym that my workout was twice as hard to do as usual and i think it's because i'm getting sick as well. i have a runny nose but that's it so far. it's ok if i still go to the gym tomorrow right? its my cardio day and i'm trying to lose weight so i really want to go but not if it's going to hurt me

i'd stay home for a couple of days and just keep your diet in check

i say its fine to work out when your sick... might be as hard... but it just makes me feel like ive accomplished more when i do it...

I actually enjoy working out when I'm sick, as it makes me feel a lot better. Make sure to drink extra water though.

XsLiCk i say its fine to work out when your sick... might be as hard... but it just makes me feel like ive accomplished more when i do it... i've heard that when you work out it lowers your immune system for a short time. is this true? if so that would just make me get even sicker.

I usually go when I'm sick, put i get nowhere close to my max numbers, and i don't do cardio.

dude, when your sick your body uses EVERYTHING you have towards your immune system, so if you're not fully recovered from a workout then you're weakening your immune system because your body has to use resources for recovery as well. rest, sleep fucking sleep and eat easily digestible foods. are we talking about like a fever here? cuz if we are, stay warm as hell and take hot baths, eat alot of vitamin C, and help flush it out. just dont workout, a few days getting well is better than risking it getting worse and being out for longer. you're not gonna lose any gains.

not a good idea as stated above

ryazbeck dude, when your sick your body uses EVERYTHING you have towards your immune system, so if you're not fully recovered from a workout then you're weakening your immune system because your body has to use resources for recovery as well. rest, sleep fucking sleep and eat easily digestible foods. are we talking about like a fever here? cuz if we are, stay warm as hell and take hot baths, eat alot of vitamin C, and help flush it out. just dont workout, a few days getting well is better than risking it getting worse and being out for longer. you're not gonna lose any gains. who are you talking to im a girl, and its a runny fever. no infection as someone else mentioned...just a runny nose.

superbri007 your a girl and you are in the "pussyfeelgood club"? as opposed to the pussyhurt crew

I'm with the others who said it's not a good idea. Rather take a few days off and get lots of rest so you can return to full health sooner. I tried to tough it out at the gym when I got sick last month and what was just a routine common cold ended up taking over a week to go away. Rest up

superbri007 I have mixed opinions. I have been lifting with bronchitis for the past month...and I wonder why I still have bronchitis So part of me says it keeps your immune system low. But when I don't lift, I feel depressed and anxious, which also lowers the immune system. so its 6 of one, or half a dozen of the other now I'm on a 5 day anti-biotic for my infection I've had some bad luck with my lifting schedules the past few months from injuries and colds Oh well, once spring comes by, no more flu season, no more being cooped up in college dorm rooms with the heat blasting and germs spreading yeah im kinda torn too. i get sad just thinking about not going to the gym tomorrow. but i don't want to get sicker either. i'm drinking OJ to boost my immune system. and i saw a commercial for these new immune system boosting i might go get some of those.

Larry Lex I'm with the others who said it's not a good idea. Rather take a few days off and get lots of rest so you can return to full health sooner. I tried to tough it out at the gym when I got sick last month and what was just a routine common cold ended up taking over a week to go away. Rest up ok. i hate this...i really want to go o well, i better rest

I think its okay...depending on how sick you are. I like to for psychological reasons. I would just stick to light cardio though at most. Working out with weights supposedly taxes the immune system in the hours following the workout.

timberwolf I think its okay...depending on how sick you are. I like to for psychological reasons. I would just stick to light cardio though at most. Working out with weights supposedly taxes the immune system in the hours following the workout. i would just walk on the treadmill for 90 mins....the most intense would be a brisk 3.6 mph walk on a incline of 7.

cbrpimp I dont so i dont get people at the gym sick that's where i got sick....damn people not cleaning off the freaking machines after they use them but i dont thin i would get anyone sick from using a treadmill that i wpie off afterwards

superbri007 just cause you see it on tv doesn't mean its going to work get some echinacea, vitamin C + zinc lozenges, and get some low acid OJ don't hit me...o wait..slap me harder i have the lozenges and dayquil (my SO is sick so he bought it) and i've been drinking OJ.

cold - yes sick - no

nic379 that's where i got sick....damn people not cleaning off the freaking machines after they use them but i dont thin i would get anyone sick from using a treadmill that i wpie off afterwards Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping.

the people at your gym are going to hate you when you get them all sick.

timberwolf Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping. I clamp 45 lb plates under my armpits while rubbing my ass crack along the bar and coughing on the bench press.

timberwolf Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping. i'm not a mean person though i wish i was...but i'm not. i even went out and bought my own antibacterial wipes so i could clean after myself. I'm kind of an ass about it though....i make sure EVERYONE that is even remotely near me sees me cleaning up after mylsef so that they might think "hey i should do that too"

Silver85327 the people at your gym are going to hate you when you get them all sick. i hate them for getting me sick...and no two wrongs dont make a right...but i dont think i will get anyone sick....i wipe after myself and i dont talk to or breath on anyone

superbri007 your one of those girls my aim screen name is the same as this name you bolded the wrong part the "my SO" part should have been

i worked out a couple times when i was sick, all it did was make me feel worse and increase the length of the cold

is it ok to work out when sick?

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