Friday, November 29, 2013

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

I just bought some at GNC for $11....60 capsules...I figure it's easier than mixing it in a drink...


quickone I just bought some at GNC for $11....60 capsules...I figure it's easier than mixing it in a drink... I bet you have to take like 5 capsules in order to get the same amount as a teaspoon would give you for mixing in water. EDIT: if not, those must be some huge caps

yea i was curious, how much per cap?

A year or two ago I lifted with somebody who took creatine in caps and he had to take 5 caps before and 5 caps after... dunno how much was in each though.

that better not be liquid form -- is it?

no not liquid I dont think....take 6 caps per says 3 caps before workout and 3 caps afterwards I just opened it's clear capsules in powder form.

So you get 10 days worth for 11 bucks Powder, you'll get like half a years worth for 20.

Yeah...I guess I didnt really think about that...seemed easier this mixing. but I got a container of the powder form as well.

quickone Yeah...I guess I didnt really think about that...seemed easier this mixing. but I got a container of the powder form as well. You know you could cap powders yourself?

where do I get the stuff for that? and dont you have to mix the reg powder in stuff like grape juice or somethin to help it get absorbed into the body better? These capsuls say just take a full glass of water... Ingredients: Gelatin, Potato Starch, Cellulose, Purified Water, MCT, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.

quickone where do I get the stuff for that? and dont you have to mix the reg powder in stuff like grape juice or somethin to help it get absorbed into the body better? These capsuls say just take a full glass of water... Ingredients: Gelatin, Potato Starch, Cellulose, Purified Water, MCT, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.

Thanks...any advice on a good scale to use? and whats the diff between "0" and "00" capping kits? I may get the deluxe capping kit that comes with the "my weigh 200-z scale" unless anyone thinks theres a better scale out there for around the same price...

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

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