Saturday, November 23, 2013

Terrible headaches after CEE use!

Terrible headaches after CEE use!

I have been on creatine for about 2 weeks. Friday I got in some CEE that I ordered. I was originally on Creatine Monohydrate. I took one serving Friday, worked out and went home. I did some heavy shrugs. Went out to eat and drank some beer(4-5) and when I got home I had terrible headaches all of a sudden. Saturday was the same and today I am still experiencing them. I also have a really sore neck from the shrugs. What is causing my headaches? Beer, Neck soreness, Creatine ethyl ester?

i used to get these fucking gnarly strains in the back of my neck up the back of my head, they were SOOOOOO BAD, i had to take like 2 extra strength tylenol 30 mins before working out. i would only get them on pull ups or overhead press, and it was while i was taking creatine, i stopped taking it and they slowly went away.

superbri007 how is drinking 4-5 beers conducive to muscle sythesis I highly doubt its the CEE why don't you try the CEE again, drink plenty of water just for shits and giggles, and try to eat healthy. How much CEE are you taking anyways? I drink a lot of water already. I wasn't really thinking it was the CEE itself, but maybe the combining it with alcohol. I will certainly stop drinking that much if thats the case. I never had that problem with regular creatine though. I only drink 1 night a week and I eat very healthy 6 days a week. Most CEE products failed lab tests.

That really sucks! At least they contained CM so I can keep using it.

Terrible headaches after CEE use!

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