Monday, November 25, 2013

Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please

Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please

I'm 21 5'10'' and about 165. I play basketball 2 or 3 times a week about 1 or 2 hours worth of pickup games each session, depending on the situation. Anyways, I lift weights afterwards and I'm looking to speed up my results. I've been doing this for about 2 or 2.5 months doing 3 sets of 10 for each lift. I've started going to 2 sets of 8 at higher weights now that I'm starting to get some muscle mass back. Am I going about this in the right way, or should I avoid playing so much bball before I lift? Thanks in advance, Mike


ohmike I'm 21 5'10'' and about 165. I play basketball 2 or 3 times a week about 1 or 2 hours worth of pickup games each session, depending on the situation. Anyways, I lift weights afterwards and I'm looking to speed up my results. I've been doing this for about 2 or 2.5 months doing 3 sets of 10 for each lift. I've started going to 2 sets of 8 at higher weights now that I'm starting to get some muscle mass back. Am I going about this in the right way, or should I avoid playing so much bball before I lift? Thanks in advance, Mike Allow forty-eight hours rest for each muscle group before working them again. Example:Day1: tri, chest, abs (if day 1 occurred on a Tuesday, allow till Thursday to train for day 1 again) same with day 2, 3...

what kinda faster results you talking about? one thing about everyone just wanting faster, quick results! are you all entering some kinda competition, events or olympics? thats my job to figure out for the clients i have for their next event! waiting around for 3-6 months is too long to wait and you are only in early 20s.. ?? this whole things is a liftetime marathon, not a sprint! longevity wins at the end, not the short quick burst! i dont' want to sound mean, but you are doing the right thing, just need to learn how to be patient and keeping up your work. and it will come. there is no short cuts..

Well we need to know what kind of lifts you're doing and for what body parts first.

if you tell me your goal in a specific form, i can give you suggestions.

Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please

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