Thursday, November 28, 2013

Got me some new crunkers!!! v. crunkersofdeath

Got me some new crunkers!!! v. crunkersofdeath

don't fuck with my kung fu grip!!

mine > yours

fuck you guys, this was funny shit.

I laughed.

Grouch has a very strong grip and a large hand gripper collection. Those grippers are cheap and crappy. It's really not funny at all if you have to explain it.

superbri007 they look like shit. I'll give you shit

i think you need some professional help for your gripper addiction.

how much money did you waste on those? They looked pretty hardcore, almost more intimidating than the CoCs

SteveO how much money did you waste on those? They looked pretty hardcore, almost more intimidating than the CoCs $1.08

superbri007 you into scat also? I have been known to shit on a chest or two.

some people need those yellow 2 pound ones to work up to the trainer I guess #2 still owning me...

joy division some people need those yellow 2 pound ones to work up to the trainer I guess #2 still owning me... I put my HG300 in a hose clamp choker. Yesterday after a hard day of crunking and pinching. I couldn't even budge it from like an inch way. usually i get it to 1/4 inch.

ugh yeah i need to take a few days off then come back and destroy


Grouch I have been known to shit on a chest or two. chili dog it?

do you guys do grip work on the days when you lift?

Got me some new crunkers!!! v. crunkersofdeath

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